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Qi would be the first to admit that he wasn’t the best with directions, though in the past, that had never really been an issue. After all, he’d been a rogue leading up to this. What did he care if he wandered aimlessly? Now that he was a part of a pride though, it was a problem. He was at least grateful that the Ela was nomadic, but it did pose a problem when he got lost. How did one go about finding his way back?

Looking around with a sniff, the black lion tilted his head thoughtfully and weighed his options. Perhaps if he just kept wandering, he would find someone who knew where he should go? The Ela was made up of a lot of people - he was bound to run into someone, right? Even someone from another clan would be okay. Honestly, he still wasn’t sure how the whole clan thing worked, but a pride was a pride. They were comrades regardless of clan.

Qiguai flicked his tail again, brushing dust away with a flourish, before continuing forward. He glanced around him while he walked, hoping to spot a helpful stranger or, if he was lucky, someone from his clan.

The one thing he hadn’t thought to do though, was look up.

Luckily for him, the one soul wandering out here actually was from his clan. They just weren’t exactly a lion.

Yu had decided to spend the morning flying. He was generally a fan of doing so at these times, as Xing was normally unwilling to venture out of her cozy nest this early and it gave him time to himself. The two had settled nicely into the pride, something that had taken some doing on Xing’s part but thankfully, her pride mates were more than happy to help. That said, it had become a bit... quiet. He wouldn’t really classify it as dull, but definitely not as exciting as it had been when they were rogues.

Not that that was a bad thing! He certainly remembered when he and Xing had first met, and the loathsome crocodile that had almost bitten him in half. A calm life was a better life... but it would be nice to spice things up a little bit.

As it turned out, his opportunity to do so happened upon him this day.

The yellow bird was fluttering down an errant breeze when he spotted the black form. At first, he mistook it as a shadow, but a second look showed a much more solid form. Curiosity piqued, Yu flapped closer until he could see what it was, and raised an eyebrow at the sight of the lion. The lion who was currently looking for all the world like he was lost.

.... Why did he always seem to find the lost ones? Were all lions like this, or was he just that unlucky?

Wheeling around until he could grasp a tree branch above the male lion, Yu clucked his beak, “If you’re looking for prey, you might want to hide yourself better.”

Qiguai’s attention snapped up at the voice, though it took him longer than it probably should have to realize that it was a bird perched up on a branch that had been speaking. Bold little guy too, to approach a lion like this. Then again, birds were common companions around these parts.

..... wait, of course! That’s how the residents found their way around - they had birds! Or some did, anyway. He supposed that the ones who needed the help more were the ones that got them. This was probably one such bird, but help was help, and he wouldn’t be turning away good help.

Giving himself a shake to pull himself back to the present, Qi smiled and approached the little bird.

“I wish my reasons for being out here were so straightforward, but alas, that’s not to be.” He sat down, “Are you a familiar to one of the lions of the Ela? I’m afraid I’m a bit lost in my new home.”

Yu observed him for a moment, then snorted. Looks like he was right. He supposed that it had been wishful thinking to think that the lion had just been out hunting. Leaning down to nonchalantly pick at the feathers under his wing, he answered back, “Lucky you then; I am.”

He brought himself up to sit proudly upon his perch, “I’m of the Shadow Clan, as is my companion lioness.”

That got Qi’s attention.

“Lucky indeed, as that’s my new family as well!” What are the odds of that? Well... probably fairly good, seeing as he probably hadn’t wandered THAT far out of the clan’s area. It had felt like it for a while though.

“Would you be opposed to helping me find my way back? I could certainly use a guide,” he said with a cheeky grin.

The golden yellow bird eyed him for another second, but honestly, he wasn’t about to turn the lion away. After all, he wouldn’t have brought attention to himself otherwise.

Hmm.... and perhaps this was an opportunity. Xing needed to make new friends, other than him of course. It would do the lioness good to get to know her pride mates more, and this one seemed just as hopeless. A small nudge wouldn’t hurt, right?

Choice made, Yu nodded, “I’m not, and I can do more.” He began flapping his wings to take flight, “ Xing can show you around, help you get your bearings. She’s a skittish gal, but she’ll be happy to help.”

And with that, he soared away, mostly relying on the lion to just follow.

A guided tour from one of his fellow clan members certainly did sound appealing. At the very least, he could make a new acquaintance., and at worst, they would just be too busy. Either way, it was no skin off his back. That said, he had not been expecting the quick exit, but the bird was brightly colored. He wouldn’t have a hard time keeping up.

With a nod, Qi bounded after the bird, eater both to get home and to meet a new friend.