TW: Abuse + Character death

Name: Marmic
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Healer
Rank: Candidate / Part-tine healer apprentice
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: 6'2'', square, black hair, dark blue eyes, strong features, past broken nose
Positive Trait List Loyal, Brave,
Negative Trait List Judgemental, Jealous, Bad-tempered

History: Life for Marmic started out relatively well. The only child of a healer and a miner, Marmic spent most of his early years following his mother around. The family lived in a small mining hold, Marmic's mother wasn't the only healer. The woman preferred to act in the roll of apothecary, so spent most of her time out collecting ingredients and keeping the holds stock of salves and medicines well stocked. Marmic enjoyed helping his mother in her day to day activities. He didn't see his father much while he was young. The miner left early in the morning and often returned after the lad had gone to bed. The man wasn't unpleasant, but Marmic was definitely closer to his mother. His father was distant and seemed largely uncertain how to interact with the small child outside of awkward headpats and grunted well dones.

Things for Marmic were good, he was happy, for the first decade. When Marmic was around eleven turns old his mother became sick. The other healers tried to treat her, but the woman continued to decline. No matter what they did she just grew weaker and weaker. Marmic took to caring for her as best he knew how. He administered the medicines the healers told him to, fed her, kept their home clean. As his mother grew sicker, his father grew more distant. Marmic's mother asked him to be patient with him, that he just didn't know how to handle the situation. Marmic tried, but he hated what his father was doing. He was supposed to love her, and instead he was hiding away and abandoning her.

It would be a turn before his mother finally succumbed to her sickness. Marmic was lost for a time. His father continued like nothing had happened. He kept doing what he did every day. It was as though his mother had never even existed. The other healers in the hold were able to give him some direction, employing the lad to collect ingredients for them. He knew what they needed, having accompanied his mother so many times before, but the actual brewing of anything was left to the healers. It gave Marmic an excuse to be away from home and not have to interact with his father.

The tension reached a boiling point several months later. His father had been drinking. Marmic didn't know where, but what he knew was that it made him angry. When the man stumbled in the now thirteen year old Marmic confronted him. In that moment everything that had frustrated him came pouring out in a rage filled mess. His father tried to ignore him, until Marmic accused him of not caring that his mother was even dead. It was then that, for the first time in his life, Marmic's father struck him. Marmic went down and his father followed, pinning the teenager and continuing to strike him. Marmic doesn't remember how long exactly it went on, or what made his father stop, all he remembers is how blank the man's face was as he hit him. The encounter left Marmic with plenty of bruises and a broken nose.

Things only got worse from there. His father took to drinking more, eventually coming home drunk more often than not. Marmic became disgusted by the man who had been his father. In a few short turns it was as though they were different people. His awkward father and this defeated, drunken, mess of a human being. It was like when his mother died she had taken anything that had ever been good about the man with her. Their arguments continued. Often coming to a violent end. Marmic grew larger and tried to strike back, but the teenager never succeeded. The healers continued to help the lad as best they could. Stitching cuts, setting bones; but as time went on things grew worse. Marmic began trying to avoid his father more often, but the man would always get to him if they were in the house together.

Marmic was fourteen when he ran away. A trading caravan came through the hold and Marmic was able to use what little marks he had to convince them to let him go with them to the next hold over. It was far enough. Just over a day's journey. That was all he really needed, to get out of the hold he had been born in. Once they arrived he made his way to the healers. Marmic was lucky that they agreed to take this course looking youth who knew his plants and medicines. The lad settled well into the new set up. The healers were willing to house and feed him as payment. He cleaned, gathered ingredients, ran errands, did whatever grunt work the healers needed doing. It was a step up as far as he was concerned.

It seemed though that being a drudge for healers, kind as they were, wasn't where Marmic was set to spend that portion of his life. A passing dragonrider from Western Weyr tapped the young lad and proposed searching. At first Marmic hesitated. The healers that housed him had been good to him, taking in some random stray teenager, but this was a dragonrider! Fortunately the healers weren't really upset to be losing their assistant. They wished him well and sent him on his way, reassuring him that there was bound to be someone in the hold will to run errands and sweep up.

