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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:36 pm

Welcome to the home of [TWizTed SoUl] and their soquili.

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They all live in a small meadow in the forest.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:58 pm
Welcome to the Teepee of [TWizTed SoUl], this is where rp's will be kept. Since I mainly rp through AIM/MSN or PM's, this teepee is only for rp storage.

Mated Soquili -
Sekhmet to Erik <3
Kai Liu to Auriga <3  


Distinct Vampire


Distinct Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:20 pm
A Walk on the Wild Side
Kai Liu, by [TWizTed SoUl]
Auriga, by Sapphire Lazuli

"Maybe, or maybe I just find you beautiful." Kai shook his head, mentally berating himself. He'd made a mistake in his game! So taken had he been by the stars on the mare's pelt. "My name is Kai Liu."

"Maybe..." She smiled again. "And it's wonderful to meet you, Kai Lui..." She bowed her head slightly, her eyes not leaving his. "So, were you heading towards anywhere in particular when I was lucky enough to startle you or was it just a random meander...?"

Amethyst held her gaze, unwavering. "You caught me." A humouress smirk changed the grin. "Now what're you going to do with me?" A low laugh followed the question. It was merely teasing, but if she took the humour, he'd be pleasantly suprised.

A somewhat cheeky grin slid across Auriga's lips. "Do you mean I get free reign with my thoughts on that?" She laughed in good humour, the grin still present. "Surely that could be a dangerous, if not interesting, thing to say to someone?"

So she'd taken it. He was indeed pleasantly surprised. "Oh please take free reign. Dangerous? I thrive on it." The Stallion stomped the ground, puffing out his chest in display.

A laugh escaped Auriga's mouth as Kai started showing off. It wasn't meant to be at him, more with him, but she stopped suddenly in case he got offended. "Well, why don't I tag along with wherever you're going and if I think of a suitable..." She trailed off, trying to thing of the right word. "Punishment?" She laughed again. "Well, whatever you want to call it, I'll let you know when I conjour up something interesting!"

He relaxed, no longer trying to impress her. "That sounds like a good plan." In fact... he knew a place she might like. "Follow me." Kai led her into the forest, taking a mostly unused path. He stayed close by her side, in case any vicious beast though they looked good.

Auriga walked alongside him, wondering where he was taking her. She trusted him though, which was unusual for her when she met someone new. Still, she trusted her gut instinct. Looking around at the forest, she smiled slightly. Even in the dead of night when she should be in her guard, she saw the beauty in the trees around her. Distracted, she accidentally brushed up against Kai and blushed slightly. "Sorry!" She flushed. "Distracted..."

The black coat almost stood on end, his skin rippling at her touch. Hooves almost faltered. "It's ok." A shaky smile was gifted to her. When he watched the forest it was to make sure they were safe. It would be a little bit of a walk but the destination was worth it.

A small space in the middle of this branch of forest, a pond covered in white lillies and at night, studded with stars.

Auriga gasped as the trees thinned and in front of, a pond that seemed to glow with light. Delicate white flowers were strewn across it's surface, the reflection of the sky above shining brightly. The lillies were illuminated with the glow of the moon. She stepped to the edge of the pond and looked down at her reflection, her face glowing with the light relfected off the water's surface. "It's beautiful..." She whispered, barely audible as she nudged a lily gently and watched it drift lazily across the water. She lifted her head and looked back at Kai. "How did you find this place...?"

"I chased the moon."
It had been a moment's fantasy, when he had turned his hooves to chase the Lady Moon. Through the plains, the forest, until he could go no further. This had been the end of the path, this place. Deep inside, he believed this to be the Moon's Pond. Where she touched Earth. He would only tell someone close to him of that.

She looked at him, her eyes shimmering in the light that illuminated the clearing. She could see Kai clearly now, and he certainly was a handsome stallion. She smiled and bowed her head. "Thank you for bringing me here... You've only just met me, but you've shared this with me... This place must be special to you..." She looked back at the pond, he smile widening.

He smiled softly. "I wanted to share it with you." The Soquili could see her clearly now. His words had been wrong. She wasn't just beautiful, she was breathtaking. Ears flicked back when he realized he had said that aloud. "Ummm...."

Auriga turned her head quickly as she heard words she hadn't quite expected. Her blue-black cheeked flushed red. "W-what did you say?" She stammered, her eyes fixed on his.

Aw, shoot, she'd heard him. It was kind of hard not to hear each other in the quiet of the glade. "I said, I was wrong... you aren't beautiful, you're breathtaking." The game had changed. Without warning him.

Auriga's heart pounded in her chest so hard that she was almost positive he'd heard it. Her stomach fluttered slightly. "I.. um.. " She didn't quite know what to say. She shook her head a little to clear her thoughts. "I.. don't know what to say.." She whispered honestly. "I've never been told that before... Her eyes met his again, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly. "But then again.. I haven't met many stallions at all..." She took a step closer to him, her tail twitching slightly as she tried to keep her posture straight.

He was utterly flummoxed.
As she came closer, he found himself rooted to the spot. This wasn't supposed to be happening! It was usually the other way around: the mare rooted to the spot and him making the approach. What had happened?! Ever since Chepi had left him, he hadn't been looking for a real romance.
Though, inside, some part of him was thrilled.

Auriga walked towards him slowly and stopped just in front of him, her nose inches from his so she could feel his hot breath tickling her nostrils. "Not to mention, no-one has ever taken me someone so beautiful, somewhere touched by the stars..." She whispered these words. It was unlike her to be so bold, but something told her it was the right attitude to take with this stallion. "How can I show my appreciation for your trust in me.. Kai...?" She let his name slip out for effect, her eyes still locked on his. He body was steady but her mind was racing.

Was it possible that he knew how a mouse felt when a hawk swooped down to snatch it up? This was serious role reversal. "I don't know..."
With her muzzle so close to his, he could smell her sweet breath. The velvet skin of his nose pressed to hers before he could help himself.
If this was war, his battlements were destroyed, walls fallen, and soldiers scrambling to form some sort of defense.

Auriga's eyes shot open wide as their noses touched. It was like a shock had just ran the length of her body. She looked at him, trying to see what he was thinking as she nuzzled him back. This was so unlike her, to move so close to someone she barely knew. It felt like a lifetime that they were so close before she pulled back slightly, unsure what to say or do as a smile spread back across her lips. "You waste no time, stallion..." She teased.

If her fur wasn't standing on end, his was. "It's a... um, a talent of mine." A silver tail flicked against his legs. Glancing away from her, he nosed the water gently. Sent the lillies and stars dancing on the silver liquid.

Auriga followed his to the waters edge, watching the lily gliding across the surface. She turned her head to look at him. "I suppose it would have been niave of me to think I was the only one you ever brought here..." She laughed good heartedly as her smile returned and her stomach calmed it's dancing. "Still, it is truly beautiful here... Breath-taking, some would say.."

Ears lay back, a affronted look on his face. "You are the only mare I've ever brought here." Nobody else, none of his Teepee-mates, nor his ex-mate had ever seen this place.

