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Full Name: Theodin Poe
Nickname: Theodin of Ice and Storm, Theo, "Storm God", "Thunder God"
Age: 40
Birthdate: Dec 21st
Gender: Male


Body Rank: S+

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 260lbs

Bloodline: Ice
Implants: Ranton


Nindo: To rebuild what I lost, and destroy the ones that took it from me.
Personality: Theodin was once a light hearted, joker of a man with a serious streak when it came to training and a fury in battle, especially when those he cared for were threatened. Years of struggling to survive and seeing all his best friends and comrades killed, along with having to send his son away for his safety during an attack and years of torture and experimentation has made him darker, colder, almost to the point of being heartless, at least when it comes to dealing with threats. In most situations, he comes off as distant, and sort of morose, but his old sarcastic humor may still shine through from time to time; albeit with a darker twist to it.

Village: Wander [ Sunagakure ]
Title: ----
Local Reputation: 0 Fame/Infamy
Global Reputation: 0 Fame/Infamy

Biography: Theodin was created in the genetic lab of James Poe as an experiment combining the genetic material of James with that of Ayame Hatake, which resulted in Theo having both Ice release and due to unexpected gene splicing, the storm release bloodlines. He was then rapidly aged to allow him to join village shinobi life as 16 year old genin, receiving his headband from his dad by proxy of the kazekage at the time, Miyamoto Bastet. After a marathon training session with Sanshi Satetsu, Theo was sent into the Saraswasti war zone along with his team to evacuate civilians while his parents and their team fought and defeated UHV operatives. Following this successful mission, though it included losing one teammate, Theo was promoted to chuunin.
As a Chuunin,Theodin finally met his mother Ayame, who had no idea about James’s experiments, but accepted him anyway and helped him to master his lightning techniques. After a few missions, Theo and his team got sent out along with Bast and Ayame to help Konoha deal with another UHV attack. After returning home, Theo was promoted to jounin, and after passing an exam was inducted into the village’s ANBU corps.

Following the fall of Suna, Theo wandered the wilderness with his friend Hakanai, who had joined the village a couple years before the fall. While they were staying in a town on the outskirts of fire country, he met and had a son with a local woman, who tragically died during childbirth. Not much later, Theo and Hakanai had to leave the town with their kids to evade capture by the UHV remains that had taken over Wind Country and Suna. Theo had to send his son and Hakanai’s daughter to safety before their ice dome gave way and they were overrun... Hakanai and her partner Shukenja were killed and their bodies taken for experimentation and Intel gathering while Theo was imprisoned and tortured for information.


First Class: Ninjutsu
▱▰▱ Harsh Elementalist → The user starts with an additional element at D rank. In addition, at C rank and A rank, the user receives an additional element each. Ninjutsu class slots are mirrored per element, including maruton. The Elementalist's wide understanding of the elements reduces the cost of their elemental ninjutsu by [1] whole rank without losing their potency but elemental ninjutsu cannot be lowered in cost beyond this. Additionally, the user can choose [1] elemental status effect upon the character's creation that will cruelly apply at [1] tier higher than the rank of the technique at a maximum of the fourth tier on contact.
Second Class: Ninjutsu
▱▰▱ Elemental Mastery → The user's ninjutsu gains the ability to overwhelm techniques of the same rank. The overwhelming trait only applies to a single element at D rank, increasing to two at A rank. Overwhelming properties do not apply to techniques above S Rank. In addition, each rank that you gain an overwhelming property the user gains a free Element PA that allows the user to augment their ninjutsu that gained the property with an additional effect for no resource or action payment, allowing the user's ninjutsu to shine. You gain an additional 4 Ninjutsu per body rank that are dedicated to their primary element. Also, the user gains access to Augment Skill Lines for the cost of it's primary technique slot and is not required to pay additional slots for skills in this line. Finally, the user's two chosen overwhelming elements can be combined into [1] advanced nature kekkei genkai that counts as a free implant. This implant does not consume an implant slot but does have the restrictions of the implant system. The implant does not carry the overwhelming factor of its base elements through this discipline.
Free Implant: Storm
▱▰▱ Cross Class or Specialization: → Ninjutsu – Ninjutsul: The user's ninjutsu gains the ability to overwhelm ninjutsu of the same rank. The overwhelming trait only applies to a single element at D rank, increasing to two at B rank and three at S rank regardless of the number of elements the ninja has. Overwhelming properties do not apply to techniques above S Rank. If you have a kekkei genkai which requires two elements, and if both of the elements required are elements you have chosen to have overwhelming, then your kekkei genkai is also treated as having overwhelming. You gain an additional 4 Ninjutsu per body rank that are dedicated to their primary element. Ninjutsu Specialists also gain an additional 25 chakra per body rank.

