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Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
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Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:14 pm

T'roi and Bronze Destrierth

Of course I shall tell Mine that you both thank him for not being angry with you, Destrierth nodded at his smaller siblings and pushed his muzzle into T'roi's hand to get his attention. Uvaldoth and Wahokinth wish to apologize for nearly knocking you over and thank you for not being cross with them, T'roiMine.

With a laugh, the tall Weyrling looked down at the green and blue twin dragonets. "It's quite alright. You were excited -- it's an exciting day! You are forgiven," he finished with a bow before turning his attention back to Niselle and K'niel. "I don't even want to think about the odds of twins Impressing twins," he grinned. "They have to be astronomical odds. Not anything I'd wager on!"

He shrugged at K'niel's question about his past. "Not much to tell, really. I'm a Holder's son, one of several. No dragonriders in my family, just fishermen. Search rider came through, I was trotted out with the rest of the Holdbrats, and I got Searched. I've been here long enough that I've been in my fair share of Hatchings. I was honestly beginning to think I'd never Impress," he admitted, gazing down at Destrierth. "And yet here I am!"

Destrierth chuckled mentally at Uvaldoth and Wahokinth's bickering. I have a feeling we will all be flying before anyone knows it. We have greatness in our hearts and in our lineage! the little bronze asserted confidently. Our great-grandsire Methoth knows all about it, I'm certain of it!

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko


Mr Cheri
for mention of Methoth!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:27 pm

The hour was early, but C'lusi hardly seemed to notice. With having not one, but two small bundles-of-joy in their weyr, he was well accustomed to keeping odd hours. Of course, tonight it wasn't a feeding, or change that had him up so early--it was a Hatching, and the Feast which followed. Dressed in his best, with his little green flit Dazzle perched upon his right shoulder, he was happy to make an appearance with Nadry and R'shahar--but it did feel strange to be without Nasiha and Nadrashalu.

Part of him couldn't help but worry--even though he knew the creche would take care of their needs. Should they check on them? Should they turn in early? Fatherhood had changed him in ways he never expected, and he was both overjoyed and terrified at the prospect. He wanted more than anything to have a good relationship with his children, but he also feared turning into Cahlumet. No. He wouldn't allow such a thing--Macuith wouldn't allow such a thing, either.

If anything, C'lusi found he was probably too soft a touch when it came to his children, and over-attentive. He knew they would all return to the fighting wings soon, and then their time would be much more limited together. "My, by you two are looking fine tonight," he purred up at R'shahar and Nadry. "See something over there that caught your eye?" He asked Nadry specifically, glancing from her to the table of sweets. She always had a sweet tooth.

Tonight was a night to celebrate, and he was certain once they had a bit of food and drink, he'd be back to his typical flirty form.


Mr Cheri

The little bow from the bronze had Eirana quite charmed, and the joy that seemed to radiate from her brother was apparent. Any concern or worry she had about how this might upend everything--how they might lose a brother to their father or to the metallic--was shoved down and away. She would never confess such things and could only be relieved that he wouldn't suffer the same fate as the rest of them.

"A pleasure to meet you, Khazariath," she spoke, offering a small dip in return. Of course, the little bronze had other things to focus on, but she had no desire to take up either of their time. Who else out there would want to congratulate the newest bronze rider pair? A quick look around ensure that their father wasn't spotted--but how long would that last?

"He's certainly quite a handsome one, isn't he? A beautiful color. Just perfection!" Her words were genuine and sincere--but she would have gushed just as equally regardless of the color dragon her brother impressed. "How does it feel finding Yours?" She asked, almost dreamily. Though Favaleth had not been the Queen that she'd so imagined, the overwhelming triumph of Impression had not been lost on her. And though their bond had been strained early on, there was no less pride or love between them.

"Favaleth is happy for you," she admitted with a rueful grin. "She's feeling a little sensitive, but these sorts of events always have her up in arms. She's just glad a draogn had sense enough to pick you out."

