((I'll be using this thread for little bits and bobs concerning a certain somebody. >>a ))

He felt incredibly fuzzy. A logical, clearer head would have been able to figure out where he was - why he was there. But Juhvek’s head ached like it had been stuck in a vice and cranked to be three times smaller than his brain was meant to fit inside of - and he was fairly certain that he was no longer anywhere familiar to him. One thought managed to flit through the creaky blurry bleakness of his brain: He had died and was in the afterlife.


The words had barely escaped his lips when a young man came rushing over, putting his hands to Juhvek’s shoulders to keep him from trying to get up - even as confusion overtook him.

“Easy now,” the man said, able to calm any fight right out of Juhvek before he could attempt it. “What’s the last thing you remember?” Had his faculties been less jarred, the fact that question was being asked would have concerned him.

Juhvek fumbled helplessly over his thoughts, like they were stairs and understanding was the person tumbling down them from lost footing. An occasional blur of thought here, a face there. Ultimately, it settled upon the humming of dragons just before dinner. “The hatching...just before it…..” yes, that humming had meant the eggs had hatched. He held tightly onto that thought, too woozy for his mind to walk to the next logical one that would have answered at least one of a dozen questions that floated about in his mind half-formed.

The man frowned - Juhvek focused on that face, trying to read into that expression and what it was trying to say to him. Farther thought would simply make his mind ache instead.

“I see. How are you feeling?” Another question that would have been more concerning if he’d had his wits about him.

“My head hurts,” he confessed readily, no shame to it. This earned a tight-lipped expression that again didn’t draw the concern it shouldn’t have.

“Only your head hurts? Nowhere else?”

Juhvek strained his mind to feel out his body, noting only now the utter soreness of things - sharp pain that, again, would have answered any questions he could have had if he was all together yet. “A little sore but….nothing...else?” he hesitated, as though he wasn’t sure if there was a wrong answer he could have given to that question.

He had clearly lost some time, but he didn’t have enough of his own pieces to put anything together - and he was also exhausted for reasons he couldn’t explain. Maybe because of his head. Maybe that read on his face as he sunk back into bedding, as the man gestured and called to someone else. Oh, he couldn’t really focus on what was going on about him - Juhvek shouldn’t have liked that, but it was hard to have feelings and deep thoughts right then.

Then, something was held to his lips: “Something for your head - try and sleep a little bit more, alright? We can talk more the next time you wake.”

Juhvek obliged.

It would be fitful, restless slumber full of dreams he wouldn’t recall.