Name: C'sezi
Age: 19
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Holdbrat
Physical Description: C'sezi is not a tall man, nor is he physically imposing in any way. He stands about 5'7" with a trim frame, and is generally average as far as appearances go. His eyes are a dark blue, and his hair a sandy-brown hair that's long, straight, and tumbles down to the middle of his back. He usually keeps it braided or tied up with some sort of cord. He's rarely without a smile, and possesses a comfortable air about him.

Personality: C'sezi is a man that's easy-going and quite content with his lot in life. He is not the sort of man to complain, even when things go awry o not to plan. Instead, C'sezi simply let's it roll off his back like water on a wherrie's back, and moves on. He was born with a happy nature, and an easy-going air, and that hasn't changed.

He has a tendency to avoid confrontation when he can, which is a bit of a problem. If someone slights him, instead of calling them out, he'll simply nod and carry on. If someone tells him to do something that isn't his job, he'll do so, just to avoid having to tell them no. He ai

Positive Trait List Relaxed, Happy, Easy-Going
Negative Trait List Non-Confrontational, Pleasing, Doormate
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Iskitath
Age: 5
Color: Green
Size: 40'
Physical Description:
Personality: Iskitath well aware that she might not be welcome in many of these circles, but she is there, all the same. This green is here to serve, and is more than happy to assist her queen in whatever she might need. She does not, of course, think little of herself, but she has always found metallic’s to be something hatched apart. She respects the chain of command, certainly, but she also does what she can to ensure her lady is happy, content, and lacking nothing. Like a loyal handmaiden, Iskitath is happiest ensuring her queen is cared for, loved, and lacks in nothing.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
Riamsoth's coterie