Name: Tesso
Age: Twenty four Turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Weyrsinger
Previous Rank/Craft: Training in music: harp and singing

Physical Description Tesso happens to have long tresses of an almost fiery orange and brown color combination (akin to natural highlights IRL). These long, slightly curled tresses reach her rump when loose, but she prefers to wear it in a long braid, so tightly braided that, should she whip her head around, she could hit someone with the braid as if it was a length of rope. This braid generally drapes over her right shoulder, but occasionally she can be found with it straight down her back. Tanned skin is nearly entirely hidden by large swathes of freckles, dashed across her nose and cheeks, as well as a good portion of the rest of her body. Her eyes are a beautiful brown color that seems to shimmer in the sunlight, similar to that of a gemstone turned in a beam of light (if you've ever held a piece of Tiger's Eye and turned it, you can see striations of gold shimmering, so it's a similar effect). Her figure is hourglass shaped, and she had an adequately curved behind, and enough chest to tell (along with her curves) that she is female by birth. Obviously, she is very well muscled, but more toned than sporting a six pack or huge biceps. Lean muscle. Tesso stands at approximately five foot, four inches. She weighs around one hundred and fifty two pounds. One would not call her an unnatural beauty, or even a strong beauty. Perhaps plain pretty, if one were so inclined.

Personality: Tesso is incredibly compassionate and kind. If she notices someone is in need of help, she will do whatever she can to help them, short of risking her own well being. Only the rarest of occasions could warrant such a response from her, such as a loved one being in some sort of danger. Her kindness extends to all creatures of the world, even if they've bitten or hurt her one too many times. She does not give up easy when something needs her help, and can be found trying to gently wrangle injured animals to help get them to someone who can help them better than she might be able to.

Due to her past, Tesso has become rather strong and resilient, accepting her lot in life and not searching much further past it for answers as to who she is or where she came from. She cannot remember what her mother looked like, nor her name, but she does not care about that any longer. After all, she has been united with Ammanth. Nothing particularly phases her anymore, or at least, so it would seem from the outside. Due to her depressive nature after being abandoned, she is almost always at war with herself internally. Something can really set her off and send her spiraling, while the other half of her mind and heart will tell her not to worry, do not fret, and pull herself back up from the well of depression, hopefully, before she can spiral too deep down. If not, Ammanth is generally there to help her get through it, but very little actively triggers her any more. The depression manifests itself in more of a low self esteem sort of way, where she thinks very little of herself, hence her outwardly caring about everyone else around her. This incredibly tumultuous emotional side to her is rarely seen, as she can generally control her spiraling until she is home, or at least, out of eye sight of others.

She is also very open minded and willing to try new things, while also being fully accepting of who someone is. Granted, she still isn't fond of overly pompous or crude characters. Those who belittle others or who are incredibly snarky about the littlest of things will get on her nerves relatively easily. Just let things roll off your back, she believes. Someone has an attitude, that is their problem. She will generally only step in if this attitude is hindering someone else. Otherwise, if it is directed at her, she "kills with kindness", even if she's thinking not so good thoughts to herself.

Positive Trait List: Compassionate, Resilient, Open Minded, Flexible, Driven, Loyal
Neutral Trait List: Emotional, Straightforward, Headstrong
Negative Trait List: Depressed, Irritable, Possessive

- Born in a Hold just outside of High Reaches
- Father had abandoned her mother when she was pregnant
- Mother passed away of sickness when Tesso was four years old
- Tesso was taken to an orphanage as she had no family nearby, nor any that wanted to claim her, from what they could tell
- Grew up amongst the few other orphans in the Hold
- Little bit of bullying from the boys, but she stood up for herself pretty quickly
- Searched at 14
- Impressed at 16


Name: Ammanth
Age: Eight Turns old
Color: Green

Physical Description: Nineteen foot, four inches long, from snout to tail tip.


Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Here

How I got my dragon's size
ratio of 1:5. For every one foot height five feet length. Wingspan 2.5:1. For every one foot length 2.5 feet wingspan.
- A six foot tall (from ground to shoulder) would be 30 feet from nose to tip of tail and 75 feet from wingtip to wingtip.
- At birth a dragon is 1 foot tall and 5 feet long with wing-stubs that are approximately 1 foot out from shoulder.

3 3/4 height, ish, if 19 1/3 long
19 x 2.5 = 47.5 wing tip to wing tip