The green dragon rumbled from where she was staring down at the Bowl, but refrained from correcting what Hers had said. Deep down, past her irritation that a metallic had chosen D'rok, it was all true.

- - - -

The girl gave a bark of laughter and a broad, feral grin. "I suppose clarification would be needed, given my history," she confessed with another laugh. But, at the end of the day, she was here with Martirae, despite the multitude of ladies she could have asked. That it had been Marty top of the list for some time wasn't unusual or surprising--they were friends, after all, and both of them had exceptional taste.

Why shouldn't Zyamel want the best? They had a fun time together, and that was all that mattered. Tonight, she knew, would be no different.

To hear that Marty doubted anyone would give her a second look seemed incredulous to Zyamel--but she wasn't going to press it. There were fools all over the Weyr, and doubly so with another Weyr and guests from all-over-Pern in attendance. How many bronze or brown riders wouldn't want to find favor with Martirae? Just because Anakumath was snuggled up to a favored brown didn't mean she was destined to only be flown by him, and him alone. The clutch records alone proved such a thing near impossible.

But any who might draw near would need to get through Zyamel first--and Marty, she knew, could handle herself regardless. She'd eat them alive.

"I'd say Ven's thrilled about the little ones, but he's been in an odd mood all night," she admitted. "I can only imagine that Ana's over the moon. But she'll get her turn, soon enough--and if she's in love with these little ones, I can only imagine how much more so she will be with her own brood." Some queens had a maternal instinct, others didn't. It was safe to say Ana wouldn't be quite as over the hatchlings as her own dam.

"It seems a spirited bunch, to be sure! A lot of bronzes, which is good, given Aresoth was the only one in his clutch." No queen, but given High Reaches had two young golds of similar age from Fianth and Rhianth, it was probably for the best. Zeno had time and many flights ahead of her to produce more metallic children. "Over all, I think it was a success. What was your take?" It wouldn't be long, after all, before Anakumath inevitably began to glow.



Shy Mage


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:42 pm

La'hisen and Blue Othelloth

Othelloth's steady green gaze took on swirls of blue, though Talis had stated nothing more than the simple truth in his opinion. Still, after how tiring the majority of the Candidates had been, it was so nice to hear someone speak with a little sense. Yes, his La'hisen had been forced to wait a few Turns, but they both agreed without a shadow of a doubt that it had been necessary. Of course, at the mention of copying, the young dragon was uncertain if he needed to take offense at the comment or...

We'd both been admiring bronze dragons when her Holleth hatched. La'hisen explained, instantly staving off his dragon's potential ire. Holleth is nearly as regal as you are and just as dark, but much smaller.

I see. And he did. Though he hadn't physically reacted, Othelloth mentally relaxed once more.

"Maybe I got inspired," He drawled, grinning at her with mock-arrogance. He was feeling on top of the world, and why shouldn't he be? "I want him to meet Holleth. And I'm shortening my name to La'hisen." Because why not give her one more thing to poke at him about? Thankfully, Othelloth knew that any comments about that would be a good-natured sort of ribbing.

Bronze Slidrianth

He'd observed the Hatching with no small amount of rapture, delighted to see Zenobiath's hatchlings emerge and find Theirs without much difficulty at all. Three strong strapping bronzes! Oh, she should be proud of all her children, of course, but for the sake of the Weyr, that was especially admirable!

Slidrianth glided in, his big, beautiful wings enabling him to soar almost effortlessly as he searched for one dragon in particular.... and.... there! Holleth! He greeted, his words warm with affection. Might you have room for me if I stopped by? Surely he would, wouldn't he?

Now 2 boys.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:41 pm

E'ros of blue Amoranth
Though he wasn't from either Weyr, E'ros had been invited to attend the Hatching, and happily so. It had been some time since he'd last found himself within the halls of the snowy Weyr, and though the hour was late, it didn't bother the blue rider in the last.

