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Raising the next generation of heroes comes with a certain set of challenges. 

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[Student] Jupiter

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Can you tell me what the world around me looks like through your eyes?
  It's full of nature and living things. There is some hardship and death though at times too.(Friends)
  It's beautiful. The stars twinkle and the world is full of color. (Romantic Interest)
  Full of darkness and despair(Ill Intent)
  ~Or make your own and PM/Comment :D
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Fluffy Rabbit

11,540 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 am

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Jupiter McCrae

"Blind is not the situation when people cannot see others but when people fail to feel or sense the existence of others.-Millie."


xxxAxxxxx█ Why would I need this?
xxxxixxxx█ 16
xxxxxxxxi█ Female
xxxnxxxxx█ 5'3 and 100Ibs
xxxxxxxxx█ I love all the beings of this universe
xxxxxxxxx█Student [Levane--]

xxxxxxxxx█ Jupiter is overall a sweet girl. To those she doesn't know she is quite shy and when she gets to know them she opens up to be her bubbly self. She views the world in a different way and has no prejudice against others. She is willing to accept those around them for who they are and support them however she can. Although with how her personality is, she will be kind but also firm to those who are bullies. She does understand or tries to understand why others choose the decision that they do or make.
-Tries to stay Positive
-A wanting to learn
-Is very curious to know what people might look like when matching their voices and personality
-Tends to tease people to lighten the mood if she feels offended on something. Or does sarcasm/sass
-Open Minded

-Art Manipulation
General Description: User can create, shape and manipulate arts and the medias used to create them. The arts are a vast subdivision of culture, composed of many endeavors/art-forms united by their employment of the human creative impulse. These include the visual arts - the creation of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpting, printmaking, photography, and other visual media, literary arts/literature – including poetry, novels and short stories, among others – and the performing arts, among them being music, dance, magic, theater and film.

Specific Description: Jupiter's Art manipulation revolves mainly around the visual arts such as painting, drawing, and sculpting. Then the act of writing/drawing words or notes. She can't form things out of thin air. She can describe things if she doesn't have the colors on hand and it be that color. Although at times it could just wind up forming into being what she just wrote instead of what she wanted drawn. With her blindness, she can't alter something from a a book if it has a description again in braille but most books and things now a days have that thankfully.


-With a photo and book, she would have to draw what was described. She's able to alter the words in a book or notes on a music sheet and bring it to life, but other than that she can't just bring say an animal out of a photo or book

- The art creation vanishes after it is used if it is a one time thing. (If she draws fire on a rock it'd turn back to a plain old rock after she throws it and it hits something. The fire would transfer to whatever she hit if it was flammable (it can still be put out with water), but she wouldn't be able to throw it without burning herself.)

-Needs a medium to create. Can’t just draw on air.

-The creation will be smaller than the actual size depending on what she uses. (For example a giraffe on a building will be like the size of a baby giraffe instead of adult and if done on paper, it will be like that of a small child for large canvas and like a dog for a smaller one.)

-Can’t reuse a creation once made or destroyed and would have to redraw it.

-The creation takes on the properties it was created on so it is not exactly the real thing. (She can draw a bucket of water and bring it to life, but someone could just burn it away like the paper it was originally created with. Otherwise it would still have the same effect as if a real bucket of water was splashed into your face. It would, however, be lighter than a real bucket of water and could still be used to put out a fire since it would be acting as water first. Someone would have to physically take a flame or scissors to it in order to destroy the use-able art.) Side Note: Being an artist, she can technically create whatever she wants. It doesn't mean it will be useful or even work. If she creates something she made up, some advanced scifi thing or something which never existed from fantasy worlds--they won't really be helpful. Something she made up might just melt away since it never existed in anyone's mind before. Scifi devices just would look cool, but wouldn't work since they don't have the technology. Things like fairies would be more like dolls with no actual souls because they aren't real so to speak

-Distance, mass, precision, etc. depends upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

-If using herself to do the art manipulation this drains her energy (like it normally does) and she is also harmed when what she created is destroyed.

xxxxxxxxx█ Art
xxxxxxxxx█ Music
xxxxxxxxx█ Daydreaming
xxxxxxxxx█ Outerspace/Nature
xxxxxxxxx█ Food/ Especially sweets
xxxxxxxxx█ Reading
xxxxxxxxx█ Being Ignored
xxxxxxxxx█ Being Judged/Discrimination in general
xxxxxxxxx█ Failing
xxxxxxxxx█ Struggling due to her disabilities
xxxxxxxxx█ Bullies

xxxxxxxxx█ Jupiter was born to a scientist and artist. Her name coming from their ancestors and of course the planet Jupiter. Jupiter was not born blind and became blind at the age of 10.It was a shock to her at first but she has come to accept it and make the most of things.
xxxxxxxxx█ N/A
This is me

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xxxxxxMisc Info.x
Synesthesia - Has a unique view of things. Example: Different voices have different pictures and colors to them. Tends to cause migraines at times
-She is Blind
-Low Immune System

More Extra:
-Can read Brail
-Uses a small typewriter that does not make much noise so she can "write"
-Can "see" by clicking her tongue in a way like bats do
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:29 am
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus vulputate enim vitae rutrum. Quisque ut ultricies erat, vitae ultrices nibh. Etiam suscipit pharetra metus sed interdum. Quisque viverra ante ut bibendum ornare. Fusce gravida nibh quis est consequat rutrum. Quisque eu sollicitudin nisi. In non tortor leo. Sed nibh lectus, scelerisque sed ante et, varius laoreet nisi. Aliquam maximus tortor ac velit accumsan porta. Nulla facilisi. In metus ipsum, accumsan et molestie et, tincidunt a purus. Proin pharetra felis non enim blandit, vitae imperdiet dolor luctus. Nullam tempus sem ornare, consequat est at, cursus libero.

