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Whispers of interesting and slightly horrifying happenings had been carried through the winds, whistled out by his many feathered friends. It had started something of a thirst in Kivu, a wanderlust that had carried his paws across the savannah and... well not really anywhere else. He wasn't sure, but he thought he may have gotten turned about here or there... he'd seen Priderock from a distance and beyond that... well nothing much else had happened. Which honestly was really a downer. The issue being, obviously, that exploring was only ever interesting if something actually happened. And he really did want something to happen... but he didn't know how to make things happened. He'd run across countless dung beetles and several other insects... he'd bumped into a rogue wild dog here or there... he'd skirted around groups of lions and kept his distance from the giant rhinos... but maybe that had all been a mistake.

Because, honestly? He was bored. And lost. He hadn't admitted that out loud yet, though he'd only come to gripes with the fact in the last few minutes, his paws having carried him through tall grasses and along large and strange rocks... he'd seen what he thought might have been elephant bones... they'd certainly been large enough.... but he could no longer see Priderock in the distance and he'd yet to come to any borders of prides. It was absolutely infuriating... he gave a great huff as he suddenly came to a stop, practically throwing himself at the ground as he lay on his side, an over exaggerated groan spilling from his maw. "This is so boring that I could cry!" He complained, suddenly wriggling himself back and fourth in the dirt in continued frustration.