Name: Briaur
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr (Originally from High Reaches)
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Dancer
Physical Description: Briaur stands at 5'6 and weighs 120 lbs, having just a little belly. Most of her is lightly toned, thanks to her being a rider and a dancer before that. She has shiny black hair that goes down to chest level, parted on the left side. The hair is wavy with a few curls sprinkled throughout, giving her hair a sense of bounce. She also has bright cyan eyes, that seem to shine like the sea. When she is riding, her hair is up in a high ponytail, other than that, she wears it loose. She dresses in the best riding gear, her parents not minding a penny spent to keep her in fashion, even an ocean away. When not in her riding gear, she wears dresses or outfits that are in fashion.
Personality: Being the daughter of a diplomat, Briaur is known for being well-bred. In her eyes, manners are very important, people should know how to act in public. She knows how to carry herself, believing all eyes are on her and she needs to leave a good impression. She knows how to use her words well and does her best to be presentable in any situation. She also knows how to look good no matter what she is doing, whether going to a feast or just fighting thread. She believes one can look good doing anything and she does all she can to make sure it is so. After all, clothing can tell you a lot about a person, at least that is how she feels. This is a woman who likes to put her best foot forward, whether in words or looks, to get the job done.

Unfortunately, having such high expectations of herself, she has become a perfectionist. Everything must be done just right, she will not settle for anything less from herself. This extends to those around her too, feeling that everyone should be the best they can be. If she sees someone wearing things that do not go together, she will correct them, showing them what would look perfect together. When she gets a scar in Threadfall, it gets covered up, no one needs to see that ugly thing. She will speak up if someone didn't execute a move flawlessly in drills. Everything has to be perfect, it will take some guidance to show her it is okay if things are not exactly so. After all, there is beauty in flaws too, she just needs people to prove that to her.

This need for everything to be just right also makes her very indecisive when it comes to what to wear and what to do, among other things. She could spend forever picking a wardrobe, because what if people judge her for picking something that is too flashy or too subdued? And what should she eat, she really as her eye on that roast, but maybe a pie would be better? Should her hair be in a bun or would she look better wearing it in a braid when she is going up to battle Thread? Making decisions does not come easily to her, which causes some people to get impatient with her. Unless it is something she is feeling strongly about, she just doesn't feel the need to make decisions quickly, she has to make sure they are the right ones. Hopefully she will learn that sometimes she just needs to listen to her gut about what is right, not what others may think is best.

Having all this pressure on Briaur to be her very best, even if it is mostly her own perceptions of what people want, it takes its toll on the woman. She tries so hard to show someone who is well put together and flawless, that anything less than that she bottles up inside. Unfortunately, this pressure bubbles up inside of her and comes out in two different ways. She could explode, snapping at anyone near by. What do he mean that she should take a rest, she was fine, she didn't need your advice. If she doesn't explode, then she will break down and her anxiety will get the best of her. She feels like the world is on her shoulders, what if she lets people down or does something wrong? She tries to keep that under wraps, but she worries about bad things happening. If she doesn't find ways to let out her emotions or do calming exercises, then she will dissolve into tears. She needs people to relieve her anxiety, letting her know everything will be alright. Also, to tell her that she will be fine too and that she is loved, no matter what.

Despite her negative qualities she is a woman that is very charming, able to capture the attention of just about anyone. She has this special quality to her, that just makes people want to get to know her. It isn't uncommon that people find out she is around and want to come talk to her. They know her to be a very likable person, who always listens to others. It doesn't hurt that she is seen as pretty, but she likes to believe that her outer beauty reflects her inner beauty as well. She tends to be very tender to others, wanting to help them reach their full potential as well. She is not one who uses the spotlight for herself, she encourages others to come into the light as well. She isn't a mean person, feeling like you get more attention for having a good heart. Briaur checks in on others, liking to stay connected. She is even known to write regular letters home, still close to her family even though she lives so far away. If you need someone in your corner, she is a good person to know.

Positive Trait List Well-bred, Charming, Tender, Fashionable
Negative Trait List Anxious, Explosive temper, Indecisive, Perfectionist
Other: Anything else you want to add?

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Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: This could be the cert, the thumbnail uncert, or proof on where you transferred them, or won them, etc.