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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] Overdue Reunions (Sylfie/T'mul+Dragons)

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:29 am
Sylfie couldn't help a touch of nervousness as they arrived at Western Weyr: a Weyr they had once seriously considered joining, as it was where several of their dear friends had chosen upon the return of Thread. But Hesperith had decided it wasn't in their best interest, or specifically, not in Sylfie's; she'd hoped that settling elsewhere would be the end of the unrequited feelings the young woman had been harboring from Weyrlinghood, and she had eventually been proved right...even if all her rider had done was 'move on' to another crush she'd now been nursing for an absurdly long time without a word. At least the object of her affections was, technically, available, though how long that could last, when he was a bronzerider of High Reaches?

It was becoming apparent that, sooner or later, Hesperith was going to have to push her, perhaps even hard. But that was a matter for another day. Today was for hatchlings and, of far more interest to the gold, visiting with her own clutchmates after so long. Once she had deposited Hers, she sought out a perch already occupied by a certain brown. Braraith, my dearest brother, I hope you don't mind if I join you? Hatchings are so much better with company.

Sylfie was less decisive about where she ought to observe from. She did want to see her friends, but it had been so long, she really didn't know how to start.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:24 pm
If Braraith could have gone into vapors, he would have.

The brown dragon had not expected anyone to desire to sit near him, much less a gold. And to make it even more shocking, was that it was Hesperith, his clutchsister, making his way over to him. It had been quite a few Turns since he'd last seen her, but she was a stunning as ever. He was both thrilled and terribly ashamed--his ledge wasn't as close to the festivities as a gold might otherwise deserve, and he was certain he was nothing but an eye sore next to her.

Still, he couldn't--wouldn't--be able to resist her request and would never turn away someone who actively wished to be near him. His eyes immediately turned a bright purple-blue--but she was his clutchsister, for all the time it had been since they last met. While had had always been fond of Hesperith, she had been Zsaldath's favored clutchmate. And why shouldn't she have been? He'd been a bronze, she'd been a queen--it was a story as old as time. But Zsaldath had never looked at him in a fashion he had desired, and he was too low to be of any true notice to any queen--even Hesperith. She was too good, too pure, too metallic--and he far too ugly for much love.

Indeed they are--though any event, great or small, would be pleasing with you near. He moved over, hoping to give the queen as much room as she desired, and to make herself comfortable. The rotund brown made sure to give her ample space, and sat as close to the edge. Please, make yourself comfortable. I.. I certainly am honored, provided you've no shame to be seen with me. There were so many dragons of all colors and ranks. If she wished him to hide his face beneath a wing, or move along for more handsome companionship, he would do so in a heartbeat.

But he did wish to catch up... For all that His made him periodically check in on Hesperith and Sylfie, it was entirely different to see her once more in the flesh.

Thankfully, His wasn't at all distressed or concerned. Though it had been many Turns since he last saw Sylfie, he recognized her as she made her way from the entrance. "Sylfie," he called out, approaching the gold rider quickly. Once near, he gave her a low bow, and a warm smile. "I thought that might be you. I'd had hoped you might come." And that was the truth. It was good to see her after so many Turns. Time had changed so many things... but he hoped to catch up with her, even if just for a few moments. They were both older, both Threadscarred ... but they were still alive. That alone was worth celebrating.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:22 pm
Hesperith practically hummed with happiness to see one of her clutchmates again after so long, and was pleased as punch, as always, to receive such sincere compliments. Her eyes whirled purple-blue, and she craned her head to nuzzle at the brown. Whatever he thought he looked like, he was her brother, and she saw little else beyond that, and that he was whole and healthy. None of them had gone untouched by Thread, herself included, but overall he looked well.

Of course I've no shame to be seen with you! You are my brother. Losing one had made the rest all the dearer, and Turns apart had only made her hearts grow fonder. Brimming with affection, she drew him closer with a wing. She could have perched herself with a High Reaches dragon, certainly, as there were no shortage in attendance of any color, but she could see them anytime she wanted. Braraith's company was a very, very rare treat. You look well. I do hope you are? And Yours? The occasional chat an ocean apart was nothing compared to speaking in-person.

