Name: M'non
Age: 32
Nameday: 3544.10.18
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation:
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Farmer
Physical Description:
M'non doesn't cut as dramatic a figure as some of his siblings do--he's still tall enough at 6'2", but his build is far more lean than anything else, if not outright twiggy. He sports similar dark brown hair, medium-length waves swept to the left as much as possible to keep it all managed, and somewhat harshly-ringed golden-brown eyes set rather deep into his skull. He's fairly handsome, although not quite as conventionally so as L'sil--he'd far more suit some scholarly stereotype than he would anything heroic. He has heavy, dark eyebrows that seem perpetually furrowed, and his resting expression is one of vague irritation that only rarely borders on something more potent. Throughout his time as an active threadfighter, M'non has managed to avoid any significant scarring anywhere visible, and there's only the slightest hint of freckles trying to surface on his tanned skin. M'non wants to take more pride in his appearance now that he's in High Reaches, and he's tried to clean his act up as much as possible to make the best impression; he's well aware of his place in the hierarchy, but isn't terribly fond of it. As a result, his clothes are usually a particular shade of well-kept, and he does everything he can to comport himself with dignity when in public.


Positive Trait List: Loyal, honest, unbending.
Negative Trait List: Greedy, oblivious, unbending.


Other: Anything else you want to add?
(L'sil and Beelim are written by Pach, A'som is written by Sam, S'nim is written by Tsu, and Besilin is written by Fae!)

Name: Sovraith
Age: 15
Color: Green
Size: 56'
Physical Description:
Lean and muscular, Sovraith is built like a prime example of a feline, resulting in a powerful, but svelte Green. She's visually rather striking, with bright patterns all across her hide and soft gradients--overall, she makes quite an impression, and not only because she's massive for her color. Her head is slim and sharp, with her features formed in such a way as to make her look perpetually angry about something. Really, it's likely.

Bold and decisive on the surface, Sovraith is an ambitious Green who will stop at nothing to prove her worth to everyone that matters. She's aggressive and usually on a short fuse, but knows how to control herself in order to redirect her anger toward what she deems far more constructive ends--this leads to her being more than a little bit of an overachiever, especially when she has someone to prove wrong, and she insists on pushing herself to the utmost limit. Sovraith is highly driven to action, and despises being told to wait for an outcome instead; her patience definitely leaves something to be desired, but she doesn't always take criticism as well as she claims she does. She's stubborn as anything, and while it makes her just as firm as M'non when it comes to her values and beliefs, it also means that she's very slow to change her mind. While she despises being as low on the hierarchy as she is at High Reaches, Sovraith has had to learn to bite her tongue and simply force herself to bend just enough to fit into the weyr's mold. To her credit, Sovraith knows not to openly argue with those ranked above her, but unfortunately, she's rather inclined to make her opinions about them known to her inner circle in private.

She knows full well that she's headstrong, not to mention opinionated, and understands that she has what some may consider to be flaws--the problem is that Sovraith herself doesn't necessarily see them for what they are, instead doing what she can to twist them around to be a feather in her cap. Sometimes, this goes well, and allows her to push herself enough to grow past a less than desirable trait--most of the time, though, it just makes her a little bit insufferable. Sovraith knows her weak points, of course, but she almost refuses to acknowledge them to others for fear of appearing weak. She can be haughty, particularly in defense of herself, and her forceful, if not outright overbearing, nature makes her somewhat of an acquired taste.
Still, to acknowledge these things as genuine negatives means that she's in the wrong somehow, and to Sovraith, that's unacceptable. In this, however, her stubborn nature isn't exactly what's driving her resistance--rather, Sovraith wants desperately to be someone who truly matters to the people around her in some way or another, whether it be through her physical protection or presence alone. She's desperate to please those she cares about at the heart of things, although she'll always insist that everything she does is for the benefit of herself and M'non alone in order to 'maintain appearances.' She's very concerned with her reputation as well, leading her to be painfully aware of how her image will fare as a result of certain actions. While this isn't as likely as a loved one is to sway her strong beliefs, it still can be an issue if she's feeling especially self-conscious.

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