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When Heladhi was born, she was tiny. That wasn't to say that she was too small to survive, but Liana hadn't ever seen a cub so tiny. Even her siblings were bigger. The little striped lioness would grow up strong and fierce, she was quite sure of it, but for how, Liana felt wary around the small thing.

What if she broke her?

The cub was just too tiny, and Liana just wanted to shelter the cub forever. She knew she wouldn't be able to, the cub wasn't even hers to begin with. She was sure Hel's mother would have something to say about that. Liana herself worried about having childen, but she knew it would happen one day.

Both Rajani and Moyo had been out and about. Technically the cubs could be left on their own at this point, left to their own devices to play. They were old enough, weened and walking and seeing.

Liana didn't know if she could leave her cubs wandering around on their own though, even in the pride. She smileddown at the cub who was trying to catch her tail.

Liana swishes her tail away, watching as Hel chased the fluffier end of her tail. Hel stumbled as she chased the tip of Liana's tail. It wasn't long before the cub was tired.

"Aunt Liana," Hel said as she flopped at Liana's feet. She looked up at her aunt plantively, blue eyes blinking up in curiosity. Liana's dark, dark eyes stared unblinkingly back down at the cub, and she gave Hel a tiny little smile.

"Yes, child?" She asked leaning her head down close to the cub. Hel gave a bright grin and hopped back to her feet. Liana was immediately worried about the mischievous look.

Hel laughed, then crouched down and wiggled her butt a little. "Lets play tag! You're it!" She said before bolting away. Liana's eyes went wide, and she didn't quite understand what was happening until the cub disappeared.

Liana rushed to her feet, muttering a soft Faen under her breath and bolting in the direction the cub managed to bolt. Liana had longer legs, so she had an advantage on speed at least. But with a few bounding paces foward, Liana still couldn't find where the cub had gone.

Panic seized her chest, taking hold of her. "Hel!" She called, voice frantic. Her head whipped from side to side as she attempted to seek any movement that might be made by the cub. What would she tell Moyo! Surely her brother would never trust her around his children again. Would he slash at her face, demand a cub from a litter that she had not yet born?

All these thoughts flowed through her head as she continued her frantic search.

And then Hel jumped up from behind a bush.

Liana's heart still hammered harshly in her chest, and she nearly collapsed in relief. She lunged forward, checking the cub over for any injuries. "Aunt Li, you were supposed to catch me!" Hel pouted. She looked like a tiny puffball filled with rage. Liana was sure a flower could be far more frightening.

"You scared the wits out of me child," Liana scolded instead. She could still feel the panic like a paw against her heart. She scooped the cub up in her jaws and started walking. She could hear Hel whining and trying to twist her body to escape the hold.

Liana wouldn't hurt her, of course not. She'd release the cub if she thought the little thing was going to hurt herself. Still, Lianja walked towards her den. Her mate was out and about, and she would be able to keep the cub there for a bit. At least until Hel's siblings could be found, or other cubs, or hopefully her parents.

She could find some way to entertain the cub until her parents came back, she was sure of it.


She hoped she could at least. She would have cubs of her own one day, and this would be good practice. She couldn't help but feel like she was already failing by getting so scared when Hel bolted away from her. She'd have to let her cubs grow up some day, and she would have to let Hel go sooner rather than later.

She dropped Hel into the soft furs of her den. The cub was still pouting, but she didn't make a move to bolt away from her again. Liana watched the pouting for a moment, eyes stern.

But then, she softened, sighing in defeat.

"I'm sorry Hel, but you frightened me. I thought you'd gotten hurt, and I don't know what I would do if you'd have gotten injured," She slid her down, her paws framing Hel on either side. "Can you forgive me?"

Hel took a long time to respond. She wouldn't even look Liana in the face, but she didn't move away when Liana got closer. Liana could at least take that as a good sign. Hel was just as stubborn as her parents. She'd laugh if her chest didn't still hurt.

A beat of silence longer, and Hel sighed, looking up at Liana. "I forgive you, Aunt Li," She huffed. She seemed almost frustrated by the fact that she was accepting the apology. She looked frustrated for a moment longer before looking up at her Aunt again with a smile. One step closer to victory!

Liana nuzzled the dark shock of hair upon the cub's head.

"Alright little one, how about I tell you a story until your parents come back around, or we find your siblings to play with?" Liana asked softly. The frustration completely melted away now, and Hel hopped up.

"Alright, a story!" She nudged Liana to move towards the fur. The best stories were told in comfort after all. Liana allowed herself to be nudged into a better position before she started her tale. It was one she had heard not long after joining here. It was one she would definitely pass down onto her children as well.

For now, she would tell Hel. She started.

"A Long time ago..."