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It still surprised him sometimes to think that he was this year’s Sky Champion. Just.... he was honored, so honored, and the pride he felt was shared with his clan. But sometimes it also just didn’t feel real, you know? He was normally a very easy going guy, and while he’d been hoping to win, to make his father proud, he hadn’t actually expected to win?

It was... nice, having so many people congratulating him, and noticing his wood work now, and making friends with him. Though it was also tiring sometimes to have to entertain the ones that were there solely to get into his good books, not to mention the sudden interest from the artisans in the other clans. Again though, he was honored that they would take such an interest in him. He just... hadn’t been expecting the amount of interest.

Which sort of lead to where he was now.

Chapa had chosen to escape the masses for the moment, seek out something new, something to draw inspiration for his next piece from. What was he going with?

.... well, he didn’t know yet. That was the beauty of inspiration, after all, to find something to inspire you.

For now, his path had taken him towards the more... swampy section of the pride. Not that the was really a SWAMP, but something close enough in his books to count. There was fauna here that he wanted to see for himself. Perhaps a new creature to add to his collection of wooden statues.

Of course, while he knew that it wasn’t uncommon to find other lions here, he hadn’t been expecting to come across someone so soon... or so... unusually.

Chapa paused in his walking to stare at the sight in front of him. There was a black lion perched high up in a tree, hanging over the river with the look of someone fully engrossed in conversation.... with water.

Actually, now that Chapa was getting a closer look, he noticed the scaly head peeking out from the surface.

.... was he talking to... a crocodile?


Crocodiles were not known to be friendly towards lions, or well... any creature, now that he thought about it. So what was this lion thinking?

Intrigue and concern pushing him forward, the Sky Champion padded slowly and carefully closer until he could just make out the whispers coming from the two. Before he could make out what was being said though, the croc seemed to tilt in the water before it disappeared with an eeriest quiet splash, and the black lion frowned as he watched it swim away.

Shivers running up Chapa’s back, he debated just turning around and leaving, but then said lion finally noticed him. Had it not been for the easy, friendly look on his face, as well as the clearly-Ela adornments he was wearing, Chapa would have just turned and fled regardless, but instead, now realizing that this was a fellow member of the Ela, he smiled somewhat shakily back.

“Excuse me, I didn’t mean to interrupt your.... conversation.” The last bit was said with hesitation, not really sure if that was what it was.

And as if in answer to his thoughts, the black lion laughed, “Oh, I wish it had been, but alas, the crocs around here aren’t terribly interested in talking. They mostly just observe the world around them, waiting to see what will come to pass.” Or at least, that’s how Qiguai had always viewed it. His fascination with crocodiles was perhaps a strange one to most. After all, why would you get near a creature that could kill you easily?

He could never truly explain it, as others with visions could relate, but he just... felt like he could be around them, talk to them, be with them. He wondered why on more than one occasion.

That said, he probably looked crazy right now.

Shifting back until he could comfortably jump back to solid ground, Qi landed lightly on his feet in front of the other lion. Clearly another Ela, by the looks of it, and a special one. He may have been fairly new, but he knew what that cloak signified. The Champion was in a different clan though, and not interested in seeking out someone who may not even want it, he’d chosen not to pry.

He supposed it figured that he would run into the other lion at the most unexpected moment.

“Apologies if I startled you. I just wanted to get my bearings in these lands, and came across this crocodile here. Curiosity may have gotten the better of me,” he said with a laugh.

Well, odd entrance aside, he didn’t seem so bad now. Chapa started to relax a bit more at the open conversation, a bit more reassured that this wasn’t someone dangerous.

“You should be more careful, but far be it from me to stop you. You’re a free lion, after all.” He tilted his head thoughtfully, “So you’re new to the Ela?”

Qi nodded, “Yep! I mean, I’ve had a few members of Shadow Clan show me around, and a bird at one point, but... nothing beats taking a look for yourself, right? Besides, a lot of them stay near the clan, and I wanted to explore a bit.l

”Ah.” Chapa smiled more widely at that, “Well, if you’d be interested in a tour guide outside of your clan, I’d be happy to oblige. I’m in Bird, myself.”

That certainly hadn’t been what he’d been expecting to happen today, but who was he to say no? Especially to someone new, who might know more about other parts of the Ela lands.

So with a grin, Qi nodded back, “Of course I’d be interested.”

Chapa nodded at that, before gesturing to the side, “Then let’s get started! Maybe you can tell me more about crocodiles on the way.” After all, as creepy as they were, they would make for an interesting carving.

With that, the two lions began walking.