Growing and maturing continued to happen even after the bronze pair had graduated from weyrlinghood. As much as he already had confidence in himself, though he was not known to really show it as well as others, C'ryn had become a bit more confident in himself and where he was going. Aresoth was a huge influence in that, the bronze was so sure in his actions and his thoughts. He didn't hesitate to go after what he wanted and knew he deserved and pushed himself and his rider harder then he pushed others. Combined with the 'romance' of sorts he found himself in with Alumet, C'ryn had found a new life breathed into him at times, feeling more and more sure of himself.

As a bronze rider C'ryn was given a couple of duties to head to the holds to rely information. It lead to the bronze rider getting to know more about the Holds they protected, watching and seeing the people gave more information then just reading about them ever would.

The first time he had gone to High Reaches Hold he had noticed a look some of the young women were giving him. He knew there was a chance they were hoping for Aresoth to see some potential in them but he also knew there was an allure to him as well. He was a bronzerider after all and while most women and men of Holds seemed skittish of the dragons themselves at times there was a intrigue about the riders.

At first C'ryn felt awkward and worried, even after having been with Alumet a few times now. Being weyrbred it wasn't so strange and yet he was not as confident as he should have been. There was also the fact he didn't want to hurt anyone, didn't want to lead some young woman on thinking she had found a prince charming only to have her hopes dashed and her heartbroken.

Perhaps that's why C'ryn had been shocked when one young woman approached him after his fifth visit spending his time walking through the Hold and observing things on one of his rest days. She offered to show him around and C'ryn agreed to it, allowing her to do so and then being blindsided when she became a bit more forward speaking of a time for them with no ties and nothing to worry about. The fact a young woman from a Hold would think such away was perhaps what surprised him the most though C'ryn still held back until Aresoth reassured his rider things would be fine. If something happened where she became too attached then she brought the heartbreak upon herself. He was a bronzerider after all, women and men would want to be with him if he allowed them.

If C'ryn was was also nice to have someone who seemed to adore him and want him. Oh he wasn't deluding himself into thinking that the young woman might not have others on the side but she did a damn good job of making C'ryn believe he was the only one worth anything. It was a dangerous game to play and yet C'ryn was willing to for a few moments. For a few moments of 'pretend' perhaps of being the only one someone wanted.