Third Class: Medical
▱▰▱ Combat Medic → Shinobi of this discipline gain the ability to pay for their simple taijutsu as complex. This does not alter its strength in collisions in any way from a standard simple technique. The user's body is more attuned to adrenaline, which allows them to receive a benefit from their techniques which use them every other post versus every three post. In addition, the user gains a 1 point increase in a chosen stat per body rank but must utilize all increases in the same stat. The user's body is treated with the durability of medium armor without any drawbacks. The shinobi gains three tai slots, one at D rank, one at C rank, and then one at A-ranked. Finally, the user is able to augment their Genesis Rebirth Technique. Not only does this discipline allow the user to utilize the technique twice, but each time the user is restored of 250 chakra. The user also deals with trauma they receive at one rank less than other ninja.

Chakra Pool: 3000
Stamina Pool: 2325
Chakra Element: Suiton, Fuuton, Raiton, Katon, & Doton
Chakra Color: Black
Chakra Materialization: Chakra looks like lightning arcing around his body, as if a storm of electricity were raging inside, waiting to be unleashed.

• Strength ► 0
→→ N/A
• Speed ► 0
→→ N/A
• Agility ► 0
→→ N/A
• Endurance ► 6
→→ Combat Medic x6

• Ninjutsu
• Hand-to-Hand Combat
• One-track mind, tunnel vision in combat
• Naive: slightly more susceptible to genjutsu
• Insects
• Losing control of himself

• Learn 12 extra ninjutsu technique per post
• Learn 6 extra iryojutsu technique per post
• Learn 1 extra Fuuton & Suiton technique per post
• Learn 1 extra Raiton & Suiton technique per post

Personal Attributes:
• Frost Reaper | The user's body has become as cold as ice, even turning their veins ice cold. The user's taijutsu, bukijutsu and basic combat variants of the two allow the user to transmit frostbite at the convsion rate following this sentence. E-C Rank: Tier 1, B-A Rank: Tier 2 and S-S+ Rank: Tier 3.In addition, the user gains two style slots of their choosing at creation.
• Genetic Palette | With intensive genetic therapy and strong blood, this character is able to possess more than one transplant. This allows the character up to two transplants total, of any of the three categories.
• Free Casting | Able to preform ninjutsu through soamtic gestures
• Studious Medic | Able to exchange Ninjutsu slots for medical jutsu slots on a 1 to 1 basis


Ryo: 両22,540
XP: 8000
Passive XP: 0

Shinobi Missions Complete:
D Rank | 0
C Rank | 0
B Rank | 0
A Rank | 0
S Rank | 0

Crafting Trees
• {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
• {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

Crafting Profession Missions Complete:
D Rank | 0
C Rank | 0
B Rank | 0
A Rank | 0
S Rank | 0

Profession Titles
• {Profession} || → {Current Title}
• {Profession} || → {Current Title}

Profession Missions Complete:
D Rank | 0
C Rank | 0
B Rank | 0
A Rank | 0
S Rank | 0

Mission, Training, Events, Endgame, and Profession Claims

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• Armor:
• Jounin Flak Jacket (Black and Greyish - Blue)
• ANBU Polar Bear mask
• Specialty Armor (Medium, Insulated, Efreet Skin and Nitinol) -
• Shadow Magic Robe (Black with Dark Blue Trim) -
• Breath Mask -
• Armored Cowl -
• Mechanic's Goggles with Lens pack (Infrared, Night vision, X-ray vision) -
• Steel Arm Guards -
• Steel Hand Gloves -
• Silent Soles -
Weapons and Tools:
• Kunai x 55 - [stored in seals on his right forearm]
• Shuriken x 54 - {stored in seals on his left forearm]
• Fuuma Shuriken x 3 -
• Broadsword x 2
• Blitzstrahl (custom staff)
• High Density Smoke Pellets x 5
• Shaped Explosive Notes x 6 -
• Shaped High Explosive Notes x 1 -
• Medium Scroll x 2 -
• Large Scroll x 1 -
• Det-Tech Manual -
• Cloak (Black with Dark Blue Trim) -
• Jounin Scroll -
• Pet Treats x10

Weapon Specs

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• Ninjutsu | 00 / 105
• Maruton | 00 / 70
• Raiton | 00 / 94
• Sution | 00 / 94
• Fuuton | 00 / 94
• Katon | 00 / 94
• Doton | 00 / 94
• Genjutsu | 00 / 88
• Iryojutsu | 00 / 50
• Taijutsu Styles | 00 / 05
• Bukijutsu Styles | 00 / 05
• Custom | 00 / 08

• Kai | Rank X | Default
• Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
• Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
• Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
• Art of Walking on Water | Rank D | Default
• Art of Walking on Walls | Rank D | Default
• Body Flicker Technique [ Shunshin no Jutsu ] | Rank D | Default

{Replace this with Element 1}

{Replace this with Element 2}

• {Remove if none}


• {Remove if none}

• {Remove if none}

• {Remove if none}

• {Remove if none}

Taijutsu {Remove if none}
{Style name here}
• {Stage progression / techniques learned}

Bukijutsu {Remove if none}
{Style name here}
• {Stage progression / techniques learned}

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