Moving through the crowds, the dark-haired, Master Courtesan was nothing but smiles and compliments. Hatchings were a joyous occasion, and he had every intention of playing his part to ensure no one was left pining. For once, he hadn't come on the arm of a lover, opting instead to see what sort of magic he might make otherwise. Might he help encourage a wallflower or two to accept a dance? Might he stoke the flames of passion and set up a lonely soul or two? There were individuals a plenty out there, and E'ros did have a desire to meddle.

His eyes fell upon a woman moving on the outskirts. Was she waiting for someone? Or had she come alone? Stepping forward, the Master Courtesan offered a bow in greeting. "Waiting for someone? Or simply not keen on parties?" He questioned with an easy smile. "I dare hope it's the latter, so perhaps I might have a few moments longer to better get to know this beauty before me.." He couldn't help himself. Flirting came so easily, and she was a lovely lady--whoever she was.

That's Hesperith's rider, Mine, and do be gentle. Amoranth interrupted from where he had settled himself, wrapped around Ink's Morth.

Have a Master Courtesan!

K'vah of blue Nyenyezith
It hadn't been so long since K'vah had been celebrating his own Hatching Feast--and this was his first as a full-fledged dragonrider. Experiencing it with Nyenyezith had been incredible--not only had they reminisced about finding one another that fateful day, but Nyenyezith's joy at seeing the hatchlings spill from their eggs, the wave of paternal yearning, had left K'vah a bit misty. On the one hand, he understood that desire to have a family, and a large one at that. On the other hand, he also felt the quiet despair that Nyenyezith kept locked within his hearts; a knowledge that, no matter how badly he might wish to father a clutch, he would never be granted such an opportunity.

Their fates were sealed, and though the blue could make an attempt to court one of the many queens of High Reaches, he was also the sort of blue who understood his own needs and desires. Unlike his brother Samedith, he had no desire to find a mate among the metallics--but that didn't mean he couldn't help but want a family his own.

Was it so wrong to wish to be a father? Was it so wrong to desire to be one simply because he was blue?

With the Hatching over, Nyenyezith had settled himself down in the Bowl, eager to watch the babies as they passed--and doing his best to sit on his wings, and avoid pushing his snout where it wasn't wanted. K'vah knew that it was his duty to attend the Hatching Feast, and while he hoped to seek out Kedah and his other siblings who hadn't yet Impressed, he understood that Nyenyezith would love it if he greeted a few of the new weyrlings.

Thankfully, at his height, it was easy to see over the bustle of the crowd. With a plate of food, and a drink in hand, he went to find a seat. There was a quieter corner, though it looked as if one weyrling pair had already found their way there. Immediately, both rider and dragon were on alert--did they need anything to eat? Something to drink? Were they okay?

Well, he wasn't going to crowd them--he recognized the blue as being the timid one--but he wasn't going to shy away. The Weyr was full of supportive men and women, and K'vah wasn't going to simply let them sit by themselves. Maybe they didn't really want to socialize, maybe it was easier for the hatchling blue--but he at least wanted to send his best wishes, and Nyenyezith's for that matter.

"Excuse me," he spoke up as he approached, keeping enough distance not to crowd, and settling down at one of the tables nearby. "Just wanted to congratulate you on your Impression. A fine blue you've got there--I think we're all relieved he found you." And that was the truth!


- - - -

Ryara of green Suryanth
The young woman found herself sitting at a table close to the fire, a plate of food before her, and her little baby queen firelizard snoozing on her shoulder. But food didn't interest the red-head; instead, she was shyly watching all the beautiful men and women as they passed.

Certainly, Western Weyr had its own share of fine men and women--but this was her first time proper at High Reaches Weyr, and she couldn't help but admire all the handsome men that passed by. She wasn't so foolish as to approach any of them, but that didn't mean she couldn't at least admire.

With her twin back at Western Weyr, along with Allamor and her other siblings, and R'min canoodling with C'sar--she was left to entertain herself. The thought of dancing intrigued her, but she hadn't yet decided whether or not she might ask someone to dance. High Reaches wasn't exactly known for being greenrider friendly, but surely a dance or two could be spared her--couldn't it?

