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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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The Winchester/Li Family ~ Accepted

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 12:59 am
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗/𝕷𝖎 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞
pro scientia atque sapientia
For knowledge and wisdom

The Winchester family is primarily known for generous donations to both wizarding and muggle research. Their ancient roots are in research, scholarship and education; many worked in design and development, but some worked in the cultivation and gathering of raw magical materials. Other ancestors were involved in the establishment of muggle universities and colleges.

The full wealth of the family was only first consolidated when both wizarding and magical wars left the entire fortune and a thriving materials company in the lap of a young Eliam Winchester. The Winchester Estate in 1945 was built to serve as both a family home and meeting spot for surviving advisors; by the time the company was sold, Eliam and his wife Idwein had secured an incredible amount of wealth and investments. They turned their attention to research and started with funding projects and people that interested them. As the number of projects and people grew, later members formalized the contributions under an umbrella group: The Winchester Foundation, established in 2031 by Cohen and Eliana Winchester now funds research grants, scholarships, awards and a crisis relief fund.

During the Winchester Massacre on Eliam's 122 birthday celebration in December 2054, much of the family was killed, leaving the burnt Estate, Foundation, and splinters of the family to Wren.

Family Registry:
Winchester side
Jacob (deceased) Pukwudgie (Ilvermony) hermit healer—adoptive father of Anthony
Eliam Winchester (deceased at 122) Hufflepuff historian, former Wizengamot warlock, psychologist
Idwein Nautium Sirica (deceased at 83) Vihreä (Drumstrang) wandmaker/ materials gatherer and investor
    Callum Winchester (deceased at 82) Gryffindor cursebreaker, teller of great and mostly true stories
    Scytharia Winchester, née O’Neill (deceased at 83) Slytherin auror
      ↪Verine Winchester (under Li side)

    Sparrow Winchester (deceased at 77) Slytherin Thought Chamber Unspeakable
    Anthony Clyde Jacobson (deceased at 81) Hufflepuff librarian
      Cohen Winchester (deceased at 50) Hufflepuff Time Chamber Unspeakable
      Eliana Zeshu Winchester, née Li (deceased at 54) squib Foundation manager, former librarian

    Wren Winchester (21) Slytherin wandmaker
    Sparrow Winchester II (19) Gryffindor actress
    Robin Winchester III (12) Ranveclaw student
    Phoebe Winchester IV (7) future Hogwarts student

Winchester Estate House Elves
Crow-- Idwein’s house elf
Dasan-- Winchester house elf
    Hobby (deceased at 92) -- Winchester Estate house elf

    Piper (21) -- free elf

Li side
Li Yingxin (deceased at 22) Zhulong (LongJiang) healer
Li Yingxiang(deceased at 85–ghost) Heilong (LongJiang) duelist, hotel founder
Cao Xiaoyan (deceased at 84–swallow ghost) Zhulong (LongJiang) healer/ apothecary/ acupuncturist— registered swallow animagus

    Li Jiaxin (88 ) Changlong (LongJiang) professor of occult theory at LongJiang
    Erianne Song (deceased at 88 ) Crow (Salem Witches) secretary, musician, model
      ↪Eliana Zeshu Li (under Winchester side)

    Li Jiayo (deceased at 77) squib hotel owner
    Ying Anchen (deceased at 44) muggle caretaker/ cook

      Li Zexing (55) muggle hotel owner
      Rhimjhim Amin (54) muggle lawyer
        August Li (24) Slytherin member of the International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats; wizard law professor at Hogwarts
        Rhea Allison Lane-Li, nee Lane (22) Slytherin dance instructor

      Zemong Elmond Li (deceased at 51) muggle hotel event coordinator
      Verine Winchester (54) Ravenclaw potioneer and potions professor at Hogwarts
        Sonora Lane, née Li (25) Ravenclaw cursebreaker-- registered nightingale animagus
        Jonah Lane (25) Ravenclaw magizoologist

Amin side
    Anindya Amin (86) muggle art critic, journalist, museum curator
    Kala Bains (81) muggle artist
      Indra Amin(deceased at 27) muggle
      Anasuya Amin (55) muggle, estranged.
      ↪Rhimjhim Amin (under Li side)
      Sawan Amin (48 ) muggle triathlete, hotel owner
      ❤ Simon Maceachthighearna (under Blackwood side)

Blackwood side
    Arden IV Blackwood (86) rancher and vintner
      Galiene Maceachthighearna, née Blackwood (deceased at 34) halfblood Time Chamber Unspeakable -- seer
      Simon Maceachthighearna (53) muggle carpenter
        Sawyer Maceachthighearna (31) Ravenclaw chef -- seer

      Nicolette Blackwood (deceased at 32) Lone Star vintner and cursebreaker
        Scytharia Blackwood (22) Lone Star tour planner

Cao side
    Cao Xifeng (deceased) Huanglong (LongJiang) traveling "magician"— younger brother of Cao Xiaoyan
      Cao Guiren (deceased) Changlong (LongJiang) Delegate for China in the International Confederation of Wizards
        Faye Cao Huanglong (LongJiang) dropout, bartender
        Iain Zheng, PhD -- muggle professor of astronomy
          Alice Zheng (presumed deceased) (under Knolle family)
          Angier Zheng (13) halfblood Slytherin student


    ↪ = Offspring
    ❤ = Married
    ✿ = Adopted

    Ages calculated as of Sept 2056
    Characters in gold are playable; characters in blue are deceased and listed where buried.
    Available Family Profiles
    Family Echo (live document but stable)

    CREATED 6 September 2018
    UPDATED 17 May 2022
    ■ Updated ages
    ■ Rhea added!
    ■ (recent update)

    ACCEPTED BY: Weasley 9/23/18
    UPDATES ACCEPTED BY: ❝Yukitty❞ 7/11/2022
    ACCEPTED CHARACTERS: Verine, Sonora, August, Anthony 9/23/18, Sparrow, Wren 5/21/19, Scytharia [2/12/2021]Robin, Angier {05/31/2021} Rhea [7/11/2022]
PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:48 am


NICKNAMES Ver, Rose Whisperer
AGE 55
BIRTHDAY January 21, 2002-- Aquarius
LANGUAGES English, conversational Chinese, basic Irish
+a few phrases in other languages whose countries she visited or just picked up from her husband and August's polyglot studying.

WAND Apple wood and unicorn hair, 13 ½ inches, slightly springy. Slightly curved and tapered at the tip and carved to look like woven rope at the handle.
PATRONUS Pine marten

HEIGHT 5’7” (170 cm)
WEIGHT 140 lbs (63.5 kg)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Ravenclaw

CLUBS Art, Potions

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ A
Alchemy ~ O
Divination ~ O
Arithmancy ~ E
Healing ~ E

Herbology ~ O
Potions ~ O
Alchemy ~ O
Divination ~ O
Arithmancy ~ E
History ~ E

Other Electives
Exam details in my storage guild

Wizarding Law: (yr 3) Verine took some Wizarding Law in honor of her grandfather who had served on the Wizengamot. She decided very quickly and astutely she would rather not.

Wandlore: (yr 4) Verine took a year of Wandlore in honor of her grandmother who had a made a living gathering materials for wands and helping craft them. It was fairly interesting, but she decided to focus on her other electives moving forward.

Mind Magic:(yr 6) Verine was inspired to take Mind Magic for whatever reason. She enjoyed the theory of it, but spending an hour a week getting her mind broken into was not fun and towards the end of the year when she realized she really just was not going to be an accomplished Legilimens, she preferred to skip class. She had an idea to look up or develop a potion alternative to occlumency, which she'll get back to eventually.

Apparation: (yr 7) Basic proficiency. In her school years Apparition was a nightmare. If she thought Flying and the constant visits to the Hospital Wing were annoying, apparition attempts were downright hazardous. For a long time Verine avoided apparating, deciding that Floo was perfectly convenient for everyday life, muggle transportation was quite sufficient, and she was born with working legs and feet for a reason. She has since practiced sufficiently to apparate safely to and from regular places like home, the Winchester Estate she grew up in, and the offices for the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers.

DREAM JOB Magical Researcher
■ Potions 1-3 Professor (starting Fall 2052)
■ Potioneer (2021 - present)


STUDIOUS The methodologies of research and academia were ingrained in Verine from a young age growing up with her grandfather, who was an accomplished historian and former Wizengamut member. She carried his mindset into her Hogwarts experience, focusing particularly on Potions and Divination and anything that helped her get better at either. She thrives in the deep and thorough study of potions, but continued to enjoy diving into topics of other field and connecting them to projects in herbology and potions research. Her work style usually focuses on two or three seaparate projects that she dives very deeply into.

LIVELY Verine lives life day by day with more concern for what she’s doing than when she’s doing it. Parties are fun ways to explore something beyond her interest silos, as long as it's occasional enough to not interrupt her research or precious family time. She enjoys a good joke or prank, as long as said prank doesn't hinder anyone's work. Friendly and enthusiastic, Verine is always happy to befriend a new colleague.

INVENTIVE Verine's signature touch is her penchant for mixing things together-- from soaps and perfumes as a child, to foods and clothing as an adult, to herbs and elixirs as a potioneer, she likes mashing things up as much as she does mastering the original. Her potioneering career has primarily focused on substitution research, coming up with alternative methods or ingredients for brewing potions, understanding properties and techniques for better efficiency.

ORGANIZED For a person who loves mixing everything Verine is surprisingly organized. As a young student, she realized that replicating new mixtures was near impossible if after mixing every bottle was different from what it was labeled no notes were taken. She picked up good organization techniques from her professors and have passed along this encouragement for precise organization and clear documentation to her assistants in turn. Verine has become quite fond of putting things in boxes, literally and metaphorically, if only so it’s easier to note what falls outside the box and has gotten mixed with other things.

FREE-SPIRITED Although she follows up on interests with methodical, careful examination, Verine tends to let her flights of fancy decide what those project obsessions are and when they will be. She operates very much on her own clock, more concerned with getting something done well than doing it on any particular time schedule. Getting things done well is more important to her than getting it done exactly on time. Sometimes though, this means she misses out on family time, or is in the office unpredictably.

■ Attempting fusion-flavored recipes/ potions
■ Gardening (and collecting cacti)
■ Developing potions

■ Plants, particularly flowers and cacti
■ Academic conferences/ the occasional party or social
■ Art-- Constant, informative, and beautiful. What’s not to like?
■ Simple everyday divinations
■ Babbling Beverage (her favorite potion)

■ Deadlines and inflexible schedules
■ Interruptions
■ Flying and apparition
■ Arguments-- not the same as academic debates. She has few close and long-lasting friends as is, and disagreeing with them or her husband always makes her uncharacteristically sad, nervous, and timid.
■ The news-- for the most part, it changes on a whim so as long as it doesn’t affect her, she could care less.

■ Thorough and methodological in her exploration of a topic, clearly documented.
■ Openness to continue learning.

■ Tunnel visions/ Time management -- When she's focused, it's great, but she also forgets everything around her.
■ Maintaining relationships -- While good at befriending people, she expects people to be quite independent in their learning.

■ Achieving work-life balance or work-life melding, if it exists.
■ Inspiring students to better understandings of how potions can fit into their life.

■ Abandonment-- her parents left her for old tombs and dangerous creatures. While she’s secure her husband wouldn't leave her and usually doesn’t usually think much on it, she’s terrified of the possibility.
■ Being unapproachable -- She has few close and long-lasting friends as is, and fighting with them or her husband always makes her uncharacteristically sad, nervous, and timid.


EARLY CHILDHOOD Verine's parents, a cursebreaker-auror duo, left most of her raising to her paternal grandparents. Verine was homeschooled by them, a historian and magical materials retailer by trade, with the occasional governor or governess coming from their professional circles to supplement studies. Any flight of fancy was allowed and lessons covered whatever she was fascinated by, but whatever she chose she had to learn well before moving on.

SCHOOL YEARS Verine started her first year flitting around, attending a different club each week and constantly getting detention or losing house points for being late or submitting an assignment late. As the years passed, she got somewhat better at time, but was still constantly in detention for being caught out after curfew, usually in the Library or brewing something somewhere she probably shouldn't. She made many acquaintances and enjoyed socializing with others at parties, but aside from her younger cousin, had no one particularly close to her. Instead Verine spent most of her time alone obsessed over her latest project or assignment. Potions and Divination were easily her favorite and best subjects, one appealing to her penchant for careful study and methodology and the other to intuition. She considers one of her greatest accomplishments getting to serve detention every day for a month cleaning and organizing the Potions Storeroom, where she learned not only how it was organized, but about different ways of organizing and storing herbs.

Verine's seventh year was abruptly punctuated with the death of her grandmother in mid-October. Going home to a more empty household during the winter break served only to drive Verine to seclude herself further. Rather than build a program of study around a dream career she didn’t really have, Verine was quite happy to just take NEWTs in the classes she excelled in and enjoyed.

POST-GRADUATION With no particular career goal in mind, and at her parents’ suggestion and grandfather’s blessing, Verine spent the year immediately after graduation on a solo adventure around the world. Her path followed mostly wizarding communities and other wizarding schools and with each month-long destination, she found odd jobs to experience and live off of. Stumbling, lost and injured, into a foreign muggle city for the first time in Taiwan, she was rescued by Elmond Li, a part time hotel clerk apathetically applying to colleges. They struck up an odd friendship and six months later when El moved to England for college, Ver took the chance to fly home.

They continued hanging out and fell in love even when their paths diverged: she pulled him out of his shell, and he helped her learn to appreciate the shopkeeping aspects of potioneering alongside the research. Verine hid her magical background from him until he proposed, explaining her potioneering work as being a pharmaceutical researcher's assistant. Elmond seemed accepting of her magical eccentricities, and four years afterward, when both their work had settled, they were married. A year later, they had their daughter, Sonora. Ver's parents stayed over with them that year to help care for the baby and tensions flared over living as a wizarding or a muggle family. Despite the occasional disagreement thereafter, they were able to work out a happy compromise and carefully keep this balance in conversation.

POTIONS and PROFESSORSHIP Verine’s career started in basic research on magical properties of various herbs in potions and applied research in alternative brewing methods. She has an academic reputation of taking existing potions and recreating them with different ingredients, making either more potent versions, or easier to produce (either in method or ingredient cost). She occasionally showed up on projects relating to divination, healing and history, but publishes primarily in potions and herbology. Despite loving the research community, Ver always missed being in a school environment.

As Sonora started at Hogwarts, Verine shifted her potioneering work towards more development work. She took Sona and any of her friends who were curious under her wing as summer assistants and grew to really enjoy tutoring and mentoring them. Having someone to restock the sales shelves was mutually useful as well! She was happy to welcome her nephew August to their house over the summer breaks, and happy to have family or family friends arounds as assistants and mentees. After graduation, Sonora got engaged and left home to fly around the world for cursebreaking, leaving Verine and Elmond with at first just August and occasional visits from Vespera and Rion, and then it was just the two of them.

Finally, after 31 years of full-time research, Verine took an opening for the Potions 1-3 professor at Hogwarts, shifting her research to part time for the foreseeable future. Her first few years as a professor were quite hectic as she adjusted her teaching style from tutor-mentality to professor mentality. She got a lot of advice from Ada Whitethorne in crafting developmentally appropriate projects and assignments.

In December 2054, Verine's childhood home was attacked. She managed to get the children out and ran back to help any other survivors. Verine was heartbroken by the loss of not only her parents and grandparents, but her husband in the fire. It was discovered that her parents had died--not to the fire, as expected, but due to stab wounds, presumedly by one Awstin Tittensor. Ver helped Wren and Robin in the aftermath, stayed by Sona's side as she recovered from smoke inhalation. When the school year resumed though, tunnel visioned into teaching, grading, and potions development. After many months of sleeping under her desk to avoid going back to an empty house, Ver was more than happy to leave the cabin to Sona and Jonah and their baby Violet and accept proper lodgings at Hogwarts.

Husband Zemong Elmond Li, event coordinator (muggle)
Grandfather Eliam Winchester, historian (pureblood)
Parents Scytharia Winchester, nee O'Neill; auror (muggleborn); Callum Winchester, cursebreaker (pureblood)

Daughter Sonora Lane, nee Li, cursebreaker (halfblood); Jonah Lane, magizoologist (halfblood)
Grandchild Violet Lane.

Nieces and Nephews August Li; Wren, Sparrow, Robin, Phoebe Winchester
Pets Charlie Ace Squawk (parrot), Glob XIV (cactus), Whisper (parakeet)

Collaborators Delia Lane, astronomer; Tiffany Stanford, head potioneer; Claire Wilson, herbologist.
Ada Whitethorne
Former assistants: Orion Lane, pub owner, Vespera Salazar, healer, Sonora, August, Wren, Sparrow.
■ Any friends of family~
■ Potioneers in the UK and abroad.

CREATED 6 September 2018
UPDATED 01 October 2022
■ backstory update
■(recent update)
■(recent update)



PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:51 am
(NPC)xxZEMONGxxxELMONDxxxLIx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

dead; the remains of his ashes were split, part to his childhood home in Taipei, Taiwan, and the other half scattered over the backyard of his home in Compton's End, England.

Stable Support: Patience and Decision. Elmond has always done what was asked or expected of him with patience and calm. He plans ahead meticulously so he can react to changes as needed. Enjoys nature, reading in different languages and listening to music.
Driven by family--what they want, what they need, and how he needs to fit into their plans.

Theme colors: darkblue and darkseagreen

NICKNAMES Elmond or El. His family calls him MongMong
AGE 41
BIRTHDAY October 5th, 2002-- Libra
LANGUAGES Chinese, English, Arabic, Italian. Learning French.

HEIGHT 5’ 10” (178 cm)
WEIGHT 180 lbs (81.5 kg)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED University of Winchester
CLUBS Language Club, Food Club, Wilderness Club

DREAM JOB a park ranger? Tour guide? At this point maybe just a full time father, husband and brother
CURRENT OCCUPATION event planner and cook

PATIENT Elmond carries himself with a characteristic patience and calm, seemingly unfettered by last-minute interruptions. He spends a lot of time cultivating this calm by thinking things through or just getting away while hiking or swimming.. He’s no saint though, and as frustration builds up he tends to seclude himself to brood or snaps back sarcastically at those closest.

FAMILY FOCUSED Family has always been Elmond’s driving force and priority, from doing whatever his parents wanted of him to running simple errands for his grandparents/ brother/ coworkers to carving time out to spend with his daughter or her friends. These relationships will always be his priority, and he’s okay with not getting the recognition for it as long as they are happy and he can be there for them. He’s also a romantic at heart, and never tires of thinking of ways to make his wife smile.

METHODICAL There’s a process to everything, and for efficiency and clarity’s sake, Elmond likes to follow it. He is a careful planner and always has a contingency plan. This allows him to be focus on the mundane details and logistics of everyday work or life but also know where he’s at in the bigger picture while juggling multiple events or timelines across work and home. He’s not afraid to work hard, and trusts that there is method in the madness, purpose to the paperwork, and reward for the relentless.

DIPLOMATIC Elmond handles all of his professional relationships with deliberate diplomacy, finding a way to say “yes” in some way. Helping other people out has never hurt when he needs a favor later, and if that never happens, he’s willing to chalk things up to simple kindness. In the same vein though, he does not easily forget someone trampling this trust though and will find a way to avoid them.

ADAPTABLE With his life revolving so heavily around other people, El has to be flexible with any individual plans. He usually has a contingency plan in mind or is able to take their ideas or other plans in stride. He’s no stranger to getting stood up on a date if his wife gets obsessed over some new project and loses track of time--he’ll just get dinner to-go, head to her shop, and read a book or listen while she obsesses. It’s a sometimes disappointing existence, but he’ll be fine.

■ Learning different languages
■ Hiking and swimming
■ Music (listening; he doesn't play anything)
■ Spending time with family
■ Reading
■ Sweet drinks

■ Procrastinating
■ Indecision or unresponsiveness
■ Cats
■ Fortune-telling. Weirdness he’ll tolerate. But fortune telling seems very hand-wavy.
■ Wand-waving spell-casting magic. The potions, plants, and effects he’ll deal with. But spells seem to have all these arbitrary limitations. Just...don’t do it in front of him.

■ Willing to talk things through and adjust his own life for his family.
■ Able to work on details as well as the big picture.

■ Tends to brood on things even if he’s decided on them.
■ Bottles things up or insists on dealing with them himself.

■ Watching the kids in his family grow up, find their passions, chase their dreams, fall in love, live happy lives.

■ Death, dying, and the inevitability of losing those he loves.


EARLY CHILDHOOD I was the younger son of hotel owners. My mom passed away when I was 14, and my dad became obsessed with keeping the hotel running on his own and carry on her work. My brother, Xing, was suddenly excited about running the place. They had me focus on learning foreign languages to support mom’s dream for an international branch. Even my grandparents seemed to withdraw a little, with grandfather helping dad out again and grandmother busying herself with clients or just missing for long stretches at a time.

SCHOOL YEARS My life basically changed overnight when I invited an injured, foreign girl in to take shelter from the rain and get treatment from my grandmother. In the months that followed she befriended my brother and charmed my family despite the language barrier. My dad made me apply to a business school in England and when I started there she kept stubbornly in contact, going so far as befriending people and dragging me along for it. Eventually I caught onto her vivacity; Verine and I started dating part way through college, and I proposed a year after graduation;That was when I found out she was a witch and there was an entire world of magic. It was a shock and everything was weird, but everything was okay.

POST-GRADUATION I negotiated my brother’s marriage to one of my college friends when they both asked. It led to a business contract with her parents over some land for the international branch. They both insist it was a good deal that allowed them to achieve their goals. My dad was so pleased he let me remain in England and marry Verine. But I know there’s tension in my brother’s relationship and always wonder...if we had tried explaining things to my dad or grandfather, maybe Xing and Rhim could have had happier marriages. A few months after my wedding, my grandparents passed away. I thought I knew what funerals were like after my mother’s...I never thought I would fear death at my age.

When my daughter was born, my parents-in-law came to help take care of her. That was when I realized that Verine had been sparing me by practicing most of her magic at work. We had terrible arguments about the house turning into a wizarding house but it worked out eventually. Her parents didn’t like the kind of life we agreed to and moved away--it was sad, but it was for the best. We got in a lot of arguments, particularly when I insisted Sonora go to a muggle school for her early education. The weekend walks I take Sonora on--I spent more than I’d like just wondering what in the world I had gotten myself into. I wonder if life would be simpler if I’d just walked away then. But as long as it’s not in my face... I think I’ve gotten used to magic.

Wife Verine Winchester, potioneer (pureblood)
Parents Li Jiayo, retired hotel owner (squib); Li Anchen, (deceased)
Siblings Li Zexing, hotel owner (muggle)
Children Sonora Li, Hogwarts student
Pets Whisper (parakeet), Charlie Ace Squawk (parrot), various strange plants

■ My family and colleagues.
Attitude towards Sona's friends: “If you ever need someone to talk to in confidence, let me know.”
CREATED 19 September 2018
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:56 am
Sonora is a cursebreaker working for an independent cursebreaking group recovering artefacts for study. While she still travels quite often for work she mostly works closer to home in Winchester, England, where she can spend time with the kids, Jonah, and their friends. She is a registered nightingale animagus.

xxx♪♫BASICS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NICKNAMES Sona, Rosewhisper
AGE 26
BIRTHDAY June 21, 2031 -- Gemini
LANGUAGES English, Chinese, random words in a variety of other languages

WAND Aspen and Phoenix core, 10 inches, reasonably supple with featherlike carvings on the handle.
PATRONUS Piebald deer
MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Animagus--Nightingale

FACECLAIM 11-12ish? drawn by Allison Aerie Anime pics for other ages.
Brown-black hair, brown eyes.

HEIGHT 5'6" (168 cm)
WEIGHT 136 lbs (62 kg)
APPEARANCE Light scar on the back of her left hand; Tattoo on the left side of her back: Jonah Castor Lane written in script and garnished with a gemini symbol and bird. In her nightingale form, this is visible when she spreads her wings as a black outline around a tertiary feather.

xxx♪♫SCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Ravenclaw Head Girl and Prefect

■ Music club
■ Quidditch--seeker (yr 7), reserve seeker (yr 2-6), reserve keeper (yr 1)
■ Dueling club-- captain (yr 6+)
■ Astronomy Club (yr 2-5 occasionally attended for tutoring)
■ Adventurer's Guild (yr 3+ occasionally attends to listen to the campaigns and doodle)

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ EE
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Arithmancy ~ A
Ancient Runes ~ EE
Cursebreaking ~ O
Healing ~ EE
Music ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ A

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ EE
Transfiguration ~ O
Ancient Runes ~ EE
Arithmancy ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ O
Healing ~ A
Music ~ EE
Wandless Magic ~ A

Other Electives
Exam Thread

Animagus: (Registered) Sonora was relieved and thrilled to actually be a bird in her Animagus form. Even after completing the transformation, Sona dedicated many hours to familiarizing herself with her bird form, including shifting mid-fall or in potentially dangerous situations, and incorporating being a bird into dueling. She is comfortable spending long periods of time as a bird--sleeping on her friends as a bird was a quick way to power nap without going all the way back to the dorm-- and is getting better at shifting fluidly between forms.

Apparation: Apparation is not Sonora's preferred form of transport. She can do so safely, but at relatively short distances and only with absolute focus. Her seventh year was dedicated to primarily towards NEWT studies and familiarizing herself with her Animagus form, and so while she can apparate, many more years of practice will be needed before she can use it adroitly.

Advanced Flying I & II: Taken in years 2 and 3 to help with Quidditch, Flying had always been a dream of Sona's and served as her stress relief later on.

Alchemy: Driven by her interest in Transfiguration and Potions, Sona took Alchemy her third year. She loved it but ultimately decided to drop it in favor of other classes going forward. She maintained her interest and later read up on alchemy as part of her light reading.

Care of Magical Creatures: Initially excited to learn about the magical creatures she might run into on cursebreaking adventures, Sona eventually decided against continuing in favor of healing.

Wandlore: While Sona had fun in Wandlore year 3, she decided to focus on her cursebreaking-focused electives going forward.

DREAM JOB living the dream
CURRENT OCCUPATION cursebreaker for an independent research organization


REFLECTIVE A childhood of metacognitive assessments and tasks has made a habit of discussing feelings, organizing thoughts, and analyzing situations with someone close to her. Although she still gets emotional about her mistakes and failures, she’s used to organizing her thoughts for analysis and improvement, and tries to do the same for her friends.

FOCUSED Sonora gives her full attention to whatever she's trying to do in any given moment, whether that be reading a book, practicing a spell, or just letting her imagination run wild. When she’s somewhere or with someone, she paying attention to that, or at least focusing on how she can support or contribute. It’s not that she doesn’t get distracted, but rather she has strategies for managing them. Staying focused doesn't mean being stuck on one subject though-- Sona learns by building connections and recognizing patterns to things, and as part or learning a concept or technique as best she can, she tries to come up with creative ways to apply them.

POSITIVE Sonora believes everyone can be happy, that there doesn't need to be an antagonist, and that everything will definitely be alright. She’s not actually an idealist--she knows things won’t always go smoothly, but at least for herself she's going to believe that everything will be okay, or at least happen for a reason. Even when she's feeling insecure or down, some part of Sona always sees the silver lining--or at least tries to.

CONSISTENT Sonora very much likes and relies on the structure of her everyday schedule. And while mediocre to start at anything, Sona excels with diligent practice and creative use of what she knows and has. That said, she enjoys spicing up individual study sessions with new methods or creative tactics and is always happy to adjust her plans for impromptu adventure with friends, and practices being prepared for the unexpected.

ACCEPTING Sona is gentle and friendly to everyone she encounters and would genuinely like to see everyone happy. Her time and care is on her and hers-- herself, Jonah, her family and her handful of closest friends--but she accepts that everyone is living with their own demons and respects the futility that she can only really encourage them, not change what they're going through or believe.

■ Reading--fiction and nonfiction, wizarding and muggle
■ Hiking and relaxing on a hammock at the end of a trail.
■ Music-- listening and practicing

■ Birds
■ Cute pranks
■ (Slightly) Cold weather
■ Hammocking
■ Bookmarks

■ Being micromanaged or told she “should”
■ Books too large or heavy to be conveniently carried
■ Small spaces
■ Breaking routines (like morning walks) because she's not waking up rather than because she planned it that way.
■ Boggarts. They're parasitic liars and disgusting in principle.

■ Picking up on beats and rhythms-- in music, in routines, in emotions
■ Even-tempered/ patient

■ Reserved-- While usually Sona takes good care to pay attention to what she feels and thinks, she doesn't always express them to those closest to her.
■ Sheltered-- Sona doesn't anticipate malicious actions or intentions except from boggarts, and she's quick to believe the best in people, despite knowing what people are capable of.

■ Going on magical adventures and travelling the world~
■ Marrying Jonah.

■ Being trapped
■ Forgetting someone -- Sona feels like she's gotten close to so many people over the years and while realistically she knows people will drift, she's scared and sad that she might just...forget her memories with them.


Sonora was born to a life of emotional privilege, the only daughter of Elmond Li and Verine Winchester. Verine is a potioneer with an emphasis on research and development; Elmond is an event coordinator for a nearby hotel, but spends most of his time taking care of his daughter and the home. Sonora grew up surrounded by the busy guests of the hotel, and she was mostly content to follow her parents around on their daily adventures. Her mother was very mysterious and something just odd, but her father seemed to understand, and Sonora figured that in time, she would too.

In her primary education, Sonora performed proficiently but otherwise unremarkably. Her afternoons were spent in piano classes or doing homework in her father’s office, occasionally saying hello to a guest or client who came to see her father. If they were well-behaved and didn’t disturb the furniture, she and her best friend, Zina, would be allowed to play in an empty conference room. Evenings were spent at home reading or “debriefing” their days with her father, but there was the occasional hotel social function or concert they’d attend. Weekends were spent reading novels at the end of a hiking trail or volunteering for some cause. Breaks were usually spent camping in Ireland with Sonora’s maternal grandparents, a strange couple very disconnected from the modern world with fantastical tales. She's also close to her cousins-- her paternal cousin, August, stays with them every summer and her young maternal cousins live in an estate across the city.

