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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[PRP] Ruins (Pemota x Nissim)

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Sparkly Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:10 am
Nissim trotted through the plains, spitting out blood. An abandoned village lay ahead of him, homes smashed through and valuables looted. Though, he was sure there were still some trinkets to be found, as he had to fight a few formidable cheetahs to even make it this far, they seemed to be guarding something.. It was worth a look, anyways. Anything to discover the past of this small village..
After a few minutes, he reached the trashed area, seeing it was worse than expected. There was the one corpse or two in a home or walkway, but not too many, surprisingly. It seems that this town was evacuated before the raid, smart. He sifted through whatever rubble he found, nudging bodies over and collecting any possible relics. Nissim yawned, not finding anything too important so far, besides the exposed bones of this ape tribe. He didnt feel bad in the slightest, he could think of hundreds of reasons for this tribe to have fallen. Inspecting the bodies, he saw cryptic symbols carved into their bodies, like markings to claim allegiance to a god. A good few gods could be responsible for this cultish worship, maybe even the God of Death Rites themselves.. This seems a bit elementary for him, though. Usually cases towards that God were much more widespread, death for miles in big funeral pyres..

Suddenly, he heard the heavy steps of what could only be a lion, and went on edge. Was there another scavenger here..? He had just found the temple, though.. The star speckled lion tsked, lowering his head and sliding up against a wall. The footsteps were coming closer, the breath heavy. Either a lost lion struggling to breathe in the blood scented air, or a possible killer.. Would rather not see the second option, he wasnt up for another fight today. Quickly, Nissim leapt up onto the temple, the cracking of the ruined structure audibly sounding through the village. s**t.

Not having enough time to check if the lion saw him, he threw himself behind a sacrificial shrine, steadying his breathing. The footsteps had stopped.. That was very bad.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:11 am
Pemota had been exploring the ruins in the rogue lands lately, he had met the goddess of the harvest in one of the ruins, it seemed that mortals of some sort had built them. He was pretty sure that it wasn't gods anyway. After all why would the gods make strange caves and strange rusted things? He didn't want anything from the strange places but learning new things was fun, even if it was about strange mortals. He had not seen any bodies in the last village he had looked at and looking at the bodies didn't answer any of his questions it only added new questions. What were these creatures? He knew nothing of humans, so these were just hairless baboons to Pemota. This place certainly was no longer filled with positive emotions, he wondered if this village at one point had been a happy place with cubs running around. He looked up at the round of the crumbling temple and frowned wondering why the male lion was being so jumpy. Was this going to be another rude mortal? "Hello there I mean you no harm." He said simply. He frowned when the lion ran to hide strange.  


Sparkly Fairy


Sparkly Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:41 am
Right.. He was incredibly loud, of course the lion saw him.. Male as well.. While this cat did give his good wishes, many did not hold to their word, especially in the rogue lands. Caution is incredibly necessary, but another lion investigating this ape town..? Worth the risk, he supposed.

Nissim prepared himself, then slowly stood up, puffing out and holding a steady position. Huh, what a colorful looking.. Oh. Wings. This just got much more interesting. The star speckled lion's ears perked up, and he slowly walked around the altar, keeping direct eye contact with the god as he did so. He stopped at the top of the stairwell, looking down at the confused god with a steady gaze, not a look of fear in his eye, but curiosity. "Words mean nothing if you do not believe in them. The gods are no more trustworthy than any stray hyena looking for a quick meal." He said lowly, no emotion in his words. He started to walk down the steps slowly, starting to speak as he did so. "What is a god doing down in the Rogue Lands, walking around this ape town?" He thought curiously, reaching the bottom of the steps, and striding right up to the decorated male.