But the question was--who might she ask?

How many out there already had dates or happened to be on the arm of another? So, she remained in place--shyly admiring from afar. Maybe after she picked at her food, she'd find her spirit emboldened--otherwise, she'd simply enjoy from a distance.

[If anyone out there wants a dancing partner or some chatter, Ryara is game!]


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:57 pm

Akaris and Green Samodith

Even with her own, most perfect dragon to cuddle with anytime she liked, Akaris had desperately missed Junenth and Zinath, juat as much as A'ral and R'mor; they were family, after all! She could never regret her choice to stand at High Reaches, not when it had led to being chosen by Samodith, but Faranth did she wish that she and Andelath had hatched at Western instead! Or that it wouldn't be so long before they could go home, or at the very least that visiting was easier.

"I wish this happened more often, I hate having to wait to see you," she lamented, as though it could be helped. Golds clutched when they clutched, and swaps happened when they happened. "And it's cold." Even though she'd not been a Western native, she'd definitely been spoiled by her time there, and she was quite over the High Reaches winters already.

At mention of R'lyr, she laughed, unable to help feeling a touch kittenish. And very, very pleased. "Well I have to stay warm somehow - and I do like him, even if Samodith thinks I ought to have half the Weyr tripping over themselves instead."

The green in question huffed in amusement; Andelath's was suitable, if Hers absolutely had to choose just one, but that seemed terribly restrictive to her. We have been well enough, all things considered, Samodith answered, nestling herself comfortably with the older dragons, the picture of contentment in that moment. We will be back to fighting soon enough, and then we will leave no doubts as to our abilities. To be downed so soon after graduation, even if the incident had been no real fault of their own, had hardly been an auspicious beginning, and left them with a lot to prove in a Weyr with no shortage of opinions on a green's worth.

The most exclusive fashion! Only high-quality oversized wherhide for Akaris. Clearly she'll need to replace it with one of R'lyr's, then it can be a dress. XD

Mr Cheri
PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:33 pm

D'rok and Bronze Khazariath

His own eyes settled in a calm green. I am sure you will give them much opportunity to refine the art, Khazariath replied, tucking his wings primly as he offered his brother what assurance it sounded he needed. If Maestoth wanted to talk about himself, he was willing to let the topic lean that way and keep his own gates sealed tightly up.

It was better to get a feel for him to better inform the future anyways.

D'rok couldn't help but keep looking to his dragon, admiring each small gesture of his head, the way he moved his wings and adjusted his posture. It was both enthralling and familiar to his heart. There was so much to take in beyond that sheen in his hide and it felt so much more meaningful. A shame it would be missed by the person who'd wanted it most.

"He's perfect," D'rok agreed with a small smile, "in the ways that matter most." And how could he not have thought so? While the bond was still young and new, he could feel the way it twisted through his senses and settled in. It simply felt right.

Eirana's question required some thought if only to find the words. "I could muster all the words in the world and they wouldn't be enough for this. It is a bigger feeling than my body can hold."


E'mel and Blue Brieteth

“Me? I love parties!” E’mel admitted with a wide grin, rubbing his hands together before holding them out to the flames again. “Just letting all the early morning excitement settle in before heading in - no dancing or music yet and too early to really be ready for food, y’know?” He’d not had a stake in this hatching just as he’d not had any in previous ones - no friends or family he was cheering on and he was already as much a rider as the rest of them. “Better to let those who want to meet and greet with their loved ones have first shot, yeah?”

They would all be future wingmates, but right then he was a stranger to all of them.

At Harp’s greeting, E’mel offered a hand to the young firelizard. “I see you two are still doing well together! Brieteth would be beside himself, I think,” though he’d been doing better as of late. He’d been so flooded with love, how could he have been anything but?

