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After the nights pondering and the final decision Ahe had spent some of the day sleeping, but not as long as he usually did. No, he was determined to put this plan into action so he’d awoken before the sun was sinking well past the horizon and he’d let his paws carry him closer to the area of the dens of his family. It had been a long time since he’d searched out any of his relations… or possibly it had not been such so many days but still felt like a long time. He’d thought perhaps about visiting his mother but… Vikali was a busy body and he knew his mom well… she would get much too involved. He had other sisters that would be easier to talk to, probably, but Arawyn would do. Not that she had a mate or a family of her own… still, some things just came more into fruition when you spoke your thoughts out loud to another being. So, that was where he was at. ”Ar?” He called out gently, eyes rolling over a few dens before landing on the one he thought was hers.

What to do today? That was a question that bothered her much too frequently. She’d mainly been considering taking a little trip away from home… travel to some far off land maybe. That took more planning than she was feeling ready for… not that it would be very difficult planning… but she’d feel an obligation to tell her mother and haven forbid the older lioness would tag along or something. So she’d settled on a large slab of rock a little ways from her den where the sun shined down nicely, sprawled out with her face tilted upwards, eyes shut and the warmth soaking into her bones. Her ear flicked to the side when she thought she’d heard something familiar… no, it must have been a very lackluster breeze. She shrugged a little and shifted, readjusting herself to get more comfortable.

After a few moments he'd braced himself and decided to dip into her dwelling, but he was met with an empty space, not even a trace of warmth that might suggest she'd been there moments before, unfortunately. He sighed as he stepped back into the afternoon light, wondering just where his sister might like to hang. His tail flicked as he started to walk again, he didn't have to go far before he spotted the cream clashing with the charcoal. "Arawyn! I thought maybe you wouldn't be around... but here you are." He hopped onto the rock, smiling lightly as he nudged his lazy sister to move over.

She grunted at his push and rolled her eyes, though the smile spreading across her maw was enough to show that she didn't quite mind and she was putting on a show of annoyance more than anything else. She added in a huffy breath for better measure before shimmying away from her darker colored brother. "Yed, here I am... and so are you, which is surprising, Ahe." She smirked, eyes floating over her sibling. He did not come around often, that was for sure. Which meant something was going on, since she highly doubted this was a social visit. But, maybe she was wrong. She was finally at an age where she could accept the fact that she was not going to be right every single second of her life. "How are things?"

He coughed and gave her a sheepish look, though he reminded himself that it was not like his family came and seeked him out any more often than he did them. So there was nothing to really feel guilty about, and it didn't seem like Ar had any ill willed intentions behind her words. "Yes, well..." He didn't know what to say to that, honestly. "Things are..." He shrugged and winced. "Things are things, I suppose. I have been... I have been thinking more often about family... about starting a family." Maybe he should have gone to their mother about this... Arawyn didn't have any mate or cubs running around, none that he could see anyways. "Of course it um... seems like I have run into a wall." He was starting to mumble, deciding he wasn't as comfortable admitting his issues out loud as he previously thought he'd be.

Her tail gaze a lazy sweep against the rock, her mismatched eyes shifting away from her brother and back along the sea of grass that rolled along with the wing. Her ear flicked as he spoke and she hmmed in response. So, Ahe was having... some sort of mid-life crisis? Well.. that wasn't really fair. He was just ready for more... adult things to happen about his life. Even though they'd been grown for a while... families came later for some lions than others. Herself included, obviously. Though the idea was... every once in a while appealing. Obviously it had not latched into her brain hard enough that she went around asking her siblings' advice about the entire situation... not that Ahe was asking for advice that she could hear. She looked up to the sky, shifting and sitting up. "Well, what sort of wall? I didn't know you were even interested in anyone."

He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Well.. that is the wall.. I'm not... I don't have any lioness I am particularly interested in.." More mumbling as he admitted this out loud. It wasn't overly weird to want a family but not have anyone in mind to have the family with, was it? "But of late I just... keep finding it extremely difficult to keep any sort of interest going... so I guess I was just..." What exactly was he trying to do here? "Wanted some tips on what... one might do..." Now that the words were out of his mouth he had no clue why he was even asking Arawyn any of this... it wasn't like she was surrounded by friends or suitors... he felt more than a little foolish.

Arawyn had to steel herself so she would not laugh right out loud at her brother, who looked like he might die from embarrassment because of what he, himself, was bringing up. The topic was... a little strange since they'd never spoken of it before... but it was no stranger than anything else one might talk about, honestly. "Oh." She needed a minute to collect her thoughts... so her brother wanted a family and didn't know how to get himself a girlfriend... surprise surprise. If he were more fun she'd just tell him that all he really needed was a single night of convincing words.... but as she eyed him she decided he wouldn't want to hear that. She clambered to her feet and stretched. "Okay Ahe... well, why don't we walk and talk? I think maybe I have a few girls I could introduce you to..." She grinned at him and hit him with a paw before jumping from the rock and glancing back to make sure he was coming. She gave a little one sided shrug. "Honestly I feel like a lot of lions have this problem." It wasn't such a big deal... still, she was fairly certain she could pop out a bunch of cubs before Ahe could even get himself a second date. She snorted at the thought and started heading for her favorite watering hole, Ahe trailing beside her.

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