User ImageStian pushed his way through the underbrush as he stalked through the darkness, the new moon making the way dark and difficult to traverse. Thankfully the male had been here long enough that his paws knew the way without needing to see every root and rock. His steps were sure and with purpose and perhaps just a bit too much force, betrayed his bad mood. When the eye of the Great Lion shut Stian was reminded of his stature in the pride, reminded of his failure. The Great Lion hadn't seen any worth in him and had cast him aside, leaving him at the mercy of the others within the Mwezi to 'show him the way', as he'd been told.

And quite his siblings that had joined had been blessed, looked upon with favor! Why was he so different?

Nights like tonight were not good ones and Stian made a point to stay away from other lions in the pride. Most kept to themselves when the sky was dark which made it easier for him, allowing Stian to roam around in the darkness and sulk. He made his way to the watering hole and stared down at what little reflection there was, the starlight the only thing lighting the night. He glared down at the wavering image, a former princes scowling right back up at him.

"Whatever," he muttered, splashing his paws into the water to destroy his image, wading in a bit to get a drink.