
FACECLAIM 2062: Amelia Zadro
BIRTHDAY March 28, 2047
WAND A seven-inch, Yew wood wand, with Sapphire outlines through the wood marks. The core is made of a chimera scale

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR Second
HOUSE You’re quite safe from colourful hands, for I have none.
Perhaps you’ll better understand, appreciate
And be a light for your fellows in

DREAM JOB Musician

xxxPERSONALITY ____xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Judgmental Jaelah is very much a first glance kind of gal. She’s quick to decide what she thinks about something, and usually she has a lot of opinions that aren’t the nicest.
Standoffish Jaelah isn’t the best at making friends, she’s fairly distant from the others. This coming from a childhood of being on a ship with two older girls who wanted nothing to deal with her, and then not having anyone near her age to be with.
Reliable and Loyal If Jaelah decides she likes you, she’s someone you can count on without worry. She fully supports those who have earned her trust.
Impatient Jaelah quickly gets irritated by those around her. She doesn’t have time to wait in line, doesn’t do well with the “We’ll get there when we get there” personality.
Optimistic Jaelah is hopeful for the future, she wants to see the glass as half full, that the world will be better and good exists

■ Photography
■ Cheese and Crackers
■ Jigsaw puzzles
■ Comedy
■ Treasure Hunts
■ Pocket Watches

■ Body Modifications (piercings, tattoos, etc)
■ Romance Books
■ Pink
■ Being Lost
■ Holidays

■ Socialite
■ Perspective

■ Unforgiving
■ Arrogant

■ Ship Planks
■ Heights


[March 2047: An Announcement]
Jaelah was born to Thomas and Kiara. She was a perfect child, a sweetheart.

[2052: Too Much]
Jaelah’s parents got angry at her, a lot. When she did poorly with lessons, when she cried in pain, they were getting meaner and angrier. She tried to be a better kid for them - but she didn’t know how to.

[2053: Welcome aboard]
Jaelah’s parents didn’t want her any more. She was being sent to live with her older sister she had never met before. Not only that, but her sister and new cousin liked pulling pranks, particularly with her as the prime target - she didn’t like it.

[2055: lunch]
Being with Harmony and Aire wasn’t so bad afterall, life on the ship was kind of nice. While Harmony was back, Jaelah and their 2.0 parents went to lunch together with her - it was kind of nice to have a family that loved each other. Except, sometimes it seemed like Harmony? hated her - wanted nothing to do with her and kept her at a far distance, that’s okay Jaelah could do the same.

[2056: New Crew]
A Nice girl, Weslyn, and a nice boy, Skip, joined the crew of the solus. They were still closer to Harmony’s age than her own - but the pair of them tried to talk with Jaelah. Jaelah liked them, they were her friends and she hoped to make more.

[2057: A Happy life]
Jaelah liked her new parents - they would have great nights of doing music. Her Dad would show her how to navigate using the sky and the stars. Sometimes - the crew would dance and when Harmony wasn’t home...Jaelah had fun.

[2058: Hogwarts]
Jaelah was happy and not that surprised when she received her Hogwarts letter. She was actually thrilled, she’d spend time away from Harmony - who was slowly being allowed permission for the ship to be in charge - it was a nightmare of a time. Jaelah had trouble seeing out of her right eye after the last bout she had with Harmony - which resulted in Harmony throwing her leg at Jaelah’s face.

FIRST YEAR ~ 2058-59

Jaelah loved school - she made all sorts of new friends and learned new things. No one compared her to her sister or cousin, and it was all around fantastic. Jaelah most enjoyed meeting a tree boy - Erikk Knapp, who she ran into while he was planting trees in the courtyard. He hadn't taken any of her non-sense and that just made her adore him, Jaelah was his number 1 fan.

SECOND YEAR ~ 2059-60

Jaelah had fun this year, quidditch, Erikk, festivals...that is until her older sister appeared at the school festival, threatened her.

THIRD YEAR ~ 2060-61

Harmony was insane. Just before the year started, she threw her leg at Jaelah, Completely ruining the function of her eye. Then she went and killed some people, and stole the ship. She returned the ship but the Harmony LEFT. Other than that traumatic event

FOURTH YEAR ~ 2061-62

Jaelah was out on the Solus getting real world experience. She was learning all the subjects, reading books, but she knew what was really happening - they were trying to find Harmony, the true leader of the Solus. She hated missing out on her friends, on quidditch. For once it seemed they had a capable team, she kept up with the news of school and quidditch and the Knapps being gone with letters with Yarrick.Sure Jaelah couldn't do much to help Yarrick - but it was nice to get some sort of reaction from her acquaintance.


Jaelah was back - they docked and she would be able to go to school for her fifth year. Was it because it was easier to take OWL tests if she was at school? Probably.




UPDATED 5/17/23
■ Added Years 2-4
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 02/04/2023
ACCEPTED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰[05/09/2023]