Name: Zo'ran
Age: 27
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Holdbrat
Physical Description: Zo'ran stands about 6'1", with a deep tan, a muscled body, and a thick shock of black hair. His eyes are a dark brown with golden flecks, and it's clear he works hard to keep his physique in prime shape. He knows he's good looking, and has little trouble showing it off--especially during the hottest parts of the Turn! He has a variety of tattoos along his shoulders, two full sleeves of tattoos down his arms, and sports a few piercings.
Personality: Zo'ran could well be summed up as a beach bum, and that isn't terribly inaccurate. This is a man who much prefers to bury his toes in the sands, settle under a palm tree, and listen to the waves. No shoes, no shirt, no problem for Zo'ran.

Positive Trait List Sociable, Relaxed, Good-Natured
Negative Trait List Vain, Disorganized, Unreliable

Name: Azajenth
Color: Brown
Size: Please select actual length appropriate to their color and our size chart.
Physical Description:
Personality: This butterball of a brown is here for a good time, and only a good time. Sociable, friendly, and charming when he wants to be, this round brown prefers play to work. Oh, certainly, he can do his duty but he’d much rather be lounging with his toes in the sand, soaking up the sun, and gossiping with those in his crew. He’s delighted to have been chosen, and will devote himself fully to the queen, as well as those that are in the coterie with equal fervor. While he won’t outright disparage those in other circles, he knows he is supporting the best of the best, bar none. Azajenth might enjoy the beach, but he will go to the ends of the world, if his queen wished it. So what if he cuts a few corners here and there--the sooner he returns, the sooner they can have fun down at the beach!
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:

Ningesth's coterie