Magic was not formally acknowledged in the family until a camping trip gone wrong revealed Sonora’s latent magic when she was eight. Thereafter, her mother explained the existence of magic and the wizarding world--and had a very clear discussion of how no one could know about the existence of magic, not even Zina. No Muggle could be allowed any inkling that a magical world existed, with her father being the sole exception to this rule. Sonora's actual schedule showed very little change. But knowing that her grandparents’ wild stories were true (albeit heavily embellished), and being allowed to accompany her mother to the shop was a dream come to life. She was taught only how to conceal her magic but read voraciously from the wizarding world, and as soon as her Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived, Sonora spent every moment at home eagerly asking or imagining what being part of the magical community would be like.


FIRST YEAR Sonora was homesick much of her first year, but found solace in music and Quidditch practice, and her new friends, particularly in Jonah Lane and Vespera Salazar's pranking each other. Classes were really fun, aside from Herbology which she was always a little nervous in and Astronomy, which she was constantly sleeping in. With her childhood friend away for summers, Sona found herself missing her friends at the castle as much as she missed her parents at home when she was there. She did get a bird from her grandmother, who took in rescues. Skyfire is an American kestrel rescue who stayed with Scytharia's owls during his fledgling years and was trained to deliver mail like one.

SECOND YEAR Sonora made a solid effort to be more social this year and stay up for Astronomy. She joined the Dueling Club, got tutoring from the Astronomy Club, adopted Lee, and organized a winter picnic. Life is great.

THIRD YEAR Signing up for 10 electives was a terrible idea, as Sona found out. Even though she enjoyed all her classes, Sona found herself constantly stressed, tired, and definitely not doing as well as she wanted or even as well as she had before. Her normal routines were thrown off and nothing seemed to be able to fix them--or the constant exhaustion. Winter break was only a temporary reprieve and by finals she was tired of being tired. Throughout all this she relied on her friends for support, so it hit particularly hard when she mixed up Kam and Iggy. Later, she tried to comfort Kam in their argument, but generally felt useless.

Summer started off wonderfully, but her sleepover with Jonah and his family was interrupted by a werewolf attack. Rion was taken out almost immediately, Sona was terrified and barely able to land a few spells on the wolf--and if it weren't for Jonah's quick thinking she'd definitely had been more hurt. She had barely managed to land a few spells in, but it was only thanks to another wolf intervening that they got away. Sona did manage to pull herself together enough to make up a story for the muggle hospital, and ultimately walked away with only torn clothes and a gash that later healed into a mere line on the back of her hand. In the aftermath, she tried to keep her spirits up and resolved to be less helpless, but a bit of self-doubt was creeping into her usual positivity. The Magizoology Festival and being around friends again helped, but come start of the school year she found herself nervous instead of excited for the first time.

FOURTH YEAR After the summer encounter with a werewolf and only terse replies from Jonah, Sonora took to fourth year with somber determination. She had a moment of weakness where she considered dropping Quidditch on top of the few classes she'd dropped since last year, but was soon reminded how much she loved flying. Luckily, classes went smoothly anyways. She was happy for Jonah and Iggy when they got together, but devastated that Jonah and Vespera seemed to be avoiding her and found herself feeling lonely and distracted. The first part of the year was spent quietly practicing her spells and learning to string them together for dueling strategies. Throughout the year, she spent most of her time with Kam, studying, practicing and ready. To great relief, she did finally reconcile with Jonah before winter break, and with Vespera in the spring.

FIFTH YEAR Summer started with another scare from Iggy in the hospital, but she was happy that he and Kam had reconciled. Even though she didn't really know what to expect, she happily agreed to date Kam towards the end of summer. They enjoyed morning walks, studying, a few dates, and an awkward kiss together, but as winter neared, Sona was forced to confront her growing feelings for Jonah. It broke her heart to break up with Kam and spent Winter Break crying. It didn't help that Iggy and Jonah broke up once they were back at Hogwarts. She kept her feelings to herself, and focused on trying to comfort her friends the best she could. She spent most of the second semester studying for OWLs with Vespera or working on things in preparation of Animagus transformations.

SIXTH YEAR With many of her weaker subjects dropped this year, Sonora thought her coursework this year was much more manageable-- even if the work was more challenging, for (most) classes this was the enjoyable kind of challenging she had missed. She was excited to be working on Animagus preparations in earnest with her roommate Lara, but keeping the mandrake leaf in her mouth tested her patience to the extreme.

Early December, after a third unsuccessful mandrake leaf, Sona broke down in hysterical sobs and Jonah took her up to the Astronomy tower to vent. Afterwards the two finally confessed their feelings for each other and shared a kiss under the stars. Sonora was ecstatic to be with Jonah and their relationship came easily. A few months later, he was the first to see her new Animagus form-- his nightingale, just as he'd said years ago.

SEVENTH YEAR Sonora's final year was kept very busy with NEWTs, Dueling captainship and head girl responsibilities, among which was planning the Valentine's Dance-- She was very happy to finally see August and Rhea together by the end of the night. Working with her good friend Vinny was a great experience, and while she never got to reprise her picnic idea, Sona felt like she got to know and support a lot of students through the experience. When not otherwise busy or studying, Sona dedicated her time to familiarizing herself with her Animagus form. Quidditch was another highlight of the year--and Sona was thrilled to catch the snitch in neck-to-neck races every game.

The cherry-on-top of a perfect year came just after NEWTs while discussing post-graduation plans. Jonah proposed, and while surprised, Sonora was ecstatic to accept. They agreed the wedding would probably be a few years off to allow them to settle into their careers (and to give Rion and August a chance to calm down and agree to come), but they were officially engaged before graduation!

Sona's parental grandfather's health declining brought the entire Winchester/ Li family together in Taipei; Sona invited Jonah along to meet everyone, as he would soon be family too. Unfortunately, the gathering turned into a funeral. They returned to the U.K. in early July for work: Jonah would be studying the migration patterns of hippogryffs and Sonora would be doing cursebreaking, helping to scout and secure sites for research. As they anticipated having to travel regularly, they opted for a magic-friendly yurt instead of a permanent residence. They lived and loved life on the road and seemed to be in a new country every few months. They returned fairly regularly to the UK to visit with friends and family. Finally, after both their careers had settled, they were married in a fun, way-too-early wedding on 30 December 2051. After a painful and harrowing pregnancy, Jonah and Sona welcomed Violet Seraphina Lane, their first daughter, in March 2054.

At the end of 2054, the Winchester Estate was attacked. Sona managed to break the fiendfyre curse rampaging through the estate but passed out from smoke inhalation while getting out. Luckily, Jonah recognized and rescued her bird form. She grieved for her dad mostly as a bird, focusing on work and offering emotional support to her extended family. Two years later, they welcomed Luna Azalea Lane to their growing family of rescued pets.

Husband Jonah Castor Lane, her one and only, absolutely and completely.
Children Violet SeraphinaLane, Luna Azalea Lane (halfblood)
Parents Verine Winchester, potioneer and professor (halfblood); Elmond Li, event coordinator (muggle)
Cousins August Li, Wren, Sparrow II, Robin, Phoebe Winchester; Flick Knapp; Aella Siddall, Amb
Sibling-in-laws Orion Lane; Rhea Lane-LI
Pets Skyfire (American kestrel), any of Jonah's growing collection of rescues

Best Friend Vespera Salazar
■ "Super Seven" friend group: Vinny and Aeryn Cloutier, Iggy Hepburn, Kam Hepburn, Yarrow Yu
Mentor Lena Davisson
Charlotte Richardson-Connelly, Jordan Scheer, Lara Soyinka
Cassidy Bolan, Lee Holt

CREATED 1 August 2018
UPDATED 05 October 2022
■ Backstory general update.
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)



PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:23 am
August is the husband of Rhea Lane-Li and father of Elian and Maris. In addition to consulting for educational policy work for the International Confederation of Wizards, August serves as the Head Administrator of the Continuing Education for Adult Wizards in Diagon Alley, where he substitutes in case any instructors are missing. As work becomes more routine, he will also been able to devote more time to creative writing.

xxxBASICS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NICKNAMES Auggie, Augs, Tanzizi, Meylian, Xiaolian, Month-Boy (pen name: Tanzil Rosescythe)
AGE 25
BIRTHDAY August 25, 2032 --- Virgo
LANGUAGES English, Chinese (Mandarin), Bangla.
Rudimentary Taiwanese, Russian, German, Arabic, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, British Sign Language.

WAND Hazel with Ashwinder Ash core, 11 ½ inches, hard. Parts of the wood branch around a small, hollow ball just above the handle before merging again into the rest of the wand.
PATRONUS Ashwinder

FACECLAIM Aramis Knight > Aditya Roy Kapoor
HEIGHT 5'9" (175.3 cm)
WEIGHT 157 lbs (71 kg)
APPEARANCE Glasses; Small pen nib and sword tattoo on the inside of his left arm

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Slytherin Head Boy and Prefect

■ Daily Dragon writer -- Editor in Chief (yr 7), Managing Editor (yr 4-6)
■ Language Club-- Captain (yr 5+)
■ Quidditch Announcer

Astronomy~ O
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Ancient Runes ~ O
Arithmancy ~ O
Ghouls and Ghosts ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Wizard Law~ O

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O

Arithmancy ~ O
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
Wizard Law ~ O

Other electives

Exam Thread

Apparation: (yr 6) Rather good. He got a minor splinch early in the spring semester, but for the most part August found he liked apparating much more than he ever liked Flying.

DREAM JOB Supreme Mugwump and Professor of Wizard Law. Secretly, he imagines that he’d also moonlight as a famous novelist.
■ Head Administrator of the Continuing Education Program (2057 - present)
■ Staff member to the International Confederation of Wizards (British seats) (2050 - present)

■ (Formerly) Professor of Wizard Law (2055-2057)


PROTECTIVE August is fiercely protective of people--particularly his family and friends. While he acknowledges that people make their own dreams and decisions, he is always worried about their safety and stability and tries to encourage them towards a safe and stable path.

CIVIL Never appear upset. August has been directed from birth basically to never appear anything but professional and polite to “outsiders”, to appear perfectly civil regardless of his actual thoughts. He may sometimes seem too unfettered and stoic, . Around his family he’s a little more expressive about irritation and opinions. His experiences at school have both strengthened this ability to keep perfectly civil and taught him to relax more around his friends..

DETERMINED Doggedly persistent, August has been taught that if he’s not getting what he wants, it only means he hasn't worked hard enough. There is always something more he can be doing to improve, and August is determined to be outstanding in everything he does. Respecting other perspectives and decisions doesn't mean liking them, and he is not shy about pushing forward his own opinions and rationales forward.

BITTER Despite his achievements at school and in the International Confederation of Wizards, August remains worried that he is just one failure away from ruin, and his occasional rebellious or reckless decision will end up ruining everything he works hard to build normally. While he trusts and is grateful for Rhea and his friends, August recognizes that he can be quite dense sometimes and completely miss things. He prepares assiduously, but sometimes is still the last person to realize how he feels about something. He takes it as a matter of course that, without guidance, people will fail to use the systems in place to their advantage-- and a growing fear that systems will fail people.

RESPONSIBLE Authority and rules exist for a reason and August respects and understands that authority, even if he doesn't always agree. He takes his assignments and commitments very seriously and tries to always be thorough, prepared, and punctual. Inspired in part by great mentors in his own life, August has taken a shine to mentoring and tutoring other students himself and feels a responsibility towards these mentees as well. As a new professor, he tries to be there for each and every student, even if he knows that is not always feasible.

STUDIOUS August keeps up a strict schedule of studying, supplementary reading and practicing. Even his extracurriculars he treated like classes, studying up on Quidditch like it was a class for announcing, or referencing textbooks to help write Daily Dragon articles. He delves into historical contexts eagerly, and masters theory as part of practicing more practical magic. August is most comfortable talking academics--particularly in Law, History, and Language. He sees great value in teaching, tutoring, and mentoring others, which las led naturally into his new position as a professor.

■ Reading-- particularly historical and legal texts.
■ Writing stories-- primarily mystery and horror.
■ Ballroom dancing with Rhea

■ Calligraphy
■ Spectacular landscapes, especially at sunrise or sunset
■ Foreign languages-- learning them, practicing them, having an opportunity to communicate with someone in their native tongue.
■ Tea
■ Peanut butter s'mores

■ Dishonesty or disingenuity--If people were straightforward, honest, and genuine, he believes, then everyone could better do what they're good at and the world would be better. Unfortunately the world isn't like that.
■ Writer’s block--Writer’s block doesn’t exist, August insists, so whenever he gets it, he gets upset at every other possible circumstance that is preventing writing--time, studies, a completely inadequate quill, his own talent--anything.
■ Bodies of water
■ Running, sports, or anything that involves getting unnecessarily sweaty
■ Getting sick or being unable to work-- while rarely sick, when August has been sick he tends to be very sick. The inability to work frustrates him to no end, and the hilarity of compromised judgement insisting he can work only compounds that.

■ Keeping his emotions in check, or at least off his face.
■ Speed reading -- years of reading lots, reading quickly, and tutoring has made it easier to skim a text and understand it.

■ Perfectionist-- August tends to exaggerate how much is expected of him and stress himself out with these illusions.
■ Overprotective-- August tends to overthink, and this can be overbearing to those closest to him or even intrusive to those more distant

■ Being a really powerful wizard that can clone himself into versions that work in tandem to take care of everything he needs and wants to do.
■ Of a little brick house in Scarborough with his wife, two kids, and two cats.

■ Failing-- to live up to expectations, to do anything less than outstanding, failure in general.
■ Misguiding someone--his students, his friends, his family. The closer they are, the more August fears his own influence corrupting them.

August was technically born in England-- his mother hadn’t even known she was pregnant when she accepted an international intellectual property law case in her home country. The case ran long, and she’d been mortified by the idea that the baby might impair her work. He didn’t, but she ended up having to stay in England to have the child. August was born late in the summer, and a week later they were on a flight back to Taiwan.

As a child, August spent at least part of every summer he could remember with relatives in England. His maternal grandparents in Scarborough were as strict as they were doting, and encouraged his writing as much as they emphasized his academics; he had everything he could possibly ask for, but was never without strict supervision. His aunt and uncle in London were more modest but adventurous; they talked to him about feelings and dreams and encouraged he play with his cousin and her friends--those moments were the only times he found himself truly without anyone breathing over his shoulder.

In school, August was noted to have knack for history and math. As a young child, he used to claim it was because a ghost told him stories. This claim was silenced very quickly, and even though August still believed in the “little voice” that kept him company in his room, he knew better than to say anything about it. But as partial result of preferring the company of the little voice, August didn’t have many close friends outside of family on the other side of the world. He got along well enough, if distantly, with his classmates, but there was always something he needed to be studying or practicing more urgently than hanging out.

Everything made sudden sense when a stately wizard delivered his Hogwarts letter a few months before his 11th birthday-- his aunt’s mysterious job, Sonora’s grandparents’ eccentricities, his own ghostly friend. When all skepticism and doubts were cleared, there was a short discussion whether he should attend Long Jiang School of Wizardry instead, but for the first time in his life, August rejected his parents' suggestion and insisted on going to Hogwarts. The night before he left to fly to England to spend the rest of the summer there and go to Diagon Alley, August’s father offered him tearful support, and even his mother didn’t seem to be angry. Nervously optimistic, August resolved to channel his dedication to his schoolwork into his magical studies.


