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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

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[Rider] Carwyn & Green Alaiath [QCed]

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:43 pm
Name: Carwyn
Age: 28
Nameday: 3548.07.10
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Harper/Apprentice

Physical Description:

Carwyn would best be described as a simple beauty, not ravishing perhaps, but not quite plain either. She has rather pleasing features; blonde, arched eyebrows are set above a pair of stormy grey-green eyes framing a delicate nose, and a pair of full lips offset the rather harsh set of her jaw. She’s held on to the holdbred notion of long hair being ladylike, so despite having become a dragonrider she has kept her waves of honey blonde hair at a length where it falls about midway down her back-although it’s usually tied back or plaited neatly for riding. She’s of modest height, standing at 5’6”, and does her best to maintain a fit but womanly figure. She may not flaunt her sexuality, but by no means wishes to remain unnoticed and compliments her curves in the right places by wearing flowing skirts and fitted jerkins or vests over loose-sleeved blouses and tunics to accentuate her hourglass figure. She prefers skirts or dresses to leggings or pants-a relic from her upbringing in a hold, but in keeping with her common sense wears them for heavy labor and riding. Carwyn prefers modest adornment, wearing simple or delicate jewelry to bolder pieces and preferring earth tones and pastels to gaudy shades of clothing. She typically only wears a small locket or trinket gifted to her by her family, but will wear simple bracelets and rings should the occasion call for such ornamentation.


In short Carwyn perseveres, values hard work and actions over statements, is disrespectful towards those who act entitled, has a passionate nature, is sensible yet optimistic, and is fiercely loyal to those she holds dear to her heart.

In a group, Carwyn naturally wants to take on a leadership role-perhaps in part due to her childhood as a pushy older sister. However, she’s fully willing to take on the responsibility and accompanying workload, which is why she became increasingly frustrated at the limited opportunities of a greenrider-despite however qualified she may be, Alaiath’s hide would prevent her from taking up a leadership role. For those she’s close to, as she did in her role as a protective eldest sibling, she cares deeply about their well-being and will attempt to do everything in her power to ensure their health and success. As such, she works well in a group, however due to her differing ideals it’s easy for her to get into disputes and assume a challenging air to those of presumed authority. This made her seem passive aggressive, and even outright disrespectful, to those in positions of power under the old Benden mantle-which in no way helped her case in seeking opportunity for herself and Alaiath.

When she’s upset with someone she makes that fact well-known, treating them with nothing more than icy glares and the smallest amount of conversation social etiquette dictates. This is perhaps the downside to her passionate nature, and paired with her sheer force of will, has led to a small number of lasting grudges. Conversely, if someone shows genuine regret at having committed whichever slight Carwyn is brooding over, and if she has some foundational knowledge as to their character, she will forgive them easily enough. Ultimately, when it comes to those she is close to, Carwyn’s anger burns hot but quick, a shouting match can be followed by tears and hugs just as easily as a cold shoulder.

Positive Trait List Hardworking, Compassionate, Genuine
Negative Trait List Headstrong, Sensitive, Confrontational


Carwyn came from a minor hold tithing to Bitra Hold. Her father, Aneirin, was a second cousin of the Holder, putting him in the tumultuous position of representing a family name while having no hopes for achieving a position of prominence within the hold. He developed a “devil-may-care” attitude as he grew older, such that when he became enamored with Carrys, the young journeywoman harper brought to the hold to instruct the Holder’s grandchildren, he married her without the consent of his family. The whole ordeal became quite a scandal for the small hold, and by the time Carwyn was born her parents were treated very much like a stain on a much-prided tapestry, to be covered up and frowned upon. She adored her sisters and brothers, Caerin, Aneirrys, Ceirrys, and last-but certainly not least- her baby sister Anwyn, a full ten turns younger than herself. Growing up, Carwyn was met with reproachful gazes and snide comments from her age-mates, filling her with disdain for the entitled attitudes and pompous presumptions of her extended family. She remained strong in the face of this treatment for her younger siblings, where others may have grown sheepish and withdrawn, Carwyn grew resilient and confrontational.

Dealing with the rejection of her extended kin, Carwyn turned to other members of the hold for companionship. She found her closest friend-next to Caerin- in Marcel, a kitchen girl just a turn older than she, and stole away in her free time to accompany Marcel in her tasks. The work was hard, but she enjoyed it far more than the unbearable lessons she shared with her extended family, and it instilled in her the pride one feels in reaping the fruits of one’s labor. Besides, the calluses she developed, unladylike as they may be, aided her in the lessons her mother taught her and her siblings each day. She learned to play the harp and sing the teaching ballads to accompany it, taking joy in the care of her younger siblings. She grew enamored with the tales of dragonriders and the great Weyrs- naively thinking them to be places where all were judged as individuals, where even the lowliest drudge could Impress and become a great dragonrider.

