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Things around the Pridelands were...odd. That was the safest, most comfortable word for it, so that was the word that Anteros chose to use. Had he been inclined, he could have used 'distressing' or even 'disturbing,' but he was very much not inclined to do so. Words like that made it more important, more real. Like many, he much preferred to ignore the strange little cult that Vitha had begun, and which had been growing more vocal. Everything was fine! Everything was almost always fine! The Pridelands just kept right on going regardless, like always.

Every once in awhile, something might happen, but in a pride this large, that was to be expected. A death well over a year ago, while tragic, wasn't the beginning of any kind of pattern. The more recent death was...also tragic, and certainly whoever had done it should be found, but some seemed ready to make it more than just a tragedy. But that was all it was, surely.

Or at least that was what he told himself, every time he started to worry, to imagine that it could have been his mother...

Anteros shook off the encroaching thoughts, ruffling up his soft purple mane. Everything was fine. Everything would be fine.

finally one of those starts~