"I'm sorry! I was only joking..." She spoke quickly, shaking her head. "I'm sorry I just... a handsome stallion like you must have many mares after him, and this place is perfect... I didn't mean to offend you...." She leant into him and slide her head under his, nuzzling him gently and silently cursing herself at saying something so insensitive. "Please forgive my insensitivity, Kai..."

"It's my fault too. Snapping at you like that." Kai lowered his head, completing the strange embrace. "Not as many mares as you might think, after I broke away from Chepi." It still hurt a little when he thought of that mare. In varying shades of purple, as dark and light as sunset.

Auriga silently cursed herself again as she pulled back to look at him. "You miss her, huh...? I imagine it must hurt..." She looked over at the lillies again. "I can't even begin to imagine..."

"Not as much anymore. It's been... months since I last saw her." He followed her gaze. The water had quieted, lillies and stars frozen in perfection. Still... no where near as beautiful as Auriga.

Auriga watched the lillies drifting silently before turning back to Kai. She wished she could understand how he felt...

"Let's go back to the meadow... I'd rather this place remained one of happiness to us.. "She smiled. "So let's return to the long grass and cheer ourselves back up..."

He smiled, touched by her caring. Not many mares worried about that. Not even his teepee mates did. He usually kept up the noncaring, flirtatious front, which seemed to have died that night.
Kai liked Auriga, as evident in the way he playfully - and gently - bumped her as they walked through the forest.

Auriga couldn't help but giggle slightly as Kai nudged her. She gave him a nudge back and trotted a little so she was just in front of him. His playfullness showed her that she was forgiven for her rash comment, and a weight lifted off her chest.

Not being able to resist temptation, he nipped at her flanks. "Tag!" Black hooves carried him out of the forest, yet within her reach. Purple eyes glimmered with humour as he danced in place.

Auriga squealed as Kai nipped her and ran ahead. A deep blush filled her cheeks, partially at the contact and even more so at the silly noise she had just made. She shook her head before breaking into a gallop, racing out of the forest and after Kai. "You cheeky little... bah!" She cried out as a grin slid across her lips. "I'll get you back for that!"

"You'll have to catch me first!" A deep laugh rumbled out of his chest. Hooves carried him away from her, yet kept him within range. Teasing her. He had every intention of letting her catch him... after a bit of work.

Auriga raced after him, her long tail and mane whipping out behind her. The cold night air stung at her nostrils slightly as she gave chase. He was teasing her and she knew it. She pushed herself as hard and fast as she could, laughing the whole time.

Lungs labored for more air, breath stinging in his throat. This was exhilirating, fun, daring. A race through the dark, unknowing of any dangers that may lie underfoot. Blanket of stars overhead and a celestial mare chasing him.
Kai slowed, enough that Auriga could catch him if she wished.

It had been so long since has ran this fast for so long, and it felt wonderful. However, Auriga was quick to notice Kai slowing down and made no attempt to do the same. The long grass they ran through tickled her legs as she closed in on Kai. Suddenly, she squealed as she tripped, her hoof catching on a hard rock that didn't budge. She bowled into Kai, sending them rolling through the grass. As they skidded to a halt, despite her embarrassment, Auriga burst out laughing.

"Oof!" Was all that left his mouth when another solid body hit his. The tumble made him dizzy, though every sense was highly alerted of the female half-sprawled on him... laughing. "That was... one hell of a tag, Auri."

Auriga was collapsed completely, tears of laughter streaming down her cheeks. She could barely move, save for her body vibrating with silent giggles. She rolled off Kai and lay on her side, curled slightly at the pain in her stomach. "I-I'm.. s-sorry.." She managed to say inbetween her laughter. "I hope.. I didn't hurt you.... I'm such a klutz!" She tried her best to compose herself, the odd giggle still escaping.

He couldn't help it. Her laughter was contagious. "I'm fine." The black stallion shifted, laying his head on her shoulder as he chuckled. "It would take a lot more then you to hurt me."

Auriga lifted her head to look at her, the grin on her face larger than ever. She licked the end of his nose playfully before pushing his forelock behind her ear gently. "Serves you right for making me chase you anyway!"

Kai watched her, purple eyes serious. "You were the one who decided to chase me." His tone was light, happy. The brain behind that pretty face was at work. After Chepi he had never been so carefree, happy, normal, with a mare. It was...something new.

Auriga turned up nose up playfully with a snort. "Oh, because you were just going to leave me in the forest all by my lonesome?" She looked at him, one eyebrow raised and her tail twitching slightly. She felt so comfortable lying half entwined around Kai. It was a strange feeling for her.

Nothing was spoken in reply to that. He wouldn't have left her there by herself. Not in a long shot. A soft sigh pierced the air, the stallion shifting into a more comfortable position.

Auriga smiled a little as she took his silence for a small victory in her play-arguement. She lay her head down on it's side, the long grass towering above her as she looked up at the stars. Blues and silvers painted the night sky, sparkling with what looked like diamonds. She took a deep breath in as she closed her eyes. She could smell the grass, slightly damp with the threat of the morning dew. Above that however, Kai's scent flooded her nostrils, filling her up like a warm drink. She sighed softly and lifted her head again. "Kai...? Is it so strange that we find it so easy to lie together like this on our first night of meeting...?"

"Only if you find it so strange." Came the reply. "My keeper... Misae... she speaks of others that are your... other half. Mostly because she complains that she hasn't found hers yet." A soft chuckle.

"My other half...?" Auriga sat up again, slightly confused. "And I dont find it strange... I find it... right."

He didn't remember much, since he didn't understand that much of thier language. But the Stallion had gotten the gist of it. "Soulmates. The other that complements you, your personality and beliefs. It transcends genders and languages. Some know in a moment, and some take a lot of time to find this out."
Kai stayed stretched out on the ground, silvered feathers trailing over his neck. "It does feel right..."

Auriga stayed up, watching Kai with her widened eyes. "I never.. well.. I never thought Soulmates is a word I'd ever use... I mean, I hoped..." She looked back at the stars. "I wished..." She smiled slightly as Kai agreed that what they were doing, whatever it was, it was not wrong. How could it be wrong when she simply did not want to leave...? She shifted slightly so her head laid just under his.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:25 pm
((Taken from DB's Teepee))

E r i k...a n d...S e k h m e t

Sekhmet, by [TWizTed SoUl]
Erik, by Death to Blondes

[TWizTed SoUl]

The night-sky hid her away, only her blue and gold giving her away. Her throbbing leg made the open meadow seem so daunting. So hard to cross. Every step was painful, and she could almost feel the crack in her bone growing wider with every step. Cool blue eyes glanced up at the sky, staring into the thick blanket of stars. She could be up there, just spread her wings and fly. Yet she didn't. Not like those other prissy, sugar-spun Soquili's. God how she hated them. Her true birthright was the Kalona form, so why had she been cursed with feathered wings? They were the only ones who might truly understand her if they dared to even talk to her.
Sekhmet heaved a sigh, troddling through the tall grass. Three steps normal, one falling with a heavy thump. Followed by a pained grunt. Damn Kalona stallion!