FIRST YEAR August's year was spent quietly studying up on the wizarding world and his new classes. Any other time was spent climbing the infernal staircases and trying to get to know his peers. He knew most people by name at least and picked up a few friendships along the way in the Daily Dragon. Quite unexpectedly, he became close confidents with the wild Lizzie Spektor. He was also surprised to be roped into Quidditch announcing, but if his mentor Ferdie said it would help, August was determined to see it through.

SECOND YEAR After a slanderous case where someone kicked Prefect Travers at the Opening Feast only to blame it on him, August was happy to make friends with Jeremy and learn more about wizarding law and governance. Otherwise, August spent the year continuing to work hard in classes and for the Language Club and Daily Dragon. He kept correspondence with Ferdie, sending short stories and calligraphy. After more than one instance of all-day Quidditch Announcing, he was much more comfortable with announcing.

THIRD YEAR August was quite surprised to welcome Rhea Lane to Slytherin and then to Quidditch Announcing with him and did his best to watch out for her in place of her oldest brother. He earned a reputation for recommending supplemental "light reading" to Rhea and her friends and prioritizing understanding of theory. Outside of this tutoring, August kept very busy with classes, clubs, studying, announcing and writing. Partially because of this, he was quite aggravated and disappointed that everyone around him seemed to be bitten by the "doki-doki-lovey-dovey" bug. Unfortunately, his solution that everyone needed more homework to stop thinking romance thoughts was not very popular or effective.

FOURTH YEAR August spent the summer helping to plant a garden of magical plants, tutoring, taking dance classes, and of course, studying. Back at Hogwarts, August was excited to be offered the Managing Editor position for the Daily Dragon and despite initial suspicions, actually enjoyed working with Jonah Lane. Between Daily Dragon, Language Club, tutoring, and of course "light" reading and the occasional Quidditch Announcing match, he was always busy, but still tried to be there for his young mentees, this year including Ferdie's younger brother Eion. He put a respectable effort into OWLs studying as well and decided that the year seemed to go by wonderfully-- when he wrote as much to Ferdie and Jeremy, they were both super supportive. That summer he was honored to be invited to Ferdie and Elisabet Delacroix's wedding.

FIFTH YEAR Adding prefect duties to his schedule in fifth year, August still spent as much time as he could studying and practicing for OWLs. His life was jolted early in the winter when, after a quiet evening dance, Rhea kissed him and confessed her feelings seriously. Although confused by what he should feel, August promised to at least acknowledge Rhea's feelings. The two went on a few Hogsmeade outings together-- not as dates, but just friends, and his thoughts were further muddled. Accordingly, he was very happy to take his own third year advice and assign himself extra reading and studying. Come OWLs, he was very prepared, very satisfied to earn all Os, and spent the rest of the school term very sick. Later when Rhea, who had insisted on taking care of him, also got sick, he returned the favor to take care of her. On the verge of asking her out properly, August hesitated when he started getting nightmares about a Rhea suffering because she was involved with him. Returning to Hogwarts sleep-deprived and confused, he knew only that he could not involve Rhea.

SIXTH YEAR The first half of August's sixth year was spent avoiding discussing feelings Rhea, which only made her more insecure and him more worried. After Winter Break, Rhea herself gave him the cold shoulder, which hurt even more. August buried himself in studying and tutoring, but his plants continued to suffer until Mallaidh had a very illuminating conversation with him. He wrote everything out to Rhea, asking her to save him a dance at the Valentine's Dance. The night of, after panicking that she had left the dance early, he caught her outside, confessed everything, and they agreed on a relationship. He was noticeably more at ease the rest of the year, took Rhea out on little Hogsmeade dates every two weeks at least. With his emotions sorted, his plants thrived.

Summer started with August's paternal grandfather dying. Thankfully, August and his cousins had left early enough to be with the old man in his final moments. Back in Taiwan for the first time since he started at Hogwarts, August caught up with family, which as he discovered, included the ghost from his bedroom. Of course, being himself, August leveraged his newfound connections to Chinese wizarding by enlisting in their help studying for NEWTs.

SEVENTH YEAR August's final year and tenure as Head Boy was marked by serious studying, organizing study parties, and mentoring younger students, particularly Margaux, Annie, and Sparrow, who would be taking over his clubs and quidditch announcing after him. He did his best to be there for Aldrick, who had lost his brother early in the year, and Aidene, who had become a vampire over Winter Break-- even if it just meant sharing notes for class or reminding them to rest. He punched Aldrick for getting Lizzie pregnant, but also redoubled his efforts to make sure both Lizzie and Aldrick were safe, healthy, and able to pursue their goals after graduation.

POST GRADUATION Immediately after graduation, August started as an staff member for a delegate of the International Confederation of Wizards, where he was able to leverage his multilingual skills and understanding of history for legal work. Most of his spare time was spent helping Lizzie and Aldrick get settled, doing extra reading for work, and getting back into creative writing. Once the school year started back up, August could be found at Hogsmeade every weekend he wasn't abroad to meet with Rhea or be there for his mentees.

After Rhea graduated, August went around to every member of the Lane family to solemnly ask for Rhea's hand in marriage. There was a bit of trolling involved, but finally, with everyone's blessing, he proposed. They were engaged early in Winter 2053. In Spring, Rhea had an accident while at work, which led to temporary retrograde amnesia. They spent the summer together, carefully making sure she recovered. She accepted his second proposal, and they moved in together shortly before finally getting married in Winter of 2054. They spent a magical few weeks at Disney World in America.

While they were gone, the Winchester Massacre killed much of his family in England, including his paternal uncle that he had seen more of than his own father. Grief quickly sobered the emotional high he had been on. August tried to help, but Wren, the new Head of the Winchester family and Foundation, stubbornly wanted none of his help. Instead, August buried himself in work, and focused on moving in with a now-pregnant Rhea into a cozy home on the coast of Scarborough.

In the spring, hearing that his former Wizard Law professor was retiring, August took on the mantle as a professor in addition to his work for the International Confederation of Wizards. While the busy and stressful, he was proud to help pass the Continuing Education Program and then the Exchange Program. After only 2 school years though, a series of staff turnovers left August the only remaining staff member on Delegate Isay Archibald's team. With two children, August was eventually forced to reconsider his career and life priorities. He found a much more manageable position as the Head Administrator of the new Continuing Education Program: while much of it was administration, he would still be able to put his educational skills to practice in hiring and management and substituting for any teachers that may be absent. The position allowed him to continue to work at the International Confederation most days, and especially with a young #newcomer.

Wife Rhea Allison Lane-Li, dance instructor (halfblood)
Children Elian Jun Li; Maris Indra Li (halfblood)

Parents Rhimjhim Li, nee Amin, lawyer (muggle); Li Zexing, hotel owner (muggle)
Paternal Cousins Sonora Lane, cursebreaker; Wren Winchester, wandmaker; Sparrow Winchester, actress; Robin Winchester, responsible child; Flick Knapp Phoebe Winchester, curious egg.
In-laws Delia Chance; Martin Kieran; Dr. Marco Lane; Orion Lane; Jonah Lane

Best Friends Lizzie Spektor and Mallaidh O'Hannigan
Rival and close friend: Aldrick Knapp
Mentors Ferdie Delacroix in writing and announcing; Jeremy Travers in law and writing
■ Friends his year and older: Vinny Cloutier, Kam Hepburn, Aeryn Quinlan, Rodrick Ross, Orion Lane, Vespera Salazar
Mentees Eion Delacroix, Aidene Kieran, Brook Knapp, Yukon Knolle
Colleagues Amanda Drage; Alarick Lorien-Knapp
■ Younger Students: Aubrey Hepburn, Margaux Héloïse Lévesque, Hailey Scheer, Annie Sheehan
Really want to punch, but also respect: Jonah Lane

CREATED 6 September 2018
UPDATED 06 October 2022
■ Updated to present for CEP admin application.
■ backstory update
■ (recent update)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:17 am

deceased; buried with the Winchester Family next to his wife and adoptive father.

NICKNAMES Tall Anthony, “The Librarian”

BIRTHDAY July 12th, 1973 -- Cancer
BIRTHDAY 29 December 2054 --age 81

BLOOD STATUS Pureblood, though he never knew that.
WAND Rowan wood and unicorn hair core, 14 1/2 inches, slightly yielding. Appearance

FACECLAIM Morgan Freeman :O
HEIGHT 6'4" (193cm)
WEIGHT 190 lbs (86 kg)

xxx📖SCHOOL AND CAREER🔖xxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Hufflepuff
CLUBS Astronomy Club
Astronomy ~ E
Charms ~ P
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
Herbology ~ D -- “D is for Dirt, so...good score for Herbology, right?”
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ E-- so many jokes can be made out of a rock transfigured into a cookie or a goblet of water transfigured into an inkpot.
Healing ~ O
Mythology~ O
Study of Ancient Runes~ E
Muggle Studies ~ A -- Kept missing class because it was his only class that day and he’d just forget.

History of Magic ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
Transfiguration ~ A
Healing ~ A
Mythology~ O
Study of Ancient Runes~ O

Other Electives
Apparation: Very proficient.

DREAM JOB Librarian
CAREER Head Librarian at the United Kingdom Library of Wizarding History and Literature (Librarian since 2003, Head Librarian 2018- 2054)

■ Formerly: Unspeakable, Death Chamber, Department of Mysteries (1996- 2003)
■ Formerly: Librarian manager for a muggle library in Yorkshire (1991 - 1996)


INTIMIDATING...or just a GIANT TROLL Most who have known him for a while know he is a gentle giant, but Tall Anthony is no less intimidating when he looms over folks with narrowed eyes and a terse command or demand for an explanation. He does this mostly to mess with people and enjoys watching their "snicker-worthy reactions". Occasionally he’ll make a pun, but even then his deadpan is impenetrable. Explanations or jokes told to him are replied to with a grunt and grade: “Dreadful” “Acceptable” “Exceeds Expectations”. Notably though, he'll kneel down to listen to children and sit "criss-cross applesauce" with them for storytime.

TERSE While he used to be impossible to shut up, Anthony prefers now to offer guidance or response with minimal words. When asked about his personal life, he will usually simply direct them to one of the books he’s authored about stories he’s collected over the years. Instead of stating his own opinions, he'll direct them to books written about the subject. Of course, this reticence vanishes when the children ask him to read, and he'll take his old animated role of storyteller, complete with dynamic voices.

GENEROUS He and his wife enjoy making little crafts and baking treats, and Anthony in particular enjoys sharing these treats. He keeps no secrets outside of those needed to protect the Library and is always willing to offer wisdom, comfort, or a second translation opinion. Raises and bonuses are very rare but hefty, and randomly he'll reward random employees with baked goods. Every Christmas he makes knitcrafts for friends and strangers, and, for every friend or employee he says goodbye to, he gifts a book of special meaning or hopeful wisdom.

ORGANIZED The library's immaculate appearance is perhaps testament to Anthony's insistence on a clean and organized space. The organization is constantly evolving, but he always has records explaining how this categorization system evolved, and everything in the Library is organized to facilitate maximum context while remaining simple to find.

OBSERVANT Anthony pays careful attention to what people read or are interested in and will occasionally recommend a particular section or title. He also uses this to try to prevent conflict before it arises, though if something does happen, he is a very patient listener whose office door is always metaphorically open.

■ Baking and sharing baked goods
■ Stargazing
■ Translating works

■ Stories and storytelling
■ Social events and parties
■ Metadata on everything.
■ Puns and Pranks
■ Children
■ Community service projects, with or without magic

■ Uncleanliness will not be tolerated in my library.
■ Bad weather, but that’s what the augurey is for.
■ Telescopes, because they don't work properly for him. This is why you have friends in the Astronomy club, folks--to fix the telescopes. Also...stargazing with friends on roofs
■ Disrespect -- harmless pranks are one thing. Rudeness is another.
■ Fire and brimstone street pastors--you've got to connect with your ministry, work with them, serve them, and understand them. Judgement is between them and God; stop trying to do God's job.

■ Knowing where to look something up or who to consult, even if he doesn’t know the content well himself.
■ Good listener

■ Patience-- Despite stern words and best efforts to find solutions, Anthony is very reluctant to let anyone leave him on bad terms and will always try to find a reason to give them another chance.
■ He calls it record-keeping and documentation, the employees call it busy work; either way, Anthony is a fan of it.

■ Seeing my grandchildren grow up.
■ Haunting the library when I’m dead.

■ Losing a book I’ve been entrusted with. It happened once. It will not happen again.


📖EARLY CHILDHOOD I was an orphan, with no memory of my birth parents, although I must have spent some years with them. At the orphanage, I got on the caretaker’s cranky nerves and always seemed to be in trouble. I was about to get myself into more serious trouble when an American man stopped me in the street. “Where are your parents, kid?” I told him I didn’t have any. He took me directly back to Wool’s Orphanage, even though I hadn’t told him I lived there, and adopted me, promising he would raise me right if it killed him.

“My name is Jacob,” he told me. “Last name doesn’t matter. You can call yourself Jacobson.” He took me to a dinky hut in Yorkshire, furnished with a cot, a stove and three broken stools. It smelled like corn and cow. But it was mine. "Welcome home."

I never knew much about my adoptive father--he was a wizard who had done some terrible crime in the States, serving penance across the seas. We spent our life in relative poverty, taking in wizard folk, muggle folk, folk of different faiths and faces alike who landed at our door. He taught me to use magic for healing, for cooking, for crafting--but always for other people. Everyone we took in would leave eventually, when their lives were well enough for them to handle--and this was his intension and philosophy. We were left with stories that I repeated endlessly to him, occasionally throwing in an imaginary guest--Jacob was an excellent listener, and would grunt amusedly at my fictions, but said little himself.

📖SCHOOL YEARS I was sorted into Hufflepuff House once at Hogwarts, where I divided my time primarily between the Kitchens and Library. My friends and peers knew me for always having an interesting story at hand, and my professors knew me for being always willing to help organize papers or stores or sort through course content metadata. I spent all but one vacation at home, even if it meant knitting sweaters in the snow rather than telling stories by the fire at school.

📖POST-GRADUATION I returned home after graduation, and Jacob had me help build a muggle library. I helped run the operation for a few years, monitoring establishment, donations, sorting, and the bookstore. But I grew weary of being disconnected with the wizarding world, especially when it was clear there were wizards in need of protection; I resigned when I was 23 to help shelter and heal during the Second Wizarding War. Afterwards, I become an Unspeakable in the Death Chamber of the Department of Mysteries. Despite the career change, I remained in close contact with Jacob and visited frequently.

I had many relationships over the years, starting as early as my Hogwarts years, with guys and gals of both wizarding and muggle descent with all kinds of strange and interesting stories. The relationships were mostly short, but amicable. These ended when I met Sparrow, a fellow Unspeakable from the Thought Chamber. Work brought us together, a shared love of sweets and baked goods brought us closer, and the endless banter and prank-avenging kept our relationship stable and fun. Our courtship lasted 5 years before she got frustrated and proposed in the middle of an argument. We had one child, named for her family. Shortly after Cohen’s birth, Jacob himself passed away mysteriously. He was buried with the rest of Sparrow’s family. Per his request, his name will be lost to history when I die, but his lessons and our experiences together are immortalized in the books I've written.