Above, Brieteth moved to rest a wing over Loreleth, as though he could hide the (only slightly) smaller dragon so that he’d not be made to return home once all the celebrating had come to an end. There are many little ones to celebrate - and of course they will celebrate Zenobiath for a fine first clutch. Surely they could go on for days! It was very wishful thinking, but he couldn’t help but wish it as he bumped his head up against the darker blue’s, rumbling contently. These times were far between, and he wanted to soak them up as much as he could.



Liat was familiar and as such, it was comforting to have her there as another that High Reaches would not have had in the position of responsibility the two women each held. “Certainly a lot of spirit - I would never question their teachers, but it is strange to look in and not have a feeling of how the new Weyrlings will fare. Certainly there are a few who will be missed,” Danzik couldn’t help but pass a look off towards one of the new blueriders in particular - he’d done well to stand upon the sands again...but a part of her own nurturing was going with them.

Danzik knew better than to ask which Liat would have picked out as her trouble children - though she was certain their opinions would have had some similarities after her time as a Wingsecond. “Each group is their own little set of challenges,” she couldn’t help but watch as one of the sets of twins went barrelling off towards the largest bronze to have hatched, causing a tangle of limbs between the three.

That was certainly cuter when they were small.



She couldn’t help but smile a little herself. “And your future - there is more to come, of course.” Martirae would never have confessed it, spoke a word of it to anybody who wasn’t intimately her Anakumath, but there was a not too small part of her that was pleased, all things considered, with being Zyamel’s date for the festivities. It was just easier to not throw up her guard and to relax a little easier with her around.

Which perhaps would make her all the more charming to those who didn’t know better.

Idly, Marty twisted a lock of her hair at word of Venandith - “Oh? Stirring desires or something else?” she asked. To have it be put as ‘a mood’ stood out as odd to her, knowing that most things were able to be at least veneered with confidence when it came to him. It was one of those things that made him endearing - his rider well aside. “Anakumath is in love - if she wasn’t being respectful of Zenobiath, she’d already have come down to see to that little blue.” he had practically sung to Anakumath’s hearts even as she’d watched on. “We shall see what the future brings for us, though.”

Martirae, despite being a goldrider and junior weyrwoman of High Reaches, still had been grown in Western’s ways - so to be asked her thoughts so plainly required some curation. The bronzes were nice, but in the same way she’d not particularly fussed a brown on Anakumath’s ledge, she also had not been using the metallics to grade her thoughts on the entire clutch. Though, she couldn’t imagine Zyamel had been either. “Good numbers for a maiden clutch,” how many clutch records had she read in training? “More metallics than average, a few more eggs than average. They all look to be on the larger size...though admittedly it has been so long since I stood next to a baby dragon I’m not sure if that’s true or not…..but it certainly went well.”

How would Anakumath fare for her first time next to this? She’d be wondering about it more while the gold had it on her mind.




Beloved Werewolf


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:27 pm

Normally at times like this Olliah was fully occupied in some element of planning. Be'ren had more or less grown used to that, but something had given him pause this time around. Perhaps it was some silly romantic sentiment, or a bit of hope that the lady in question might enjoy the time to relax. Whatever the reason, Be'ren found himself knocking on Olliah's door in his Gather best, a bouquet of flowers behind his back. Where he'd gotten the flowers was certainly up for debate, as they were certainly not in season. Not in Northern, anyway.

He stood, heart essentially in hand, waiting in her doorway as though this were his first and last moment on Pern. Breathless with anticipation. Nervous, as though he were a boy still in Candidacy. "Olliah," he said, leaning against the doorframe, sensing Silmarath's comforting presence within his thoughts. "Olliah, if you've no date to the feast, I was hoping you would consider being mine. Or I could be yours." Technically, it would probably be the latter. She was Weyrwoman Second, after all.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:07 am

Talis and Blue Holleth

Though it was a voice he had been hoping to hear, it was nonetheless a pleasant surprise when Slidrianth asked if he might 'stop by.' Holleth was rarely one to expect anything from anyone, and the idea that the bronze might actually want to spend time with him was still a bit perplexing, not to mention the knotted tangle of feelings he'd been sorting through for...well, quite some time. There was still a quiet but nagging little worry - what if someone saw? - but His was forever telling him that really, seriously, no one would care.