Erik was taking his normal stroll through the wilderness at night. The darkness consumed him while wandering thoughts plagued him like bees surrounding their hive when there is a disturbance. His eyes were harsh with concentration as he padded through the lands, meadow now. He was almost silent in his step, so graceful it was as if he wasn’t touching the ground. His intentions weren’t to be graceful but it was natural and to keep natural out you had to try really hard to fail at it. He hummed lightly to himself, keeping his mind at bay from unwanted thoughts. Thoughts of family, females and friends it sounded like a plan. His cool grey eyes looked up at another’s sound, it was a heavy step and the scent was female. That he was sure but that wretched noise at the last step…it made him anxious almost. His white mask reflected the moon’s pale light as he moved farther in the meadow to spot a female. She winged too and of the most unique designs he had seen lately. Though something about her put him on edge…he stepped out of the brush in due respect so it wasn’t like he was stalking her, but so he was noticed and she would know he was there perhaps so she wouldn’t get spooked. He nickered softly to see what she would, perhaps turn and notice him or ignore him. His curiosity got to him though, wondering why she was out this late and with that leg…he eyed it intently for a moment.

[TWizTed SoUl]

Sekhmet ground to a halt at the noise. Another Soquili. Just great. Blue eyes peered through the dark to spot the male. At first she could only see a white mask. Concentrating harder she could make out the rest of him.

"Yes?" Her voice was husky, thick and edged with pain. Her left hind hoof rested on the edge, taking the weight off her fractured meta-tarsus.

((ok, one site told me it was a fetlock, the other told me it was called the meta-tarsus. It's that bone right above the ankle joint in the back legs))


Erik’s long locks lifted slightly in the wind, they drifted back down to his ankles in the dark as he looked to her, one through his mask and the other with the perfect side of his face. He shifted almost as if he were uncomfortable but his composure and his expression gave that not away. His soft eyes looked to hers and as he peered into her eyes he could she was irritated and he knew why. Her legs was fractured and he could imagine what kind of pain she was in, because he to had had more broken bones than he could count. His brow rose as she spoke, he did not think she was speak. He didn’t know why, but her voice was hoarse and it didn’t look like it should come from her. “Sorry ma cherie, you seemed to be in quite some pain and I was wondering perhaps if you’d like my assistance?” he didn’t know what he could do but he spoke in his low, soothing tone. Almost as if it were as soft as silk and one could almost feel it cross their skin as he spoke.

[TWizTed SoUl]

Skin rippled in response to his voice, her coat standing on end. Feathers ruffled as if blown by the wind. "And what kind of assistance would you give me?" The tone of pain seemed to ebb away from her voice, now that the weight was off her injury. Yet her voice stayed the same: husky and thick.

His crimson dappled feathers ruffled themselves as she spoke again, “Suppose, help you get to where you are meant to go?” The back leg that was adorned with a rose took a slight step back giving her some more room. He did not want to irritate her further or make her think she was trapped or anything of the sort. “Or if you would prefer, the two legger I reside with is very good at setting wounds and such. I believe others call her a shaman.” He eyed her seriously, “Perhaps she could help you with your wound.” He wondered why he was giving this female devote attention, he had never invited anyone back to the teepee. No one. And now he was extending the invitation to her, what was next?

[TWizTed SoUl]

She shouldn't trust him at all. Not after that Kalona's attack. She had always viewed herself as a Kalona born with feathered wings. Sekhmet had discovered that she was no where near as cruel as they were. But she nodded, taking a step forward, grunting as her leg flared in bright, blood red pain.

He smiled gently but he knew, some how that this type of girl wouldn’t care if he smiled or not. Perhaps that’s what attracted him to her in the first place when she spoke. She didn’t seem like the needy and clingy type. He would have stuck his tongue out at that point but it was least bit appropriate and he was attempting to be the perfect gentleman at the moment. He nodded as she came towards him, she would set the pace. His teepee wasn’t all that far. But perhaps far enough they might have to take a short break for her. What a peculiar night it was turning to be. He would be at her side though, in case she needed to lean on him for a moment. Nothing intimate, friendly and helpful that was what he was aiming for. He was doing rather good to, Cynara had been saying lately he needed to make more friends. He didn’t know why, but to argue with that female was one thing and he didn’t want to do it.

[TWizTed SoUl]

Sekhmet bit her lip, keeping her pained grunts to herself.
Damn Kalona, damn her, damn fight, damn leg!
If the Stallion got too close she snorted at him, extending a wing a little for him to see how far she wanted him from her. Any closer then that and she'd bite him. If he decided not to put up with her, screw him. Maybe it was the aching and sharp pain that was making her moodier then usual. Otherwise, she wouldn't have stuck around.

He looked to her and nodded softly, he kept his distance. He looked at her leg, “If you do not mind ma cheire, may I ask what happened to your leg?” He walked with her and let her keep her space. He didn’t doubt that she would try to get a good n** in or kick. That’s defiantly not what he wanted. But he wouldn’t leave her, not like this. He simply could not and he didn’t think there was anything she could do to piss him off to leave. He didn’t get easily angered unless you lied to him or get to touchey feeley with his mask. Rawr on that.

[TWizTed SoUl]

"I got into a fight with a Kalona." She was pretty damn lucky, having only gotten away with a fractured fetlock. If she had stuck around any longer, her leg would have been the least of her worries.
The pace was slow, irritatingly slow to her. The same three normal steps, one thunk. Bolt of pain, then dull throb.

He gazed at her, he respected her a hell of a lot more now. Not many went against kalonas without being a hard a** or getting the crap getting kicked out of them. Some cases you were both and then you had to worry about a rather large ego for those soquili. He watched her, “You came out rather well then I’m assuming. Unless you are the type to fight kalonas on a normal basis, but I’m going to cancel that assumption out now.” He looked at the land markings, they were close, they would have to cross a stream and they would be there.

[TWizTed SoUl]

"I thought of them as what I should have been." Black and gold feathers slicked down against her body, almost imitating wings of skin.
When they paused at the bank of the stream, she eyed it. It was almost intimidating. Keyword being almost. The hardheaded mare stepped into the water, finding that it helped buoyed her hurt leg.
Until a hoof stepped on a patch of something; mud, plant matter, that shifted under it. Weight was instinctively shifted back to her injured leg, making a almost human shriek sound out. She went down, wings thrashing.

Erik jumped at the sound and was at her side, "Please let me help you, do not take it as anything more." he added that last bit in hopes not to get bit, unless she was taking his pain for hers which he wouldn't mind. He was at her side so she could lean on him and he pressed his wing against her other side supporting her. He looked to her in fear of damaging her leg even more. The stream wasn't that big, rather just slipppery...it was fairly shallow as well. His eyes watched her intently, hoping she wouldn't shun him away from her. Her pain was stabbing him, or least it felt like it. He didn't know why, he was helping her so much. Perhaps he was gaining a much kinder persona to those in poor health. Or he was just weak for mares. He huffed to himself at the thought.

