Name: S'gatte
Age: 46
Nameday: 3530.07.02
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: Western
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Harper, Archivist specialization.
Physical Description:


Positive Trait List: Bright, attentive, easygoing.
Negative Trait List: Hermit, awkward, disorganized.


Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Vanidoth
Age: 19
Color: Bronze
Size: 84'
Physical Description:
Quiet, polite, and understated, Vanidoth is definitely a dragon best suited to staying out of the center of attention. He doesn't like having a lot of attention placed on him, and would much rather deflect all of that focus to someone else--surely there's plenty of other equally worthy people to pay attention to, and he hardly needs any more than he's already gotten! While he's hardworking and dependable, Vanidoth gets easily embarrassed if he's recognized for his contributions, becoming flustered and uncertain; he begins to doubt himself if too much emphasis is placed on him, wondering if any of it is truly genuine. He's bashful, and while he finds it easier to accept praise from those he's honestly close to, he'll still trip all over himself all the same.
Whereas S'gatte may be a little more inclined to flights of fancy or otherwise getting horribly distracted, Vanidoth is a firm, steady constant that helps his rider remain on task and moving forward. He prefers to work in the shadows rather than up front, and being the subtle nudge that helps people along is perfect for him--it lets him help how he'd like, but without having to get everything else that comes with it. He can guide others just fine without them looking!
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: [ x ]