The sun was beginning tyo descend into the waiting bosom of the western mountains with the warmth and light reserved for another day. What was not spent would be returned then and the rans flaring intothe air was enough to draw the eye as red, orange, cold, pihk, and lavender paiunted the sky in a warm palette to kiss the world to sleep as lady night came to blanketthe earth in her cool supple glimmering darkness, and Hana'Fuego hadn't slept more than naps since the previous day. Her mind didn't allow it, didn't lether relax. Her mind was full of thoughts of everything around -- of the meetings with demons, with her neice -- a neice bythe gods! - and it felt overwhelmiung. Hana had always been a creature of habit and habit dictated some mediation of the old ways, ways she wasn't born in, and right now life demanded change. Change wasn't something Hana was good at though, not reslly.

The red lioness felt somewhat abashed as her own mind reminded her to stagnate was to die, and she frown just faintly before a dark figure crept over and sat bythe lioness' side, one paw touching her own.
"Evening, flower." Algol drawled softly. Hana'fuego's ear flicked at his greeting and she looked over awkwardly, eyes focusing on him as she frowned, and sighed.

"Hello, you." She grumbled. Algol chuckled, not expecting immediate change, and leaned againstthe female anyhow, earning a squawk and a grumble as the lioness eyed him, tail lashing with her indignation as Algol smiled charmingly atthe female. Hana did as she always did, and snorted, looking away, but it was just. She didn't mind Algol nearly as much. While unsure about most of his pride yet, he had a kind of fiure in him she grudgingly admitted was charming, so she allowed him to stay as the sound of shifting paws and feathers drew both eyes.

Kabi'ten landed tidily by the duo, having gone away to hunt for her adopted cub, and the entire adventure meantthe lioness was busy, but now the goddess returned to the demon and the firelady having A Moment, and....

Kabi'ten couldn't help smiling. The male clearly liked the red lioness, faults or not, and the lioness had spent time learning. Much as Kabi'ten didn't appreciate her cub being nearly stolen, she had never been a cruel or vindictive being longterm, and seeing the sweet side helped. Well, she assumed it was sweet -- but it was eye opening and Kabi'ten could see the female needed... Time. Recovery, mostly, but also time to acclimate to things, and the goddess coughed at both.

"I was hunting for Yas." Kabi'ten explained softly. The goddess then shifted, furling her wings as she moved to sit. "So areyoutwo alright?"

"I just woke up, personally." Algol answered first, body language relaxed and calm, tail almost moving laziuly, but not quite, and he hummed, nosing Hana for a reply. The red lioness sighed.

"I haven't slept much. Too much to think about." Hana sighed. Kabi'ten nodded, offering a reassuring look.

"That's all we ask -- think. Try. Take your time, though. Nobody expects overnight changes." Kabi'ten noted, eying Algol warningly. He ESPECIALLY wasn't expected to want overnight changes, despite his own hopes, and the demon caught the gaze quickly, nosing her.

"Take your time, flower." He crooned, and winked. "We all already have all the time in the world." Algol beamed, Kabi'ten giving him an unimpressed expression. He just seemed incorrigible, and Kabi'ten rolled her eyes as Hana smiled weakly at the exchange. She caught the shared looks -- especially the unspoken scolding -- and it was.... Amusing. Not out of disdain, or spite -- just funny, somehow, and Algol caught her smile quickly, leaning in.

"You're smiiiiling." He teased. Kabi'ten giggled at that, watching Algol lean teasinly as Hana snorted, moving to let him tip.

"I was not. It was a twitch." She said in offense. Algol smirked, laying still.

"Well we all saw it." He responded, and Kabi'ten nodded.

"He's right. But.... What do you plan to do now?" The question was serious and direct, and Hna sighed thoughtfully.

