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Reply [IC] Ela'wadiyi Lands
[PRP] Wistful Wilds (Dohi x Gadane)

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Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:50 pm
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There was so much to do. The festival was just around the corner, and she needed to be prepared. She needed to prepare her clan. As the alu'nadi, that was her task. But her heart was far too clouded to focus, and she needed a break. Some alone time.

She had pleaded her case to her father fora break, and for once in her life, he did not argue it. Perhaps his heart was suffering as well, and understood that she needed this time away. It would only be a day or two; still time to neglect her duties, but she needed to recharge. Refocus. Reflect.

This was one of those times she would have run off to the river with her sister Yinehi, to gossip and plan and share and dream. But Yinehi was gone....and now her eldest brother Makal was gone too.

What was it that pulled him away? He had left with a lioness, her heart clearly too heavy to pursue more answers until later. A later that would never come; Dohi was no fool. No one who ever left the Ela'wadiyi, as few as they were, ever returned. Maybe with her grandmother she could ask a favor, some means of contact with him.

As she left the Bird Clan for her short-term sabbatical, she let herself run for a bit. The wind was so soft here, the birds in the sky seemed so happy. The herds were healthy, moving away from her as she ran. Her pace slowed as she reached the river; it was quiet, though she could tell she wasn't completely alone. It was still away from her family, still everything that reminded her of Makal and Yinehi.

She would never understand the pull to leave. Perfection was found within the Ela'wadiyi; why would one ever want to leave?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:19 pm
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Gadane was certain he had wandered a bit too far from his clan and he estimated he was by now about half a day away from the bulk of them. With all the clans starting their migration inward to the Stargrove for the annual festival, he half-wondered if it would be more efficient to catch up with them there.. but he hadn't made up his mind yet. He's gotten distracted while out tracking a local herd, he only realized how far he had gone when he found another and realize it wasn't the same one.. and the river was not far off.

Puzzling over his situation, the pale lion was watching everything around him idly when he noticed the strange movement in the nearby herd and saw a strange, lone lion headed for the river. He wondered if he had been found, or somehow circled back around more than he realized.. and he was curious enough to go investigate. Ela'wadiyi were not often alone, it seemed only natural.

As he got close he realized this wasn't someone from his clan, but he did recognize her.



Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:35 pm
Her head had been hanging low as she had approached the water. She wasn't dumb enough to let herself get too close; crocodiles were known to be in these waters. The water seemed calm as it moved, though she knew that the undercurrent could be dangerous. She was letting herself zone out a bit until she heard a few soft foot falls and her name.

"Ah?" Who found her already? She wanted to be alone, how was it possible that someone already came across her?

Her eyes lit up for a moment before they became cloudy again. "Gadane...?" She hadn't seen him for so long, even if it had only been about a year.

"What....what are you doing out here?" She felt her words falter a bit, unsure as to how or why he happened to be here when she was here. Was it just pure coincidence? "I didn't think anyone would be here, least of all...you." Her voice fell and she nearly whispered 'you' as her eyes cast down to the ground for a moment...and then she forced herself to look back upwards at him. How rude, how selfish was she being right now?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:41 pm
He was surprised to realize he had found the Bird Clan alu'nadi while out, about and mostly lost on his own for now. It was especially awkward when she got quiet and looked away, because he realized immediately that he was intruding. He hadn't meant to, of course. If anything, Gadane thought he might find a stray Kidudushi wandering out this way and his strange trajectory away from the clan and the herd would have somehow made more sense, not less. Instead, he had apparently crossed the gap between the Earth and Bird Clans.

"I was tracking a herd and got a little distracted," he explained, putting on a sheepish smile and backing up a bit as if offering more space would make it easier to forgive his intrusion, "I thought maybe I hadn't gone as far as it seemed, but I must have if I've found you."


