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They'd made good progress so far, but it would still be several days before they reached the Mwezi'Johari. He had some reservations about this of course, he'd never met this pride or encountered them, and according to their murmurings they seemed to know where the supposed Nergui were. Truth be told, he had his doubts... If the Nergui were anywhere nearby then there would have been rumours of drays and skirmishes, and yet there had been absolute silence since they had vanished.

He might be young, but he wasn't stupid.

Nevertheless they had finally come to a halt after a significant amount of travel and he had the opportunity to wander for a short while. He knew better than to drift off too far, but he did want to at least embrace the chance to see something new, or smell new scents. The world out here wasn't quite so dry as home and as a result, there was far more to see than he would have anticipated.

It was for this reason that he found himself at a sparse watering hole, not entirely filled to capacity, but also not empty. The rainy season hadn't started in earnest yet, but there were hints that it would begin in due course. He'd count his blessings though... After all, water was scarce and almost sacred in the Firekin. They had dedicated ranks to tend to and find it, to ensure that the pride were aware of the sources of sustenance so that they had it in times of need. Out here it was in abundance and he would take advantage of that while he could, if only to give him pause for thought and admire it.

...Open bodies of water weren't common for him.

Thus he lowered himself to the ground to admire, half an eye on the preybeasts that had settled nearby. Conveniently they seemed to have realised he wasn't hungry and consequently he wasn't of danger to them. It was a vision of peace and tranquility, one from an oil painting, and one that was likely to be shattered the moment a hungry beast entered the scene to satisfy their own needs. For now though, he was more than happy to take in the atmosphere and unwind; he'd relax his tired limbs in preparation for the next walk and -

That peace was soon disrupted by a small voice chattering at a rate of noughts nearby. The sound was drawing nearer and no sooner had the child's voice rippled through the air, than the black lion and his smaller companion came in to view. They were, for want of a better description, of perfect Firekin colouration and yet they didn't possess the build. He quickly ascertained that they were rogues but the adult in particular looked more than capable of besting him if tested. Or rather Nuriel would have assumed the black lion could have bested him if it hadn't been for the unusual state of his left leg. As the black lion drew near, he realised that his leg wasn't all there, or rather there was something bizarre about his paw.

"Sorry we couldn't find the rest of it," the cub seemed doleful as she motioned to the older male's paw. "I tried though, but it wasn't there, it's like they just disappeared!" She seemed puzzled by this, but nonetheless, she seemed to be optimistic as well. Her companion might have lost something, but she didn't seem to think it was the end of the world.

"I suspect they dissolved," the adult merely shook his head as he regarded his tiny companion. Over the course of their journey he had managed to coach her into transforming in to something slightly less provocative. She no longer wielded her wings or her horns and looked much more like a normal lion than she did before. Few would have realised she was a deity if it wasn't for the fact that occasionally her focus dropped and she found one or two 'abnormalities' sprouting. All things considered, he'd been very impressed by the tiny creature... despite her age she already seemed to radiate power, whoever her parents were must have been forces to be reckoned with.

"In the air?" She seemed sceptical.

"In the water," He shook his head as he lifted said paw and pushed her gently towards the water to satisfy her own thirst. They'd been wandering for a while and to her credit she hadn't complained, then again he wasn't even sure she needed sustenance like he did.

"But that was ages ago I thought?"

"A few weeks," He acknowledged before peering towards Nuriel, now there was a pride creature he hadn't seen in sometime. The last time he'd laid eyes upon a Firekin was when he'd been checking that Gideon's daughter had settled in. He'd since come to realise that the lioness had settled with one of their natives. Gideon had been satisfied by this news, though he had also made a mental note to visit his daughter when things had settled down so that he could offer his own congratulations.

"There is water that dissolves objects?" Nuriel hadn't meant to listen in, but the young cub's voice had been particularly piercing and one thing had led to another. Fortunately the black lion didn't seem overly insulted by his intrusion and neither did the cub, if anything she appeared to be intrigued by his appearance.

"Well it looked like water," the little cub chimed in as she padded towards Nuriel. She was clearly very curious, perhaps even to a fault, but Nuriel had no reason to harm her. "Adar'Malik took me to see it and it does look like water, sort of..."

"It was water of some description, just with foreign entities in it, it was their bites that seem to have caused the problem," Adar, now that he had been named, slipped forward to ensure his tiny companion remained safe. It was only then that Nuriel was able to see that all the claws on his left paw didn't exist, they were gone. At some stage the lion had been declawed and based on their conversations it seemed to have been recently and in an almost supernatural fashion.

...So why had the tiny cub been trying to find them?

"Fish!" her enthusiasm made the white lion smile.

"Perhaps," Adar was non-committal as he finally regarded the white lion. "I would strongly advise against playing silly games," he added. "For the sake of your own wellbeing it would be wise to avoid coming in to close proximity with whatever that water is."

"And whatever might be inside it," Nuriel offered with a small nod. He knew better than to try his luck and given he didn't even know where this thing was, he wouldn't be actively seeking it out. Granted he couldn't even wander too far without permission as it was, but if by chance his group drew anywhere near this body of water he'd be sure to recall the warning. If there was one thing that his kind couldn't afford, it was the loss of their claws, it was a core part of their weaponry... To be declawed would mean they were less dangerous. If the Nergui were truly nearby then it wouldn't do well for the party, or any of the Firekin, to be exposed to something that could jeopardise their ability to defend themselves.

"Fortunately the big lake is really far away," she wrinkled her nose. "That's a really long walk... Really, really long."

"If you are not going that direction then there is no cause for concern." Adar confirmed as he shook his head at the cub. "Similarly if you have no plans to head towards the Aeghorhini lands you will find you have no cause for alarm regarding other abnormal locations."