[TWizTed SoUl]

Teeth snapped in the air as instinct said to. Sekhmet's ears lay back, against her dual-colored mane as she eyed him. "Fine."
She leaned on him, testing out each foothold before putting her weight on it. It was slow going, but they made it to the other side. That bright, fluid pain was coursing her nerves even without movement. How close had she come to truly breaking her leg? A shudder rippled through her and she huddled closer to Erik without knowing she had done so. "Did I even get your name, masked one, or did I forget it already?"

Erik felt her shudder against him and his muscles flickered from under his coat, he didn't mind she was still there. He would remain until she moved away. As they approached the white teepee, Erik whinnied toward the teepee and Itzpapalotl stuck her had and seemed to notice Sekhmet's leg problem immediatly. She went back in the teepee gathering items. Erik could hear her clanking things in the background. "I'm Erik..." he paused at the thought...he said his real name? Oh god, she as getting to him. He'd have to keep himself at a distance from her now. "Friends call me Phantom. Either is fine," he replied solemly. "And you ma cherie?"

[TWizTed SoUl]

Ears perked at the sight of the human. Two-leggers... She didn't understand them at all. Why live in those things? They were so tight, constricting. Choking.
"You can call me Goddess or Mistress." The smirk on her face was a peek at her vivacious personality.

He let out a slight chuckle, "I suppose, just for tonight I shall flatter you ma déesse." He watched as Itzpapalotl came back carrying bandages and different oitments smelling of many different herbs as well as a basket. He knew what was in the basket, it was sugar cubes laced with medicine. You couldn't taste it, but it made you sleep and it took the pain away. He knew it was bad then, she only pulled those out when it was. The two legger laid down a blanket near the pair and set down her supplies. Itzpapalotl looked at the soquili and put her hands flat out pressing down. She wanted the female to lay down on her side. She also motioned for Erik to remain near her, perhaps she thought they were friends and he would comfort her. Erik simply nodded his head, "She won't try and hurt you intentionally, though some of the herbs may sting."

[TWizTed SoUl]

"It's not an open wound, how is she going to treat it?" The mare complied, only because of the pain. She was wary of any two-legger but her own. Misae was soft-spoken and gentle, respected the wishes of those she cared for.
A sweet scent carried to her nose. What was that? Nostrils flared as she snuffled the basket.

Erik shrugged, "I've never had that paticular bone broken." He looked to what she was smelling, "They are sugar cubes, she has them laced with medicine. It will take away the pain for the night and will help you sleep." He went to the edge of the blanket and lay himself on the edge looking up to Sekhmet, "Come on ma déesse, please." he nickered. He hoped the please would be enough for her, or perhaps him calling her goddess in french. Itzpapalotl sat cross legged at the blanket with bandages, a splint it seemed of some sort, oitment and the cubes. He had no doubt she knew what she was doing, she was a shaman and a healer. He had complete trust in her more than anyone else he knew and he knew Sekhmet had reason not to trust her or him. They just met! And now he was asking her to let her heal her and consume cubes that made her sleep. Haha. The pain wasn't worth it he didn't think and he would never try anything if she even came to thinking that.

[TWizTed SoUl]

She had no reason to trust him... Yet she followed him, sinking down onto the blanket. The word he was calling her, she didn't know the meaning. It made her smirk though. Legs stretched out, so that she was laying on her side completely. Head on Erik's leg.

Erik smiled gently reasuring her. He looked to Itzpapalotl whom had put the basket by the female's nose and opened it. He watched Itzpapalotl, she touched the female gently...so soft of a touch. She took the oitment and rubbed it over the swelling, probably to make it go down. As he scented it, he remembered that paticular oitment it was cold to the touch and then eventually got warmer. She then wrapped the leg in cottony material, it looked soft as well and put the splint in the middle wrapping it a bit more. He expected it to be thicker, but the material seemed to be thin, light weight and yet extradorniarily strong. He imagined that she was feeling a bit of pain and was their for her. The fire lit the area and kept it warm, it was a nice fire. Large and the flames licked the wood makeing slight figures if you looked into it long enough. He looked back to Sekhmet, his long mane flowing over his body and slightly on her.

[TWizTed SoUl]

A lock fell onto her nose, earning a snort. Sounds of pain were held back. How long had she been wandering around with that busted leg? It was sensitive to the human's touch, and extremely painful. The two-legger was lucky she wasn't kicked in the face.
Erik's presence was soothing though, keeping her pacified.

Itzpapalotl finished and gave a stroke to her side as she got up, gathered her thing and went to leave back to the teepee. She gave Erik a regular sugar cube and he ate it, truth was he didn't paticularly like sugar cubes but everything else was low so he let her give him the only thing she had for him. His silvery orbs looked to her, "The medicine will help," Itzpapalotl must have noticed she didn't take any. "I'll be here by your side ma déesse," he realized she probably didn't know what he was saying, sleep was even calling him to get a few hours before dawn. "I haven't been calling you my goddess in my language, french, for nothing have I?" he was coaxing her a bit but he knew she would get no sleep without the cubes.

[TWizTed SoUl]

She didn't trust anything the human gave her. "You're just flattering me." Blue eyes watched him. "Just go to sleep Erik."

"Perhaps," he shrugged, she didn't know how stubborn he was and in the end it usually only affected him. He was still getting used to the fact that another was calling him by his true name. No one else had the privilage, if he told someone his real name he asked to be called phantom rather than giving them a choice. It was kind of nice, not having to lie. That he would admit a thousand more times.

[TWizTed SoUl]

It was hard to fall asleep without help. The pain kept her sleeping light, and any movement of her leg made her wake. During the night, the black mare had shifted, head pressed against the males chest. Trusting even in sleep. Still didn't know why though. She had just met Erik after all!

He smiled as she fell asleep, he knew it was a light sleep because her eyes fluttered open occasionally. He fell asleep after he was persuaded she was fast enough asleep for him to be comfertable with. Yeah, OCD much? Erik worried to much sometimes. As the sun arrose his stomach growled and his muscles ached. He slipped his nose under her chin and placed it on the blanket careful not to wake her. He slipped off for a moment and lay a single, perfect rose next to her face and walked off again this time with a larger basket. He knew she would be hungary and he knew where he'd go. Around half an hour had passed and he returned carrying the basket full of fresh cloves, a few apples, oats and a couple of carrots. Good thing he knew the traders of the land whom traded with the southern parts. Good food was grown year round. This was a delicacy though even to him, he usually went to the two legger on sparse occasions. He was a good friend of Itzpapalotl and she had few friends. Two, he thought.  


Distinct Vampire


Distinct Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:26 pm
E r i k...a n d...S e k h m e t


Lindsey says:
Erik: Than that is what we shall do. Run and fly. -he smiled faintly as thoughts crossed his mind, he had never flown with another female, let alone someone he cared for this much. None of them had been blessed with wings-

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] Good. *stretches out her leg, wincing at the soreness under the numbing of the medicines*

Lindsey says:
Erik: -blinks- You have never heard me sing. That makes me laugh as it was a big part of my life

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] You sing? *tilts her head, obviously interested*

Lindsey says:
Erik: Yes, and quite often. Has a lot to do with my...um past. -shifts a bit uncomfertably-

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] Oh? *shifts to look at him*

Lindsey says:
Erik: Sorry, s'pose I should be more comfertable and honest with you about things. -wrinkles his brows, frustrated-

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] What did you sing?

