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Her heart was broken. There was no other way to describe the feeling that constantly resonated in her chest, empty and full all at once... like a crack had stumbled it's way down the middle and each time the two halves found their way back they only seemed to split apart again. She'd lived a good life, she could not argue that. She'd been blessed with beautiful cubs, more than once, but... cubs grew and they went their own ways and as far as a mate was concerned... well she'd never found the right one to stay. It was something that continued to bother her, long into many dark nights. She tried not to think too heavily on it though, always circling to the idea that something was wrong with her. Sesere was always there to puller her back from that thought ledge though, which was good.

Thinking of Sesere... where was he? Her gaze shifted slowly ahead, scanning the horizon before she started to turn herself about, deftly continuing to walk... though now backwards. Her eyes squinted as a peculiar sight caught her off guard... and though it looked to be in the distance she realized almost instantly that what she was seeing was much closer than she wanted it to be... "Oh shhh.." She stumbled back, eyes flaring wide as they took in the swirling cloud of dust and debris, wondering where the hell it had come from? Did tornados even happen that small? Was it a tornado even? She'd heard of them but never had she witnessed one..

"MNG, RUN!" Her eyes snapped to the left, landing on her companion who was racing ... towards her... the swirling dust was... oh wow that was a lot closer.... Her eyes stupidly drifted down to her own paws... when had she stopped moving? Run. RUN. ruuuun. Her eyes snapped up again as she scrambled to turn herself away, suddenly picking up her pace to get away!

7. Is that a...tornado? A little lion-sized one? Maybe uh...maybe stay away from that. Or not, and get picked up and thrown several feet, and have fun with the scrapes and bruises and possible broken bones.