Marmic found living at the Weyr to be a great improvement. He had to trade anything even resembling privacy, but in return he got ample food, a good place to sleep, a pleasant enough routine. The young man thrived in the new environment, taking well to candidacy and the roles involved. Not long after arriving Marmic found himself becoming close friends with another candidate. A weyrbrat named Kosane. The lad took a shine to Marmic and his optimistic attitude and natural enthusiasm made him a welcome addition to the new candidate's life. Kosane became the closest that Marmic had been to anyone since his mother died, and allowed the lad to actually start opening up to other people. Dragged alone by Kosane the young man found himself actually socialising with people.

It was through these socialisation that Marmic ended up tumbling into his first and only relationship to date. The female candidate, Bria, was naturally introduced to him by Kosane and the seventeen turn old lad was instantly smitten. This led to the lad being pushed by his best friend to sheepishly attempt to court the newer candidate. Thus began a predictably awkward teenage relationship, complete with swinging from being completely infatuated to refusing to ever speak to each other again.

It was at the age of seventeen that Marmic saw his friend impress. Kosane became K'ne, with the addition of green Aratath. The green suited his friend perfectly and was the happiest Marmic had ever seen him. Which was impressive considering he'd already been a very happy young man. For a short time Marmic thought everything perfect. His friend was happily impressed, Bria and he continued to stand, both with hopes of impressing for themselves. In those short months Marmic thought he had everything he wanted.

The first blow came when Bria left. After several standings and almost two turns as a candidate, the young woman had come to the conclusion that she didn't actually want to be a dragonrider. She didn't tell Marmic before leaving, leaving it to others to let the lad know what had happened. The young man didn't know how to respond. He was angry. He had thought there was something there, had been convinced that Bria had felt for him what he felt for her. Her actions however seemed to indicate otherwise. K'ne and Aratath tried to bring the lad around, but he spent a fair bit of time sulking. Eventually Marmic was capable of interacting with people without dwelling on why Bria had left him and why she didn't talk to him about it, although the thought did continue to trouble his mind. K'ne just made sure to avoid the topic so he didn't have to deal with a moody Marmic.

Life settled down once again and Marmic was contented. As he grew older the candidate started taking more lessons in healing. He didn't really have a passion to be a healer, but he had been a candidate for almost five turns now. Training in healing not only gave him something to do, but also gave him something to fall back on in case he was unsuccessful in standing. Marmic had already decided he would stay on at the Weyr even if he failed to impress, it wasn't like he would have anywhere else to go. Plus he had a decade left to keep trying to impress, that was a lot of time to fill.

The return of thread was unexpected to say the least. It was a hard time, but by far the hardest part came one day while Marmic was attending duties in the infirmary. A rider came to find him and pulled him aside. The candidate didn't know her well, but knew she was part of K'ne's wing. The young woman struggled to speak, starting and stopping, as sobs interrupted what she tried to say. Then she said something that ripped everything out from under Marmic. K'ne and Aratath were dead. They had been hit with thread, gone between, and never come back out. Marmic didn't remember what happened immediately after that. What he does know is that he got back to the candidate barrack and promptly trashed his bunk. The Weyrlingmaster was sympathetic, but Marmic still had to fix what he had done.

Without K'ne, was almost uncertain how to function. He kept to his candidate schedule and that was it. The young man retreated into the familiar. He went to lessons. He did his chores. It was easier to switch off the parts of his brain that had to deal with it than it was to actually address the issue. For the most part friends left him to it, trying to push at him just made the young man angry, and plenty of people in the Weyr were dealing with grief of their own. Time moved on, life continued. Two turns passed and Marmic still doesn't talk about K'ne. He'll avoid it whenever possible and remove himself from situations where the subject persists. He continues to stand and to study healing, but the spark he had has dampened somewhat. The young man now just seems to be drifting forward, on the path he made in happier times, but not certain why he's following it anymore.

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.