User Image
Art by Lady Caprinet

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Minori Awarmik
                        Nickname: --
                        Age: 9
                        Birthdate: 05/03
                        Gender: Male

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Hair Color: Black
                        Eye Color: Amber / Gold
                        Height: 52.5"
                        Weight: 63 lb

                        Bloodline: Ice / Scorch

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: "..."
                        Personality: Carefree, Aloof and Introverted. Minori is a quiet child, figuratively and literally. As the lone son and raised in a manor with very few his age, Minori is something of a recluse from other people and is socially awkward due two crippling disabilities. He is unable to talk or vocalize, he struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't know sign language and he resorts to using facial expressions, gestures to even writing. Minori is especially expressive as he is taken to nodding and other gestures and movements to get express himself be it anger tantrums to even crying. With his disorder, Minori shys away from others who invade his personal space and grows increasingly anxious and frightened when he is touched physically as he typically associates touch to pain and discomfort due to a disease that makes his body reject other chakra natures not of his own. Because of this disorder, Minori wears long sleeve shirts and a jacket but he prefers elegance and neat clothes mostly because of his mother's influence over the boy's attire and it became simply his preference. Unlikely to initiate conversation, Minori will often keep to himself and actively move away from large groups of people and social gatherings but he still enjoys interaction with close friends and family and enjoys writing and playing music for others to enjoy. Minori enjoys to please others he respects or is close to, often seeking their approval in turn to himself. Minori is a caring person and tends to avoid conflict, but he remains ever the curious individual.

                        Village: Leaf
                        Title: Genin
                        Local Reputation: 0
                        Global Reputation: 0

                        Biography: Minori Awarmik, the son of Karleen Awarmik and Seiji Hattori was born in the Hattori manor up in the mountains along the borders of Lightning and Frost country along the coast of Gaikotsu Bay. Right from a few months being born he was discovered to have a case of aphonia, a birth defect to the larynx that makes him incapable of phonation - in short mute. In the early years of his birth he was also discovered to have been born with another rare disorder called Aether Dermatitis that makes him averse to Chakra those specifically not with his elemental natures that physically touch him, causing bruising and rashes to appear on his skin as a result of the disease. Aether Dermatitis causes a form of dermatographia, rashes and allergic reactions as a result of touch. Despite two major flaws against him, Minori in his early years was quick to learn sign language from his father and cope with his disability. With an inability to speak, he quickly developed a social anxiety with others and the fear of being touched goes on to shape how he sees and interacts with anyone. Life in the manor to Minori was a lonely one except for his parents, the only people who he didn't fear touching him but he remained reclusive to the servants and rarely seen another child his age.

                        As he grew older, Minori had taken to drawing with a passion as one of his ways of expressing himself, scrawling scribbles at a younger age which would only come to more elaborate pieces as he grew older. Music at age five, woodwind instruments specifically, were his favorite hobby as he could make noise and sound that he otherwise would not be able to. Under his father's tutelage, Minori studied calligraphy and even watched both of his parents in the practice of blacksmithing, working metal and steel. He himself never picked up the blade or practiced at any prolonged length, yet dancing was an interest of his mother than he picked up on and even adapted to utilizing ninjutsu and discovered his aptitude for the art at six years. As he grew older, Minori remained heavily reliant on his parents and struggled with social interactions with others.

                        Before his seventh birthday, the family relocated from the manor and headed south in the Fire Country. For the first time outside of the occasional visits to a small hamlet or village, Minori was to live in a larger city or more specifically the Hidden Leaf Village. Within the same year of the relocation, he began with struggling to meet with peers his age. It took awhile then for him to acclimate and at Seiji's behest, he was enrolled into the academy to both kick his social anxiety away and to explore his aptitude for the ninjutsu art. His academy years even then were hellish for him to overcome, class skips and tantrums were a regular occurance from his stress and over reliance with his family. Eventually, he had coped enough and scored high marks in chakra control and he was a keen intellect, while he refused to practice in taijutsu or hand to hand with his disorder being a factor in his failures in that field. Nevertheless, Minori passed the exams and was made a full fledged Genin at age eight.

