Diora flicked her tail behind her as she padded along the lands boarders, mainly the area between her lands and the outlands. Not that she had any claim to the pridelands, it was just her home so she call it as such. The healer didn't really move around outside of the lands too often but today she had decided to make an exception to that.


There was someone she liked to visit that happened to hang out in this particular area. The dark pelted female was regretting her decision a little bit, the sun was particularly bright today and the rays of the sun beating down upon her were not kind. So she was starting to get very hot.

She wouldn't be out much longer most likely.

Still, wasn't there ANY shade out here? She thought there was a few trees that were some sort of shade givers. Giving a brief look around she realized she would either have to go back or continue further in hopes to find somewhere to hide from the sun. Perhaps she'd even see Tahka if she hung out here a while longer.

Knowing she was closer to the Outlands territory than her own she figured it would all work out in the end, plus there hadn't been too much trouble between the two prides in a while, if anyone were to approach her that she didn't know anyway. But she could be wrong, time would only tell.