"Don't know. I' m sure Algol wants me in his pride but... I don't hear or feel anyone but me in my skin.Investigating other prides may suit things, but..." A sigh. "I'm not sure. I can't go home. I'mnot sure Iever can. So it breaks down really to.... Where do I go from here? What's out there?" Hana then frowned. "And my son Brisingr must be worried."
This earned a surprised noise from both Algol and Kabi'ten, the goddess raising a brow.

"Your son is young then?" She asked. Hana shook her head.

"No, no, my sons are adults now. Brisingr just stays with me as company." Hana then looked a bit down. "His brother... Went home. Ithought I mentioned them."

"We likely missed that." Algol chuckled, motioning. "I have a son myself, Perseus, in the pride. His sisters..." This earned a sigh. "My boy was the only one whom could and was better with me. I... Haven't met his siblings." It was a downcast admission, and Hana's eyebrow raised.

"You mated?" She drawled. Algol laughed.

"Honey, I'm a pleasure-seeker. Conversation, entertainment, comfort, pleasure, we do it all. She wanted kids. Good lady. No, I'm also interested in keeping multiple females." A weak laugh. "Bit like ol' Nyota like that. S' my brother."

"Huh. My boys were from some random male." A pause, and Hana looked to Kabi'ten. "So your son is...?"

"Yas was adopted. I don't thinkI've had kids, that Iremember." She blinked, ear flicking, before Kabi'ten flushed awkwardly. "But... I'd like cubs of my own. I just haven't had time." She shrugged, then. She hadn't expected either of them to ask, but the surprise on their faces earned a laugh.

"Younger god, remember?" She reminded. Hana and Algol nodded, and then Hana sighed, looking to both.

"Though do either of you know anywhere nearby to simply... Find other prides? Or learn?" She asked. The pair quieted to think, Kabi'ten furrowing her brow, although Algol himself lit up, looking over.

"There is the Kizingo'zaa, who we sent some diplomats to." Algol noted. "And Ihearthere's some hippie-dippy bullshit further north, or some kind of pride that call themselves pirates." A face then. "ButI'm not so sure oin the latter two."

"There's a rift between the Kizingo'zaa and the Bahari'mtoto." The goddess said, tone soft. "Althoughit's possibly for the best. My brother Datura lives there currentlythough and he... He really does know more than me. I didn't know aboutthis piratye thing though."

"What's this pirate thing about?" Hana backed Kabi'ten, and Algol hummed.

"I don't know much, but I hear they like to find treasure and cubs and things to hoard and in the case of cubs, raise. Basically, they loots, they naps, they do whatever. Unsure."

Kabi'ten stared fuirst, Hana humming.

"So they seek treasure?" Hana asked. This earned a strangled noise from Kabi'ten, who floipped and almost writhed, flailing.

"I HAVE NOT BEEN INFORMED OF THIS." The goddess objected. Algol laughed.

"Well, there's something to do. Wait. You have kin in the Kizingo land?" Algol paused, and Kabi'ten shrugged.

"Adoptedly but yes? I like visiting Datura. He's good company."

Algol stared, then made a face.

"How many gods are THERE?"

"I dunno. One? More? I haven't paid attention." Kabi'tyen shrugged, and Hana motioned.

"Mpeko is in the pride, thouigh. Seeng her might... Be good." Hana admitted. Algol hummed.

"I'd join you but I'm no diplomat. The pride might get testy. But I can wait on the border." He paused. "I'll wait as long as you want."

The underlying sentiment was clear, and Hana smiled again faintly, Algol pointing to laugh before she merely licked his cheek, turning to look to Kabi'ten.

"Let's go visiting, lady." Hana drawled softly. "It might do some good."

Kabi'ten nodded, and rose to stand, nosing Algol.

"We'll be back. Try to not stress." Kabi encouraged, and rose to lead Hana'fuego for the Kizingo'zaa land, and Hana turned, licking algol's cheek before moving away after.

Algol sat, and sliowly, smiled as he prepared to wait.

A kiss.

he'd finally, it seemed, gotten a kiss, and under his fur, it was sure he had to be blushing as he stayed as he promised to do.