dreams into nights yami
(sorry if i miss-spell)it would be orginized like a office one would be the top dog and have many underlings, theese dietys are not immortal each has its own place and can be challanged
and i did get the idea from the chineese
also as for the idea that the christian god is male or female god is both yet neither the reason that god is called a he is that men used to be in power and women used to be basicly servents that is why god is called he or him or what ever, becuse if god is as all powerfull as you say he is then he would be both genders

It is popularly believed that since God created man in His own image, and that God created Adam first, that Adam's maleness would be closest to God's own manifestation. However, it's worth noting that from a biological standpoint, all human beings default to being female. It is the presence of the Testis Determining Factor during an embryo's late stages of development that gives an embryo the potential to become male (there are conditions that may cause an embryo to remain mostly female even with the TDF present). With that in mind, it seems likely that God's maleness can be attributed to the patriarchal societies of the past, yes.

With regard to the top god's servants who aren't immortal, a lesser god can be immortal without being eternal. Lesser gods who become obsoleted by contemporary beliefs, for example, would have to find different occupations by which to define themselves, lest they be erased by their own definition as gods (I've read literature suggesting that a god without worshippers is not a god). Depending on how you look at it, I suppose these lesser gods could either choose to redefine themselves (individual freedom) or have to petition for the top god to redefine them (the top god's will is absolute).

A lesser god who is connected to this plane/dimension/time-and-place-thingy-for-lack-of-a-better-word by links with certain mortals may also "die" if all those links are broken by the mortals' death, rejection, or some such.