Oh right. Wasn't sure if he'd left yet or his family and ex, Cappy was ok. The view of the bridge with the raging fires and smoke covering up the sky had me wondering.
My mom and dad are still in California. Cappy actually lives in NYC now, working for FB.
emotion_puke That puke is both for living in a terribly COVID-19 afflicted area and urban living in general.
I'm glad you're alright. I hope your folks are out of the fires paths. Parts of California really look like an apocalypse hit.
It's been a long time since I heard from Cappy. New York is HUGE (As big as Texas, or so I've heard)! This pandemic stuff has been nuts. I really hope everything settles by the time elections are over (and that Biden goes to prison).
I live in a small city in a nice neighborhood in Missouri, kinda tucked away in the middle of town, so I'm in the middle of everything, but don't hear the noise. It's nice.