Sylfie, in contrast to Hesperith's enthusiasm, couldn't help but be nervous. She'd not seen anyone in Turns, and she...well, she didn't look quite the same as she had. Her loose braid was pulled to the scarred side of her face, as always, and she was twisting her hands together when she heard T'mul call out. There was a faint pang at the sight of him, an echo of feelings she'd run away from rather than deal with, and which she carefully squashed right back down where they belonged. That had all been a long, long time ago, even if seeing him again after so long made it seem like yesterday.

She flushed when he bowed, thrown a little off-balance by the gesture. Not that it took much. "I- It's good to see you," she floundered, "Hes, we...we've missed everyone."

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:50 pm
If Braraith had been any less of a brown, he would have fainted. He wanted to, honestly, when Hesperith offered him a nuzzle, and said he looked well. Of course, he knew that looking well was far different form looking good, and a brown as ugly as him would never, ever, be thought of as anything but a monster--much less from someone as important or as beautiful as Hesperith, or the other metallics of the Weyr. Still, the fact that she was choosing to sit with him in public practically sent him into vapors.

It took Braraith a moment but he finally found his voice. Oh, uh...You are far too kind and good to me, sister Mine. His hearts ached a bit, conflicted. He knew he had no right to truly admire Hesperith, but she had always been a beauty. And their bronze brother--oh, how he missed him so. To see her was a reminder of him, and how he had been lost so long ago. That had been the most unfair thing of all. He'd never expected Zsaldath to leave him...them... and yet he had. If he hadn't been lost, Braraith was certain he would have been with Hesperith, or at least followed where she lead. And Braraith would have followed him, to the end.

Instead, he was here, Hesperith was far away, Talsith had died, and things were extra-complicated with Tioloth's. Everything honestly seemed a right mess. What could he say to Hesperith though? Did he admit it? She didn't need to be burdened with all of that, did she? The dragon's tail twitched back and forth with anxiousness, as he tried to figure out what the best course of action might be. I am... We are... It's fine. It's all fine here, r-really it is. Ah, yes, that was the ticket. Fine was a perfect word to describe the situation. I do my duty, as a brown should. The scars are nothing. Mine throws himself into his work with vigor these days, which I suppose a rider should. It's the best way to cope. But what of you and Yours? Please tell me you're well, and happy, up there in the mountains so far way. He had hoped beyond measure that maybe she would have come to Western with the lot of them--but sadly, she had gone elsewhere.

He never had figured out why.

T"mul, of course, was glad to see Sylfie once more. He did notice the scarring on her face--but he wasn't going to say a word about it. Threadfall had a way of tearing them all to pieces, and while he might have hoped that she, being a Queenrider, would be spared the worst of it--it was clear that wasn't so.

That didn't make her any less welcome. He himself had scars and wounds anew, though they were more on his arms, shoulders and back. Places he could more easily hide them. Such was the lot of a rider--but better him than others.

"We've all certainly missed you these past few Turns." He admitted. He knew it to be true. Jalle and he used to talk about their group fondly. T'mul had been disapointed when Sylfie hadn't joined them at Western--it seemed a natural place for her, with Jalle, Serese, and Im'sh there. But, on the other hand, High Reaches Weyr had always been a bit more of a draw for metallic riders--there she would no doubt find herself with status and luxury. They would take care of her, and if she was happy, than that was all that mattered.

"So much has changed." He knew she was at least peripherally aware of some things, but he hardly knew where to begin, or what to say. "I hardly know where to begin. I trust High Reaches is treating you and Hesperith well? What's it like over there in the mountains? We probably seem like a cothold in comparison." He mused, giving a low chuckle at the thought. While the two Weyrs certainly had had a falling out--and chafed with different beliefs--T'mul understood that the Weyrs were simply that: different.

Western was a much smaller Weyr than High Reaches, but they were what they were. There was nothing wrong with Tradition--but there was nothing wrong with trying to break the mold, either. So long as Braraith and he could fight Thread, and do their duty, he would do so.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:39 pm
Nothing but delighted to have her brother near after so long apart, Hesperith radiated contentment and good cheer, and didn't hesitate to give him a more thorough checking-over even as they spoke. A nudge here, a whuffle there, as she assured herself that he was indeed in good and proper order. Being apart from her family for these Turns had been difficult to bear, first when she and Hers had stayed behind when the others had gone to Western, then all the ones since she had pushed Sylfie to settle at High Reaches. She knew it had been necessary - and was still as convinced of that as ever - but she did miss her clutchmates terribly.

