Name: Cikim Note to self: elidate to C'ik later
Age: Seventeen (born in Turn 3557)
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Questioning
Craft: N/A
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western Weyr

Physical Description:
Skin: Caramel colored
Hair: Shaggy strawberry blond (more reddish than normal)
Eyes: Medium sized blue eyes
Height: Average height for his age
Weight: Average weight for his age
Build: Lean muscled


Positive Trait List: Methodical, Sociable, Earnest, Considerate
Neutral Trait List: Emotional, Outspoken
Negative Trait List: Enervative, Insulting, Prim


Other: Mother: Delatche

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? Nope
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yep
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Nope
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.