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Naiche was bored. And when Naiche was bored, someone usually had a bad time.

When his clan was traveling around, the black cub was fine. There were always new places to explore and new things to look at when the scenery around you was constantly changing. That always suited him the best. It gave his busy mind an outlet to focus on that didn't involve messing with the other lions around him. Not that he cared if anyone was getting tired of him pouncing on them out of nowhere and trying to chew on their ears. He was still a cub, wasn't it his job to be playful and torment the older members of his pride? Of course it was. Or if not his pride, anything would do. A butterfly. A mouse. A grasshopper. Anything.

But that was the problem right now. There wasn't anything around him that he could see to chase. Nothing but adult tails. He wasn't feeling in the mood to be reprimanded for jumping on someone who didn't want to play at that moment. Adults were so lazy. And boring. He wasn't going to be lazy and boring like them when he was grown up.

So what did that leave around him to play with? Looking around, it didn't take him long to find a target. Spying one of his littermates, Naiche crouched down low to the ground like he'd sometimes seen the others do, sneaking forward slowly. He stopped a little bit away, wiggling his butt before pouncing for the back of the other cub.
