Name: N'yet (Naziyet)
Age: 36
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft:
Physical Description: N'yet stands a solid 6'1" with a tall and lean frame. While not bulging with muscle like some of his wingmates, he is also a far cry from being frail. He might be a bit on the lankier side, but he is still solidly built. Turns of dragonriding, as well as scrubbing and oiling Engelienth, have helped keep him in shape, and have given him muscles he once lacked as a Holdbred teen.

His golden blonde hair is kept long, even with Thread's return. He tends to wear it tied up in a tail, or braided out of his face while working. When down, the pale locks fall well past his shoulders. His smile is warm and easy-going, his eyes a dark brown, and his skin often fair. He's a handsome man, and Impressing Engelienth only added to his allure, much to his chagrin.

He does sport an ugly scar around his back and ribs--courtesy of Thread. While he tends to keep it covered, he isn't afraid of showing his scars or shy about it.

Personality: N'yet is, by far and large, a good man.

Positive Trait List Kind, Idealist, Industrious
Negative Trait List Traditionalist, Stubborn, Rose-Colored Outlook


Name: Engelienth
Age: 15
Color: Bronze
Size: 90'
Physical Description: Engelienth is a large bronze, though there are a few that might have a few feet on him in terms of length. There is no doubting his strength, but for all his muscle, there is a surprising grace about him. His headknobs, neck, tail, and muzzle are rather long, giving him an elegance some other, bulkier bronzes might lack. This trimness allows him to cut a fine figure in the air. That said, he will never be a fast dragon, on air or on land, but he isn't here to outmaneuver his competitors; he is here to out fly them. His stamina is exactly that which a bronze should be, and he manages even the longest of Threadfalls with ease.

Personality: Engelienth is everything a bronze ought to be. He is proud, confident, and absolutely self-assured. Unlike some of his metallic kin, Engelienth doesn't need to be vocal or loud about his position; instead of posing, or making grand displays, Engelienth instead tends to make his own way. He doesn't need constant praise (even if he might enjoy it in the right company; he knows exactly who he is, and where he belongs.

Traditionalist though he might be, Engelienth is a good bronze. He doesn't usually look down or disparage chromatics, but instead, tends to be concerned or speak up on their behalf. He isn't here to make waves, certainly not--but he knows the importance of their roles, and how a divided Weyr could easily fall.

To say he's a white knight is accurate--if Pern knew what that even meant. Engelienth is a bronze who lives for others, and wants the best for His, his wingmates, and High Reaches as a whole. He does his best to inspire those as he can, and support the leadership as he sees fit. He's a bit of a romantic at heart, and often his traditional views stem from a need and desire to do the most good. He truly believes the natural hierarchy serves them all well, especailly when it comes to facing down The Enemy.

All that said, he isn't a perfect bronze, and can be rather black and white with his views. Those who cross him or his loved ones will find a vindictive creature indeed, and one who does not often give second chances. He will fall in line when he agrees with those in the chain of command--and will put a chromatic in his or her place if he feels they step too far out of line; while he isn't as stern as some Traditionalists, he still knows well his place as a metallic. Additionally, he can sometimes be blinded by his desire to do good--and not think the situation through. Instead of following directions, he might well find himself making his own calls to save another from danger--and make an even greater mess of things.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Bronze from Wish