We have decided to alter the way we handle the Master Mission system and how Hybrids/Channelers gain moves/abilities. From hence forth the following changes are made:

-There are now a total of Five Master Missions with a sixth Grand Mission.

-Hybrids and Channelers still get a total of ten moves however you need a move 'slot' to gain a move. Ten slots for ten moves.

-Each Master Mission grants two slots and two moves.

-Moves and slots are now purchasable through various means without the need of an MM.

-Only the first Master Mission is required to be done first to purchase any further moves or slots.

-Additional moves may be purchased for 2 Snag Emblems a piece (again, provided you have the slot for the move).

-Additional slots can be alchemized, daily rare, or purchased with emblems.

-The Grand Master Mission, which gives access to Mega Evolution/Z-Moves for Hybrids and a special Ultimate Ability for Channelers, is unlocked after obtaining ten moves.

Furthermore to coincide with the recent happenings in the Team Mission, Blackest City, the power boost Sub gave to everyone (including those not there) is reflected permanently in that every Hybrid and Channeler character currently made is allowed one free move and slot, no mission required. Again, this is a permanent one time boost.

If you have done any MMs this change is retroactive if you wish it to be (your choice). That means if you did three MMs your character now has three move slots available to be filled in with three moves. If you have done more than five MMs you can now obtain the max number of ten abilities but still must do the Grand Master Mission if you desire the abilities it grants. Any other abnormalities and questions that come with this change can be discussed with the admins.

The shops will soon be updated to reflect the ability to purchase moves and slots and moving forward so will the Master Mission be altered to fit this new system. We hope this motivates and inspires you to have your character grow further.