📖LIBRARY TENURE When I was almost 30, I travelled to Somerset and the Wizarding Library there. It was love at first sight-- Within a year I had resigned from the Ministry to work as a librarian there. This was my calling-- helping patrons find their work amongst the shelves, protecting the collection, and of course, cataloging the endless amount of metadata. I lost a single item in this time--a page somehow stolen from a book on necromancy. I know the thief’s face, but they have never been tracked down. Despite this mishap, I was promoted to Head Librarian fifteen years after I started, when the previous Head Librarian retired.

Life now revolves steadily around the Library: my son was married in the Cathedral above, and my daughter-in-law works between the two libraries. I watch over the wizarding library with careful eye and do my best to be a mentor for the volunteers and employees that pass through my care. In age I’ve come to resemble my father’s curt manner, but I haven't lost the penchant to prank a little and can never resist when children ask me to read to them or tell them a story. It never ceases to amuse me to send my employees on a short puzzle or goose chase for a book that turns out to be a parcel of baked goods--keeps their skills sharp too.

📖DEATH Anthony died at the Winchester Massacre on 29 December 2054, dueling the Illusionist who had started the fire.

Wife Sparrow Winchester, Unspeakable, Thought Chamber, Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Adoptive Father Jacob, hermit (unknown)-- deceased
Child Cohen Winchester, Unspeakable, Time Chamber, Department of Mysteries (pureblood); Eliana Zeshu Winchester, nee Li, manager (squib)
Grandchildren Wren Winchester, Slytherin student (pureblood); Sparrow Winchester II, Gryffindor student (pureblood); Robin Winchester, future student (pureblood); Phoebe Winchester, baby (pureblood);
Pets Kethia (augurey) [Appearance]

■ The Library ghosts; the books; employees and patrons, past and present.

CREATED 7 September 2018
UPDATED 08 January 2022
■ To death.
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)




PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 4:05 am
Wren is husband of Nimbus Siddall and brother-adoptive guardian of their siblings, Flick Knapp, and Ambrose Siddall-Winchester. In addition to his wandmaker apprenticeship at Ollivanders, he is the acting Head of the Winchester Foundation. If not working or wrangling kids, Wren can usually be found reading or messing with potions and crafts around friends.

NICKNAMES Meixin, Wrenchester, Critic Kid, Ween
SEXUAL ORIENTATION biromantic asexual
AGE 22
BIRTHDAY February 24th, 2035 -- Pisces
LANGUAGES English, basic Mandarin Chinese

WAND Silver lime wood, auguery tail feather, 12 ½ inches. Straight, flattening out to a blade-like point, smooth finish with light swirls on the flat sides of the wand shaft.
PATRONUS cat (specifically, Dunce)

FACECLAIM Oreki Houtarou and whatever pictures I find.
Black hair. Aquamarine eyes.

HEIGHT 5'8" (173 cm)
WEIGHT 175 lbs (79 kg)
APPEARANCE both ears pierced

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Slytherin Prefect

■ Quidditch -- vice captain and keeper (y4+), captain (yr 6+), reserve (yr 2-3)
■ Cooking Club -- food critic (yr 2+), captain (yr 7)
■ Herbology Club (yr 3+)

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ A

Alchemy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ A
Divination ~ O
Healing ~ E
Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
Wandless ~ A
Wandlore ~ O

Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ E
Potions ~ O

Alchemy ~ O
Divination ~ E
Healing ~ E
Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
Wandless ~ A
Wandlore ~ O

Other Electives
Exam Thread
Advanced Flying: (year 2/3) Very Proficient. Wren requested to add Advanced Flying as a second year when he saw how genuinely passionate the Slytherin Quidditch team was. While he was always a better strategist than player, Wren refused to be the weakest link and was even promoted to vice captain and later captain. He always took remarkable care of his broom, which was, of course, the best money could buy in 2047.

Legilimency/ Occlumency: (year 6/7) Advanced. Wren had been fascinated by legilimens since his first year and read avidly on the theory and practice. By sixth year he had read every text on the subject he could find and had a few failed attempts in trying to use it. He took the class very seriously, frequently practicing with his friend Eion outside of class. While already proficient, he took the class again in seventh year to have a space to practice, further honing his abilities and learning to use it more subtly.

Apparition: (year 7) Proficient.

Care of Magical Creatures: (year 3) Wren took the class initially instead of Study of Ancient Runes because he liked his cat and grandfather's augurey. He later found the applications for wandlore fascinating, but was drawn to Runes more for the crafting purposes.

DREAM JOB not working. Who wants to work? But making wands/ potioneering sounds pretty cool.
CURRENT OCCUPATION Apprentice Wandmaker at Ollivander's


CRAFTY In both senses of the word-- Wren has always liked tinkering with things. From model blocks to muggle electronics, he has a fascination for the inner workings of things-- machines, magic, minds. When it comes to machines and magic, he studies, rebuilds and designs; when it comes to minds, he'll push them one way or another, amusing himself with how people react. His creative ideas and schemes though, often remain unenacted--he doesn't trust other people with correctly bringing his vision of things to fruition.

WRY Wren tends to be very sarcastic with his comments and can be very critical when he's trying to get someone off his back. He doesn’t mince words or offer false promises though, and hates it when people try to hide their meanings behind fake kindness. He does though, genuinely appreciate a good joke or amusing scenarios.

UNDERSTANDING With greater understanding of how people think, what they're good at, and why they lie from his friends and legilimency, Wren's come to more sympathetic understandings of human nature and seeks more to understand and nurture. This doesn't stop him from being rude or sarcastic, but it does change his perspective and motivations.

DETAILED Wren fancies himself a connoisseur of good food and generally more discerning than the average person. In the food case, he’s actually just picky. But he does direct his attention to detail to his own work and pays careful attention around him. He'll also always find something to be critical about.

LAZY If unprompted, Wren would always be doing his own thing, which sometimes is working hard on some restorative art or engineering project, sometimes just sitting there judging people. He had a lot of freedom in most of his childhood and is adverse to anything that interferes with his preferred routines. He is quite content to puzzle things through and do his assigned work, but generally cannot be bothered to do anything he doesn't see as meaningful or interesting. In these cases, Wren has zero qualms with manipulating or convincing other people to do things for him--as long as they aren't incompetent.

PRACTICAL Wren doesn't waste time with what things should or might be. There is what is, and what he can do about it--or really, what he can convince other people to do about it--and there's little purpose in considering all the things that aren't. Things will never be perfect. He'll make it work.

■ Craft projects-- wands, puzzle boxes, little enchanted objects, repairing sentimental objects.
■ Reading-- usually potions and wandlore research
■ Practicing legilimency on people

■ Food. Nice food. Expensive food.
■ Spa trips
■ Cats -- or really just Dunce?
■ Tarot card decks
■ Light rain

■ Waste
■ Rules. And traditions, which are basically rules someone made up for the sake of having more rules.
■ Parties. Especially the philanthropic ones. It's enough that he has to dress up in his own house, but watching people crone over parasites or lost causes is downright embarrassing.
■ When people mess up the gardening or cooking.
■ Hot weather

■ Observant
■ When he puts his mind to something, Wren can be quite brilliant.

■ Often too lazy to actually go do things, such as clarifying himself.
■ For someone who strives to be so well informed, Wren's hesitation to act recklessly has cost him dearly before.

■ Live a life of luxury, sleep all day, maybe get a personal chef.
■ Maybe invent a cool thing or spell.

■ Starving
■ Being mind-controlled
■ Unconscious undead like zombies or inferi. Ghosts or vampires though, are fine.
■ Aside from major survivor's guilt over his uselessness, he fears this will happen again and he'll be useless again.

✦✧EARLY CHILDHOOD Wren attended a small public school in Winchester proper for a while, but didn’t make many friends because most of the other kids thought he was mean and he thought they were all incompetent. His fellow wizard Nimbus Siddall was his closest friend for a while, but their relationship soured when Wren confided in the teacher about the pair's wild speculations about Mrs. Siddall's death. Rumors started when Nim was absent from school, and any of Wren’s efforts to help quell the rumors only made them worse. Finally, a fight broke out between him and this girl Suzie, who Wren was convinced was involved in the rumors. He won the fight and was suspended. His mum pulled him and his little sister, Sparrow II, out of school entirely, convinced that a muggle public school was no place for young wizards.

Wren, at least, felt like he got a lot more out of homeschool: he read more, learned more about magic and got to explore his own interests. Wren spent most of his days reading and studying in libraries: either at the wizarding library his grandpa works at, or in the collections at home. He developed a fondness for tinkering with trinkets both magical and muggle to see how they worked, and a soft spot for repairing things or bringing plants and creatures back to health. While well-meaning, his mum would inadvertently always compare Wren to other children around-- music prodigies, socialites, overachievers--people who seemed to just have their life together better. The constant chastisement was contrasted by her reminder that he was the future heir of their family and that respect came with responsibility. His dad just reminds him to pursue wisdom and knowledge in everything, as per the family motto. Rather than conform to any single set of expectations or opinions, Wren has simply decided to do things as he will. That doesn't stop the suggestions though, which are particularly common after the social events that happen regularly at their estate: Grandpa Anthony hosts muggle community service projects in the main building, his mum loves throwing philanthropic galas to socialize with the wizarding community, and even his ancient great-grandfather invites young wizarding historians to tea and to collaborate. Wren has reluctantly accepted these and will participate as required-- until he takes over anyways.

Upon receiving his Hogwarts letter, his mother started pushing his cousins August or Sonora to tutor him, which Wren disdained. One of his hideout places was Ursula Payne's shady fortune teller shop in the back alleys of Winchester, and during one of his visits he met and befriended her granddaughter, Moira Payne. That day an orange tabby also decided to follow him home and was promptly named and adopted by Sparrow. Initially furious, his mother seems to have taken a shine to the new pet. His other haunt was his Aunt Verine's potioneering office, and so long as he checked the stock and kept her updated, she let him read in peace.


FIRST YEAR Wren spent much of his first year simply relishing in his newfound freedom. He was pleased to be put in the same house as Moira and As, and less pleased that that was the same house as his cousin August. Although he occasionally skipped class to laze around, Wren for the most part paid attention and did his work. Surprisingly, he took a shine to flying, and didn't mind hanging out with friendly folks from other houses -- if anything he figured they would be amusing friends to keep around.

SECOND YEAR While he confirmed Aspen Hill's half-nymph bloodline, Wren was mildly disturbed by some of the elements to it; he didn't use it against her and actually became closer friends with her. Later in the year he was confronted by Aspen's twin sister, Laurel, about it, but seemed to persuade her he had no intention of hurting his new friend or her family. Instead he spent the year reading up on the theory behind mind-reading magic, training not to suck at Quidditch, and occasionally stopping by Cooking Club.

THIRD YEAR Wren begrudgingly took six electives as his mother demanded, and was surprised to enjoy most of them. He reprised his role as "Critic Kid" in Cooking club and kept an eye out for Yukon's younger sister Weslyn there. Throughout the year, he was very touched by not only how Yukon treated both his siblings--even the obviously adopted one--but also by how they both obviously respected and adored him. His favorite amusement though, was "The Princess and the Scribe": watching August Li and Rhea Lane dance around a relationship: August was a wreck, which was hilarious, and even more hilarious whenever Wren fed him some slightly-exaggerated report of Rhea "not eating". The show ended at the Valentine's Dance, which Wren attended in a dress, as someone at home had mistakenly sent him a dress instead of dress robes.

Finally, Wren had a very illuminating encounter with Aspen and her aunt Rosalia in the springtime. They were hanging out when Aspen sang to her plants and Wren felt some bit of the nymphic magic he had been so fascinated by. He decided it was terrible. It didn't stomp him from wanting to learn legilimens, but he did think controlling people was a terrible feeling.

His entire family convened in Taiwan for his great-uncle's funeral. There was another baby sibling sucking up all the silence in the house, and between the funeral and Chadwick breaking up with her for the nth time, Sparrow was moping, so Wren took Sparrow to get her hair colored--and heard some interesting conversation along the way--then visited Aspen for a reprieve. After swapping out Care of Magical Creatures for Study of Ancient Runes because he thought it would be better for his enchantment and crafting interests, Wren resigned himself to studying the rest of summer.

FOURTH YEAR Wren was very skeptical of being offered the Quidditch vice-captaincy at the beginning of year, but accepted it and continued to try to recruit fresh blood. He was salty at Skip for not making it to tryouts. Late in fall, he and Nimbus found and rescued a litter of orphaned kittens and found homes for all of them among the students of Hogwarts. In the meantime, caring for the kittens put them in more frequent contact, and over the winter, after yet another bickering match, they realized the misunderstanding that had led to their friendship breaking apart seven years ago. They reconciled the first weekend back at Hogwarts. They already shared mutual friends, and hanging out as a group just sort of happened.

FIFTH YEAR Wren was extraordinarily amused and annoyed to be appointed prefect--although the prefect's bath mostly made up for patrols and getting to take points away was always a threat he liked having. He had patrol with Laurel occasionally, and found it was a good chance to show that he was genuinely apologetic since second year and always kept the Hill girls' secret. During mid-winter when Aspen wasn't sleeping though, Wren did once use his knowledge of her nymphic bloodline to make her rest.

In winter, he and Nim found themselves in a relationship of sorts--it started with a kiss anyways, and their teasing was more flirtatious than before. After discovering Yukon and Aria had a mutual crush on each other, the four of them discussed the situation, which led to Wren and Aria breaking their betrothal and both couples settling into a sort of relationship after the break. Aside from a night where he pierced his ears with a few friends later, Wren kept plenty busy with Quidditch and studying for OWLs for the rest of the year.

SIXTH YEAR meant Wren could finally take Legilimency classes. He had read about it extensively over the years and with some instruction quickly picked it up. He and Eion frequently practiced outside of class, leading to more than a few embarrassing stories spilling out. He also took over the Quidditch captaincy a little early, was offered the Culinary Club leadership, and otherwise stuck to his studying, reading, and friends. He did though, get an opportunity to abuse his prefect privledges when he caught Wes's boyfriend Eden cussing out Angus's brother Rian.

Over the summer he picked up a job as an assistant at Ollivander's, giving him another place to escape to aside from his aunt's potioneering office and Madame Ursula's fortune telling shop.

At the end of the summer, tensions came to a head between Nim and his abusive stepmother, and confrontation led to the deaths of both parents and, more tragically, Aria. Wren and Moira arrived too late, their skills too limited to save her. While Wren did his best to be there for Nimbus and Yukon in the aftermath, he felt extremely guilty knowing about the abuse and not doing more to stop it. Still, he was glad Nim was alive, and entered seventh year bitter but determined.

SEVENTH YEAR was mostly spent watching out for Sparrow and Yukon who seemed determined to go through life drunk. Wren got along well with Aspen and Hailey as usual. Nim brought up breaking up once, amidst the self-harm, but after a gentle conversation over Winter Break, they both confessed to loving each other. Most of the rest of the year was spent working on his studies, practicing legilimency, and leading Slytherin Quidditch and Culinary club.