Lindsey says:
Erik: Songs, poems, anything...I created music as well, as in wrote it.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] You were good?

Lindsey says:
Erik: I suppose. I became a teacher of one student in Paris, tis where I am from. Hence the french, but I fell in love with her. My mistake, I thought she could love me. But she found out what I was, am. She hated, loathed me. She went with a past friend in despite of me, loved him in front of me. I turned insane almost, and tried to keep her still. I suceeded but knew she would never love me so I
Lindsey says:
let her go.
Lindsey says:
-looks down ashamed a bit-

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *chews on that, before shrugging.* Life is cruel and there are idiots in this world. Too bad that girl was one of them.

Lindsey says:
Erik: -smiles slightly- You are so comferting ma déesse. Do you wish to know more of my past before her? I wish to be brutally honest with you, so it wont come to bite me later as it has before. That and I have told no one else, and I trust you.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *Eyes widened as she heard he trusted her. He trusted her? Normally she would have thought him a fool. But... that pleased her.* It is your business what you tell me

Lindsey says:
Erik: My business is your business, I hope

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] You can tell me if you wish.

Lindsey says:
Erik: -takes a breath before recalling the memory- As a child my mother ridded of me because I was not normal. Wings were abnormal but my face as well. I was a gargoyle she called me. I wound up in a freak circus, I don't remember how still...but they put me in a barred cage. Put a bag over my head, the master of me whipped me bloody, plucked my feathers gave them as souveniers and took the bag
Lindsey says:
from my head to show me. I killed him with a spare rope. Strangled him. A performing horse led me down to the opera house and I surrendered to the catacombs. It was my playground as she said. I stayed there, until I met my pupil and then you know the rest.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *Wings bristled as she heard of the man who hurt Erik* He should be glad he is beyond my reach. A hoof or two to his head would fix him. *The Egyptian mare studied the mask on her mates face* Is that why you wear that?

Lindsey says:
Erik: I told you, he is dead. I already killed him. If I had not I would not be here I do not think, nor with you. -he winced as she mentioned the mask, sometimes he had forgotten it was there...he was getting better- Yes, it was made for me.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] That's why I said he better be glad he's out of my reach. *gives the mask another glance before shifting again to lean into him.* My life isn't as exciting as yours.

Lindsey says:
Erik: -he smiled- You don't have to protect me. I was thinking about taking out that kalona that did that. -gestures to her leg- Though if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *hides her shudder* I'd rather you not.

Lindsey says:
Erik: -shrugs, realizing he forgot a big portion of his life- I have childeren too.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] Really? They must be pains. *smirks*

Lindsey says:
Erik: Haha, your so funny. Ares is my son, he lives with me. My daughter lives with her mother, Jailbait. I have never met her.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] Oh? Every foal I've met has been a pain in the a**. *tilts her head* And yours aren't?

Lindsey says:
Erik: -he thought of something and kept it to himself- Ares and I had a rough start, we are working on our relationship and whats left of it.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] Good luck on that

Lindsey says:
Erik: Yeah, you'll meet him and decide if he's a pain as you say. He's grown now.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] Do I get to terrorize him?

Lindsey says:
Erik: He is not as patient as I am ma déesse.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *sighs* Oh alright...

Lindsey says:
Erik: You can terrorize me if you feel the earge. -sticks his tounge out playfully-

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *grins, almost evilly* I'll remember that

Lindsey says:
Erik: I bet you will. -smiles gently- I still know little about you. But if you don't wish to share its alright.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhmet] There's not much to my story. I come from a far away land of sand and stone. The people there wander from place to place. Horses are treated like Gods, for we provided for them in almost everything. When I was born, I was a oddity as well, but praised. Named Sekhmet, after the Goddess of War.
I was given to a Warrior, who took me overseas. The ship I was put on was the wrong one, hence I ended up here.

Lindsey says:
Erik: He smiled, you weren't a prize to be given. You and Ares have something in common, he is named after the God of War.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says:
[Sekhy] *a slow grin formed on her lips, but she said nothing*
PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:30 pm
Erik stepped from the teepee ruffling his wings, it had been a long night of flying with Ares. His son was still sleeping, they were getting better and he was proud of himself and glad Ares was starting to accept him more. He ruffled his feathers with a yawn...it was mid day. Jeebus, he had gotten up late. He was thinking about taking a dip in the lake that was so conveniantly located by his teepee which was always nice. He didn't mind that the water was cool, the sun was actually pouring down today and melting the snow. He walked to the water's edge and took a soft sip and then entered the water cooling himself off and washing of the grime that he seemed to have gotten in on last nights joutney. He flicked the water over himself with his wings, feeling much cleaner than before. His long mane and coat dripping with water, he had removed his mask and dipped his face into its coolness. Only to return to the shallow end to put it on as quickly as he could before anyone could see.

[TWizTed SoUl]
A familiar black mare stood at the shoreline. She had looked for him that morning, and upon not finding him at his teepee, had come here. It seemed the most logical place to look. Blue eyes stared at the uncovered part of his face with a uncaring look. "Erik."

Death to Blondes
Erik turned to see the female before standing their, she had been watching him take his mask on and off, yet said nothing? She did no flee or cry demon? Why? He stumbled backward slightly as he let his long mane cover most of his face, perhaps it was only because he had helped her out this paticular time and pitied him like everyone else did. Their was no other explanation for this. He did not know what to say, only looked down in shame. All was perfect, his coat, wings and muscles yet the torn part of his face that he kept hidden so well except now he had been careless and this had happened. He did not want pity from her, nor anyone.

[TWizTed SoUl]
"You know, hiding your face like that is going to make you break your leg." Her voice was lightly teasing yet serious. She wasn't scared of him nor pitying. "I would have to take care of you then." The black mare continued to wait for him.

Death to Blondes
Erik looked to her with a slight smile, "You mean you do not mind my..." he watched her, weren't males supposed to be the brave ones? Boy scout, he thought to himself. "Face..." he added with a slight hesitance. He watched her, he hadn't seen anyone react so kindly to him withought the mask he thought he needed and would never give up. No matter what happened. She even sounded as if she was teasing him which he found quite peculiar.

[TWizTed SoUl]
A brow was raised. "Your what? Your face?" Blue eyes stared at the patch of skin on his face. "I've seen worse ones on War Steeds in the desert. Hot oil leaves some nasty ones."
Cobalt hooves stepped into the water. "Now are you going to come out or do I need to drag you out?"

Death to Blondes
He watched her carefully and took his steps out of the water, ruffling his wings slightly. There could be worse than him, he did not think so. This was not about him nor in an all about him way, he had grown up having everyone calling him the ugliest and grosteque. "I would have liked to see you try ma déesse." he teased her back with a slight glimmer in his eyes. "What brings you out here again?" he asked her curiously. He had indeed enjoyed her company but he had to wonder why she would come back here.