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:45 pm
"I.....I don't think I'm too far away from my clan," she replied honestly. "Less than a day. The Festival is soon, and I need to help prepare for it but...." She fell silent again, feeling mixed on telling him her stupid personal problems. They felt personal, and yet exposing her as a horrible alu'nadi at the same time. Who would ever leave if their clan mother did everything correctly?

"....but I my heart is not in it. Yinehi has been gone, my sister. But now my eldest brother Makal has left the lands as well. It is hard to feel...joy when your family fractures." There. It was out in the open, and hopefully it would explain why she was suddenly alone and away from her clan without her having to express every ounce of her heartbreak.

"So I am trying to clear my head at the river," she added on weakly.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:57 pm
Gadane almost laughed at her response, but he managed to hold it down. It just seemed so silly to imagine an alu'nadi running away from her clan, not in the Bird Clan and especially not when it was one as stable and responsible as Dohi. His thoughts about how ridiculous it all sounded came to a screeching halt when Dohi said her heart was not in it and he realized that something was genuinely wrong.

Yinehi's departure was reasonably well known, not least because rumours were that the ever-troublesome Wolf Clan had been involved in that. Another Kanati leaving was a big surprise, even for a lion born to first generation Ela'wadiyi.

"I'm sorry," he offered, "I'm a great listener, if you want an ear, or I can leave you alone.."

He wasn't exactly a stranger to Dohi but he didn't know much of the rest of the Bird Clan so that had to count for something. It seemed more appealing to complain to someone who didn't know everybody, didn't have their own opinions about the situation.. but then it might not, too. Gadane just.. didn't want to leave her alone looking so sad unless she wanted it enough to ask.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:03 pm
"I.....thank you." She didn't really know what else to say. Part of her wanted to be alone, but she wasn't the type to ever actually be alone. Perhaps that wasn't the best thing for her right now, even if she felt it would be a good thing.

"Well....I honestly don't know what I want right now." She felt herself being honest with him, but he deserved it. He was very kind, and honestly was a fair trade for kindness.

"But if you wouldn't mind staying for a bit, it may help to have someone's ear that isn't family," she said with a weak smile, though there was a bit of a gleam in her eye. "It's hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to leave, let alone my own family..."
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:52 am
((Gaia doesn't want to make RP easy.. >[ ))

Her hesitation was obvious but he had to trust that if she wanted to turn him away that she would, the only confounding factor was of course that she was an alu'nadi and perhaps she would not want to be rude. But Gadane wasn't exactly a somebody from his clan, he was just.. Gadane. When she started trying to explain, he moved closer to the riverbank and sat himself down, careful not to encroach on her personal space.

"It's very rare. The clans usually grow, not shrink," he commented, thinking about how even the slow trickle of new members kept things growing.. and how rare it was for lions to marry outside their clans. His brother was still the only one in his immediate family who left, and that was just.. for the Shadow Clan.

It wasn't anything she wouldn't know, but he felt it validated the idea that it was hard to imagine and hard to understand.

“Part of me wonders if it will always be so rare,” she mused. Her shoulder slouched a bit as she felt herself ease into a more relaxing state of mine. “It is easy to be enraptured with the stories some ex-rogues offer about their past lives. I’ve hear of one or two wandering off wanting to experience their own adventures. But it also sounds so dangerous, and we are safe here.”

Another long moment for her to think, and another thought crossed her mind. Were they really so safe here, or just bottled up on the plains, ignorant to the outside world? But that was a foolish though quickly cast aside; it was hard to plead ignorance when at times more rogues joined than babes were born. Not all of them had detailed news of the outside world, but she knew that her father kept tabs as best he could. He would keep them as safe as he could.


But that thought wouldn’t quite leave her mind. “You feel safe here, don’t you? Beyond the trials we cannot avoid, like crocodiles and rampaging elephants,” she mused with a chuckle. Crocodiles were not a laughing manner, but it was rare to get large beasts within their quiet lands, and they were so easy to see from far off, with how flat the lands were.