"Was it you that murdered all of these furless creatures? Is this part of your fight up above, or just the unrecognized casualties?" Nissim had no emotion on his face, not spite or appreciation, but purely.. nothing. Would the god strike him down for such words? He had not come across one before, so this was quite the new experience, but definitely one he was willing to test his luck on. The god didnt seem like the intimidating type, so he doubted a curse would befall him. Though, he was rather close to this cat as he asked questions, well within striking distance.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:41 am
Pemota smiled and then said "Well I believe in them so you can choose to believe in them or not it is your choice." He rolled his eyes yet another mortal that was distrustful of the gods. "The same could be said about mortals, being so jumpy around gods is foolish." He shrugged his shoulders and then said "I nothing of these creatures, I spent most of my time in the home of the gods so this has been my first trip to the mortal lands. These ape towns as you call them are very strange, with many things not found in lion, leopard or cheetah groups." Pemota shook his head "No I am the god of positive emotions, murder would not help my domain at all, no murder is not my thing." He said in a soft tone. "The fight in haven was never mind, my home is destroyed as well." He shook his head sadly.  


Sparkly Fairy


Sparkly Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:14 am
Nissim stared up at the god with a steady gaze, listening to him speak. They seemed so.. innocent. Knew nothing about these lands, thinking every mortal would bow down and buddy up to Gods.. It was interesting. This god even rolled his eyes, that was so.. mortal of him, for a God who had lived up in the heavens all their life? This would be quite fun to pursue.
"So, this is your first time in the land of the mortals? Quite a chaotic place for the 'God of Positive Emotions' to be walking about in, no?" He slowly walked around the God, mentally noting all of his features, his stance, the little markings on his fur.. What a ridiculous looking creature. So many bright colors and odd designs.. What were those designs on his paw? Some kind of cryptid magical display? Or just a cub's drawings? The closer he looked at the God, the more.. uncomfortable he got. Rainbow markings on the tail, bright flower crown.. He shuddered slightly, moving a bit away, discomfort just barely visible on his face. He wanted to question this creature, question his words, but this.. definitely was the God of Positive Emotions..
Nissim looked back up to this God, now in front of him. His tail was tucked closely to his side, trying to stay away from the God. "..upon further inspection, I am really quite.. curious.. as to why you are in such dark lands.." He said quietly, his voice having lost a bit of its edge. "Especially since you seem so.. ignorant. Do you know not to distrust the rogues of this land? Do you know not why mortals fear your power, your words? You are such an obvious presence, I find it quite impossible for you to have not come across some trouble.." He said aloud, staring down at his paw marking again. Such an odd thing..  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:24 am
Pemota nodded the land was a mess, the emotions of this land were a mess, it was not a good time to have been kicked out of his home but he didn't have a choice and now he faced things he had never faced before. He looked at this mortals he didn't trust mortals he had already had some bad luck with them already since his arrival. Pemota would never lord over mortals no matter how they treated him, it just wasn't who he was. "Yea I am new to the mortal lands, didn't really think of this place much before." He said with a shrug. Pemota cocked his eyebrow at the strange lion looking him over. "Have a problem with what you see?" He asked judging the mortals strange reactions. He shook his head "If you think this is dark you should see the state the home of the gods is in now." His tone was sad his home was once beautiful before the war. "Besides there are brighter more fun places in the mortal world, maybe I'll go see what the beach looks like next." Pemota sighed not this again. "I am not so naive to think that everyone should be sweet and nice, but judging everyone as evil before they prove themselves is just a waste of time if you wish to attempt to claw me in the back try it." He said firmly he would defend himself god or not. "Not ever god is going to treat mortals badly and I have to believe not ever mortal is a cynical jerk." Pemota thought a moment "Perhaps you are right." He made his wings and flower crown disappear taking on the appearance of a normal male lion.  