[TWizTed SoUl]
Sekhmet looked away. Unwilling to say that she had wanted to see him. She was evidently embarrassed though, and covered it up with icyness. "What? I can't go anywhere without being questioned?" The mare loved her freedom, being questioned about it by someone she liked made her bristle.

Death to Blondes
Erik watched her grow into a fuss, that reminded him of someone he knew. But she was different, "No ma déesse, you do not have to be questioned. I was just curious, I am sorry if I have angered you." Her coldness did not bother him, well it did. He hated to see someone with such perfection turn cold. But he did not think it of anything less of her, but more as it was her and her personality.

[TWizTed SoUl]
Muscles relaxed and she grew a bit guilty. "Sorry... I'm used to being followed everywhere I go. I like my freedom in this land." The black mare turned to him, nudging his scarred cheek without flinching.

Death to Blondes
"Thats one of the great things about this..." he cut himself short as she touched him and flinched. He was not used to that, he flung his mane over his face. "I should put my mask back on, I am sorry." his eyes held a slight sorrow though he was over joyed that their was some one out their who did not mind his facial features and perhaps liked him for him.

[TWizTed SoUl]
"Leave it on, leave it off, makes no difference to me." She nuzzled his cheek again, to help relieve his discomfort. "But it is your decision, not mine."

Death to Blondes
His muscles seemed to relax a bit around her, in the beginning when she had first seen him he was so tence if one were to prod at him they might have broken a finger from him being so solid. And when she nuzzled him, chills ran up his spine no one had touched him like that for a while. He listened to the teepee where a casual rustling was heard. "Thank you," he nosed her cheek before he walked to where he had left it and slipped it on, feeling more confident than before already. "It is good to see you again, though." he smiled softly.

[TWizTed SoUl]
Sekhmet blinked at his words. Really? Had he missed her? Her herdmates in the desert had disliked her intently. Wings, the markings and bizarre colors of her mane and tail had alienated her from them. She knew how Erik felt, more then he knew. "Um... thank you..."

Death to Blondes
He looked to her, "Your quite welcome." his silvery orbs drawing over her eyes. His brow rose, he had saw something in her eyes that reminded him of himself..."Deep in thought?" he asked. He hoped she didn't take it offensivly, his tones were soft and soothing like normal not to mention deep but thats how he had been after he 'grew up' into a stallion.

[TWizTed SoUl]
"I was." She trotted away from the water. Paused at the woods edge with a look over her shoulder. "Coming?"

Death to Blondes
He tilted his head, perhaps she was more of a mystery than he. "I s'pose." he smiled slightly to himself. He followed her and then went next to her side, still keeping his distance remembering their first meet and almost got a good n** in.

[TWizTed SoUl]
Sekhy noticed that he kept his distance. Smart stallion. That was one of the things she liked about him. His care of her while her leg had been fractured had touched some part of her she didn't know existed. Forged a bond, maybe. Heroine and damsel? Yeah right.

Death to Blondes
He watched the female is interest piqued, "So where are we going?" he asked. He remembered her leg and it was obviously better that was good. He wouldn't mention unless she did though. the familiar woods were getting less and less familiar, he didn't think he had went out this way before.

Sekhy smirked, knowing the way. "We are going to my humans' meadow."
Misae didn't live in a Teepee, she lived in a rickety building that resembled a longhouse. Often, one of her Soquili spent the night with her, mostly the one flecked with many colors.

Death to Blondes
He blinked curiously, "Why?" he asked, he didn't usually get the vibe that she took stallions to her human's house a lot so he took it as a gift and an honor but why him. Just because he helped her with her leg, someone else could have came along as well and she probably could have made it on her own...maybe. But as long as he was around he wasn't going to let that happen. "I am not trying to sound rude, I am just...curious." he looked to her softly with his silvery orbs wondering what was going through her mind.

Blue met silver, clashing. She said nothing, but said plenty. A little bit of wariness that was her, that was bred into her. Trust, however small, fondness, affection. Something instinctual and a part of her reaching out to a male that was like her.
He gazed at her for that moment and had seen something he hadn't seen in anyone that had ever laid eyes upon him. He turned back to gaze at the landscape, still dead from winter...oh he could not wait for Spring, or could he? He paticulary liked winter, he was left alone and it was nice out for his black coat. The sun did horrors to it in the summer, and sometimes it felt as if his very mask would melt from his face. But as his minds wandered they always traveled back to the mare that stood beside him and scented of some foreign flower. He had been told by Cyrus as a joke he was in the rose patches to long because thats what he often scented of but he didn't take him seriously even though if anyone were to be taken seriously it'd be Cyrus.

She reached out. Pressed her muzzle against his shoulder. Something was happening here. What, she didn't know. It was nice, frightening, exciting. She'd only known him for a short while though... Yet, so had Kai, and that mare he swooned over.

He stopped moving as she touched him almost affectionatly. He was betting she didn't do this often. So perhaps she was feeling what he had been thinking to. He smiled kindly to her and nosed her cheek gently. No words spoken, yet everything again. He wondered what was to become of this, was it to blossom like a flower or die off like the winter?

[TWizTed SoUl]
Hooves stopped the same time Erik did. Ears pricked forward, listening for any sound he would make. Sekhmet, herself, made a small snort when he touched her cheek. More out of surprise then anything else.
What the hell was going on?

Death to Blondes
He tilted his head at her curiously, "I do not know about vous, but I 'aven't felt 'zis way about another for awhile." his french picking up as he was getting nervous about speaking about his true feelings again. He eyed her wondering what she was going to say, he was either going to be shot down or perhaps a change for the better and she too felt the same as him. His words were spoken soft and almost soothing as he gazed at her. She seemed to calm in a way that no one else had before.

Cobalt eyes stared at him. First in confusion, then in dawning understanding. The gold and blue tail flew over her hindquarters, beads smacking against the black hide with a small stinging sensation.
He... he what? Cared for her? That was impossible!
It made her heart flutter and her wings fluff. A heady sensation...
"I...I..." She was stuttering! She never stuttered! "I've never... felt like this before..."

Death to Blondes
He paused looking at her, "I am hoping 'zat it iz a good feeling?" he chuckled slightly looking at her. What seemed like a friendship was turning out to be something much more perhaps. But it wasn't like Erik to take things so fast. Plus he was semi-romantic if you counted him giving roses to his beloveds and almost...almost anything they asked but their were spots where he drew the line. Wait...how could he be thinking of this at this time, perhaps it was lust and not love. How that vile thing toiled with his heart. He wouldn't want to hurt her.

[TWizTed SoUl]
"That depends upon the point of view... but yes." She breathed out.
This was like a sandstorm. Something you couldn't control, that came out of nowhere... could only hope it would pass by quickly, leaving everything a mess...
Yet this sandstorm didn't want to leave. It was tearing everything up that she had believed and seen, tossing them about. More like a tornado, then a sandstorm.

Death to Blondes
"Ah, I feel 'ze same way I t'ink." he watched her carefully. "Sorry for 'ze accent. It picks up sometimez." he blinked. "But I am kind of glad 'zat vous and I feel 'zome what of 'ze same way about each other." He sighed hopefully, always taking baby steps at a time. But he did not want to rush things, and perhaps end up with another disappearing mare and another child.