✦✧POST GRADUATION Wren renewed his position at Ollivander's post-graduation, using his other free time to continue dabbling into potions and alchemy work. He was dragged off to learn about his parent's philanthropy work with the Winchester Foundation more often than he liked, but these were expected as part of taking over as the Heir.

At the end of 2054 during his Great-Grandfather's party, Wren was dragging his feet on getting to the party. During that time, the party was infiltrated, much of his family killed, and the estate burned. Sparrow splinched herself reaching him and Wren reached the Estate only in time to pick through the ruins. Suddenly the new Head of the family, Wren wavered between somber sobriety and inappropriate laughter. He moved to Nimbus's flat, adopting Sparrow, Robin, Flick, Phoebe, and Aella as their own. Wren spent the next six months restoring the estate almost single-handedly with magic.

In early summer 2055, he funded Aspen's MagiScouts idea to bring young students together in a day-camp style program. As their lives resettled to a new normal, Wren and Nim finally got engaged. Sparrow conned convinced them into having a proper wedding, and they proceeded to plan one. During this process, they took in a young Ambrose; while later sent to Wool's, Ambrose was formally adopted and welcomed to the family on their wedding day.

Husband Nimbus Siddall,
Sibling-kids Sparrow Winchester II, annoying actress; Robin Winchester, manageable minion; Flick Knapp, colorful kid; Phoebe Winchester, daydreaming dolt; Varenia Aella Siddall, importunate infant; Ambrose Siddall-Winchester, sunshine son.
Cousins Sonora Li, cursebreaker bird; August Li, overbearing legal rat
Elf-family Hobby and Piper
Pets Duncan/ "Dunce" (his orange tabby cat), Acetylcholine/ "Ack" (a cactus Aspen gifted him, named after his childhood stuffed occamy.)

Parents Eliana Zeshu Winchester, nee Li, homeschool teacher, former librarian (squib); Cohen Winchester, Unspeakable in the Time Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Grandparents Anthony Jacobson, librarian (pureblood); Sparrow Winchester, Unspeakable in the Thought Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)

Co-Conspirator Moira Payne
■ Friend group 1 "Potato Gang": Eion Delacroix, Aspen Hill, Yukon Knolle, Moira Payne, Nimbus Siddall
■ More friends: Kimia Abbasi, Asbjorn and Rune Borson, Hailey Scheer, Billie Xanders
■ Colleagues: Damien Edgeworth, Seth Wynters, Rebekah Heartwood, Chadwick Knapp

Vivyan Frank, Skipper Hawkins, Celeste Shoichet, Lizzie Spektor
These are under protection. Touch them and perish Kennebec and Weslyn Knolle, Aria Siddall

Most Amusing/ Favorite Adult Ursula Payne
■ Kitten people: Eliza Ann Whitmore, Calliope Whitethorne, Austen Masters

CREATED November 2018
UPDATED 06 October 2022
■ backstory update to wedding
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 4:06 am
Sparrow is an actress at the Hobgoblin Theatre, where she enjoys singing, dancing, and acting, and loves diving into new hobbies to help learn a part. She has multi-colored hair that changes every few weeks. Sparrow is dating her childhood friend Cenek Knapp.

NICKNAMES Sparrow II, Sparrowlet, Parro, Potato Bird, Winchparrow, Kiya, Kiy, Kiki, Meiyan, Yam, Yanyan, Birdy, Little Bird, literally anything someone calls her that sounds like any of her names. She loves nicknames. She collects them. Even her brother calling her Lead Idiot is a treasured nickname.
GENDER female
AGE 20
BIRTHDAY November 29th, 2036 -- Sagittarius
LANGUAGES English, minimal Chinese, and random bits of other languages she’s learned for parts.

WAND Pink ivory and unicorn hair. 12¼ inch with a hollow spiral handle and a spiral shaft.

Previous wand: Dogwood with fwooper feather, 12¾ inch with a smooth spiraled shaft, painted pink. She has tied a glittery ribbon to the end of the handle. (Broken in the Winchester Massacre)

FACECLAIM Haruhi Suzumiya with dyed hair that changes every few weeks (Future faceclaim: Gemma Chan)
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
WEIGHT 160 lbs (73 kg)
APPEARANCE pierced ears. Splinch mark on her right ankle and calf. Scars on her arms from casting diffindo on them.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (previously attended Theatre School)
HOUSE Gryffindor prefect

■ Quidditch -- reserve + announcing
■ Drama Club (captain yr 4+)
■ Music Club
■ Year 1: Daily Dragon (fall), Art (spring)
■ Year 2: Herbology and Language Clubs (fall), Cooking Club (spring)
■ Year 4: Dueling Club (fall), Fite Club (spring)
■ Year 5: Astronomy (fall), Namaste (spring)
■ Year 6: LARP (fall), Adventurer's Guild (spring)
■ Year 7: LARP (fall)

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ P
Transfiguration ~ A

Art ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ P
Healing ~ E
Muggle Studies ~ O
Music ~ O
Mythology ~ E
Wandless Magic ~ E
Wandlore ~ A

Charms ~ A
Herbology ~ D
History of Magic ~ O
Transfiguration ~ A

Art ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
Healing ~ D
Muggle Studies ~ E
Music ~ O
Mythology ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ A

Other Electives

Exam thread
Advanced Flying: Passable. Sparrow was decently graceful and comfortable in the air.
Animagus (year 6) Not attempted. Sparrow loved the idea of being an animagus and took the class with excitement, but given her struggles with Potions and inconsistent Transfiguration, was persuaded not to attempt it.
Apparition: (year 7) Decent.

DREAM JOB Actress and Director
CURRENT OCCUPATION Actress at the Hobgoblin Theater (Pending a few scenes)

DRAMATIC Sparrow thinks that life is a musical and people should burst out into song more. As part of this, she will occasionally break into dramatic soliloquy, dress up in costumes and themes. She also tries very hard to make a fun story out of everything.

FRIENDLY Sparrow is always enthusiastic to meet people, talk, and generally make new friends: She is a sponge for new stories, feelings, and perspectives, and gathers experiences like treasures. This is also how she acts: by finding an exemplar and copying.

IMPATIENT Sparrow’s hobbies and interests change regularly. While she always gives her 1129% to her current project and can hold her attention and interest long enough to master a scene or part, once mastered, she wants to be doing the next scene or thing. Long projects or rehearsals are frustrating because she has to constantly be seeing progress or become disheartened and will quickly flit to the next shiny project. On that note, she always has a few projects or extracurricular classes going on to keep her mind fresh.

PROUD Sparrow is quite proud of her lineage, herself, and her accomplishments. She doesn’t take back what she says, but will apologize and make amends if she thinks necessary. She is secure in the stability of her family situation and quite confident in her ability to play whatever her role is in the coming act of her life. This assuredness has given her an ability to brush off any comments like her brother's negativity or any unhelpful criticism--after freaking out about it for a solid hour or so, of course. And assuming she correctly judges what is helpful and what is not.

IDEALISTIC Sparrow tends to idealize things one way or another, and for the most part she has a rose-tinted view on how things will "end up". She is enamored with ideas like generosity, poetic justice, and most of all, romance. Her idealism may be the only thing to contrast her impatience though, as it keeps her committed long enough to see her vision of a performance through.

■ Acting
■ Singing
■ Dancing

■ Musicals and muggle films
■ Parties. Especially the ones at her house because then she gets to see what other good things people are up to and show them around.
■ Shopping for clothes or gifts
■ Whatever her latest hobby is.
■ Getting into backstories

■ Repeated messing up. Not being her usual peppy self bothers her in a way that only makes things worse.
■ Any set-building they have to do.
■ Sopranos. All the adults keep saying her voice will get higher, but she’s been on the planet for over a decade and it still hasn’t. Forget that, she isn’t even sure she wants to be a soprano. But sopranos get all the good parts and it’s not fair.
■ The Wizarding Statute of Secrecy-- why can’t she tell her muggle friends about magic?
■ Not having enough hours in the day

■ Memorizing things. Sparrow is a great copycat and excels at memorizing things like lines or facts and mimicking or regurgitating them later, or copying movements.
■ Has a lot of energy..

■ Does not shut up-- It’s probably pretty annoying.
■ Impulsive.

■ Joining a magical acting troupe (or starting her own), writing her own plays, having her own theatre, being/ making a lasting impact in the arts.
■Her friends and siblings getting having wonderful romances and gorgeous weddings she can plan.

■ Forgetting, messing up, or causing her costars to mess up.
■ Hurting other people.

♥♡EARLY CHILDHOOD Sparrow was never sure why she was pulled out of kindergarten, but it did mean that she got to join the community’s youth acting troupe, where her curriculum emphasized subjects like Reading, Speech/ Singing, Performance, Dance/Gymnastics. These were supplemented by any assignments her mum had in other subjects. Her family’s educational philosophy was to study whatever was interesting but study well before moving on. This didn’t work well for Sparrow’s flighty mind: she chose acting as her apparent subject of focus and used it as a cover to pursue a variety of other interests. Sudden interest in horseback riding? Pitch a short skit that involved playing a cowboy, then convince her mother that she needed to learn to properly ride a horse. A season of classes would be enough to sate her interest, and as long as she didn’t fail that class, her mum would be convinced it wasn’t a complete waste.

Even though she was taught from an early age to control her magic, Sparrow didn’t really take it seriously until one day at the theatre, when she was helping to adjust a set piece. The person she was helping was working too slowly for her, so when he went to take a break, Sparrow intentionally tried to use magic to fix it--she’d seen her family do a repairing spell plenty of times before after all! Untrained, the results were nearly disastrous: the piece she was supposed to move broke, and then there was a chain reaction that ended up in a few of her friends getting hurt. Even though no one blamed her when she said she didn’t touch it, Sparrow knew it was her fault anyways and thereafter took learning about and controlling her magic much more seriously afterwards.

While her schedule didn't leave a lot of free time, Sparrow was always happy to join in on whatever her family was doing when she was home, or run off to visit with her friends. Her best friend was Aria Siddall, her neighbor and fellow witch. Sparrow kept nothing from Aria, even when their brothers suddenly stopped being friends. House parties were Sparrow's favorite event, especially since it meant socializing with other witches or wizards and gaining insight for her next performances. At one such party she met Chadwick and Cenek Knapp. It was love at first sight for her-- Chadwick was such a gentleman, but he had energy to match her, and Cenek's kindness rivaled Aria's. She was fast friends with both of them, and made no effort to conceal her affections.

Finally, finally, her own Hogwarts letter came. Sparrow was sad to leave her theatre program, but ecstatic to finally learn proper magic and go to a school where she didn't have to keep magic a secret.


FIRST YEAR Sparrow's first year started out with a first kiss on the cheek! She had a dramatic moment throwing herself down the stairs and breaking her arm before Quidditch tryouts, and made her Drama and Music club debuts. She joined August and his Princess Rhea for Quidditch Announcing practice a few times as well. On a whim, she decided to join August in the Daily Dragon, but her initial interest in photography and nosing around led her towards the Art Club come spring semester. After befriending Willow and Aspen Hill, Sparrow affectionately dubbed Professor Hill "Professor Marshmallow". She also met and befriended the Hill's Aunt Rosalia, who had rescued her owl.

While initially Sparrow had trouble figuring out how study in this more traditional class structure, August showed her how to write short monologues discussing a particular subject. The research needed to write and preform these monologues encouraged her to do her homework and reading at least, and turned studying into rehearsal. While not the best student, Sparrow did immediately pick up on any hair-changing spells and potions. Once able, she proceeded to change her hair every few weeks.

That summer, her great-uncle died, but as a result, the entire family--everyone from both sides of her family and even relatives she hadn't known very well!--was brought together! If only they could have stayed together longer--but back home she had an adorable baby sister to fawn over. She accidentally fell asleep while hanging out with Chadwick, which led to their breakup. While Wren tried to cheer her up, she got her hair colored multicolored and had a fascinating conversation with Finley.

SECOND YEAR Sparrow started the year in the Herbology and Language clubs, but flitted to the Culinary Club in spring, inspired by the flavors in herbology and the variety of cultures from Language. She of course was constantly at Drama and Music as well, and continued to practice for her future acting aspirations there. She made it her mission to make Chadwick and Finley friends, and started helping Finley overcome his stage fright while acting as his hairstyling practice model!

Not long after school started, a terrible accident had killed Deepak Knapp--or had he? Dominik, his twin, seemed to think he was still alive, and taken by an angel of some sort. Sparrow was upset-- caught between wishing she knew him better and remembering that Rhea, Dominik, Deepak and her had plans to one day see the acrobatic shows in Las Vegas-- but also confused what to think. She did her best to be there to mourn with Chadwick and Cenek, but also to find ways to add a little cheer into their lives back at school.

THIRD YEAR Sparrow's third year was spent changing herself-- how she dressed, how she talked, how she behaved-- in pursuit of being Chadwick's ideal girlfriend. Early in the year the change was minimal--and it was then she met a little first year called Kota-- but by the end of the year she was hardly talking to boys outside of class or club and certainly not without Chadwick there. She wasn't talking as much at all, and her voice was only energetic and loud during Quidditch Announcing. The entire act was quite draining, but if this was the price for love, that was a price she had to pay... right? At first she had been very cross with Wren for breaking up with Aria, but then Aria seemed happy with Yukon, and Wren was...less grumpy with Nim. By summer Sparrow was both restlessly contemplating if her first love was true, and too tired to imagine the rest of her life without Chadwick.

FOURTH YEAR After yet another fight with Chadwick over whether she should take the drama club captainship, Sparrow broke up with Chadwick, this time for good. She dyed her hair pastel, got a new wardrobe, and put everything to song or dance. Most of her studies plummeted, but fueled partly by rage and and yearning, she was back to giving everything her 1129%. She learned a new song every week for music, prepared improv exercises and short scripts for drama, and got back to befriending the whole world.

FIFTH YEAR On August 3rd, tragedy struck next door, resulting in her best friend Aria's death. Sparrow was inconsolable at the funeral, and miserable once school started with Aria. She tried to put on a brave face for her prefect duties, but got into spiking her drinks with alcohol alongside her fellow prefect, Ashton Bardsley. Wracked with guilt, hate, and grief, she spiraled further into risky sexual behaviors, looking for a sense of connection.

One evening, she and Yukon talked about suicide, grief, and love while drinking on the Astronomy Tower. They ended up making up the outline of a musical, and having the project to focus on helped regain a sense of normalcy. Towards the end of the year, Kenny Knolle asked her out, and Sparrow was happy to accept. She spent much of the summer hanging out with him, and between her new boyfriend, drama camp, choir, dance practice, and service projects, Sparrow found that life, bittersweetly, did continue.

SIXTH YEAR Sparrow started her sixth year dedicated to focusing on drama. She loved her new class lineup and had plenty of work there as well. Sparrow was momentarily afraid for Mattie Harper's parents smashing her guitar, but her exaggerated concerns were quickly calmed. Later in the year Sparrow and Cenek intervened to help Calliope Whitethorne after she was (accidentally) pranked and she ended up in a conversation with Finley-- one of few peaceful conversations the two had since Finley and Chadwick started dating.