                        Now... A year has since passed since his Genin promotion and his story now continues in Konoha.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Ninjutsu
                        ▱▰▱ GeniusYou may create a "keystone" technique; this technique is essentially a Ninjutsu ninja's signature move, with power, aesthetic flair and versatility as described in the Keystone Guideline. In addition, you are able to use your third activation for any ninjutsu, whether it is offensive or defensive, once every two turns. This discipline may not be taken in conjunction with another Keystone Discipline. Finally, Genius Keystone Ninja have the ability to Korabo their ninjutsu for 1 activation with varying cool downs depending on the rank of the techniques.
                        E-D - None
                        C-B - 1
                        A-S - 2
                        S+ - 3

                        Second Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ Dual Ancestry Dual Ancestry allows you to have full access to two bloodlines upon creation including all techniques, abilities, and personal attributes associated with them. For biographical purposes, your secondary bloodline may be genetic or implanted at your discretion. This discipline gives you [4] bloodline PAs to be used only for the optional attributes of your dual bloodlines on top of the [2] personal attributes you receive at base for a total of [6]. If two elemental bloodlines are chosen then the primary bloodline's elemental affinities become your base elements and you gain full access to those elements while your secondary bloodline gives you locked elemental affinities that you cannot learn ninjutsu techniques from but you gain full access to the secondary bloodline. Locked elemental affinities can be unlocked through methods such as ninjutsu class or personal attributes. Elemental affinity personal attributes are automatically allotted to locked affinities. Jiongu users do not have access to Dual Ancestry nor can they be chosen as a secondary bloodline. Dual Ancestry users do not have access to the implant system including the Genetic Palette personal attribute. If you use multiple techniques from both of your bloodlines in the same post without Korabo then those techniques are increased in effectiveness by one rank.

                        ▱▰▱ Cross Class:Bloodline – Ninjutsu: May combine one bloodline technique and one ninjutsu technique for a single activation once every three posts by paying the resource cost for both. Able to gain learning reductions on ninjutsu based on reductions given by bloodline. Bloodline techniques that share the user's elements gain the overwhelming property if not already applied.

                        Chakra Pool: 550
                        Stamina Pool: 450
                        Chakra Element: Wind, Fire, Water
                        Chakra Color: A Soft Blue when manifesting natural base elemental ninjutsu, a golden hue when manifesting bloodline elements.
                        Chakra Materialization: Minori's chakra swirls around as a wind in its passive state when focusing or manifesting wind chakra while golden crystal like growths spread along his skin when manifesting either of his bloodline elements. Due to a rare disorder, being physically touched by others without either ice or scorch chakra natures leave blackened marks from their hands as his chakra actively resists other natures, bruising and black discoloration being common symptoms and welts and nausea being more rarer, more serious symptoms. Minori's base elemental natures retain color similar to their mundane natural states.

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A {Ex. Punch Hard PA, Move Fast Training}
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Wind - Minori specializes in using the Wind element to his advantage, combining both his mother and father's elements into his elemental use.
                        • Korabo - Minori's secondary specialization revolves around combination and mixing his ninjutsu up.
                        • Muteness - Minori is unable to talk or vocalize any sounds -- it leads to bad communication with allies.
                        • Aether Dermatitis - Chakra disease disorder that physically harms him with direct contact with others, he is less likely to engage in melee.
                        • Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched, suffers from a disease that physically harms him when being touched by others that do not share his bloodline chakra nature (Ice or Scorch). He's quickly developed a fear for all who touch him and shy away from most physical contact except from his parents.
                        • Loss of sight and/or use of hands - Minori is unable to speak, or make noise of any kind and his sight and hands are the two things that let him communicate and experience the world with others.