[TWizTed SoUl]
Sekhmet had no idea what to say now. They must have looked stupid, standing there in the middle of the forest. Professing their emotions and inners thoughts. Like those stupid fluttery, sugar-spun Soquili in the plains.

Death to Blondes
"Ma desse?" he questioned looking to her, "I am afraid to say 'zat I do not know where your human resides?" he had a slight smirk upon his face as she had nothing to say. He thought it was kind of cute, actually. He did not take his eyes from her however, he had fought off Itzpapalotl before he had gone out from her braiding his mane and now it free flowed as he liked it. He didn't like the feeling of feeling...contained.

[TWizTed SoUl]
The black mare led the way, staying silent. She had enough to think about at the moment. Forest gave way to a small meadow after a half-hour, with a wood and bark 'hut' by the edge. There were no Soquili there, but the smell of them permeated the air. Mostly males, one other female.
A soft voice sounded, singing a tune inside the structure.

Death to Blondes
Erik followed her silently from behind, his step echoing hers. He was slightly anxious at the many scents of soquili but the two legger, he didn't like them in general. He tolerated Lily because she and Cyrus offered him a place to stay but others...they were the source of his past pain, well the white ones. But he trusted Sekhmet, on a level that he almost couldn't comprehend. His ears flickered at the tune and as he listened he hummed an octave lower but just as beautiful in his low tones.


Distinct Vampire


Distinct Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:38 pm
Return to the Glade
Kai Liu, by [TWizTed SoUl]
Auriga, by Sapphire Lazuli

[Kai] *preens* >3

[Auriga] *prances in, ridiculously cheery*

[Kai] *ears flicked back and forth, catching the sound of her hooves* My fallen star! *nickers* I have not seen you in so long.

[Auriga] *blushes slightly at the 'my' part* Long time no see indeed, stallion.. *laughs a little and flicks her tail*

[Kai] *grins, nuzzling her cheek* You have been well, yes?

[Auriga] *nuzzles back with a smile* I have.... I have felt strangely lonely, though...

[Kai] Oh? Why is that?

[Auriga] *smiles wider* I have not been with you...

[Kai] *The black stallion blinked, digesting those words. If his pelt had been of white, it would have been tinged red* Ah... but I am here now.

[Auriga] *Nuzzles him again before nodding* That you are, handsome.. *giggles slightly and tilts her head* So, now that you are indeed here... what should we do together?

[Kai] We could... go back to our Glade. *His no longer, he wanted to share it with this star-touched mare. By the time they reached it, night would have fallen.*

[Auriga] *nods in agreeance* We could... in fact, that sounds wonderful!

[Kai] *smiles* Should I lead the way?

[Auriga] *grins slightly* perhaps... if you can keep up! *breaks into a canter, dancing slightly from hoof to hoof*

[Kai] My lady! I would always keep up with you. *laughs and follows her.*

[Auriga] *looks back at him, twirling slightly mid-canter* But only of course if I allowed you to catch me, Kai! *laughs and turns on her heels, speeding up slightly*

[Kai] *The silver-maned male stretched out his strides, chasing her* Where would the fun be if I wasn't allowed to catch you?

[Auriga] *burst out laughing* You've got me there, stalllion...

*Auriga also lengthened her strides, making sure to stay just out of reach as they entered that familiar meadow, the long grass shimmering in the light*

[Kai] *The sun was starting to sink below the horizon, sky painted with bold colors. Night was coming. He welcomed it, for it reminded him of the mare in front of him.*

[Auriga] *Looks skyward, admiring the colours above her* It's so beautiful.... *slows down slightly as her eyes stare upwards*

[Kai] *He matched her pace, slowing down beside her.* It is. More beautiful are the stars.

[Auriga] *Looks at him* I adore the stars for their beauty... but these colours, this sky... it's almost unnatural, as if it were painted....

[Kai] *He was silent for a bit, pondering over it* Mother Nature is a master painter. No other can match her beauty in any one thing or life.

[Auriga] *smiles* So true.... *slows down to a trot, the long grass tickling her legs slightly* No matter how often I see the night sky, or the stars, or a beautifully coloured Soquili, I am always in awe...

[Kai] *Strides matched, Kai brushing against her every so often.* In my opinion there is no other as beautiful as you.

[Auriga] *Nares flush red as she smiles* And no matter how many times I hear that from you, it forever makes me blush... *laughs sheepishly*

[Kai] *The grin was almost evil* Get used to it, my star.

[Auriga] *raises an eyebrow, intrigued* And what if I did not....? *corners of her mouth twitch slightly as she tries not to smile*

[Kai] I will enjoy your blushes then. *He flicked his tail playfully, leading the way into the woods*

[Auriga] *stops and sticks her tongue out at him playfully before following him into the woods, taking one last look at the sunshine*

[Kai] *The trail seemed to be shorter this time, not like it had when he took Auriga there the first time. Maybe it was the dying light.*

[Auriga] *Keeps up with Kai as the forest falls dark quickly* We must almost be there already...

[Kai] Almost. *A curve of the trail, and they were there. The bold colors of the sky were fading away, leaving black inkyness. Nothing could be seen before the stars came out.*

[Auriga] *Looks around, barely able to even see the end of her own nose* How dark it is without that full moon... *Accidentally backs into Kai* AHH!

[Kai] Oomph! ... ... Well, well... *snickers before going silent* It wasn't going to be a innocent joke, so I won't say it.

[Auriga] *Glad of the darkness to hide what was possibly her strongest blush ever* Oh is that right...? *snorts slightly*

[Kai] Mhmmm... *noses at her haunches* What part is this? *Teeth nibbled, trying to figure out by feel*

[Auriga] *Squeals and bursts out laughing as she jumped away* Hey!!

[Kai] *blinks in the darkness, finally able to make out some form as the stars came out.* What did I bite?

[Auriga] *smirks and stamps her foot in mock annoyance* Somewhere that should have earned you a n** back, Guttermind.. *cant help but laugh, moving round to his side and nibbling his side*

[Kai] *skin flinched under the attention.* I... you mean... I... *laughs at himself* Well, you do have a nice rear.

[Auriga] *Can't help but laugh again* Even in the dark, eh? Or especially so?

[Kai] In the dark, in the light. It doesn't matter. *evil chuckle* Though in the dark, I get to try and find it.

[Auriga] *snorts slightly* Oh, you perv! *Nudges his side with her nose before trotting off, further into the glade*

[Kai] Hey! *He followed her, helpless to do less. Purple eyes could see the pool with it's pristine lillies, stars reflected on the surface.*

[Auriga] *Wades straight into the pool, shivering slightly at the cold touch of the water, wandering in until the water comes up to her stomach before turning back to Kai* Awww, what's the matter Kai...?

[Kai] *He had paused at the edge of the pool. The purple marked Stallion was staring at the mare. She was so beautiful. With the glowing lilies floating about her, with the stars as a backdrop.* ... eh?

