Name: Vo'in (formerly Voslin)
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Vo'in stands at about 6'9 and weighs about 280 lbs. He is well toned, with thick arms that make his hugs even more of a bear hug. He has strong back, chest, and legs that have enough muscle to make him quite an asset to his wing. He has strawberry blonde hair that he keeps neat, which is feathered up front. He has a light beard and mustache, that is well groomed. He has warm ember eyes that seem to have a light to them that always glows. He is usually seen in comfortable riding clothes, that are also durable and kept in good condition.
Personality: Vo'in likes to make sure everyone around him is well taken care of. It probably comes from helping his mom with the kids in the creche when he was growing up, but he is always looking out for everyone he interacts with. If he thinks a friend hasn't eaten enough, he will share some of his dinner with them. When he sees someone crying, he will go over and comfort them with everything he has. Anything he can do to help, you better believe he will do it. He also loves making friends and talking to other people, even if it is not someone he knows. This is a man who always has a greeting ready and a boost of morale for his wingmates. Even if someone is hard to get along with, he feels he should be friendly with them too. After all, they could just need a friend or someone to listen to them.

Vo'in is also a ray of sunshine, thinking that anything is possible, if a person puts their mind to it. He looks at things as half full, his optimism seems to know no bounds. Even when things look their darkest, he will try to find the light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn't mean he doesn't feel sadness or anger, he just tries to channel it into positive things. Lost a wingmate, then let's show Pern that they didn't die in vain. Someone got badly hurt, at least they are alive and can find a way to help their Weyr. Any negative can be turned into a positive in his mind. It doesn't do any good to let one's self linger on the bad, when there is so much good in the world.

Vo'in is also known to be protective of others, especially children and those close to him, but also anyone who he feels needs his protection. Any whiff of trouble, he will be there to stare down any threat to anyone. He wouldn't punch anyone out, but he would certainly capture anyone in a bear hug until they apologized or made up for their bad behavior. He will not stand for anyone being made fun of or made to feel less important. It doesn't matter to him if the person is Weyrwoman or a drudge, everyone deserves to be heard and made to feel like what they do is important.

Unfortunately, even if he means well, he has a tendency to go too far and is known to be a mollycoddler. He might urge someone to have a third helping of dinner, thinking they might waste away if they don't. Sometimes he will bring extra bubbly pies, one can never have too much joy in their life. Maybe he should wash that wingmate's dragon for them, he wouldn't want them to strain themselves after they were sick just a seven day ago. Maybe his fellow female rider could use a good massage, after being up fighting thread all day. He will remind someone to put on some extra layers when it is cold, even if the person assures him they are fine. What if they catch something, he will argue, even if they seem to be perfectly healthy. This also leads to him being very meddlesome, trying to interfere where his help is not needed. Oh, those two riders look like they are about to fight, maybe he should break it up. Ooo, there is some sparks there, maybe he should nudge them together. Unfortunately, both his meddling and mollycoddling gets on people's nerves. People will become very short with him sometimes and avoid him when they know he wants to interfere in their lives. They can take care of themselves, thank you very much, they don't need his help or interference.

Not only does Vo'in have issues with boundaries in people's lives, he has issues with physical boundaries too. He is known for being overly affectionate, always ready to hug anyone he comes in contact with. When he sees someone do really well in Thread, he will clap them on the back heartily, telling them what a good job they did. Grabbing someone's arm and giving them all the support in the world or pulling them into a hug is natural to him. He doesn't care if they are out in public, he will show those he cares about how much he loves them. Kissing, touching, compliments, everyone likes those..don't they? He doesn't understand that sometimes people want to be left alone. That it is perfectly fine for someone to want to hide away, that it can be healthy for them. And that his compliments or displays of affection can be overwhelming for those not used to it.

Positive Trait List Nurturing, Friendly, Optimistic, Protective
Negative Trait List Molly-Coddling, Overly Affectionate, Meddlesome
Other: Anything else you want to add?

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Size: Please select actual length appropriate to their color and our size chart.
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Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: This could be the cert, the thumbnail uncert, or proof on where you transferred them, or won them, etc.