Though she was loath to part from her immediate family and Marcel, at thirteen turns she had grown tired of the treatment she received outside of this small circle, and having shown a talent for the harpercraft, implored her parents to let her apprentice. She yearned to experience other places, places where her parent’s marriage didn’t define the treatment she received. Her parents had smiled as they presented her with a parting gift, a single firelizard egg, nestled in a pot of warm sand on the hearthstone. Elated, Carwyn threw her arms around her parents, her eyes stinging with fresh tears, overjoyed that they had taken notice of her love for tales of dragons and when the small thing hatched she named the little green Capella, smiling at the musical name for a flit crooning and trilling at hatching. Carwyn found that she wholeheartedly threw herself into the work of an apprentice harper. Although she was restricted in range to a mezzo soprano, she had a knack for remembering the twisting tales and stories often sung at Gathers and often attended as a member of the various choirs. It was at one such Gather, several turns later, celebrating a clutch newly laid on Benden sands that she was Searched. She was never so happy as when she sent a note with Capella, informing her family that she was to stand at Benden Weyr.

At first the Weyr seemed everything she hoped it would be, all of the candidates received the same treatment and opinions were formed of her based on her actions- not on her heritage- and she was happy. She continued to practice her harpercraft and spent every spare moment available to her to work with the Weyr’s harper in the creche. She loved working with the children of the Weyr, and took consolation with the idea that she could probably stay on as a harper if she didn’t Impress before she aged out of Candidacy. At twenty four turns, and losing hopes of ever becoming a full-fledged dragonrider, she impressed Alaiath, changing her life at the Weyr. No longer was the Weyr a place of unbiased opportunity, and Carwyn was confronted with the realization that her life at the Weyr had harkened back to her childhood, instead of being judged by her parents she instead became judged by Alaiath’s hide. Her time as a weyrling passed quickly, and she segued into life as a wingrider.

Instead of being judged for her own leadership capabilities she was limited in the position of her wing by the fact that she was a greenrider. She made friends within her wing just fine, but inside she was fraught with discontent over what her future might hold. She became increasingly stressed as she dwelled on Alaiath’s increasingly inevitable maiden flight, her hold ideals obviously presenting a conflict with weyrlife. Both points of frustration were only mildly abated by F’rell, a fellow wingrider that she had fallen for completely. He was kind and good-natured, not to mention easy on the eyes, and when she was with him she found herself at-ease. She didn’t worry so much about what the future would hold, or her stake in the world, she was simply able to be herself. When she found out he returned her feelings for him she was elated, and the issue of Flight no longer seemed like such a worry. They became weyrmates after His caught Alaiath, and having taken a fancy to him too, Alaith chose him when she rose more often than not. Alaiath was friendly with all in her wing and outside of it, happily making new acquaintances with flit and wher alike. Carwyn became increasingly frustrated as Alaiath’s good-natured attempts at befriending all she became acquainted with were met with reproach or indignity by those of metallic hide. She wanted to live in a society where there was sense to who took up the mantle of leadership--what qualified a man to lead a Weyr simply because his bronze had enough stamina to mate with the senior queen? F’rell was more a man of tradition though and the two grew apart, especially as the new stress of Threadfall reinforced even more strongly the rigid hierarchy of the Weyr’s fighting wings. With nothing left to tie her to Benden Weyr she requested transfer to Western, taking solace in knowing that her more liberal ideals would fit in far better there.

Other: Request for Capella's conversion included with Alaiath's below.

Name: Alaiath
Age: 4 Turns
Color: Green
Size: 43’
Physical Description:

Alaiath’s gentle coloring reflects her personality perfectly. Her hide is predominantly a calming sea green, with a soft interplay of lighter hues in her wings. Alaiath’s coloring deepens along her throat and underbelly, in addition to her frills. She’s a smaller green, but maintains a solid build-she’s definitely no frail, lithe thing as are so many greens.


Alaiath is best described as a sweetheart--she is gentle, affectionate, unassuming, and possesses a generally joyful temperament. Carwyn has influenced Alaiath’s natural temperament and encouraged Alaiath to view herself as a lady with certain standards of behavior and expectations. Though friendly she can be blindly so, often trying to befriend man or beast of all sorts. This has led to a number of confrontations with the more pretentious, high-ranking dragons; confrontations forgotten easily enough by Alaiath but held onto by Carwyn. She largely ignores those individuals and would rather spend her time with nicer beings, be they flit, wher, or dragon. Alaiath tends to wear her heart of her sleeve--well if dragons had sleeves-- and sees no sense in hiding her emotions and experiences them at the extreme; she is not cross but livid, not pleased but overjoyed, more distraught than morose, and enthralled rather than interested. Being open is not always a boon however, and she has an unfortunate propensity for getting hurt by those that would take advantage of a tender soul.

Although she is quick to berate with vocalizations when angered, Alaiath resents physical violence and refuses to partake in any sort unless it’s a matter of preserving the life of herself, Hers, and only those closest to them. Alaiath would never be described as vain, she really couldn’t give a care about how one’s hide compares to another, but she does love to be cared for. There’s few things she enjoys quite more than having a long bath followed by a full oiling with that sweet-smelling oil Carwyn buys for her.