When Braraith asserted that he was fine, she was rather less convinced by the way that he said it. You're quite sure? I do worry about you, you know, ever since... Ever since Talsith. Hadn't it been enough to lose Zsaldath? But the reality of fighting Thread was harsh, and every one of them undertook great risk in doing their duty. I have been very well, of late. My last clutch is grown and graduated, and every last one is as fine a dragon as you will find. Mine is- Well, she is as she ever is. I do not think the winters will ever agree with her, but I do believe she is finally beginning to settle in.

Sylfie looked down guiltily When T'mul affirmed that she had been missed in turn, and that so much had changed; she would, in truth, have much rather they followed their friends to Western, but there'd been no arguing with Hesperith. There would be no trailing after them: more specifically, no more quiet, hopeless pining on Sylfie's part for someone who was well off-limits. And worse still, since that was the reason, she could never truthfully explain why they'd gone elsewhere. Still, she did understand why Hes had insisted, especially now; distance, time, and even a new set of hopeless feelings for another didn't keep what she'd once felt from trying to rush back to the surface. And if running away hadn't been entirely effective, staying close could surely only have been worse.

"They've been very good to us, of course," she answered finally, "And Hesperith just adores it. She always has loved attention." Her gold might not be quite so lofty as some Queens, but she did enjoy being treated as someone special, especially by boys. "I don't know, it- It seems nice here. Living on the beach must be lovely, and you don't have to worry about getting cold. I've learned I really don't much like winter," she admitted with a breath of slightly nervous laughter.

"Are you...have you been alright?" Sylfie knew if anything momentous or terrible had happened, Braraith would surely have told Hesperith, but there was all sorts of room in between. He didn't seem any worse for wear that she could tell, which was a relief. "And Jalle?" She'd have expected the bluerider to be close by, but perhaps she was already seated, or was one of the unlucky ones still stuck on duties elsewhere; not everyone could drop what they were doing the moment the eggs began to rock, particularly if they were away from the Weyr at the time.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:12 pm
Braraith took Hesperith's nudging and whuffling in stride, doing his best to keep his composure. If he flattened himself ever so slightly, it couldn't be helped--how embarrassing it must be to her to be seen with a brown like him! His eyes almost whirled yellow, glancing anxiously about to ensure no other, worthier dragon wished to take his place. Where was her throng of metallic dragons? Perhaps they were simply humoring her as she made a fuss over the Ugliest Brown on Pern.

She was far too good.

When she pressed, Braraith's tail gave a telling twitch, and his eyes whirled faster as his anxiety spiked. What was he even supposed to say? They were fine, physically. Did they miss Hesperith and Sylfie and worry about them up in the mountains? Yes. Was His still picking up the pieces after falling-out with Jalle? Had that strained his own relationship with her blue? Certainly so--things were a bit more complicated than they had been a Turn prior. But he also didn't want to sound like they weren't well off. They had their health, and any wounds and injuries weren't overly-devastating. Life was different, and they were still adjusting to the changes... but wasn't that everyone?

He didn't want to bring down the mood. You are far too good to me. Things are different, I... I suppose. There has been a lot of changes lately but nothing to have you worry. Tioloth might well give her an earful, but Braraith didn't want to bring the queen down. This was meant to be a celebration, after all--bad enough she was spending part of it with him. Are they grown already? Time certainly seems to fly. I suspect you have the most precious and gorgeous of children--and you must be so proud to have them all in one place. Oh, that pang in his hearts over the separation of all of them. It just wasn't fair. Winters are unpleasant, even here, though they are a fair bit milder, I'm sure. Do you enjoy the snow? I'm sure you would stand out in all your splendor and beauty all the more, wreathed in white.

T'mul gave a small nod and a small smile at Sylfie's confession. "I'd be more surprised if they treated you rotten," he admitted. "But so long as you're happy." Which, of course, she hadn't quite admitted to but he wouldn't push or press. If Hesperith was enjoying herself, than certainly, it seemed logical that Sylfie would follow. "I'm sure they were more than happy to welcome you both to their ranks. That said, Western might not have mountains as tall as Reaches, but it has its views. The ocean keeps things mild, though our winters can get chilly, and running sweeps is always beautiful, no matter which direct you're assigned, or the time of day." Between plains, desert, jungle, and hills there was always something to see. "Maybe in another ten or twenty Turns you'll want to trade in those winters for some tropical storms instead." He mused. While they didn't get bad winters, there were some ocean storms that could spin up and be quite ferocious.

It made sense that she would have asked about Jalle, as for some time they were near-inseparable. His smile faltered for a moment, before he gave a small shake of his head. "Honestly, I.. I'm not sure how she is," he confessed. "We separated not too long ago, and I don't see too much of her these days, if I'm perfectly honest." How odd to confess, even after all this time. It was one thing to live it, another thing to say it. "It's over. I just... We just... I guess we just grew apart, wanted different things. She's in her own weyr now with Tioloth, so it's just Braraith, Kibble, and me, now." Honestly, he was surprised Jalle hadn't told Sylfie yet--but maybe she was waiting to do so in person.

... Well, the wher was out of the bag now.

"But I've been keeping busy." The dynamics were a bit peculiar now that Jalle and him weren't on speaking terms--and he had a vague suspicion Im'sh was on her side. "More time to work, really--you know I like to keep busy." And maybe that had been the problem all along.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:46 pm
With Braraith studied to her satisfaction, Hesperith settled into a comfortable cuddle, but kept the vast majority of her focus on the brown.  The babies beginning to hatch down below were surely precious, but they were not her brother. I am only as good as you deserve, she assured him fondly, But I will do my best not to worry overmuch, if you would prefer it.

It is hard to believe, but they are! It has been a delight to watch them grow. Sometimes I regret that I did not spend such time with my first clutch, but I know that there is nothing to be done for it now. She had kept in touch with any who were amenable to it, but it was not the same. It was more than their own clutch's mother had offered, though, to be sure. When he aaked about the snow, however, and imagined how beautiful she must look, her eyes brightened. Oh, the snow is wonderful! I enjoy it so very much. Mine does not agree, but then, she is far more sensitive to cold than a dragon. Perhaps one day you might come and visit us, and see it for yourself - all we need is a clutch to be so obliging as to hatch in the winter.

As many golds as called High Reaches home, that would surely be sooner rather than later.

Chilly was one thing, but there was chilly and then there was cold, mountain cold, and pretty though it might be, that had worn off very quickly her first winter, especially after she'd gotten so sick with that bad case of the flu.  So Sylfie tended to spend her winters miserable, and complaining at Hesperith for choosing somewhere with such a cold climate.  It was only half-hearted, though, as she knew her dragon was, on the whole, quite happy with her choice. "The mountains are pretty, but they're not exactly inviting," Sylfie said with a small, rueful smile, "Not like a beach, anyway." As for trading in winter for storms, well...she looked wistful at the very thought, and sighed. "I'd like that, actually.  I've had more than enough snow already."

...but oh, no.  Sylfie's heart broke for her friend when he revealed that he and Jalle were no longer together.  It almost seemed impossible, after how long they'd been a couple, and they'd always seemed so happy!  But then, it had been a long time since she'd seen them last, and their lives much different than they had been then.  They were all older now, and in more than just Turns.  Poor T'mul!  With no small amount of hesitation, she reached to lightly grasp his hand. "I'm so sorry.  If Hes knew, she didn't...she didn't tell me."

And knowing Hesperith, Sylfie was almost certain she had heard, whether from Braraith, Tioloth, or Hunurith.  And though she knew why her bonded wouldn't have told her, she couldn't help but feel hurt that she hadn't.  Not only could she have avoided putting her foot in it if she'd known, she'd have had time to process the news and sort through the sudden mess of feelings that swelled up.  As it was, she was caught quite off-guard, and right in the wake of the effects of seeing T'mul again for so long...it was a lot to get ahold of.  Some of the thoughts and feelings that bubbled up were quite selfish, and she did her best to bury them.

"I'm glad you're keeping busy, but are you alright?  Really?" The concern was more than genuine - whatever else she might have wished for in the past, T'mul was a dear friend.

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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