Link to Approved Profile for Yllaei (just added impression to her section below and finally a name day)- Yllaei

Name: Yllaei
Age: 29
Nameday: 3547.08.25
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Weyrling
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Baker
Physical Description: Blue-eyed and standing at all of 5'4", Yllaei is a soft, full-figured woman who very much enjoys her craft. She keeps her light brown hair long, though more often than not it's tied out of the way.
Personality: Oh, honey, you look famished! When was the last time you ate? You really ought to have something before you waste away - here, Yllaei has just the thing! Yllaei thrives on making others happy, and for her that often translates to feeding them. Maybe it won't actually solve their problems or heartaches, but if they feel a little better, even just for awhile, that still means something, doesn't it? Who can be sad when there are tiny cakes, or fresh cookies, or a nice bubblypie to be had?

Yllaei is a nurturer at heart, and wants to take care of everyone around her, whether they think they need it or not. Much like a well-meaning auntie, she can be overbearing in her affection and concern, and has trouble understanding that not everyone needs to be tended to. She'll brush aside any polite insistence that her help isn't wanted, and continue right on cheerfully nosing in unless it's stated very clearly and firmly that she needs to mind her own business. At that point, depending on the attitude and wording, her reaction can range from disappointed acceptance to a quiet huff to - if rudeness or foul language was involved - stern words.

Yllaei was raised proper, and has little tolerance for discourtesy, profanity, or bad behavior. Some things are simply not to be said or done! Or at the very least, they should be kept in private. Holdborn, and always mature for her age besides, she can be a bit old-fashioned in some of her behaviors; she may have left behind some of the traditional viewpoints they spring from, but old habits die hard, and she's still easy to peg as a Holder girl by the way she speaks and carries herself. She is a creature of habit, preferring to do the same things the same way she always does, because it's reassuringly comfortable. If her patterns or routines are disrupted, she gets flustered, and she has to take a moment to collect herself and get back into a calmer, happier headspace.

She is bossy, albeit it in a very maternal way. It's for your own good, you see, and she's generally very pleasant about it. There are lots of pleases and thank yous and smiles, but don't be deceived - she is telling, not asking, she's just very practiced at seeming nice about it. Yllaei does believe that she knows best, and it would be to everyone's benefit if they listened to her, but she also knows that not everyone responds well to a direct approach, and can be more subtle when she needs to be. If she has to plant ideas or make arrangements, she will, and is rather good at it - lucky for everyone she has their best interests at heart, or she could be quite the schemer!
Positive Trait List nurturing, cheerful, responsible
Negative Trait List meddlesome, overbearing, creature of habit
History: Born in a Minor Hold outside of Tillek, Yllaei is the oldest child of a pair of Bakers, and thought to follow in their footsteps, but was Searched at 15. She would likely have been perfectly happy with a life of baking, since she always enjoyed and had a talent for it, but who was she to turn away a Search dragon? If she didn't Impress, she could always go home, anyway...or so she told herself, but she never actually did. Never Impressed, but never went home, either.

She aged out, but had grown accustomed to Weyr life, loved the hustle and bustle and all the people, so she chose to stay and make herself useful. She might not have a dragon, but if she can take care of the dragonriders, even in her own small way, she can be content with that.
Other: She has had an on again/off again relationship with M'yk. She would like it to be more steady and she is determined to keep working at it, until that happens.

(she was an adoptable written by Meep)

Name: Erruth

Positive Traits: Sympathetic, kind, faithful, Humble
Negative Traits: Fragile, Submissive, Anxious, Insecure
Egg Size: Medium
Adult Size: 45'
Physical Attributes:
Additional Notes: Flame Length? Flight Interests? Other interesting things to note

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