Shop Owner Chance

Uta & Cherie can periodically roll boons and induce chaos for individual Wings as we see fit. This will be as a "we feel inspired", if we feel inspired at all!

Roll a D20
1. A dragon and rider pair will not make it through today's Threadfall! A loud scream of pain goes out as a dragon takes a hard hit. They immediately throw themselves between.... but do not return. A keen goes out among the wings, even as they fight the enemy.

Roll 1-3 to see which wing took the loss; then roll a D4 to see what color!
1. Low Altitude Wing
2. Mid Altitude Wing
3. High Altitude Wing

1. Green
2. Blue
3. Brown
4. Bronze

This is assumed to be an NPC, but if a player wants to tie it into their story, they may do so!

2-4. A powerful gust of wind blows through and hits one of the wings, blowing even the largest of bronzes and golds out of formation and into neighboring Threadfall!

Roll a D4 to see which wing took the loss and what happens!
1. Queen's Wing
2. Low Altitude Wing
3. Mid Altitude Wing
4. High Altitude Wing

Quote 3 Individuals in the Wing! -7 HP These individuals are also now suffering from the Painful Effect. This will negate your next 2 rolls XP, double damage if the roll includes set damage (or has you roll for damage)!

5-8. A particularly nasty tangle of Thread falls through the Wings. Unfortunately, it is doomed to tangle upon one unsuspecting rider! Damage Individual

Roll a 1-3 to see which wing took the loss and what happens!
1. Low Altitude Wing
2. Mid Altitude Wing
3. High Altitude Wing

Quote an Individual Player and seal their fat. Moderate Damage: -7 HP

9-12. Things are going okay! Everything seems to be coming together as needed. The Wings are fighting the best they can. There's nothing more you can do but see Threadfall through to the end.

13-16. A well timed bugle of warning! The wingriders are helping one another out, and keeping an eye on their wingmates. Up here, color and rank doesn't seem to matter as much... That's a good thing!

Roll a 1-3 to see which wing is looking out for one another!
1. Low Altitude Wing
2. Mid Altitude Wing
3. High Altitude Wing

Quote an Individual and negate damage taken in their most recent roll!

17-19. Sometimes things come together to work right! There's a sudden sense of cohesion in a Wing, and as they work together, it pays off! They are not only able to help one another, and keep each other safe, but all those wing drills seem to pay off in this moment! What could have been a catastrophe is almost easily averted... Roll a D4 to see which wing is flying fine!
1. Queen's Wing
2. Low Altitude Wing
3. Mid Altitude Wing
4. High Altitude Wing

Quote 3 Individuals in the Wing! Negate their most recent damage roll (unless they are KO'd and/or already back in the Weyr!) These individuals may also negate any current status effects!.

20. Things are working out well! The Wings are fighting hard, and everyone seems to know exactly what they need to do. One Wing in particular has caught the Weyrleader's eye. You can bet they'll be praised later! Roll D4 to see which Wing is flying particularly well!
1. Queen's Wing
2. Low-Altitude Wing
3. Mid-Altitude Wing
4. High-Altitude Wing

You have your dragon send praises their way, and encourage them to keep on the good fight! All Status Effects are removed! All Players in that Wing get +5 XP to add freely distribute as they wish!