Under Construction // 01/05/19

Name: Pijae
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr, Western Weyr, or Other
Rider Rank:
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.
Physical Description:
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]
Other: Anything else you want to add?

User Image

Name: Alarith
Color: Green
Size: Please select actual length appropriate to their color and our size chart.
Physical Description: At 27' in length and six feet at the shoulder, she is a big, "lumbering" green. She approaches the size and nimbleness of a medium-sized Blue and is slower than most of her sister Greens. But she has more stamina and strength in muscle to her favor.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: