The sun had just set. Akinyi left her tree, landing on the ground where her slave Malaika was resting. He shifted his body to look at her. His face expressed just how tired he was.

“Mal, it is time for me to get to know our sovereign better.” Akinyi said, looking at Malaika seriously. “Stay here for now and keep watch. When I get back I want you to report on everything that happened.”

Malaika slowly sat up, becoming taller then Akinyi.

“I would like to go with you. To make sure you stay safe. I do not trust just this sovereign. She came into our land and claimed it for herself. You told her your family's ways and she took it and made it into something... different.” Malaika was careful about what words he chose. Akinyi followed her families tradition even after they abandoned her. Since the arrival of Ezrasia and her group, Akinyi had been nothing but kind and willing to teach them her ways. Akinyi didn't understand why. He wanted to scare them away and keep the land for themselves.

“You don't have to trust her. All you have to do is serve me and follow my orders. Believe me when I say I have our best interest in mind.” She tried to reassure him, but she understood his feelings. Anyone who enters their land is seen first as an enemy. It was the two of them against everyone else. It is how it always seemed ot be. But Akinyi hoped that with Ezrasia's rule over the land, things would be different.

“Aki, you're the only one I believe.” Malaika responded. “I just want to watch your back. The sovereign has made it clear since she arrived here that she doesn't mind doing anything to get what she wants. If something were to happen to you and I wasn't around to protect you I would have no choice but to end my own life.”

Akinyi sighed. She knew that Mal wouldn't be easily swayed to leave her side, but she still hoped he would listen to her. He was in her service since they were cubs and was just as stubborn then as he was now.

“Fine, but watch your tongue.” Akinyi said. “I do not want to cross the sovereign.”

Malaika nodded his head and followed Akinyi.

Ezrasia was enjoying a stroll around Igazi Laphakade. The pride was still small, but that was to be expected. In time, she hoped that others would be drawn to the pride. Either by the mysteries of the land or by the desire to learn more about immortality though drinking blood.

It had been luck that she found the land with Serael. There were others who called the land home, but they soon got rid of anyone that stood against them. And then there was Akinyi who shared her beliefs. Ezrasia was skeptical at first, but the more she learned the more ideas she got. It wasn't long that she established the pride.

She stopped when she noticed the lioness she was just thinking about, walking with her slave Malaika. When she first saw the lion, she had hoped that he would become a knight or at least a vampire. He was tall and intimidating, someone that could protect but he refused to be anything other then Akinti's servant.

Akinyi bowed to Ezrasia while Malaika stood back, eyes narrowing at Ezrasia.

“Greetings Sovereign.” She said as she stood back up. “I am glad that I had the chance to run into you. I wanted to see if there was anything you needed assistance with. It has been some time since you and I have had a one on one chat. I know ruling must take up most of your time, so I haven't taken it personally.”

Ezrasia nodded.

“It has been a long time since I've had moments to myself.” She answered. “But it is the life of a ruler. My father was once a king of sorts. Hardly had time for his family and even less for his subjects. He didn't even notice the decline in his pride until it was too late. I refuse to let that happen to Igazi Laphakade.”

“I have faith in you.” Akinyi said with a smile. “When you came to this land, you took care of the invaders who had been attacking Malaika and I. Then you listened as I explained why this land was so important and you made it a place where others could live and thrive, drinking the blood to stay alive. There is no one else I would rather have lead the pride then you.”

“Akinyi should be allowed a higher position though.” Malaika interrupted. Ezrasia glared at him, but he didn't back down. “She taught you her ways and you've done nothing to reward her for it.”

“I would love to make Akinyi a clan leader, but I must wait until she has created a clan. I refuse to play favorites.” Ezrasia explained. “If you want to help her rise in ranks, I suggest that you stop being a slave to her and actually become a vampire. The role would fit you better.”

“I was a servant to her before you came to this land and I will continue being one. Akinyi is a natural leader. Others will flock to her in no time.” Malaika responded.

Ezrasia stepped closer to Malaika and Akinyi.

“I would want nothing more than that.” She said, her attention going to Akinyi. “You know, some prides would kill slaves for talking back or at the very least teach them a lesson about doing so. Since you are special to me and my pride, I will let you handle him how you believe is just. But just know that I will not always be so tolerant.”

“Of course.” Akinyi said, looking over at Malaika. He stepped away from the two lionesses.

Ezrasia grinned in triumph.

“You know if I were you and he was my slave, I would make good use of him and make him father a litter of cubs. We need a new generation to keep our pride going. With him as a father the cubs would come out healthy and strong.” Ezrasia said quietly to Akinyi while looking Malaika over.

“I will keep that in mind when I am ready to become a mother.” Akinyi said awkwardly.

“Good cause if you don't make good use of him someone else might try to steal him away.” Ezrasia said with a wink. “But enough about that. While you are here, I was thinking of some celebration ideas and I wanted to get your input.”

While Ezrasia talked to Akinyi about different ideas she had, Malaika kept his distance behind them. He didn't want to make things any more worse for Akinyi. It was just infuriating to see her now allowed to be at her full potential. Honestly he thought that if anyone should lead the pride it was her. Especially because the customs and beliefs the pride had came from her family.

He would do what it took to make sure that she became a clan leader. It was the least she deserved.

The two lionesses continued to talk for a while, discussing different aspects of the pride, what could change and what was being done right. Malaika stayed far enough away that he didn't feel apart of the conversation, but could pick up some of what they were talking about.

“This was a good talk Akinyi. I would like to do it again sometime. For now though, I need to get back to my love.” Ezrasia said. “If I leave her alone too long she'll get cozy with her precious sacred one and that would just look poorly on me.”

And Ezrasia left Akinyi with Malaika.

“Is there anything we need to be concerned about Aki?” Malaika asked.

Akinyi shook her head no.

“We will continue watching how she shapes the pride. Right now we need to be the sovereign's allies, her trusted advisors. Being her enemy will lead to us being chased from our home. You don't want that do you Mal?” She asked.

“No,” he answered. “But I still believe that you should be the leader. The outsider has none of the traits you have. She's impatient and vile.”

“But I'm not the leader and if anyone heard you speaking like this they would have you killed immediately. I will not have you dying while you are severing me. I would rather banish you from this land then see you killed. So when I tell you to watch your tongue, I mean it. If you go against me again I will be left with few choices.”

Malaika hung his head down in shame. “I'm sorry Aki. I just want the best for you. You deserve everything you've ever wanted.”

“Maybe in time I will have it Mal. For now I am content with having you by my side.” She said. The pair headed back to their spot in the trees.

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