Ut sem erat, varius in turpis quis, rhoncus accumsan turpis. Duis vitae rhoncus libero, ut semper erat. Aenean vitae euismod leo. Quisque dignissim laoreet lacus, at blandit eros pharetra eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla auctor, urna nec tincidunt luctus, tortor dui efficitur arcu, quis tincidunt elit orci ac augue. Maecenas quis tempor magna.

Sed vehicula eros tristique, venenatis risus sit amet, consequat libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eleifend semper felis. Aenean sit amet leo tortor. Quisque eros magna, dictum eu suscipit vitae, cursus eget quam. In egestas lacus non molestie pharetra. Maecenas porttitor, risus id aliquam hendrerit, dui magna varius elit, id fringilla justo massa ac justo. Suspendisse urna justo, gravida eu auctor et, vehicula ut orci. Aliquam ullamcorper in diam non eleifend. Donec dictum dapibus est non convallis. Nam tempus pellentesque sapien quis molestie.

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Class--> Cafe xxxxx WHERE

Artorias xxxxx WITH

Dress xxxxx WEARING

Such perplexing feeling. xxxxx WONDERING



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus vulputate enim vitae rutrum. Quisque ut ultricies erat, vitae ultrices nibh. Etiam suscipit pharetra metus sed interdum. Quisque viverra ante ut bibendum ornare. Fusce gravida nibh quis est consequat rutrum. Quisque eu sollicitudin nisi. In non tortor leo. Sed nibh lectus, scelerisque sed ante et, varius laoreet nisi. Aliquam maximus tortor ac velit accumsan porta. Nulla facilisi. In metus ipsum, accumsan et molestie et, tincidunt a purus. Proin pharetra felis non enim blandit, vitae imperdiet dolor luctus. Nullam tempus sem ornare, consequat est at, cursus libero.

Ut sem erat, varius in turpis quis, rhoncus accumsan turpis. Duis vitae rhoncus libero, ut semper erat. Aenean vitae euismod leo. Quisque dignissim laoreet lacus, at blandit eros pharetra eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla auctor, urna nec tincidunt luctus, tortor dui efficitur arcu, quis tincidunt elit orci ac augue. Maecenas quis tempor magna.

Sed vehicula eros tristique, venenatis risus sit amet, consequat libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eleifend semper felis. Aenean sit amet leo tortor. Quisque eros magna, dictum eu suscipit vitae, cursus eget quam. In egestas lacus non molestie pharetra. Maecenas porttitor, risus id aliquam hendrerit, dui magna varius elit, id fringilla justo massa ac justo. Suspendisse urna justo, gravida eu auctor et, vehicula ut orci. Aliquam ullamcorper in diam non eleifend. Donec dictum dapibus est non convallis. Nam tempus pellentesque sapien quis molestie.

[align=right][i] Class--> Cafe [/i] [color=white]xxxxx [/color] [color=#b01206]☀[/color][size=18]WHERE[/size]◕

[i] Artorias [/i] [color=white]xxxxx [/color] [color=#b01206]☀[/color][size=18]WITH[/size]◕

[i] [url=http://g03.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1HELTLVXXXXc4XVXXq6xXFXXX2/Sky-Constellation-Gothic-Lolita-Dress-font-b-Dark-b-font-Blue-JSK-Veil-Tunic-Night-Angel.jpg]Dress[/url][/i] [color=white]xxxxx [/color] [color=#b01206]☀[/color][size=18]WEARING[/size]◕

[i] Such perplexing feeling.[/i] [color=white]xxxxx [/color] [color=#b01206]☀[/color][size=18]WONDERING[/size]◕

[i]ooc:[/i] [/align]

User Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus vulputate enim vitae rutrum. Quisque ut ultricies erat, vitae ultrices nibh. Etiam suscipit pharetra metus sed interdum. Quisque viverra ante ut bibendum ornare. Fusce gravida nibh quis est consequat rutrum. Quisque eu sollicitudin nisi. In non tortor leo. Sed nibh lectus, scelerisque sed ante et, varius laoreet nisi. Aliquam maximus tortor ac velit accumsan porta. Nulla facilisi. In metus ipsum, accumsan et molestie et, tincidunt a purus. Proin pharetra felis non enim blandit, vitae imperdiet dolor luctus. Nullam tempus sem ornare, consequat est at, cursus libero.

User Image
User Image
Class--> Cafe xxxxx WHERE

Artorias xxxxx WITH

Dress xxxxx WEARING

Such perplexing feeling. xxxxx WONDERING



Fluffy Rabbit

11,540 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Cat Fancier 100

Gahg Me With A Spoon

Sarcastic Gaian

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:09 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:56 pm
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Jupiter's Relationship Chart~

Key: Friendship Chart ↷
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✵✵✵✵✵ -

Key: Romantic Chart ↷
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❣❣❣❣❣ -
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❣❣❣❣❣ -

Key: Attraction Chart ↷
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♬♬♬♬♬ -
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Key: Hate Chart ↷
☠☠☠☠ -
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☠☠☠☠☠ -
☠☠☠☠ -
☠☠☠☠☠ -


Fluffy Rabbit

11,540 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Cat Fancier 100


Fluffy Rabbit

11,540 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:13 pm
Takashi Kimura
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Haneul Kang
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:20 pm


Fluffy Rabbit

11,540 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Cat Fancier 100


Fluffy Rabbit

11,540 Points
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Cat Fancier 100
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:01 pm
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