Sparkly Fairy


Sparkly Fairy

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:34 am
“Waste of time? I do think it’s quite worse if you trust another so easily, only to get stabbed in the back. It is smart to be wary.” Nissim scoffed, shaking his head. He seemed to calm down now that he saw the odd limbs and accessories disappear, but was still unnerved by the General.. brightness of this god. They really did sound like a child, thinking everyone had good intentions, wanting to trust without evidence as to why.. While he respected the god’s optimistic mindset, it was dangerous, especially for someone of such power. He wondered if all gods were this naive.. Shameful, if so.
..the beach? There’s a war going up in the heavens and this god wishes to go on a vacation? This world really must be screwed.. “Perhaps you should try to.. end this fight that is occurring up above? Keep our lands and people from being destroyed and slaughtered due to your carelessness?” He tilted his head, tail starting to flick in annoyance. This world was in horrible hands if all gods acted this way.
The star speckled lion paused, thinking over what the god had said. Heaven in ruins.. that asteroid.. His eyes widened ever so slightly, and he stood, staring the god directly in the eyes. “Your cat fight up in the clouds killed my entire pride in one swoop, as they praised to YOU for assistance. What god lets this happen to their precious children? What god CAUSES this?” His voice suddenly dropped, no anger on his face, but a cold steel glare. He wanted answers for this chaos. Not some blundering fool of a god talking about his beach plans. Nissim tsked, turning away from the gods and walking to the steps of the temple, looking up. “These creatures prayed as well to whatever gods they decided to praise. It got them death as well. Why should we praise you, if you are causing this chaos?”  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:28 am
Pemota shook his head such a dark point of view he didn't want to live like that and he was rather sad this mortal wanted to live like this but it was his life and Pemota was not going to attempt to get his powers working again to try to make the male more positive. He cocked his eyebrow "You really have no idea do you? I am no king of the gods I am the god of positive emotions I am not taking on life and death." He said firmly. He shrugged and then said "Besides death has won, and haven is a mess, so who knows what will befall the mortal world." He shook his head bitter mortals blaming him for everything. "I admit I ignored you mortals for a very long time, and did not care till I was kicked out of my home and had to meet mortals." Pemota frowned "I do not have any temples I know of and I know of no lion that prays to the god of positive emotions. This is not my fault." He turned to leave this bitter mortal.  


Sparkly Fairy


Sparkly Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:36 am
Nissim suddenly turned back to the god, any slight signs of anger gone, only curiosity on his face. "Death as won? Is that was this chaos is about?" He said quickly, trotting up to Pemota's side. "I cannot say I am exactly surprised about your opinions on mortals, I do know most of you care little about the little ants that walk upon your earth, but this is much more interesting.." The star speckled lion pointed out, trying to keep Pemota's attention. "What happened up in the great heavens? I did not have much time to inspect the relic that destroyed my pride, so I would rather know more about this world you lived in.."
"Do any other mortals know of this war? I have not heard many speaking of it, and most just pass off ill omens as insane speak, but this.. coming from a god.." Nissim trailed off, and went mumbling to himself for a moment. He looked up again, no longer bothered by the God's features, only interested in his knowledge. "Do tell more, God of Positive Emotions."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:42 am
Pemota shrugged "I'm not sure it might have been Life and Death fighting, Death winning I don't know what that will mean for the world." Pemota shrugged "Haven was once a very pretty place, but now it is mostly destroyed and I was kicked out, when I went home that was when I discovered what had happened, I wouldn't strive to godhood right now, but that might just be me, I like things cheerful not burnt to a crisp." Pemota shrugged and then said "I'm not sure I have only meet a few mortals so far." Pemota chuckled "Perhaps another time mortal."  


Sparkly Fairy


Sparkly Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:45 pm
"Your outlook on life is.. Interesting. Not unexpected for a god, though.." Nissim mused, looking towards the saddened lion. "I believe that so far, an event of such destructive nature rarely occurs, meaning.. Isnt this a spectacular event to behold? You gods finally have someone who is putting you on the run, not something that you are used to. I find it curious that you are running, instead of investigating, or helping to save your home" He continued. "Another time it is, then. I will hold you to that, then." He stated, seeming satisfied enough with the talk.

"This is a rather large amount of information to mull over.. Thank you, God of Positive Emotions. Do find your place in the mortal realm, these people sorely need some.. emotion, im sure. I hear its a quite enjoyable feeling." Nissim winked, and turned to walk away, trotting back up to the temple to continue investigating. "Tell me about your beach adventures next time we speak, alright?"  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:47 pm
Pemota nodded to the mortal before teleporting away thinking on all they had spoken of that day. (Fin)  


Sparkly Fairy

[IC] Rogue Lands

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