Vesyana hummed cheerfully to herself as she padded along enjoying the cool night air. She was on one of her many walkabouts planning to go check in on the old man. It was a bit of a joy knowing where he was now and though he may not be 'happy' he wasn't the destroyed wreck that she had feared after learned her mother had died. The stocky lioness had no doubts that a rover the old man may be, he had loved her mother with all that he was capable of loving. Hells, hadn't he settled into a pride for years upon years to help raise 8 cubs that weren't his then her and her siblings? He had loved mama and she didn't blame him for moving on now.

Alfajiri was not as irritated as he once had been. He was healing still, but most of the wounds caused by the Firekin border keepers were mainly healed. The deepest puncture wounds were shiny and pink still, very obvious against his black and red coat.

He sat upon a fallen log at the edge of the grasslands and the desert. There was sand here, and a bit of grass, as dry and brittle as it was.

"One day," he muttered to himself, turning his head side to side. "I'll get in that pride. I'll definitely win."

A familiar scent on the wind caused her to pause, head cocking as she studied it then huffed. Well, time to go poke her nose in where it probably wasn't welcomed...again. Whistling cheerfully she headed in the direction the scent came from.

"Heyyo! Friendly?"

A voice caught Alfajiri's attention and his head whipped around, only to see a fairly familiar face. His head canted again and he just stared at her, trying to place her name.

"Oh. It's you," he said with a sigh. "I didn't think I'd see you again.......Sister." He wasn't going to say if he was friendly or not. It depended on how badly he got annoyed by her words. If memory served him right, she was super optimistic for some unknown reason.

"Ah, well met little brother. A bit far from home aren't ya?" Ves cocked her head curiously as she came to a stop a few feet away. She wasn't afraid of him but he was a good bit larger than her and her mama hadn't raised a fool. If he got violent she would need the time to protect herself.

"That's not home," he said, voice cold and clipped. He didn't move from his log, just dug his claws into the rotting wood further. "Not since he came home smelling like another lioness that wasn't mama."

If Alfajiri could spit acid, he would have with how strongly he said those words. "He's no father of mine."

Ves sighed heavily, so he had wandered again, damnit that idiot. Shaking her head she curled her tail around her front feet. "Ya at least tell ya mama good-bye?"

"No. She wasn't having any business. I think she's planning on getting back at him, but I left before then." He snorted again. "We all knew. He told us about you guys and everything. I thought he was changed."

"Well, he's broken. Has been for a long, long time." Vesyana shook her head, ears canting back a bit. "Has been since mama. I'm sorry ta hear about yer mam and about him wandering again."

"Should have been infertile," Alfajiri mumbled. "Then he wouldn't hurt anyone. It'd probably be better than this. I hope he leaves the pride after this."

"Hey!" Ves snapped, "Personally I kinda like being alive thank ya much." She rolled her eyes at his dramatics. "Gods, ya act like it's the end of the world. Yeah the old man ******** up, but that's on -him- you gonna let his ******** ups ruin ya whole life?"

"Already has. I really hope they kick him out. He's ruining the very concept of marriage by doing that!" He was so angry at Vestip for doing that. His fur bristled and he let out a hard growl as he thought more about it.

"Dramatic brat ain't ya?" She shook her head again. "Not everyone's like him little brother. "

"Yeah and I'd rather go where there's no one related to me to ******** up the rest of my life." He spat at her, narrowing his green eyes. "There's too many to avoid in the Mwezi, now there's potentially more rogues around that carry his tainted blood. I'm not going to be like him."

She narrowed her violet eyes in return ears laying flat back "Tainted...boy you best check that tone."

"We're all tainted with his blood." He wasn't backing down. He narrowed his eyes at her further. He would come to blows with her if came to it. He had his own harsh opinions and no one was going to tell him otherwise. There was no convincing him.

Shaking her head again she stood up, "You gonna find a hard way of life with all that hate in ya lad. I'm sorry to see it since ya seem like a good kid. Learn to forgive, it'll make your life a lot easier to bare."
"I don't need you or your criticisms, sister," he snapped, stepping down off his log, finally. He was tensed up. "You might be my older sister, but you're only half." They had completely different experiences growing up, it seemed. One of his parents might not be dead, but it'd be a hell of a lot easier on quite a few souls if he was.

"Learn to realize people don't change and promises from cheaters mean nothing."

Sneering back, Ves met his gaze head-on, "Never said he would change. I ain't talking about him. I'm talking about you. Life short enough as it is to go around so miserable and angry all the damn time."

"You don't know what's in store for me, sister. You weren't there for me growing up. Stop trying to give me advice now that I'm a grown damn lion." He growled and stepped forward, puffing himself up and out.

Her expression turned nasty as a cruel smile crossed her face, "No I wasn't cause by the time ya came along brat I was already grown and lived a life that would turn your blood. You want to try your luck, come on and see what you are truly made of. I've fought and killed those who say the storm and iron were in their blood, torn the throats from more creatures than you can imagine. Do not mistake kindness for weakness."

"Just leave. I don't want to fight you. You're not worth it. I have better lions to fight than you. Just leave." He stepped forward a bit more, ears pinned back. Alfajiri was going to be standing his ground, but that didn't mean he was anxious about it. He knew she was stocky. She wouldn't be a pushover.

"I hope you find peace, I really do brat." Vesyana narrowed her eyes at him, "Because one of these days..that attitude of yours is gonna get you killed." With that said she headed back into the darkness intent on getting back on the trip that now seemed more urgent than ever. She hoped to the Gods the old man hadn't done something stupid to himself as punishment but she had her fears.

He went right back to the log and laid down on it this time. With a low sigh, he growled and just watched her go. They clearly only shared half genes. They didn't share the same ideas or opinions on anything. Oh well. It's not like he wanted to get along with his half siblings anyway.

(WC: 1292)