SEVENTH YEAR started fantastically. Even though she and Kenny had broken up over the break, they were both excited to be friends again once back at Hogwarts. Sparrow was bustling around, learning from how her family did charity galas to organize a charity element for the Deep Sea Horrors Masquerade Ball on Halloween. The ball itself she spent dancing between friend groups, the Charity Clam booth, and trying to set up Cenek and Penny.

At the end of the year, the Winchester Estate was burned down, killing most of her family and many guests. Sparrow herself barely escaped with a broken wand and splinched leg. She half-heartedly worked through physical therapy and the rest of the school year. In late March/ early April, content that Cenek and Penny were finally together, Sparrow contemplated jumping off the Astronomy Tower but was distracted and comforted by a conversation with Calliope Whitethorne. She didn't feel better, but she was encouraged to keep going.

♥♡POST-GRADUATION Sparrow went home after graduation to find the damage from the massacre six months earlier almost fully repaired and restored. Thus, she went back to her room and all but locked herself in. She was tired. After months of improvement and backsliding, Sparrow attempted suicide in March 2056. She was found in time to save her life, and confined to St. Mungos until she started therapy. By the end of the year, she was doing somewhat better--enough to apply to The Hobgoblin Theatre.

In October 2057, Cenek confessed his love-- romantically, not just platonically--and they started dating.

Parents Eliana Zeshu Winchester, nee Li, homeschool teacher, former librarian (squib); Cohen Winchester, Unspeakable in the Time Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Grandparents Anthony Jacobson, librarian (pureblood); Sparrow Winchester, Unspeakable in the Thought Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)

Siblings Wren Winchester, wandmaker; Robin Winchester, Flick Knapp, Phoebe Winchester, Varenia Aella Siddall
Cousins Sonora Li, August Li
Elf bestie Piper and Hobby
Pet Hecate Eponine Saffron Terra Ivanka Ariel, aka Hestia (boreal owl)

DATING Cenek Knapp

Best Friends: Aria Siddall and Cenek Knapp
■ Younger students: Dakota and Peyton Addario, Mattie Harper, Jessica Quimby-Winthrop, Calliope Whitethorne
Quinn Abrams, Ashton Bardsley, Willow Hill, Elaina Lovette, Eliza Ann Whitmore
■ Older Students: Kimia Abbasi, Finley Archer, Aspen Hill, Brook Knapp, Nimbus Siddall, Josh and Juniper Sparks, Billie Xanders
Rosalia birdy Wood Nymph

■ Drama club and People from her Youth Acting Troupe.
■ Anyone who comes to her family's charity parties.
■ You, soon!~

■ Chadwick Knapp
■ Awstin Tittensor?
Sera Meredith Carver

CREATED November 2018
UPDATED 06 October 2022
■ backstory update to job app and dating
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)



PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:20 am

NICKNAMES Nebula, Meixiang
GENDER genderfluid (they/ them or xe/xem/xer pronouns)
AGE 12
BIRTHDAY December 30th, 2043 -- Capricorn
LANGUAGES English, British Sign Language. Basic Chinese Taiwanese, Bangla, Irish Gaelic and bits and pieces in bunch of other languages.

BLOOD STATUS pureblood
WAND hornbeam wood and chimera scale, 11 inches, slightly springy. Dark, charred wood. Carved handle and angular spiral shaft. [x]
PATRONUS occamy (not learned yet)

FACECLAIM Anime pics
Blue hair, light blue-brown eyes

HEIGHT 5'3” (160 cm)
WEIGHT 136 lbs (62 kg)
APPEARANCE pierced ears

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR fourth
HOUSE Ravenclaw

■ Herbology Club
■ Language Club
■ Quidditch hype pal (4+), reserve (yr 1-3)

■ Herbology
■ Arithmancy
■ Wizard Law

■ Potions
■ Cursebreaking
■ Divination

DREAM JOB Philanthropist probably. Foundation Manager.

METACOGNITIVE Robin generally gives xer full focus to whatever is in front of xem and whatever goal xe has set for xemself. Much of xer young education was in metacognition, self-management, psychology, alongside basic studies of arithmetic, systems thinking, and magic, so while xe has a scattered knowledge of magical and muggle fundamental skills, xe is particularly good with setting and following up on goals and managing xemself. The last year has been a test xer abilities and Robin feels both more confident in xer abilities and more helpless than ever.

RESTLESS Robin’s guiding memory is a fortune that there will be a disaster in xer family that xe will have to stop. Learning about everyone in xer extended family translated to learning about the world and helping everyone in it-- this was supposed to build up to this one destiny. Before the massacre that killed xer family in December 2054, Robin tended to worry constantly that xe wouldn't measure up or be able to do anything. In the year since, Robin has been restlessly working to support Wren in managing the Foundation and in comforting all xer siblings and remaining family, while trying to understand what "world at large" means and how to help this massive, ambiguous world. Xe worries that xe won't be able to continue to do so while at Hogwarts; nevertheless, xe has made a possibly unkeepable promise of trying not to worry overmuch.

PRAGMATIC Per xer family’s motto, for knowledge and wisdom, much of Robin’s modus operandi is supporting learning and self-improvement. Robin has a very practical mindset: xe is mostly concerned with practical, actionable information-something to help improve lives--all lives. Robin, more than anyone else in xer remaining family, is dedicated to service projects and ensuring that their donations actually help. Idealism is all well and good, but Robin cares about actual work and actual help getting done. Once that is known, xe wants the most efficient and effective means possible: whether that be pitching to wealthy donors, directly handing out necessities to disadvantaged groups, or simply sitting down to be an open ear.

OPEN-MINDED Robin’s open-mindedness comes primarily from spending entire years abroad or travelling with extended family, exploring the world, learning what and who is out there and how to help them, if needed. Although xe will always find xer own angle to enjoy, Robin is more dedicated to learning about the hobbies and interests of others. Even though xe feels disconnected, xe tries to communicate straightforwardly and openly, and expects the same from others.

DISCONNECTED Robin’s considers xer darkest secret to be that no matter where xe is, xe feels like the odd one out. Perhaps it’s because of xer obsession with a fortune, or fluctuating gender identity, or blue hair, or just constantly travelling. Robin doesn't feel unloved, just...somehow foreign. The last year has only hammered this feeling in more: xe is a young child playing leader of a family and charity, holding xemself together when xer siblings aren't. Despite this feeling of disconnection, xe has a deep compassion and concern for family and the wider world.

■ Traveling-- seeing new sights, collecting souvenirs, hanging out and getting to know new people (usually xer own family)
■ Reading nonfiction -- biographies, how-to/ for dummies books
■ Gardening

■ Schedules and detailed itineraries with clear instructions
■ Fruit drinks and sweets
■ Pretty stationary
■ Books with adventure (and just a bit of the aesthetic)
■ Cool watches and timepieces

■ Waiting/ Gaps in xer schedule-- Every moment must be dedicated, even if that something is meditation or sleeping
■ People who aren't organized and don't plan
■ Indecision, hypotheticals and meandering questions
■ Walking. It takes forever
■ Clutter

■ High metacognition-- xe knows how xe learns and is curious and open-minded about things.
■ Always trying to help out

■ Single-mindedly obsessed with a fortune from when xe was six.
■ Disconnected and unable to relax.

■ Ending poverty.
■ Falling in love--a perfect, beautiful romance, an equal partner who will love and accept xem, who will travel and help and raise a family with xem, someone who xe will feel connected to-- Someone who will save xem from xer own insecurities.

■ Failing something or someone xe is responsible for.
■ That xe will never fit in. Xe fears never feeling connected to people, and never feeling part of a group.

❦❧EARLY CHILDHOOD Robin Nova Winchester’s first significant memory was at age six, hanging out with xer brother, Wren, at his favorite fortune shop. The fortune teller, a seer, told xem that there was a disaster in xer family’s future, and it would be up to xem to pull the family together again. Robin took that fortune very seriously, and it has guided xer worldview: xe did xer best to learn about everyone in xer family, how to comfort and motivate them, their hobbies and interests. Xe spent much of xer extracurricular time not on what xe particularly wanted to do, but studying xer parents’ philosophy of giving and learning logistics for the Winchester Foundation.

Robin was homeschooled at the Library under xer grandfather’s tutelage. Xe didn’t have clear interests at the beginning, but took keenly to lessons, particularly in numbers, socializing and self-aware studying. Robin later developed an interest in travelling: xe spent six months with August’s uncle in Scarborough, visited Bangladesh for a few weeks, and such trips. At the age of 9, at xer request, Robin spent a year in Taiwan to live and study. Throughout this, xer only constant friend was Zuriel, xer pet anatase rock. Found during a hike in the Alps with a distant American cousin, Zuriel was an ideal pet--small, quiet, and travel-friendly, but beautiful and comforting.

Aside from the ominous portent of xer future and character, Robin was blessed with security and opportunity in xer childhood. Between Wren the Cranky Heir, Sparrow the Loud Dramatic One, and Phoebe the Adorable Baby, unproblematic and understanding Robin simply faded into the background. Xe was met with support and affection when xe requested space to explore xer gender more fluidly, and xe never lacked for funds to travel--still, it was sometimes lonely. Xe made friends quickly when Flick Knapp, also questioning their gender, was unofficially adopted. Otherwise, Robin's friends were mostly xer siblings, xer siblings' friends, and xer family.

In December 2054, the Winchester Estate was attacked, killing most of xer family and destroying the estate. Robin later found that xe, along with the kids, had bumped into Awstin Tittensor, the apparent culprit, just outside. After the massacre Robin pushed xer personal grief aside, supporting xer family in getting back on xer feet. Xe worked closely with Mrs. Salazar, who ran the everyday logistics of the Foundation.

FIRST YEAR As September 2055 neared, Wren's apparent amusement with the Massacre settled, and he asked Robin to not worry overmuch, and focus on xer education. Even though Robin wasn't sure xe would be able to keep the promise, xe agreed to try. Xe was sorted into Ravenclaw, where xe found xemself rooming with Willem Tittensor, cousin to Awstin Tittensor. After a few awkward months, the two started an amicable friendship . They reaffirmed their friendship after Lem was traumatized by his father's murder over Winter break.

In March, Sparrow slit her wrists in an attempted suicide. She got better with therapy and counselling, but Robin couldn't help but feel like xe had failed--being uselessly far was also a form of failure, wasn't it?

SECOND YEAR went smoothly at first-- classses, clubs, and reading-- Lem got xem into Lord of the Rings and xe spent many a night diving into the lore of the world. Wren and Nim also got engaged in Autumn of 2056.

THIRD YEAR, meant electives--and a conversation with Nim illuminating Nim's experiences.

Over Spring Break, Nimbus and Wren got married and adopted Ambrose. Later in May, Sparrow had her first child--a half goblin named Quark. Robin invited Lem to spend the early part of the summer with xem at the Estate, while his mom's trial was ongoing. They kept in close contact over the latter half, especially after Lem witnessed another tragedy at Wool's.

FOURTH YEAR started a series of changes that found Robin extraordinarily uncomfortable with xer body.



Parents: Eliana Zeshu Winchester, nee Li, Foundation manager (squib); Cohen Wincheter, Unspeakable in the Time Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Grandparents: Anthony Jacobson, librarian (pureblood); Sparrow Winchester, Unspeakable in the Thought Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)

Sibling/ Father figures: Wren Winchester and Nimbus Siddall
Siblings: Sparrow Winchester II, Flick Knapp, Phoebe Winchester, Varenia Aella Siddall, Ambrose Orren, Winchester-Siddall
First Cousins + in laws Sonora Lane, cursebreaker; Jonah Lane, magizoologist; August Li, Professor of Wizard Law and staff member of the International Confederation of Wizards; Rhea Lane-Li
Neices and Nephews: Violet, Luna, and Kaelin Lane; Elian Jun and Maris Li,
House elves: Hobby and Piper
Pet: Zuriel (xer anatase rock)

Best Friend: Willem Tittensor
Annalise Watson
Victoria Lorelei Salazar, Winchester Foundation manager.
Aspen Hill, the pretty girl with the flowers in her hair; xer childhood crush.
■ Wren and Sparrow's friends, Grandparents friends? Other rocks? The pear tree in the backyard.

CREATED February 2021
UPDATED 12 March 2023
■ Update to year 4
■ Edited fear and dream job to reflect past events.
■ Relationships list.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:21 am
reserved for Phoebe Aura Winchester



PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:29 am
Scytharia is the owner and head tour planner for Terror Tours in Diagon Alley. She and her boyfriend, Roland Bishop, travel frequently all over the world, scouting new tours for the shop. When home though, Scythe enjoys reading and can often be found at I Like You a Latte or Thanks a Brunch.

GENDER female
AGE 26
BIRTHDAY October 22nd, 2033 -- Libra
LANGUAGES English, common phrases in other languages as needed for work

BLOOD STATUS halfblood
WAND 11 inches, sycamore and raven feather, quite flexible. Spiraled sapwood-heartwood shaft with a dark finish. [x]

FACECLAIM Sasha Kichigina
HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
WEIGHT 193 lbs (88 kg)
APPEARANCE Magical scale tattoo on her left side collarbone. Slight pressure on the black feather visualizes a number that counts down the number of days before she turns 28. Slight pressure on the white feather visualizes the word "Live".

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Lone Star Academy of Sorcery

■ Quidditch -- chaser (yr 5-7), reserve (yr 1-5)
■ Book Club (yr 3+)
■ Outdoors Association (year 2+) -- hippogryff riding, hiking, hammocking around the campus outdoors.
■ Scythe also always went to productions for other clubs: Music Club concerts, Drama Club productions or comedy nights, Dueling club tournaments, Junior Law League mock trials, etc. and frequently helped clubs plan events.

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Combat Magic ~ O
Herbology ~ A
Magical History ~ E
Magizoology ~A
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~ A

Charms ~ E
Combat Magic ~ A
Magical History ~ E

Agricultural Studies ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ A
Divination ~ E
Draconic Studies ~ E
Livestock and Ranching ~ P
Texas History ~ A
Indigeonous Magic ~ E

Other Electives

Advanced Flying: Proficient.
Apparation: Proficient.

DREAM JOB Owning a little shop where she can plan grand events for people and have a cup of tea with them-- basically what she's doing with a tea shop!
CURRENT OCCUPATION tour guide and owner of Terror Tours

ADVENTUROUS Knowing she only had 30ish years of life, Scytharia decided she wanted to live as much as she could in that time and not concern herself with a long lasting legacy or career. She loves travelling and seeing new sights, but also just experiencing new ways of life or doing new things. “I’m down to fail at something at least twice.”

DOMESTIC As part of her goal to experience life, Scythe really likes quiet interstitial moments. She enjoys exploring fantasy and sci-fi worlds as much as the real world, and sometimes found the most “productive” thing she can do is read a book or geek out with someone about what it would be like living in another world. This is also generally safer!

SOCIAL Scythe spent a lot of time on her own in her pursuit of adventures and experiences, but she was never alone. Aside from her moke, with each adventure she found people to befriend and talk to. While generally friendly, Scythe was never one to mince her words when she disagreed, which has landed her in more arguments than she’d like. “Arguing can be memorable...as long as there’s a point.”

