Backlog RP

"Do you ever wonder what the stars are?"




"Not ever?"


"I do sometimes."

"What a shock...."

"Shut up."

"Ow--what the hell, Crabanniel?"

A hiss crept through the night air. Lilith the snake wrapped herself protectively around her bonded Vito's neck. Such a gesture would seem threatening to some, but to Vito it was as common as a loving nuzzle. "You didn't have to hit me," the male lion grumbled to his lioness companion.

"Aww, did I hurt your feelings?" she jeered. Vito swatted her. "OUCH! Don't do that!" she snapped.

"You did it first."

"Ugh, you're such a cub...." the lioness murmured.

The two lions continued to gaze up at the night sky, watching the occasional star shoot across its expanse with far less enthusiasm than one would expect. While the two were reclined on their backs side by side, there was nothing at all romantic about them, and nothing to suggest they even liked one another. Their actions towards each other were akin to those of a brother and sister, but there was no glimmer of sibling affection in their eyes. The stars continued to blink and fly through space as the pair of lions watched passively from earth.

"Some creatures believe they're souls," Crab said.

"Is that what you believe?" Vito asked.

"No. I don't know. Do you believe in souls?"

"Yeah," Vito answered, "I've got one. I think you have one, too." He tilted his head back to look at her.

"What makes you say that?" Crab asked with mild skepticism, scrunching her neck to look down.

"'Cause everyone does," Vito replied. "You've got one for sure." His tone left little room for argument, but Crabanniel was not so easily convinced.

"But what makes it for sure?" the lioness pried.

"'Cause if demon souls exist, then souls exist. So you've got a soul," Vito explained, turning his head back to the stars.

"Demons again?" Crab sneered, her incredulity apparent. "Everything always goes back to demons with you. And what makes you so sure demons exist?"

"Because I know. I've heard mine. I heard her when I was really little, and now--...."

"Now what?"

"Now she's here," Vito finished in a murmur. Crabanniel balked for some moments before bursting out,

"Who, LILITH?! You're talking about Lilith?" She exploded into derisive laughter.

The hissing voice of a serpent rose above the din and ordered, "Keep your voice down!"

"Go back to sleep, you withered worm!" Crab snarled, all mirth gone in an instant. Whether accepting defeat or in dire need of peaceful sleep, the snake slithered off through the grass and out of sight. After the silence collected itself once more, Vito finally answered,

"Yes, I am talking about Lilith."

"Vito, Lilith is a snake, not a demon."

"You just don't understand," Vito muttered, seeming uncharacteristically dejected.

"What don't I understand? That demons exist, or that you're batshit crazy? 'cause I'm pretty sure one of--" The lioness was cut off as Vito bowled into her, paws pinning her shoulders to the ground. He looked angrier than she'd ever seen him. Her pulse quickened, but she kept her face as calm as she was able.

"Don't ever," the lion breathed dangerously, "call me crazy. Ever. Do you understand me?"

Crabanniel didn't answer, but glared back with equal threat, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. As they stared, their breathing matched pace, and Vito tightened his grip hatefully. As they glared at each other, tears touched Crabanniel's spiteful eyes. Vito's expression softened, taken aback. The tears welled until they spilled down her cheeks.

"I hate stars," the lioness said. Vito's grip loosened and his expression fell further. "I hate them." The tears streamed more swiftly, her face finally twisting with anguish. Vito dug his arms around her and pressed his face against her head.

"I know," he said. Crabanniel buried her face in his mane and stifled a sob, arms twisting around his back.

"I wish they would all disappear," she choked.

"I know," Vito said.

"I wish the--the sky would turn black," she sobbed.

"I know," Vito said, "I know...."