
Karen Belpois
Computer Operator

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Karen heard him and could tell that he was annoyed by his voice, "Dont cross your arms at me... alright, and no i cant see you right now, i just know how you are." she stated as she then heard panic in his voice. She grew even more worried and continued typing to figure out what to do to get him out. The tick gave chase till it saw Crispin jump high into the tree. What was probably worse was that a couple more ticks showed up and they all began to charge their lasers when Karen exclaimed over the headset, "Got it! Devirtualizing now!" she said as she hit the enter key and Crisphin would find that he was instantly surrounded by light and would then find himself in his normal clothes back in the tube that was the scanner. When Crispin disappeared, digitizing as he was pulled from Lyoko, all the ticks missed their shots and seeing their target gone, left and went about the forest. The scanner opened and Thomas climbed down the ladder as did Karen as she went to her brother's side, "Crispin, are you alright!? Are you hurt!? What was it like in there!? What happened?!" she questioned as she worried he was okay but wanted to know what happened.

Thomas Robbia
Lyoko Warrior/Archer

Lyoko Appearance
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