Title: Audit Day: Hospital
Rank: C [x16]
Reputation: Positive
Impact: Local
Information: A look at and assessment of Hospital documents and reports to ensure smooth operations.

Today was going to be a long one. Gotetsu had known this for quite a while now. It wasn’t a surprise to him, merely a mild annoyance, considering that he was anticipating a plethora of mislogged and misplaced documents that he was in need of. The correction of these oversights, those errors, was the entire purpose of Gotetsu’s trek through this fair village today. He wanted to ensure that the correct numbers, facts, and other forms of data were provided. How else would they be able to avoid any hiccups in day-to-day operations? Today, he wasn’t Gotetsu. Today, he would be referred to as Mr. Ryugasai. His own personal holiday. This… was “Audit Day.”

That’s what he called it anyway. The name was slightly misleading. “Audit” implied that he would be looking over their financial statements and employee protocols. This was less a checks and balances deal and more of an all-encompassing document assessment. Gotetsu wanted to see their revenue statements, expenditure reports, inventory status updates, replenishment requests, complaint forms, and any other records they have for operational statements. Gotetsu would also be providing assistance with correcting clerical mistakes, and offering advice on how to improve their numbers over the next few months. The business he would be visiting for this particular “Audit Day” was the hospital.

He had, in his possession, a clipboard holding a thick stack of papers. The first few of which were blank, meant for him to take notes on throughout the day in order to organize a cohesive report to submit to Lady Tanikage at the end of the day. All rather routine by this point. Save for a few select businesses, most of the documents should already be prepared for him by the time he arrives to meet with the owners and executives on days like this. Before that, though, he wanted to take a moment to himself. Gotetsu produced a cigarette from a pack hidden in his suit jacket, and a lighter from the pocket of his slacks. This would likely be the one chance he had to smoke until he retired later to write his official report. A thin trail of smoke rose into the air between puffs. Gotetsu’s eyes trained on the burning end of his cigarette, focusing on it and gathering his thoughts. By the time he had finished, he was ready to start his task.

First up was the hospital, likely one of the most important reports he would need. Better to get it out of the way now. Gotetsu entered the building and was greeted almost immediately by a well-dressed woman who would take him to his meeting. ”Mr. Ryugasai, right this way please.” ”Thank you.” Inside a room towards the back of the wooden structure was a large desk with an empty chair, the head doctor was on the other side, already seated and pouring over the various documents. ”Welcome back, sir. Please, have a seat.” Gotetsu sat on the other side and one-by-one the documents were passed to him. He produced a pen from one of the hidden pockets of his admittedly overly-formal attire and began taking down notes, flipping through the papers on his clipboard to cross-check some of the information from their last meeting. ”Well, everything seems to be in order as far as inventory goes. I’ll make sure to file this request for medical supplies and herbs by the end of the day.” A smooth meeting, as things should be. No miscalculations, no expunged information. The hospital was good for that.

The next document he would check would be their revenue. A slight profit loss, but that was to be expected. In fact, during their last meeting Gotetsu had predicted a fluctuation in their incoming requests and patients simply due to the unpredictable state the world was in currently. It was only natural, and was still within the projected margins. Nothing noteworthy there, but a quick jot of information for later. Their expense report was a little on the high side. Again, expected. ”I’d say that everything is looking to be fine. My suggestion would be to use some of the unused funds during this dip in profit to upgrade and update some of your equipment. It isn’t necessary, and frankly you could just keep it to the side in case things pick back up, but that decision is ultimately yours.” The doctor nodded in acknowledgement, but said nothing. Only a single complaint had been filed in the entire time Gotetsu had been doing this type of work, and it had been resolved after their last sit-down, so no need to revisit.

”Alright, all of the paperwork seems to be in order. Next I’d like to take a quick tour through the building, just to see the status of the equipment and check in on your labs, if you don’t mind.” ”Of course, I’ll have Mari here take you where you want to go, I’m going to get these documents back in order and catch up with you in a bit.” Gotetsu nodded and stood to follow the woman from before. She escorted him through a section of the hospital that was used for housing patients for extended stays. Gotetsu stopped in on a few of the empty rooms, doing a quick once over of the interior, jotting down anything that he finds to be out of order. The labs themselves were fine, nothing out of the ordinary. A couple of the employees were inside, analyzing and designing new treatments, so he didn’t wish to disturb them by intruding on their work; a visual check would have to do.

After the tour, Gotetsu was met in the main room of the hospital by the doctor from his meeting. ”I hope everything is up to code, Mr. Ryugasai?” A slight nod from Gotetsu, but he also wrote a few things down on his clipboard before handing a paper to the doctor. ”Everything does appear to be in working order. However, the rooms listed there have a few cosmetic issues that may need to be addressed for comfort purposes. Nothing too important, just some bumps and scrapes here and there. I’d take a look and see if there’s anything that can be done to address those, if you wouldn’t mind.” Whether they felt the need to go in and correct the minor blemishes he had noted or not wasn’t of particular concern. It wouldn’t have an impact on the actual functions of the care facility, and that is what Gotetsu was focused on. ”Thank you for your time, Doctor. I’ll see you again in a few months,” Gotetsu left the hospital feeling mostly satisfied with the state it was in. All in all the audit had only taken a few hours. Record time, by Gotetsu’s count. He spent a few moments outside its doors. His gloved hand flipped through the notes he had, and a pencil jotted down any final thoughts he had. After he was satisfied, he secured the clipboard under his arm. He travelled from the hospital towards his home only a few blocks away. There was, after all, a report that needed to be written before the sun set.