Alaiath wants to love and be loved, but not in a shallow manner. Her love runs deeply for a dragon--perhaps especially for a green-- and her love extends to those closest to her. Her love of Carwyn plays into Flights, and she would choose a dragon who was not only best for herself, but whose rider would also be best for Hers. She is picky in Flight and does not simply want the quickest or most acrobatic flier--preferring one who she knows would linger post-flight above others-- and wants to be treated as the lady she is and as only the dragon she deserves would treat her.

Other: Because I'm a nerd I figured out that she could've hatched at Benden in Hallioth x Ezith's Clutch: 3572. 06.17.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Converted Art Drop

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:04 pm
Just bumping this up, now that I've finished tweaking their profiles from Dragonflight and updated Alaiath's size to the new measurement guidelines. 3nodding  


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:49 pm

Hello, Alethryia. Welcome again! EoP's version of Benden differs in a significant way from Dragonflight's, and I'm not completely sure some of these details came across from our guide.

Essentially, the biggest difference between the two shops where it concerns Benden Weyr is that in EoP, prior to Thread's return, Benden was not in any way a functional Weyr. It was not, in fact, a place where someone might have lived full time and stood for many Hatchings. Impressing at Benden Weyr would mean essentially being present for one of the Hatchings that Benden hosted - they literally had a couple of handfuls of dragons, with maybe one or two clutching Queens or so. Because Thread had not returned, the number of clutches was small, and the clutch size also small - although it would of course be ramping up as the Turns went on.

The most likely scenario is that an unaffiliated Queen might use the Sands for her own clutch, in which case there wouldn't be full time Candidates to Stand for it, but rather Candidates brought in from the surrounding areas, just as in old times. This makes Carwyn's history at Benden Weyr a bit impossible, at least in the way that it's been written. Per the guide I linked: "That said, the Weyr follows old traditions, much like High Reaches Weyr. However, they do not keep Candidates in Barracks. Instead, they follow the old ways, and send non-weyrbred Candidates back to their Holds and Halls between clutches. They pick them up again within the sevenday of an imminent Hatching."

A further issue that needs to be cleared up is that in EoP dragons are not limited mentally by the color of their hide. Green dragons are not all or mostly vapid, silly creatures with little to no memory. A significant portion of the Green population could stand in easily for Queens from another shop/site. Nor indeed is it uncommon for EoP's Greens to have dedicated mates, though they may not always be successful in catching their ladies. Possessing the type of deep love you describe would be possible for any color of dragon at EoP.

We do not allow pre-approval clutch claims, so while you may keep in mind a potential clutch, you will need to post in the Clutch Chart & Wing Request thread. Chances are that you'll get the clutch you're hoping for, since there are generally plenty of spots for Greens, but just something to keep in mind for the future.

Although Benden Weyr certainly is and was a more traditional Weyr, there were so few dragons that they would not have had fully functional fighting Wings as High Reaches Weyr did. At Benden Alaiath and Carwyn probably had about six months of weyrling training. Generally, it was uncommon for dragons and their riders to remain post-Impression in a Weyr, up until Thread returned. While she certainly could have been an exception, I wanted to help give a sense of scale for what she might have been facing.

What you are describing could work quite well at High Reaches Weyr, if you would prefer to go the "fully functional normal sized Weyr" route. The main aspect that makes this current writeup unlikely is that she was a holdbred Candidate and living there would have been impossible, as that was not something that Benden Weyr did.

Carwyn's personality reads well, it's just these details in her history and in Alaiath's personalty that need a bit of tweaking to better fit into the sitting.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:34 pm
Mr Cheri

First things first, thank you for the feedback! I definitely appreciate the clarifications, some of which I had figured, but probably didn’t communicate clearly. Okay so, going through the items above…

I definitely assumed that EoP’s Benden was quite different, in Dragonflight it was one of the main settings and central to its shop plot. I had thought she would have returned to her harpercraft in between clutches, and that the lack of clutches on the Sands would’ve played into her fears of aging out. I thought that Benden might work as a more traditional/conservative option for her backstory and thought High Reaches would definitely be a good fit too, but was a bit intimidated with figuring out all the shop lore that would go into having it in her backstory. That being said I think HR would probably be a better fit given the details you communicated above. The main thing was that I just wasn’t sure of was whether she could’ve requested transfer to Western or if something significant would’ve had to happen for her to essentially be booted from the Weyr as Threadfall seems to have made all the Weyrs really want to hold on to any and all of the dragons hatched on their sands.

With Alaiath being 4 turns old that would’ve had her hatching the Turn that Thread returned. In the shop thread I had read that Thread first returned in 3572, would the Weyrlings not have stayed on after their training with Thread being a threat again? I did see that you need to post for clutch approval after character approval, but wanted to note the potential clutch for my own record-keeping and internal logic. sweatdrop

That’s good to read about the Greens! I might just remove the last paragraph of Alaiath’s personality then as it’s not particularly relevant here and maybe replace it with how she enjoys being courted. I did not mean to write her as vapid, so I’m not sure if she comes off that way? More that she is sensitive and feels her emotions deeply while also being a generally friendly dragon who detests physical violence.  


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