The mention of crocodiles put his attention on the river as he pondered her question and her concerns. While he'd never been particularly enthralled by his parents' stories of the outside world, or the stories of anybody else, he could see the appeal in some manner.. but it wasn't like life in the Ela'wadiyi stagnated for long as they migrated around the lands. Gadane was sure he'd be old before he'd be familiar with these lands to the point of boredom.

"I wandered so far off while checking on herd movements, I found a member of another clan," he said, grinning sheepishly and looking back at the alu'nadi, "I do feel safe. And I don't feel my life is lacking in adventure exactly.. I mean, I follow a routine so it's not especially exciting but it could be more.."

Maybe he wasn't going to be very helpful. He was satisfied in his home, it didn't explain much about those who left.. but maybe it would make her more comfortable in her own feelings about staying close when she had such flighty siblings.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:38 pm
The alu’nadi laughed. “Now, how did you get that far off track? Was your head really focused on the herd, or the upcoming festival?” It was coming soon, and she knew she couldn’t ignore all of her duties for too long. Maybe just another day to reset her mind and get her mourning out of the way, at least until Moon.

“By the way...were you going to go back to your clan before the festival?” She wasn’t totally sure where his clan was in relation to the Stargrove. “I was going to return to Bird tomorrow, if you wanted to tag along rather than follow around more herd beasts into uncharted territory,” she teased.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:38 pm
"A little of both, I guess."

It was probably the only possibly explanation for his distraction, he was usually pretty good about his work.. but things were always a little more exciting leading up to the festival. Perhaps that was why he didn't seek out greater adventures, he made his own trouble with the usual. And at least this wasn't trouble-trouble.

"Is that allowed?" he asked, surprised by the offer to visit with the Bird Clan, "But.. that does sound like the kind of adventure I'd actually enjoy."

He wasn't terribly curious about the outside world but he was plenty curious about the other clans. A proper visit would be far more interesting than just the public face a clan showed at the festival.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:41 am
“Welll....it’s not like I could just leave you here abandoned,” she laughed. “And the festival is only a week or so away. I could always send a bird to let your family know where you are.”

Truthfully... he was relaxed, laid back, and part of her really liked that about him. She was nowhere near as high strung as her father, but there were times she worried she was going to turn into him. He seemed to mimic the easy rhythm of the running waters of the river.

“We will probably meet up with them before we even make it to the Stargrove. If you found your way here where I’m hiding, I’m sure the clans are on a collision course anyway. And besides, you can listen to me complain more.”  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:03 pm
"That sounds good to me," he said brightly, easily convinced once she pointed out they could send a bird to let his family know where he had wandered off to. Gadane didn't think his family would worry much.. at first. Sending word back with a creature that could travel farther much faster than he could was a satisfactory solution.. and took away his only excuse to say no.

"I hope that means I'm doing an adequate job listening," he added with a grin, "I'm not all talk. Or.. I try not to be."


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:42 pm
"I thought I wanted to be alone, but maybe just having someone else listen is a better idea," she said in agreement. "It is nice to have someone who isn't in the situation to help....my mother isn't handling it well, and my father is internalizing it all...as per usual." She sighed, wondering if one of these days the wanidatsi's heart would just burst from stress. She didn't know how he still did it all.

"But first....if you're not too tired, maybe just a walk along the river? At a safe distance, anyway." She never let the reminder of crocodiles stray too far from her mind.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:11 am
Dohi's family was big and important, it was hard to imagine them having to handle personal troubles without the kind of support the rest of them had. What does an alu'nadi do when she needs someone to talk to, someone to comfort and advise her? What does a wanidatsi do when he's lost another child?

Gadane didn't have any idea, so he simply stayed quiet.

"That sounds like a nice idea," he agreed.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Vice Captain


PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:06 am

She smiled warmly, feeling even a little more relaxed than she was a heartbeat before. This would be nice.

"And while we're at it, let's count how many crocodiles we see!" she laughed, hoping that it would be less than a pawful.

[IC] Ela'wadiyi Lands

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