xxSéaghdhaxxxAnraíxxx O’Hannagainxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx





FACECLAIM Liam Aiken and Aaron Taylor-Johnson

AGE 14

BIRTHDAY 03/30/2032



WAND 12in/Rowan/Jobberknoll Feather

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Fourth

HOUSE Gryffindor



TRAIT Curious Séaghdha enjoys probing people, he likes understanding the way their minds work. People interest him. Knowing more about others helps him create.
TRAIT Dramatic Séaghdha tends to over exaggerate things a little. Not enough to blow situations out of proportion but he will adjust minor aspects of events just to make them more exciting. Sometimes this does tend to backfire on him though.
TRAIT Disorganized Controlled chaos might as well be Séaghdha’s middle name with how he keeps him belongings. He doesn’t have any rhyme or reason to how he puts his belongings up or how he adjusts his room he just does what feels right, which is usually nothing and ends with him leaving things on the floor. Which he declares fuels his creativity.
TRAIT Protective While Séaghdha doesn’t really like conflict, he also doesn’t appreciate people bothering the people he cares about. So despite his frail frame he is usually willing to throw hands with anyone who might try and hurt his loved ones…even if he know the outcome most likely won’t be in his favor.
TRAIT Friendly Séaghdha thrives when he is meeting new people and thus tries his best to be as friendly as possible. Not exactly an extrovert but the boy does enjoy being around others.
TRAIT Creative Séaghdha prides himself on his imagination and his ability to weave words. His words are his strongest weapon and without them he feels like he would have nothing. So he uses his words to craft worlds and ensnare anyone who is willing to listen to his tales, the ones that he has created.

■ Writing/Storytelling
■ Strawberries
■ Dogs
■ RPG and Visual Novel Video Games
■ Comic Books/Superheroes (faves include Green Arrow, Spider-Man and Terry McGinnis’ Batman)
■ Werewolves
■ Nature

■ Being inside for too long
■ Sports
■ Bitter foods
■ Sleeping (thinks it’s a waste of time that could be used for other things)
■ People being upset with him

■ Creativity
■ Passion

■ Athletic prowess
■ Over-Thinks things

■ Fire
■ Dogs


EARLY CHILDHOOD Séaghdha and his twin sister Mallaidh were born to teen authors Patrick O’Hannagain and Dinah Heyman. Growing up the twins didn’t have all that much, what with their parents only working small jobs. When Séaghdha and Mallaidh were about 3 years old, their mother left without a word, to them at least. Leaving the twins with just their father. Patrick ended up having to take a second job and put his dreams on hold so that he could raise the two children. Because of his lack of free time he hired a babysitter, a young woman named Saoirse. She took care of Séaghdha and Mallaidh and honestly cared for the children, even taking them to her home when their father sometimes took graveyard shifts. She felt like a mother in Séaghdha’s eyes, after all she was always there for them. When the two started primary school, Patrick couldn’t afford to pay Saoirse any longer, but despite this she still came to visit regularly. During school, Séaghdha thrived. He enjoyed meeting the other children and befriending them, reveling in the companionship. Now when his father worked and Saoirse couldn’t come visit, Séaghdha and Mallaidh were often left to fend for themselves outside of school. To pass the time, Séaghdha often fabricated stories to tell his twin and he would almost always act them out with her help. It was more fun that way, almost like they were both telling the story. The possibilities were endless as long as they were having fun. Around age 8, while the twins were left home alone, Séaghdha and Mallaidh began playing like normal but were interrupted when their father came home and saw that some of their toys and books seemed to be floating all on their own. This caused Patrick to panic, scaring the young boy and causing the objects to crash to the ground. It wasn’t long before this was all explained to Patrick who, despite being skeptical, wanted the best for his son (and Daughter, as Mallaidh showed her signs of magic as well.) So when they both received their Hogwarts letters, they did their best to prepare for this new schooling.

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


Father Patrick O'Hannigain
Mother Dinah Heymabn
Twin Sister Mallaidh O'Hannagain

Mallaidh O'Hannagain
Saoirse McGrath



UPDATED (date of most recent update)

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PENDED BY Weasley 10/26/18
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [12/16/2018]