Name: A'rac - Anherac
Age: 19
Nameday: 3558.13.22
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation:
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft:
Physical Description:


Positive Trait List: Secure, diplomatic, focused, calm.
Negative Trait List: Distant, moody, tight-laced, conformist.


Name: Plusoth
Age: 3
Color: Green
Size: 40'
Physical Description:
Plusoth is dainty. She appears rather fragile, with long, willowy limbs and a smooth grace to her movements that she's already cultivated rather well. Appearances are important to her, and she's careful to maintain hers to the highest order at all times--never can it be said that Plusoth is anything less than an elegant creature, especially given her personal standards. She's managed to avoid much significant scarring thus far, with one notable exception: the crescent of threadscore going across both shoulders and down her back to her left side, as well as some clearly freshly-regrown wing membrane to match.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: [ coterie giveaway! ]