Ok dears here's the deal. This ofcourse in a rp. It's mainly about revenge. Any one is welcomed to join,but once we get too far in the story,no one else can join. Email me your character and info and I'll see if I'll post it.

Heres the story:Nadia once lived in the ancient times of Babylonia, as the daughter of a blacksmith. She lived with her mother and father along with her brothers,she was the youngest out of five childern. Her mother had the power over Earth and Water. One darkday her village was bruned to the ground during a war. She escaped with severe injuries, she was near death and was happy to know her suffeing would soon be over,and that she's see her family again. Sadly,her happiness was a forlorn thought when a young man with brown skin of an Egyptian, but odd silver hair,and golden eyes, turned her into a Vampire. She hated that he controlled her mind for centuries,he held her will in his hand. He loved to toy with her in everyway possible. She waite dover the years until she was string enough to walk out in the sun. She waited till she could block his mind control,and fully control her power. She came up with a plan to kill him,but being only his fledgling he could still read her mind. He found out her plan, knowing that she would attack him during the lunar eclipse, the time that he would be at his weakest. She now surches for him, hoping to kill him.

Age:Centuries old, but only appears 19.
Look: Tan skin. Lilac hair a little below the shoulders,dark eyes. Wears a black tank top, over that she wears a long black trench coat that is just a few inches above the ground. Black pants and black leather boots.
User Image
Weapon:Two black sleek hand guns, a knife,all hidden, And in any event her glass like claws.
Powers:Elemental(eart and water), Spellcasting.
Personality:Cold at times,seductive/cunning. Dry sense of humor.
Other characters(mine or added):

Name: Claims to be named Ramses.
Age:Older thans suns and stars,he is also rumored to be the first vampire to ever exist.Apears 20.
Power:Mind control. Elemental(darkness)
Weapons:Normally himslef once in a while some random object.
Look:Silver hair,gold eyes,brown skin.User Image
A little like this guy,minus the red eye and scar,with brown skin,maybe the
same outfit,it depends,seeing as how he's from way back when.
Personality:Twisted in his own right.
Bio: Turned a girl who strongly resents him. Currently in hiding,just biting his time.

Fledgelings:Vampires of course,but just common co-characters,some men some women. Some end up as Nadia's pray. Once in a while they'll end up a nomal character.