[Auriga] *smiles slightly, her tail and mane swirling around her slightly at the water's surface calmed down, the reflection of the stars dancing around her* You were complaining about something....

[Kai] Was I? I forgot what it was... *The male was dazed, having realized something.*

[Auriga] *Tils her head slightly, now able to see Kai quite clearly as the lillies started to glow slightly in the starlight* You ok...?

[Kai] Yea, just fine. *He recovered with a smirk.* Enjoying yourself?

[Auriga] *smiles slightly and nodded* It's lovely and cool... and I feel very strange with all this glowing around me *Laughs*

[Kai] I beat the pond feels the same way. *the smirk softened into a smile* What's this big, thing doing in the middle of me?

[Auriga] *Looks at him strangely* Huh...?

[Kai] If it had thoughts.

[Auriga] *tilts her head* I don't understand.. *she slipped out of the pool, moving slowly so as not to disturb the lillies too much*

[Kai] You said it felt strange, being surrounded like that. I was just commenting on how the pond must feel with you in it.

[Auriga] *smiles slightly and walks up to him, nudges the cold but velvet-like end of her nose against his* I don't know... you tell me, stallion...

[Kai] *snorts, nudging her back* I already did, but you weren't listening.

[Auriga] *Laughs* I was hoping you weren't referring to _me_ as 'this big thing' *Smirks slightly*

[Kai] *smiles* Well, at least I wasn't calling you fat.

[Auriga] *Laughs again and nuzzles him, before turning and trotting back into the pool, dipping her muzzle in*

[Kai] *The male tilted his head. Ears laid back and he backed away from the pool slowly. She wasn't going to spray him with water, was she?*

[Auriga] *Lifts her head, trying to conceal her now rather full cheeks* Mmm....?

[Kai] *eyes her* What're you doing?

[Auriga] *grins slightly, a trickle of water running from the corner of her mouth* Mmmfnn...

[Kai] Uh huh. *The stallion manuveured himself around, out of spraying distance.* What large cheeks you have there, Auriga. *He shuffled close to the waters edge*

[Auriga] *can't help but laugh, almost choking slightly as she swallowed the water* why, I was only taking a drink, Kai!

[Kai] That's what they all say. *A purple hoof dipped into the water, kicking some at her. It was followed by a laugh and the male jumping into the water*

[Auriga] *squeals loudly as he splashes her, then further socks her by jumping in* KAI!! *splutters slightly, her forelock stuck to her face with a silly smile hidden underneath it*

[Kai] *laughing hard enough that he's coughing* So-sorry! I couldn't resist!

[Auriga] *splashes Kai back, although it's pointless since they're both soaking* Bah! *notices suddenly that there's a slightly squint lily now sitting in her mane*

[Kai] *pads over to her* Ah, the Queen of Lake and Stars. *bows his head*

[Auriga] *Laughs and glares at him slightly through her wet mane* Queen of the Wet Manes more like.. I can barely see now!

[Kai] *snickers* Not my fault you wanted to be in the water.

[Auriga] IN the water. Not COVERED in water! *Laughs* You should be glad I enjoy it, mister! *Nudges him*

[Kai] If you didn't get in the water, you would have had no chance of being covered by it. *snickers*

[Auriga] I'm sure you would have found away, o' devious one!

[Kai] Guilty as charged.

[Auriga] *smiles slightly and looks up awkwardly at the lily* At least I look semi pretty thanks to this lily... *giggles slightly and picks another lily out of the water delivately before placing it behind Kai's ear* Awww, now you're pretty too!

[Kai] *tilts his head, staring into the water.* Am I the king now?

[Auriga] *grins and nods slightly, bowing her head* Of course...

[Kai] *quirks a eyebrow* Don't we need heirs then?

[Auriga] *smiles and looks up at him* Heirs, eh....?

[Kai] *sidles over* Oh yea... *would have nudged her, if something in the water hadn't caught his attention.* Eh? *peers closer, blinking as something raced across the surface. Then...* Shooting stars!

[Auriga] *gasps and looks up, her mouth gaping slightly at the spectacle above them* Oh my.....

[Kai] *watches with her, rubbing shoulders comfortably*

[Auriga] *watches him out of the corner of her eye before smiling and looking back at the night sky* We're very lucky, Kai...

[Kai] Yes... *She may have been talking about the star show, but he meant more then that.*

[Auriga] *turns to look at him, suddenly aware of how close together they were* I'm so glad we met that day, in the meadow.... and that you trusted me to show me this place...

[Kai] *Purple eyes met her, all humour gone.* I could think of no other to show it to. And... *The dark eyes looked away* no other I want to watch the stars with.

[Auriga] *Moves round slightly to make eye contact with him again, a small smile working it's way across her lips* Wasn't it stars that brought us together in the first place?

[Kai] *smiles, looking over the pattern on her back, and then the one in the sky* Yes it was.

[Auriga] *smiles slightly and looks back at the sky, admiring the constallations* And how lucky we were to choose tonight to be here...

[Kai] *nods, tongue tied as to what to say now, the emotions there, but unable to put into words*

[Auriga] *Looks back at him, smiling slightly and she pushed his mane away from his face gently* We're soaked...

[Kai] Yes... *For once he didn't care.* Um... I'm usually better at this then I sound. *peeks at her from behind silver and purple locks* I...I like you, Auriga. Alot. A lot more then I thought I could after Chepi left me.

[Auriga] *Looks at him intently, her eyes searching his* Kai...

[Kai] *glances away* I want to keep watching the stars with you.

[Auriga] *smiles slightly and moves closer to him, sliding her head under his as she closed her eyes contently* You said I was the stars... so look at me, Kai....

[Kai] I always will. *A soft nicker left his throat.* My star.

[Auriga] *pulls back to look at him, her nose gently brushing against his* Kai... Although we met each other so soon after I came her, I've thought of no-one else since... Many other Soquili have spoken to me, but I haven't felt such a connection with any other....

[Kai] *nods* I feel the same way. After... when Chepi left me.. I thought I might never feel this way again. I am so glad, so happy, that I met you.

[Auriga] *Smiles slightly* I was scared to say, scared to tell you how much I've missed you.. I understand you miss Chepi, and I didn't want to scare you away.. *drops her head slightly, closing her eyes* She must have been mad...

[Kai] I never saw her... after it was broken. *nuzzles her forehead* I would have to thank her now, for letting me find you.

[Auriga] *gasps slightly, looking at him* You... mean that, Kai....?

[Kai] Yes. From the depths of my soul.

[Auriga] *watches him, speechless, her heart racing* Kai....

[Kai] *flicks his ears back and forth, eyes fixated on her* I love you, my fallen star.

[Auriga] *Stays silent for a moment, breathless* Kai... I love you, Kai... *runs her head alongside his, her eyes closed as every part of her tingles* My handsome midnight stallion... *smiles, nuzzling into him

[Kai] *Now his own heart fluttered. He beamed, ignoring the lillies, the water, everything, but her.* Yours.

[Auriga] *grins even wider now, her chest feeling fit to burst with happiness* My stallion... *Pulls back to rest her head against his, her nose rubbing against his gently*  

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