It was the nice kind of morning where Algol could go out into the world and enjoy his thoughts.

While normally noctournal, the demon male was rather wary of many of therogues in the roguelands. Admittedly, he'd learned to swap schedules to woo ladies of daylight, but this was important enough the skill was useful.

Algol had only ever had cubs once, and foir a former incubus and modern pleasure-seeker, that just felt wrong. His ladies deserved a little happiness, and Perseus seemed to learn bupkiss of the art. So Algol was also alert for ladies, but one consistantly crossed his mind; one he'd met, travelled with briefly, and then bailed on. She'd really have suited the pride properly, but someone that catty was, well, a delicate sort to woo. Algol could easily provide that charm but only so far -- he needed a bit more to find, and woo, the volcanic ladyhe was rather focused on.

These thoughts kept the demon's head in the couds and mind elsewhere as he walked, until he stepped oin...

Well, she was an outsider. But a lady! And so the male flashed a grin brightly, and crooned.

"My apologies, sweet lady, butI simply lost track of myself." Algol cooed.

"Stuff the purple prose."

Damla grumbled as she rolled over. The tanned and light lioness had been sleeping near her mother's den when someone had stepped on her, wakingthe lioness and her ire as she got up, gold eyes flashing. She appreciated his apology, bnut not the sap, and the female growled some at him, swatting a biut as she rose to sit. The dark male looked absolutely scandalized.

"Purple prose? Well, aren'tyou sassy." Algol drawled. Damla stared, one brow raising. She was not impressed bythe male a bit, and the lioness sniffed, shift5ing to lean into his face.

"Not interested, if you're thinking you're charming." Damla laid out firmly. After all, males seemed to think most females owed that after a little wooing, and this male held no intertest if his mind was meandering off thataway. Algol however, leaned back, making a face, but when Damla expected him to press, he sniffed.

"Pointy made, point made. Then I have to ask if you've happened on a dark lioness? Her markings resemble fire and hot stone?" Algol blinkd. Damla paused at tyhat, tapping her muzzle thoughtfully.

"That.... Hmmm." The female rolled the question over in her mind, tasting it, scenting it, comparing itto things in her mind, before she patiently glanced to the direction she recalled.

"Actually, yes." She admitted. "I think I saw a female like that around someone nearby but the pale lioness looked mighty disgruntled. Cub wasn't too happy either. None of 'em were." Damla hummed then, motioning.

"I heard the pale lady -- Kabi'ten? Mention the nutter tried to steal her kid for a slave."

Algol paused, thinking about it. That... That was A Concern, actually. If she had a demon it had to be thrashing against her mind trying to get her to hear it. That and the general anger the female possessed told him she likely repressed her demon unconciously. Stealing cubs though.... Siiigh. A badly educated demon; Xastor and Pulux agreed. With no decorum at all. Sad. SAD. The male sniffed, and sighed.

"I'm sure I can do something to mediate. I'm looking for her, she'd really be much safer in my pride, but..." A sigh. "Especially if she's pulling stunts like that."

Damola shook her head, frowning.

"I mean a normal lion maybe. This one has wings, so according to uh, Ma, that makes it some kind oif goddess. Those might be harder to beat." Damla frowned then, Algol considering her words.

His mother had ascended as a goddess, as hadshe and another god nearby had god cubs. It was a minimum of six versus one, at most, if he needed and could convince his mother, but first, try to be polite.


"Much as I fear I'm unafraid of gods, I do prefer some diplomacy over murder. Besides, it would be interesting to see another Quilde."

"A what now?" Damla raised her brow as Algol hommd, moving to go around Damla.

"A quilde. See, he's this little pale-a** god that's somehow aa sqador no matter what he does??? It's. He's a quilde. All the others are demons but then thete's QUILDE who's pale as s**t." Algol blinked, realizing he letthe cat oit of the bag, but didn't backtrack. Damla stared athim, confused.

"How do gods even have demons now? And there's probably a lot of pale gods." Damla's tail switched then.

"They simply do." Algol explained. "Demons are everywhere, but only lions oir leopards can have proper ones." And not weird... Things that fit sador. Poor things. Damla stared incredulously a moment, before shifting.

"Well, Ithinkthis one used to be a relative? I 'unno but my mom's around if you think a big strong demon can stand we pale desert lotuses."

This time, Algol rolled his eyes. Perseus' mother had been pale, but she mothered a fine son, one Algol was proud of. Still, he recognized the biting sarcasm, and flexed a paw, grinning.

"A wirt. Toy might be surprised with what we'll stand for.," Algol smirked, and Damla patiently, and calmly, flicked his nose, sniffing.

"You really should be lucky I don't claw your face off for talking to me like that." Damla drawled. Algol snorted, but humored the motion, looking properly scolded.

"Oh heavens forfend I offend the lady." He crooned. Damla sat on him a moment as she hummed, He was aused, far more than Damla was, and the lioness knew it. Still, he only flailed and she moved to let him up, Algol all smiles.

"You. You're fun." He laughed. "I mean tht. That's amazing. Alright, but, if you;'re serious, we oughtto go, or I'd like an afternoon nap. All of this daylight is awful." He sniffed, and Damla chuckled just a bit, turning to lead him on their way. At least today was proving intertesting, even if this male was a slight idiot. He was interesting, and that... Well, that worked. Algol hummed as he followed the rogue lioness for the nearby rogue-occupied dens patiently, ears alert and paws light. For him, it was a step forward to trackingthe potential demon down, and maybe, convincing her to join the others, a thought that kept his head high as both disappeared into the grasses.