                        • Learn 2 extra Bloodline technique per paragraph.
                        • Learn 2 extra Ninjutsu technique per paragraph.
                        • Korabo Two Ninjutsu for One Activation; CDs ~ E-D - None | C-B - 1 | A-S - 2 | S+ - 3
                        • Korabo One Ninjutsu and Bloodline for One Activation: CD ~ 3

                        Personal Attributes:
                        Blood of the Father | Minori carries the genes of his father and of the Seiryu clan, attaining the Water element as a tertiary element.
                        Softness of the Mother | Minori has taken a liken to his mother's hobbies, and one of which is dancing. Part of this investment into the hobby lead to Minori developing Somantic Gestures for his elemental bloodline and base elemental ninjutsu.
                        A Nose Like Dad | An interesting quirk of Minori's inheritance, Minori has a keen sense of smell heightened both by diluted bloodline and his father's inheritance of smelling an intended target within a topic much like a fullblooded Seiryu.

                        Event PAs
                        Hot/Cold Front | An alteration born from Minori's parents, Seiji and Karleen. Minori's primary element, Wind, is an extension of his heritage and can be altered on a whim to mimic his bloodline. At any point before a Fuuton jutsu is cast, Fuuton techniques can be altered for [5] chakra per rank of the applied technique from its base form to instead imitate Shakuton or Hyouton. This conversion treats affected Fuuton jutsu as the specified element for the entire technique's existence, but are still considered non-bloodline Ninjutsu for the purposes of interaction with Korabo, PAs and other systems. Altered Fuuton from this extra cost carries the properties of the imitated element, Shakuton or Hyouton, can apply its associated *status but loses its ability to apply Vertigo. Techniques altered in this PA carry the aesthetic and properties of the new element (frosty winds, shimmering heat) but are still considered Wind jutsu for purposes of system interaction.
                        *([Ice]Frost/[Scorch]Dehydrate, E-C: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2, and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3)

                        Low Air Pressure Mastery | An elemental ability building off of Minori's control over the Wind Element. When Low Pressure is activated from the Fuuton listing, Minori is able to tweak the strength of the technique to be stronger or weaker for his use as a Variable jutsu [X-Rank]. The range of Low pressure's effective area of effect also fluctuates, its maximum affected area following the scaling below while the penalties imposed to stamina and Endurance are also listed below. Low Pressure can be upkept as a persistent Jutsu, half of the cost must be paid every [3] posts. Cannot be active at the same time as High Pressure, this jutsu provides no debuff to targets when used below C-Rank. Aesthetically, Low pressure emits a heatwave like effect and wet surfaces dry faster in its applied area and this has no mechanical effect on the jutsu. [Cannot be made into a Hyoutan element by Hot/Cold Front PA]
                        [E: 10 feet ~ D: 20 feet ~ C: 30 feet ~ B: 40 feet ~ A: 50 feet ~ S: 100 feet ~ S+: 200 feet]
                        [C: -1 Endurance / 20 Stamina Tax ~ A: -2 Endurance / 40 Stamina Tax ~ S: -3 Endurance / 80 Stamina Tax]

                        High Air Pressure Mastery | An elemental ability building off of Minori's control over the Wind Element. When High Pressure is activated from the Fuuton listing, Minori is able to tweak the strength of the technique to be stronger or weaker for his use as a Variable jutsu [X-Rank]. The range of High pressure's effective area of effect also fluctuates, its maximum affected area following the scaling below while the penalties imposed to chakra and Agility are also listed below. High Pressure can be upkept as a persistent Jutsu, half of the cost must be paid every [3] posts. Cannot be active at the same time as Low Pressure, this jutsu provides no debuff to targets when used below C-Rank. Aesthetically frost appear along surfaces and small puddles of water slightly freeze in its applied area and this has no mechanical effect on the jutsu. [Cannot be made into a Shakuton element by Hot/Cold Front PA]
                        [E: 10 feet ~ D: 20 feet ~ C: 30 feet ~ B: 40 feet ~ A: 50 feet ~ S: 100 feet ~ S+: 200 feet]
                        [C: -1 Agility / 20 Chakra Tax ~ A: -2 Agility / 40 Chakra Tax ~ S: -3 Agility / 80 Chakra Tax]

                        Wind God | Minori's Fuuton elemental nature can push beyond the boundaries of what isn't normally possible for Korabo. When Minori combines the use of two elemental jutsu of differing elements, he is able to ignore the clause of techniques losing its elemental integrity and instead Wind remains the elemental nature despite any combination performed. Because of this, Fuuton techniques used in elemental Korabo ignore the strict nature of elemental compatibility and the clause of the weaker element having to be the stronger technique of a Korabo and now Fuuton can combine with same ranked elemental jutsu of a differing element as well.