"And if we are?"

"Don't go in the cave you will get loooost!" The cub sang and then giggled. "And then I will have to find you like I did with him!" she continued.

"Di-Yi seemed to be capable of seeing what I could not," Adar finally provided the cub's name, though he gave no further details. "However it is strongly advised that you avoid any place that gives off extremely unusual vibes," he continued.

"I am not certain what direction my band aim to move in, but if they are nowhere near the Mwezi'Johari then I don't anticipate we'll encounter them," Nuriel confirmed. "Unless there's anything abnormal near there...?"

Both DiYi and Adar were silent for a moment as if they were considering his question. Eventually Adar shook his head, to his knowledge there had been no immediate abnormalities near the Mwezi'Johari lands. That wasn't to say that eventually something might crop up, but as it currently stood he'd heard nothing that indicated something had happened.

...Quite frankly, he hoped it wouldn't.

"Nothing of note at this tme," he said at last. "It would seem that your companions and yourself will avoid the excitement," Adar paused briefly. "That does not necessarily mean that things will not change."

Good grief, ever since he'd been around DiYi he'd started to talk significantly more, this couldn't be good for reputation as the silent type.

"Happens in a flash," DiYi confirmed with a quick nod. "One day it isn't there, the next day? Poof, there it is!"

Nuriel raised a brow, that really was quite extraordinary.

Regardless, if there was truly nothing to be worried about at this time then he wouldn't be concerned. For the time being he would simply remain mindful that there were peculiar happenings elsewhere and based on how quickly they seemed to appear, he'd know to advise his own companions to avoid them. He didn't know if he'd be listened to, but he'd at least attempt to have a quiet word about some of the information he'd been given.

...Speaking of.

"You seem well travelled," Nuriel mused.

"Reasonably well," Adar seemed non-committal.

"Have you ever heard of the Nergui?" He tested, and tilted his head to the side. If he could at least receive some level of confirmation regarding their existence, even a whisper, then maybe he'd be more willing to buy in to this visit to the Mwezi.

"Historically speaking, yes," Adar replied and shook his head. "Recently, I have not."

It wasn't technically a lie, Adar hadn't been aware that he had several children in that pride, but then again he'd also never had reason to investigate further. The Nergui had recently become immediate neighbours of the Bahari having moved in to abandoned lands of a former pride, but Adar hadn't connected these dots as he hadn't been required to. What the Nergui were up to was therefore a mystery to him and their overall location was just as much a mystery as well. If he'd realised who they were he would have said as much too, especially given they hadn't really seemed to make any immediate moves on any neighbours... Bahari or otherwise.

"Oh," Nuriel seemed a touch deflated. "Well it was worth a shot."

"Individuals of note, I assume," Adar shrugged. "If they are of any significance within the region then I have no doubt they will show themselves or others may be able to direct you to them."

DiYi wrinkled her nose, she couldn't quite put her paw on it, but there was something about that question.

...Her little deital senses were tingling, she didn't think this lion had lost these 'Nergui' persay, but he certainly seemed to have the intention of getting rid of them.

Unbeknownst to her, her powers might very well have been picking up on the historical spats between the Nergui and the Firekin, but it was highly likely she would never have the opportunity to find out either.

"And if they are not then you will come up with nothing," Adar added.

"Better to follow a lead than not, I guess." Nuriel sighed.

"It is always better to pursue knowledge, than to ignore it. To ignore is to invite disaster," Adar spoke from experience in this and he could tell the young lion's skepticism would not serve him well. He'd blame Di Yi for his ever evolving inclination to offer advice to the young, but this was something the young lion needed to accept.


"Reality," Adar stated plainly and shook his head. "Do not invite disaster where it is avoidable," he warned.

"Better to check things out and find nothing at all, than not check and get caught by surprise!" Di Yi sang and offered a merry smile. Adar took the opportunity to point at the cub who had inadvertently provided a tidbit of wisdom.

"So 'nothing', isn't a wasted trip?"

"If the lead is given with genuine intentions, it is never wasted," Adar pursed his lips. "It merely offers assurances that a threat no longer exists."

Nuriel's expression seemed contemplative at this, though it was unclear if he truly understood the depth and significance of the remark in these moments. Perhaps in time he would come to understand what Adar had said, but for now, it was merely something to ponder.

"Well at least this water is normal," DiYi reliably shattered the illusion of any serious conversation and dashed her paw against the water.

"Mhm," Adar agreed. "You best have your fill," he advised as he took the opportunity to lie down and rest.

"Before it turns in to weird water!" DiYi was definitely a little too enthusiastic in regards to that possibility.

Nuriel could do nothing more than shake his head and glance at Adar. "Is she always like this?" he enquired curiously, regarding the bubbly creature as she padded about in the shallow water.

"It would seem so," Adar replied. He wouldn't go in to detail, but he was beginning to suspect that her enthusiasm for the untouchable, the unlivable and the hostile wastelands had something to do with what she was. She meant no harm, but in the grand scheme of things it seemed like the disguised deity had a disposition towards finding things that others simply didn't want, or finding appreciation in things that others found impossibly hostile.

"A little odd."

"Every child is," Adar remarked as he peered down in to the water. "You are unlikely to have been an exception."

Unsurprisingly Nuriel had no idea how to respond to that particular remark and glanced at Adar in surprise before returning his gaze to the cub. In an hour or two he might come up with something but for now he'd simply sit in the company of the pair of dark lions and contemplate. At least he had some things to mull over. For example, the weird water was bad, don't go in to any regions that gave off strange vibes...and it wasn't always a bad thing to find nothing from a lead.

Words: 2,477