Title: Cleaning up the Streets
Rank: D [x4]
Reputation: Positive
Impact: Local
Information: A citizen of Tanigakure informs Gotetsu of an increase in litter left around the Entertainment District.

Gotetsu was almost home, just a few doors down, when he overheard one of the citizens nearby complaining of the state that the Entertainment District had been in earlier that day. He let out a deep sigh. Reports of dirty streets around the bars and restaurants weren’t uncommon, but now that he’s hearing one for himself, Gotetsu felt compelled to rectify the problem. He asked the gentleman to describe the issue in more detail, learning that a group of men had gotten drunk the night before, leaving a mess behind from their stupor-induced antics. Gotetsu stopped by his home to set the clipboard on his desk before heading in the direction of the Entertainment District.

The man was right, the place looked a mess. Trash and broken glass from beer bottles was left scattered through the area. A truly disappointing sight, in Gotetsu’s mind. ”May I borrow that?” He asked a shopkeeper, gesturing to their trash can. The woman shrugged and handed him the receptacle, likely just happy she didn’t have to do the cleanup herself. He set the trashcan in what he discerned to be the closest spot to being an epicenter that could be had in this mess. Gotetsu set to work, carefully picking up shards of glass, using the trash around the area to wrap them securely before depositing them in the bin. Better safe than sorry. He cleaned for around thirty-minutes, inspecting the area afterwards for anything he may have missed. He returned the trash can with a polite “thank you” before venturing back home. Along the way, he picked up any additional pieces of trash he came across and deposited them into the closes bins. He liked to keep his village clean.

Title: Removing the Filth
Rank: C [x10]
Reputation: Positive
Impact: Local
Information: A concerned citizen reports a rather aggressive new patron at the bar. The man has been picking fights and harassing waitresses. The Tanikage wants him removed.

This day just keeps getting better and better. Gentetsu submitted his report of the hospital’s assets hours ago, and by this time it was well into the night. An emissary of the Tanikage had knocked on his door with a request to remove a visitor who was causing problems with the citizens. The information outlined in the report was slightly troubling. Tanigakure was a village crawling with rough and tumble types, and grit wasn’t an inherently negative trait here, but the fact that this person from outside of the village had come in and has been picking fights and harassing some of the women lit a bit of fire in his Ryugasai stomach.

The entertainment district was as boisterous as it ever got during this time of night. Bars full of people, all obnoxiously loud as they celebrated their victories and let off some steam from the day before. Logically, it might take a while to locate this outside visitor. Realistically? It only took less than a minute. The drunken man was wandering from table to table, purposefully knocking over drinks and getting in the faces of their owners to try and get someone to take his bait. Waitresses walked by the man and he would slap their behinds, flashing them a grin missing a few teeth and inching his face too close to theirs for it to be comfortable until the women finally backed away, causing the man to take a few steps after them before giving up. Gotetsu watched this stranger for a few minutes, lit cigarette hanging from his lips, his free hand tucked deep into his pocket. He didn’t seem like he’d be a problem. Nonetheless, the idea of this becoming more confrontational than it need be irritated him. Gotetsu wouldn’t let this irritation show, of course. His face was as stoic as ever.

Some might call this momentary abstinence from his duty hesitation, but hesitation wasn’t something that Gotetsu did. He simply wanted to gauge the situation on his own before stepping in. It was better to see the way the man moved and behaved for himself instead of just walking in and dragging him out. You never know what could happen then. His feet shifted a bit, and Gotetsu began gathering some chakra just in case. The man had his back to where Gotetsu stood, harassing yet another waitress. This time, he was dealing with a firecracker, who wasn’t willing to back down from the drunken assault. The man took it as a challenge and began reaching to grab her. In a flash, Gotetsu was behind the man. The Body Flicker technique was indeed handy.

Gotetsu’s free hand grabbed the man by the back of his neck, pressing his thumb into the carotid artery. The perpetrator was startled and tried to pull away, but his captor had a firm grip, and only tightened the vice around his neck in response. ”That’s enough of that, I think.” The woman standing in front of the two men flashed Gotetsu a warm, slightly flirtatious smile and mouthed a silent thank you before going about her work. A forceful tug and the two began moving out of the bar and towards the street. ”C’mon man, what is this? I was just having fun!” ”Tanigakure doesn’t need your kind of ‘fun.’”

Gotetsu escorted the man to the entrance of the village before letting him go. ”You need to leave. And the next time you decide to set foot over that threshold, you best be on better behavior.” The drunk man sneered at Gotetsu, taking a step forward. ”I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” The man sloppily ran towards Gotetsu, nearly tripping over his own feet before throwing a punch. Clearly this man did not belong to any sort of rank and file that taught proper combat skills. Even after assuming that something like this would happen, Gotetsu let out a deep sigh while stepping out of the way to let the fist pass him by. ”What a shame.”

Artfully, without a single wasted motion, Gotetsu gripped the mans wrist and turned his body, using his back as a brace to keep the mans elbow straight, and his other hand on the mans chest to keep him from moving any further forward. ”This is your last warning to leave peacefully. Any further disobedience from you, and I will break your arm. Understood?” The drunk nodded frantically. After Gotetsu released the man, he ran towards the gate. A glance over his shoulder to see that he wasn’t being followed, and he shouted back defiantly. ”You don’t know who you’re messing with! My boys won’t stand for this!” Gotetsu let out a much deeper sigh as the ‘gentleman’ faded into the night. ”Oh dear. This might mean more trouble.” He made a quick stop to give a report, then retired off to bed, fully expecting to be woken up again to deal with the supposed ‘boys.’