                        Weathering Changes | Building off of the Hot/Cold Front and Wind God PAs, Minori is able to allow Fuuton techniques to adapt their element to either Shakuton or Hyouton when performing Korabo and benefit from the perks of Wind God, allowing the elemental nature to retain its integrity during differing elemental fusions. The dominant element of this Korabo must be clearly defined.

                        Shearing Winds | Minori's Fuuton Ninjutsu and other air based techniques are finely controlled to be like blades of air. Offensive Fuuton and air or wind based techniques apply the bleeding aspect of trauma as if struck by a blade.

                        Body of Air: Minori is an adept at Elemental manipulation and somantic gestures. Simple Taijutsu, Bukijutsu and basic combat can Korabo with Fuuton Ninjutsu, the basis Simple technique being treated as Complex in the Korabo interaction.

                        Genius Bender | In lieu of the single activation for a pair of ninjutsu in the Genius Keystone Discipline, Minori can opt for using the Korabo for two activations and combine the use of three ninjutsu at once. The associated cooldowns however become: E-D 1, C-B 2, A-S 3, S+ 4 before the korabo can be used again in its original form or this alteration.

                        Bloodline PAs
                        Dehydration Demon | Wind and Fire techniques of the user may apply Dehydration Status at the following ranks: E-C: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2, and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3. Hand seals for techniques may be replaced with somatic gestures. In addition, all enemy dehydration affect the user at 1 tier lower at a minimum of Tier 1.
                        Deep Freeze | Water and Wind release techniques of the user may apply frostbite status at the following ranks. E-C Rank: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2, and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3.The user is able to replace hand signs for their bloodline techniques with any other type of hand sign replacement at character creation (following PA rules).
                        Winter's Visage | Casting ice techniques now causes ambient icicles to form around or on you. These icicles start out as E rank but will grow one rank stronger for every technique cast up to S Rank. These techniques may be used at any time with the user's techniques that cause frost bite, combining with a ranked technique for a single activation to be treated as Korabo.
                        Hellfire | For an additional ten chakra a rank, the user can inflict burns at half the tier the rank of the dehydration technique at a minimum of tier one, always rounding down. This creates techniques that could cause tier two dehydration and tier one burns in the same attack, or tier three dehydration with tier one burns, or tier four dehydration with tier two burns. Finally, fire and wind techniques cost [10] less chakra at a minimum of [5].

                        ▰ PROFESSIONS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0 {starts at 0}
                        XP: 0 {starts at 0}
                        Passive XP: 0 {starts at 0} {use for tracking your passive xp accumulation} {add this number to the number above}

                        Shinobi Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank | 0
                        C Rank | 0
                        B Rank | 0
                        A Rank | 0
                        S Rank | 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Profession Missions Complete: {all start at 0, remove this}
                        D Rank | 0
                        C Rank | 0
                        B Rank | 0
                        A Rank | 0
                        S Rank | 0

                        Profession Titles
                        • {Profession} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Profession} || → {Current Title}

                        Profession Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank | 0
                        C Rank | 0
                        B Rank | 0
                        A Rank | 0
                        S Rank | 0

                        Mission, Training, Events, Endgame, and Profession Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, holidays/events, and professions.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Professions Claim: [ x ]
                        Events Claim: [ X-Mas 2k19 (4 PAs), SR 2 Year (3 PAs), SR 200 Member (+200 Chakra and Stamina, 1 PA) ]
                        Endgame Claim: [ Post how much narrative XP was used here ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu | 00 / 13
                        • Genjutsu | 00 / 08

                        • Taijutsu Styles | 00 / 02
                        • Bukijutsu Styles | 00 / 00

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default




                        • {Remove if none}


                        • {Remove if none}

                        • {Remove if none}

                        • {Remove if none}

                        • {Remove if none}

                        Taijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        Bukijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}