The dark blue drew himself up primly and sent Slidrianth a warm whisper of affection, the blue of his eyes deepening. There is room aplenty, should you wish to claim it.

Inside, Talis felt the subtle shift in her dragon's emotions. Someone was happy, and he was far from the only one. "That's all well and good, I guess, as long you remember that we were first," she teased. Not that she or Holleth actually cared much about things like that. "I'm sure he'd be pleased to meet Othelloth as well, whenever you'd like."

Even if he'd proceed to be self-conscious about his company, if the new pair wanted it to be now. "La'hisen, huh?" She frowned in mock distaste as she, of course, took the ready-made bait for more poking and prodding. "A whole world of options, and that's what you went with."



Sylfie was almost tempted to go and get herself a drink, and was flirting with that possibility - but the tables were all quite busy, and her chances of successfully slipping by without getting tangled up in some manner of social interaction seemed slim - when someone approached. She knew well that it was unavoidable, no matter how much she worried about how she looked or about saying or doing something wrong; this was a party, after all, and there was no avoiding people at parties, especially as a goldrider. Sooner or later, someone was bound to want to talk to her.

In this case, one of the Weyr's esteemed guests, which Hesperith would have been delighted by, were she not focused on Ddraigth. Sylfie, on the other hand, only started to fret all the more, and had to stop herself from fussing with her dress or pulling at her hair as though that could hide the scars on her face. The wrap, at least, hid some of her arm. But for all the internal worrying, she managed a friendly smile, even though she'd still never mastered shedding her overall nervous air. She would muddle her way through as best she could, as usual.

"Parties are...a lot of people, and I've never been very good at them," she answered finally, her smile turning self-deprecating. She could have said she was waiting for someone, and perhaps that would have gotten her a reprieve - and it wasn't entirely untrue, even if it was only a hopeful sort of waiting - but it would have been discourteous. And despite how anxious she made herself when it came to being social, she really did like company...and he was terribly charming, and maybe Hesperith's mood was rubbing off on her, because it was quite nice to hear lovely things, even if she was less easily convinced than her dragon that they were true. "You seem right at home, though."

She had, at least, been getting a bit better at fighting through some of her pauses and indecision when she spoke, as long as she wasn't too flustered.




Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 11:35 am

Y'io of Brown Taliorth

Giving a soft snort of a chuckle, Y'io bolted down the rest of his meatpie, then took a sip of his wine to wash it down. Maybe it was the joy of the occasion, maybe it was the wine or the food, but he was in a remarkably good mood. He felt a gentle happy mental rumble from Taliorth, as if to say 'maybe the company as well, fool', but Y'io wouldn't allow his thoughts to go quite that far. Not yet.

"Personally, I hope all the dragonets dance. Can you imagine the sight?" His faint hint of a smile deepened to the point a slight dimple appeared on his cheek. "And the look on the faces of the other dancers. Delight? Surprise? It would be worth it."

The harpers who had taken their place began playing a light, quick song, and the brownrider watched a number of people leave their seats to dance. "Are you done with your meal, Mavri?" he asked on impulse. "Would you like to dance?"

ooooh, it begins XD
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:59 am

Mavri of Blue Dezinarth

Y’io was in a better mood than a Mavri had seen him since their reunion. It made her heart warm to see behind his usual poker face. “Maybe they will,” she said. He was right. It would be a sight! She smiled.

“People will be talking about that for sevendays!” She said with a laugh. “I hope someone sketches it.” The look on people’s face would be worth it. She wanted to see that. She would’ve paid to see that.

She finished her pie. Food always tasted better after working for it. She watched as others left their seats to dance. It was a cheerful tune. She didn’t expect to be asked. She was surprised when Y’io spoke next and took a moment to respond. “I would love to,” she said.


Cute Fairy

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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