DETAILED Having traveled a lot in her youth, worked on a ranch through her summer and winters, and gained a reputation as a party planner, Scythe had plenty of experience managing logistics. She thinks of planning something as part of the fun and vicariously lives through plans she helps make. Scytharia thinks things through, quickly breaking down a general plan into specifics, including a timetable and steps needed to facilitate them. While rather messy, she knows at least to assemble and get all the information before starting a project or assignment—it’s usually there, just in a jumbled mess of notes and thoughts.

DECISIVE Scytharia jumps to conclusions quickly, hates waiting or not doing anything, and abhors doing anything “not productive”. “I’ve only got about 30 years to live, so I’m not spending one of my 250,000 hours hemming and hawing over whether I’m going to do it. We’re going or we’re not.” As part of this, she has some preoccupation with streamlining and getting things done quickly and well. Inefficiency generally bothers her, tempered only by an appreciation of slowness and a desire to soak in whatever experience she’s getting. Generally, she has no regrets-- she might spend a few minutes bemoaning a decision or complain about wasted time, but doesn’t let anything get her down for too long.

■ Making plans for other people
■ Reading/ TV/ Games-- She just liked stories about fantasy worlds
■ Baking and mixing drinks

■ apple pie
■ cowboys and witches aesthetic
■ doing something new/ a little spontaneity
■ travel magazines and art books
■ inspirational sermons and meditative moments

■ “dream big!”/ people telling her she’s not ambitious
■ indecisiveness
■ hospitals/ doctors
■ most paperwork and red tape
■ messes, even though she’s the messiest person she knows

■ Confident and intuitive -- Trusts herself and her gut no matter where it lands her.
■ Good luck (or maybe a touch of optimism)-- “Not sure if it’s a strength, but I’ve always felt I’m pretty lucky.”

■ Messy and sometimes gets lost in the weeds.
■ For someone so preoccupied with her time life, she isn’t very careful about her health.

■ Having a fairytale romance and a bunch of (not cursed) kids
■ Getting a pet dragon (a pygmy dragon would be adorable!)

■ Dying in a hospital bed, sustained on spells or machines.
■ Watching her friends die -- she should be the first to go. “Please no one go before me.”

♝♗EARLY CHILDHOOD Scytharia was barely a year old when her aunt Galiene died in Scotland at just 34 years old. Knowing this meant she wasn’t safe either, Nicolette, Scythe’s mother, spent the rest of her years desperately trying to break the apparent curse on their family, one that inevitably killed all magical children. She traveled constantly, looking for clues about this curse and trying to break it. By the time the tell-tale dark purple tendrils started from her wand arm, the curse had already progressed beyond saving: organ by organ, her body started shutting down. Spells and medicine could only do so much and finally, when Scythe was barely ten, Nicolette strangled to death on a hospital bed as her blood turned to miasma in her heart.

Given Nicolette’s travels, Scytharia’s primary education was on the road, supplemented by a bunch of reading and extracurricular workshops whenever money and time permitted. Money was sometimes tight with just her and her mom, but Scythe was unruly at best in muggle elementary and Nicolette thought it more important that Scythe enjoy the years she had instead of hope in vain that the curse did not apply to her. After her mother’s demise, Scytharia lived with her squib grandfather at the family ranch and vineyard in Oregon. Scythe knew her birthfather was a wizard who claimed to be a descendant of the original person who cursed their family. She also knew he was lying and had left them; she didn’t care to learn anything else about him.

At Lone Star Academy, Scytharia didn’t really care about getting good grades, and her grandfather didn’t expect it of her. She liked learning, but living was more important than studying, and she only needed sufficient grades to do what she wanted. She toyed with different ideas like being an auror, cursebreaker or dragon-tamer, but her favorite place was a quaint little tea shop in the magical village near school, where she could always go to talk to people or just read and have a cup of tea.

Scythe became quite active at school, participating in Quidditch, the Book Club, and Outdoors Associations regularly as well as showing up to most events that other clubs hosted; indeed, she sometimes would join friends in planning these events: brainstorming, connecting them to people who could make snacks or find spaces, even if she couldn’t oversee or attend everything.

♝♗POST-GRADUATION Scytharia left her grandfather's soon after graduation to visit her cousin in Scotland for a few months and see the Isles. There, she found herself working at a cute tour agency, where she literally got paid to scope out locations for vacations. Just a little over a year after, the owners announced their intention to retire. They made a very generous offer for her to take over afterwards, and in January 2055, Scythe officially became the owner of Terror Tours.

In Winter 2057, Scythe met a semi-familiar face at the local coffee shop. Both avid travelers, the two started talking-- Roland was a travel writer and photographer, which, once they figured out their schedules, turned out to be perfect for Scythe to go hunting for tour plans. Traveling together led to dating, and as they traveled they searched for a way to break the Blackwood curse.

Cousin Sawyer Maceachthighearna, chef (halfblood)
Grandfather Arden IV Blackwood, vintner and rancher (squib);
Aunt/ Uncles Galiene Maceachthighearna,nee Blackwood, Unspeakable, Time Chamber (halfblood) Simon Maceachthighearna, carpenter (muggle); Sawan Amin, hotel owner (muggle)
Mother Nicolette Blackwood, cursebreaker (halfblood)
Pets Alduin (her moke)

BOYFRIEND Roland Bishop
Best Friends: Julian Aster and Sawyer Maceachthighearna (npcs)
Alexandria Barrett, Penelope Barrett
Acquaintances: Lots of friendly acquaintances from Lone Star. Sawyer's friends. The old couple that all but gave her Terror Tours.

CREATED August 2020
UPDATED 17 September 2023
■ backstory
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)
PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2021 5:25 pm
deceased; buried in a wizarding graveyard in London.


NICKNAMES Angie, An An, Angry (he hates this), Ang, Angier the Symphonic (bestowed by his beloved Tzuki)

BIRTHDAY November 1st, 2042 -- Scorpio
DEATHDAY July 7th, 2058 -- age 15
LANGUAGES English, Irish Gaelic, basic Mandarin Chinese, basic Braille

BLOOD STATUS halfblood
WAND walnut wood, phoenix feather. 10 3/4 inches, reasonably supple. Knobby, spiral appearance: [x]

FACECLAIM Eriol Hiiragizawa
HEIGHT 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
WEIGHT 112 lbs (51 kg)

xxx♩♯SCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR fifth
HOUSE Slytherin
■ Adventurer's Guild
■ Astronomy Club
■ Music Club violinist and cellist.

■ Music
■ Astronomy
■ History of Magic

■ Transfiguration
■ Wandlore

DREAM JOB Professor/ Researcher

CASUAL Angier was raised in seemingly disparate contexts: the austere university, and the ruckus pub. But between both, Angier found that academics and drunks alike were all people with interesting insights of the world, and underneath the different aesthetics of circumstance, people were just people. Despite his parents’ pretensions, Angie has adopted (if unwittingly) a more laid-back attitude as the best way to ingratiate himself.

PEDANTIC Make no mistake, as intellectual as Angier is, he also loves the pomp of “being an intellectual”. He likes explanations for everything, and tries to appeal to reason when possible. He listens to professors and graduate students discuss theories all day, listens to people reminisce at the pub, and reads voraciously on top of that just to understand the stories better. He’s rather adaptable to new information and research and keen to learn anything he can get his hands on. But even in casual conversation Angie enjoys demonstrate his knowledge or ability at something: He’ll talk anyone to death over semantics and details, but if given an opportunity to show off, he will.

SENTIMENTAL Try as he might to pretend he’s perfectly logical, Angier has an obvious sentimental and curious streak that might be his actual strength. Curious about everything from personal experience quantum physics, Angie tends to personify and add a layer of attachment to everything he does and talks to his work as though it were another conscious agent. He keeps pictures from everywhere and journals almost obsessively, saving each one “just in case we forget”.

SELF- ASSURED Things have always come easy to Angier, from academics to athletics, from making friends to making music. He’s accustomed to just being better than his classmates, picking things up more quickly, and used to everything just...falling into place. Thus, he can be snooty, dismissive or even insensitive at times, even if he doesn’t actually think of himself as inherently better than others. He’s used to always surpassing expectations and doesn’t really worry about other people. His job is doing the best he can and that’s always been enough.

TALKATIVE Angier thinks out loud and can often be seen mumbling in quick short bursts to himself as he figures things out. He has enough self-control to shut up when being talked to and enjoys hearing new thoughts almost as much as he likes showing off his own, but otherwise thinks out loud, sharing his thinking process and excitement in little hyper bursts.

■ Journaling/note taking
■ Playing the violin/ cello
■ “Research”— drawing diagrams, studying schoolwork, talking theory

■ Irish Pub music
■ Finding patterns
■ Mocktails/ mixed drinks/ lattes are love.
■ Photos and drawings. Tangible scrapbook things.
■ Fancy conferences--because it’s an opportunity to learn and show off.

■ Mornings
■ People treating him like a kid.
■ Not having internet access
■ “Chance” -- Nothing “just happens”. Everything came from somewhere. Everything makes sense.
■ Fancy conferences-- because dressing up

■ Analytical-- Angie is good at understanding how things work together.
■ Talented and self-assured-- Things have always just come to him.

■ Fixed mindset-- Some people are just good at some things and bad at others. If he gets up to a wall he must simply not be smart enough. Things have always just come to him so he doesn’t yet know how to actually study and work hard.
■ Bragging. This guy is a complete show off.

■ Winning the Nobel Prize
■ Getting married

■ Something just...not making sense. Things have never just not made sense, whatever other people say.
■ Fear Itself-- Not in the sense that he’s particularly brave or anything. Angier is more afraid of the feeling of the fight or flight movement, the instant his body shuts down for some reason or another. He’s afraid his body will one day betray him, and there’ll be nothing he can do about it.

♩♯⌬EARLY CHILDHOOD Angier was his parents’ second child-- their first had been taken by Faye’s grandfather, never to be seen again. Ironically, it was losing Alice that brought a sudden understanding and kinship to the couple. They still argued. They still complained and fought. But they saw Angier as their redemption, and were determined to raise him better.

His mother, Faye, worked shifts as a bartender and waitress. His father, Dr. Iain Zheng, was usually at work, first as a researcher, then as an assistant professor at Trinity College. If neither of them could be home to watch him, they would shuttle him between their workplaces. Iain could keep an eye on him as long as he wasn’t teaching or at a conference, and Faye kept a close eye on him from the pub. At four, when Angie tried mimicking her magic, Faye showed him how she did it, and let him hold her wand. He would one day get his own, she said. But this power must be kept secret from all people, especially his father. Angier didn’t understand why, but his mother seemed so serious that he agreed.

Once, Faye took him on a few errands. They walked through a wall, and were in a street that sold weird things like eyeballs and funny smelling plants. He wandered around the bookstore and started talking to people. When she found him, Faye seemed shocked, and mistook the girl for Alice-- at home, she finally told him the story about how he had an older sister who had been taken away. She explained how his father had discovered magic and become very angry. She explained how there would be chaos on the streets if muggles knew about magic. Angier promised to keep magic secret, and as Faye saw how careful he was, she relaxed. She occasionally took him on her errands to Diagon Alley, and after a while even let him wander the shops with a little pocket change.

♩♯⌬SCHOOL YEARS In muggle primary school, Angie was a top student and musician even after skipping a grade. He didn’t think much of it-- nothing was really hard for him, and he was generally just good at anything he did. When he finished his homework, Angie would listen in on his father’s meetings, or talk to pub patrons and listen to the group playing.

Anticipating his magical education, Faye requested speaking with Governess Nora Heulwen about keeping the truth of magic from Iain. Angier was ambivalent about the change: He had been voted class representative last year and there were discussions about attending an advanced music program. He was upset to leave his friends-- and couldn’t even tell them what was going on besides “fancy boarding school”. And not being able to go to college ruined his entire plan to be a professor like his father.

But Angie had to admit he was always fascinated by magic and thankfully two of his schoolmates, Torin and Skyla Byrnes, also turned out to be magical folks. Maybe they could be friends and keep up with muggle high school work alongside their Hogwarts schoolwork together.

♩♯FIRST YEAR Hogwarts was not what Angier thought it would be. He petitioned his teachers and Head of House to take music, but was cooly dismissed without even the chance to audition. He didn't quite make his usual perfect grades, which gave him pause when reporting back to his parents.

If it weren't for his hopeless crush on fifth year Tzuki Zhao-Jennings, Angie likely would have spent half the year trying to escape. As it was, he was enchanted, if confused, by magic. He had fun with DnD, this strange new game he wasn't quite sure how to play. And of course, Angier dedicated himself to learning braille to understand Tzuki better.

Finally, Angier met who his mysterious older sister had been. Alice Zheng had become Weslyn Knolle, shy and timid, but gentle and hardworking. He was glad to meet and befriend her, even if their interactions looked nothing like how he had always imagined they would be.

SECOND YEAR At first, Angie really only wanted to go back to Hogwarts because Tzuki would be there, but once back, he put effort into enjoying classes and clubs, and of course, keeping up with music. He again tried to get into the music elective, but ended up just practicing by himself. He did try to tutor someone in music club, which somewhat helped. Over the year he befriended Milan Wellbelove, a fashion-conscious boy that seemed to actually like his talkativeness rather than despite it.

♩♯THIRD YEAR His dad had to be obliviated after finding out about magic and flipping out at them, but otherwise, Angier was excited to start electives-- and finally music! He got to know Jude Cairn, Tzuki's boyfriend, over this year, and eventually supported their relationship.

Over the summer, he spent a week with Milan's family at a cultural show and concert, and got to talking with his sister Yaretzi. They got along pretty well, and after learning she had a crush on him, he got Tzuki and Milan's blessing to ask Yari out.

FOURTH YEAR was a happy blur. He had finally gotten the hang of magic, and his efforts the last few years were paying off in dividends. He had the most lovely girlfriend in Yari, and was best friends with her brother Milan. She had the most creative and beautiful mind, and he found no shortage of musical inspiration from her designs.

♩♯⌬DEATH Angier had long been expecting having to deal with his father finding out about magic and blowing a gasket. He had talked with his ma before and had tentative plans where she could live in Hogsmeade-- between him working part time and her income, they'd be fine. But when magical Child Protective Services came around, Angier did not expect his ma to decide to stay with his dad. He left her with the truth of his sister's disappearance and surrendered himself to the state, fully determined to carve his own path forward.

Only a couple of days later though, his animagus transformation went terribly wrong. Angier managed a partial transformation but perished in a blast of magic.

The remains of his snake form were found by another recent orphan, Lem Tittensor. In the months that followed, the chaos surrounding his death led to the formation of Hex, a snake-like poltergeist that haunts Wool's Orphanage.

Parents Faye Faian Cao, bartender and waitress (halfblood); Dr. Iain Zheng ,Physics Professor, Trinity College (muggle)
Sister Alice Zheng, now Weslyn Knolle, friend.

DATING Yaretzi Wellbelove

Best Friends: Milan Wellbelove
Torin and Skyla Byrnes, Nora Dashwood, Wally Saylor, Kathy Thomas, Milan Wellbelove
His Angel/ First Love Tzuki Zhao-Jennings (and her boyfriend) Jude Cairn
■ muggle classmates, regulars at O’Niell’s Pub; random university students

CREATED 27 December 2019
RETIRED 15 January 2023
■ Updated to death.
■ (recent update)


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